Chapter 97 The one who likes me very much, is it my mother-in-law? (Please subscribe automatically!!)

After avoiding the hottest period, the weather became slightly cooler.

Yan Shu also carried his bag and walked out of the Luoyan Lake Mansion.

She is wearing a white dress with suspenders today.

Wearing a big straw hat.

The shoulder-length neckline reveals a smooth and delicate collarbone.

The breeze blew, raising the hem of her soft skirt.

Not to mention the beauty, it’s almost overwhelming.

Yan Shu is also going to get the hairstyle done first.

Because this thing is the most time-consuming.

After the hairstyle is finished, you can go shopping for the clothes worn by the mother-in-law.

When the time comes, you must choose carefully.

Be sure to leave a dignified first impression on your mother-in-law.

However, just as she had just walked out of the gate of the mansion, there was a loud noise not far away.

“Although we don’t know the road, it took only twenty minutes in total for this section of the road, right?”

“The fare actually costs three hundred and fifty yuan, how about you just grab it?

The black car driver shook his legs: “This is an international metropolis. Three hundred and five are still discounted, understand?”

The couple looked at each other: “You really are a lion who speaks so much, earning such an ignorant conscience, are you not afraid of retribution?”

“Don’t say so much, give the money quickly.”

Chen Ying looked at her husband: “Jiang Chenggong, can you beat him?”

“If you can afford it, I can beat it.”

“It’s okay, let’s call it first, and he will change the treatment so that he will not go out again to harm the passengers.

When Jiang Chenggong heard the sound, he rolled up his sleeves, and his eyes became sharp instantly.

Don’t think he is afraid of his wife, but he is definitely not a counselor.

The height is 1.8 meters and the weight is 170.

And because I often do farm work, my whole body is full of tendon meat.

The big fist of the casserole is wiped, and this black car driver can hold it.

Playing shit is considered merciful.

The driver of the black car couldn’t help taking a step back: “I tell you, don’t mess around, there are police officers everywhere.”

“If you say it’s free, I won’t hit you.

“Aren’t you outsiders bullying the locals?”

Jiang Chenggong nuzzled his collar: “Why, let your locals bully outsiders? Can’t I outsiders bully your locals?”

The driver of the black car shivered: “Then I will give you a discount of one hundred and five.

“Twenty, if you want, don’t get out.

“No Nine, the gas bill is not enough!”

“Then ten yuan, save ten yuan for me to buy wine.”

The driver of the black car immediately stood on tiptoe: “Hey, come and take a look, these two out-of-towners don’t pay for the car and they want to beat me.”

“I’m a renter, am I easy?”

“There are elders and young ones, and they still get beaten.”

“These outsiders are too arrogant, they don’t speak martial ethics!”

Following the voice, Yan Shu also walked over.

She had understood it from just now.

These two uncles and aunts came from outside and took a taxi at the airport.

Unexpectedly, the local black car driver would ask them for prices.

Originally only needed more than 20 yuan for the toll, it turned out to be three hundred and fifty yuan.

But the uncle carrying the bag was very sturdy, and the driver of the black car didn’t restrain him, so he didn’t ask for any money at all.

They were originally bargaining.

Unexpectedly, the driver of the black car suddenly became angry and wanted to use passersby to forcibly twist the black and white.

As a little fairy with a sense of justice, how could she just watch this happen?

“Dare to find someone to judge the price when driving a black car?”

Yan Shu also came to the front and looked at Chen Ying: “Don’t be afraid, Auntie, I have already heard clearly, this guy is asking for prices.”

Chen Ying was a little moved: “Thank you little girl.”

“It’s okay, this is all I should do.

Yan Shu also looked at the driver of the black car: “Don’t leave yet, do you really want me to call the security guard?”

The security guards at Luoyan Lake Mansion are not ordinary security guards.

To be able to take up the security work of this kind of community, you have to be discharged from the army to put it another way.

Moreover, the little girl in front of her looks extraordinary.

It is estimated that the family is also powerful.

Maybe you don’t have to lose money if you hit yourself.

If he didn’t have enough money, he would be beaten in vain. What a wrongdoing.

“Okay, I’m unlucky…!”

The driver of the black car gave Jiang Chenggong a hard look, then turned and drove away.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ying couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She is not afraid of the driver of the black car.

She was afraid that the driver of the black car would be killed by her husband.

Jiang Chenggong’s fists are very powerful.

When I went to Jiang’s house and snatched him to get married, Jiang Wen was beaten and laid down by this guy.

“Uncles and aunts, are you all right?”

Yan Shu also suddenly said, “Is there anything I can help?”

Chen Ying looked at her, and the more she looked, the more she liked it in her heart.

This girl is beautiful and kind in her heart, and she doesn’t know how she was educated at home.

If she had such a daughter-in-law, she would be very happy.

“Little girl, thank you for what happened just now.

Yan Shu also shook his head obediently: “I didn’t do anything, I just scared him.”

Chen Ying took out her mobile phone: “The auntie asked you something, do you know how to get to 101 on the 24th?”

“No. 24, 101?

“Yes, my son lives there.”

Yan Shu couldn’t help but stunned slightly: “Isn’t that the door to our house?’

“Really? Is it such a coincidence?”

Chen Ying glanced at Jiang Chenggong, her eyes looked a little surprised. ?

What a coincidence is this?

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chenggong’s heart trembled slightly.

He had seen this look before.

This is to grab a marriage!

“My house is No. 24, 102, and here are two townhouses. Our two happen to be neighbors.”

Having said that, Yan Shu couldn’t help thinking of the letter left by his father.

He said that there was a handsome and talented guy at the right door.

He also said to let himself go over and say hello.

It turned out to be their son.

This can be regarded as a greeting.

“Auntie, I am not busy now, or I will take you there.

Chen Ying immediately smiled and said, “Okay, that really troubles you.!

“It’s not troublesome, since we are neighbors, we should help each other…

The three walked into the gate of Luoyan Lake Mansion.

Then, under the leadership of Yan Shuyi, walk towards the 24th.

“Little girl, what’s your name?”

“My name is Yan Shuyi, which is the color of Yan.”

“Shuyi, the name is really nice, so how old are you this year?”

“I will be 21 years old soon.”

Chen Ying nodded, saying that this girl is one year older than Jiang Wen.

But it’s good to be one year older. Isn’t it popular to find one year older now?

“Shu Ye, a good girl like you should have a boyfriend, right?”

Yan Shu also blushed a little: “Well, I just had it recently.”

“Considering changing one?”

“? ?? ”

Yan Shu was also slightly taken aback.

Xin said that this aunt and her teacher would definitely become good friends.

Even the way to persuade people to break up is so fresh and refined.

“Aying, why did you commit the old problem again?”

Jiang Chenggong’s face sank, and he immediately took his wife’s hand.

Chen Ying hit him: “Such a good girl, how nice to be our daughter-in-law.”

“Let me tell you, this is not our country. It is illegal to grab a marriage!”

“What’s the matter, the twisted melon is the sweetest.”

Jiang Chenggong smacked his lips: “I have listened to you all my life, and what I said is the same as the truth.”

“Jiang failed, give me a few words!”

Yan Shu also looked at them bickering, suddenly a little beautiful: “Uncles and aunts, your relationship is really good.”

Chen Ying sighed: “I can get away from it if I sigh.

“Those who can say this to each other should be true love.

The corners of Jiang Chenggong’s mouth twitched a little.


Have you ever seen true love robbed?

The three were talking, and the No. 24 courtyard has arrived.

Yan Shu also pointed to 101: “Uncles and aunts, this is this one, can you go in?”

“I don’t know if my son is at home

Chen Ying stretched out her hand and rang the doorbell for a while, but no one answered.

It seems that the son should not be at home.

Yan Shu also thought for a while: “Why don’t you come to my house first, then call your son and ask him to come over.”

“Is this appropriate? Will it delay your business?

“It’s okay, I will leave when your son comes.”

Yan Shu also opened the door of the house, invited Chen Ying and Jiang to enter successfully, and then made them a cup of tea.

Jiang Wen just sent a message.

He said that he would go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables first, and prepare to cook for his parents-in-law at night.

So I still have a long time to wait.

She really doesn’t know where the house Jiang Wen bought is.

Because tomorrow Jiang Wen will pick herself up in person.

Since he didn’t take the initiative to speak, he didn’t bother to ask.

Chen Ying sat in the living room of Yan Shuyi’s house: “Old Jiang, give your son a call, don’t delay Shuyi’s time.”

“Oh, I’ll fight right away.”

Yan Shu also froze for a moment: “Uncle’s surname is Jiang, which Jiang?”

“It’s the Jiang from the Fengshen Bang.

“It’s Jiang Ziya’s ginger, what a coincidence, my boyfriend is also surnamed Jiang.”

Chen Ying smiled softly: “It is a blessing for your boyfriend to find such a good girl like you.”

“Auntie, you are too exaggerated.”

“I’m telling the truth, if you don’t have a boyfriend, I will let my son chase you every day.”

“If you praise me again, I will blush.”

Chen Ying looked at Yan Shuyi: “Why don’t Auntie line up with you? When you break up, will you see my son?”

Yan Shu also smiled and didn’t say much.

Break up?

It is estimated that the possibility of the end of the world is greater than this.

Because she and Jiang Wen should be inseparable in this life.

But after hearing this aunt’s words, she couldn’t help feeling a little more confident in her heart.

It seems that I am still very pleased with the elders.

Even an aunt who meets by the water likes herself so much, let alone her own mother-in-law?

At the same time, Jiang Chenggong’s call has been made through.

“Son, we have arrived at your new home, why are you not at home?”

“What? The person waiting to pick us up at the airport?”

“I didn’t see it, we came here in a black car.”

*”々We are fine, mainly because the driver of the black car is almost in danger of life!”

“Yes, we are now at your neighbor’s house. The little girl is very nice. You have come back. Thank you very much.”

“You can open the door with a password, right? Okay, you say.”

After a while, Jiang successfully hung up the phone and walked over.

He glanced at his wife: “My son says he can open the door even if he has a password, so let’s not bother here.”

Chen Ying nodded: “Shuyi, then let’s not bother. Shall we come to our house for dinner at night?

Yan Shu also smiled: “Auntie, I have something to do tonight, so I don’t care if I eat.”

“It doesn’t matter, you are busy first, and Auntie will make some delicious foods and wait for you to come back!

“No, you really don’t need to be so polite.”

“How can you give Auntie a chance to thank you.”

Yan Shu also remained silent for a moment: “Thank you Auntie then, if I have time, I will pass.”

“If you have time, you must have time.

Chen Ying walked out of Yan’s house with a smile.

She thinks her daughter-in-law must look for this.

She is beautiful and sensible, kind-hearted, and knows how to take care of others.

But my son seems to have a girlfriend.

I hope that girl can be as good as the book.


Jiang successfully opened the door with the password, and suddenly found that his wife was in a daze.

“Aying, what do you think?”

“I was wondering how good it would be if the book could be my daughter-in-law.”

Jiang Chenggong was a little helpless: “I already have a boyfriend, and besides, our son has a girlfriend.”

“Don’t I just think about it, who made the girl Shuyi so cute.,

Chen Ying glared at her husband, and walked into the door of 101.

At the same time, at the Far East International Airport.

Bang bang bang–

Bang bang bang–

Zhang Bin was suddenly awakened by the sound of knocking on the glass.

He opened his dim sleepy eyes: “What are you doing, something?”

The people outside the window looked at him: “Would you like to go to the North Second Ring Road?”

“Sorry, I’m not renting out, I’m here to pick up people.”

“It turns out that I interrupted your rest. I’m sorry.”

Zhang Bin waved (Zhao De’s) his hand, not caring too much.

It’s just that the boss’s parents haven’t come yet?

He stretched, took out his phone and checked the time.

“F*ck, it’s been an hour?!”

Zhang Bin woke up instantly.

It’s over, it’s over.

They are not here yet, but they have been missed by themselves!

This is the boss’ parents. This is the first time for the couple to come to the magic city. They are not familiar with the place in life.

The boss gave this job to him because of trust, how can I fall asleep?!

Zhang Bin panicked and called the boss.

“Hey, boss.

“Yes, I’m still at the airport, but people didn’t pick it up.”

“What? They have returned home.”

“Oh my god, thank goodness, it scared me to death.

“Sorry boss, I’ve been too busy these days, I just missed it after hitting a ton in the car.”

“Well, thank you boss for understanding.”

At this time, Jiang Wen, who was shopping at the vegetable market, had returned to the Luoyan Lake Mansion.

He opened the door and looked up and saw his parents sitting in the living room.

“Parents, are you tired? I just went shopping for groceries and arranged for someone to pick you up, but he fell asleep.

Jiang Chenggong came up and took two shots of Jiang Wen: “Good boy, the military training is not in vain, very tough and cold.

Chen Ying also raised her head: “Jiang Wen, why do you come back alone?””

“Yes, I originally went there alone.”

“Then what about my daughter-in-law? You didn’t mean to bring her to see us?”

Jiang Wen put the food down: “She said she wanted to dress up, buy clothes and then come back, probably she was a little nervous.”

Chen Ying nodded: “She looks like a very cute girl.

As soon as the voice fell, a doorbell rang suddenly.

Yan Shu is also standing outside 101’s door.

Jiang successfully walked too fast just now, and one bag fell.

She just found out when she was about to go out, so she took it to him by the way. .

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