Chapter 94 School flower invitation: enter the girls’ dormitory (please subscribe automatically!!)

The rain kept on, and water quickly accumulated on the road.

There is a cat and two people in the carport, but the picture is still harmonious.

The senior sister in the opposite building couldn’t help looking over with envy.

Watching the two protagonists of the scandal downstairs embrace each other tightly.

The most gossip they have heard this month is the love story of Jiang Wen and Yan Shuyi.

It’s giving milk tea again, and it’s acknowledging the godmother. It’s supernatural, not to mention how romantic it is.

At this time, they witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and they couldn’t help but sigh.

It’s really a good match. If you change another person, it won’t be like this.

The orange cat seems to be very unaccustomed to showing affection in person.

So it turned around and pointed its butt at Jiang Wen-.

That kind of Tsundere’s attitude is definitely a match for Yan Dao.

“Senior sister, do you promise to help me?”

Yan Shu also nodded gently in his arms: “I’ll see you, but I’m not a very likable girl, I’m afraid your parents are not satisfied.”

“No one will be dissatisfied with you,” Jiang Wen hugged her a little bit tightly, “I will pick you up tomorrow morning?”

“Huh? See you tomorrow?”

“Yes, they will be here tomorrow.”

Yan Shu also quickly refused: “No, no, no tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.”

Jiang Wen was taken aback for a moment: “Why?”

“I’m going to buy clothes for the meeting tomorrow, choose jewelry, and make a hairstyle. After all, it’s the first time I met!”

“Is it so serious?”

Yan Shuyi snorted, “Do you think you are all the same as you, so you went there in sportswear?”

Jiang Wen freed a hand to pat her head: “You are already good-looking, you don’t need to dress up.”

“What do you know? Seeing that the mother-in-law must be as good-looking as she can be, it is not the best-looking anyway.

“Isn’t it a fake? Just deal with it, right?”

“Is it true or false, you should be very clear, right?”

Jiang Wen was taken aback for a moment, but he couldn’t react for a while.

What does this sentence of Yan Daxiaohua mean?

Should I be very clear?

Yes, I know it very well.

Because he knew that Yan Shu was originally his true-girlfriend.

But now she shouldn’t know that she already knew that she was never sleepy fairy.

Then why does she feel that she should be very clear?

Jiang Wen thought for a few seconds, and suddenly his eyes widened.

This girl wouldn’t have guessed that she guessed that she was never sleepy fairy, right?

That’s why she just ignored her in anger tonight.

Otherwise, the school flower will never let myself wait so long downstairs.

It turned out to be so, she deliberately let herself wait downstairs.

“You, you already know?”

“Know what? I don’t know anything.”

Colonel Yan made a look of Tsundere, but he couldn’t help but tighten his hands slightly.

Jiang Wen has a smell of sunlight and grass, which makes her smell very reassuring.

She decided not to let go before Jiang Wen was about to leave.

“Tomorrow, do you need me to go with you?”

Yan Shu also raised his head: “Buying clothes and doing hairstyles? That’s okay.”

“Then I will arrange for my parents, and I will go to the mall to find you directly.

“Well, but there is one more important thing. You have to tell me what questions your mother will ask me.”

Jiang Wen nodded: “I will make an outline when I go back and send it to you.

“Will you ask me a lot of questions?” Yan Shu was suddenly a little nervous, “I am a little scared now.”

“There won’t be a lot of problems, don’t worry, at most it’s the family situation or something.”


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“Then write your outline more seriously. If I don’t perform well, then you must be miserable!”

The corners of Jiang Wen’s mouth rose slightly, rubbing her hair into a ball.

Yan Shu also stopped talking, enjoying this warm moment quietly.

This moment is almost a month late.

After experiencing it now, there will be a hard-won feeling.

If I knew it would be so sweet, Yan Shu also said that he wouldn’t be able to play a two-pointed game.

Although the wind and rain are heavy, it can’t conceal the hot sincerity.

The night was heavy, but it couldn’t cover the light in the eyes.

This is probably the best way to be in love,

Yan Shu also only hopes that this moment can become eternal.

“Senior sister, it’s too cold below, go back quickly.”

“No, I don’t feel cold.

“You’re all trembling, aren’t you cold?”

“how about you?”

Yan Shu also glanced at the deserted campus and found that the rain had not abated at all.

She was a little worried: “What will you do when I go back?”

“I will go back to the dormitory after the rain is a little bit lighter. I just packed up and prepared to leave school.”

“How long do you have to wait, what if the rain doesn’t stop?”

“Then I will talk to Brother Cat for a night of life, it will be very interesting.

The orange cat lying on the ground exploded in an instant, and its hind legs kept kicking.

Go away, don’t suffer Laozi!

Let you talk here for a whole night, it’s strange that Ben Meow can’t go crazy!

“Why don’t you follow me up?”


Yan Shu also nodded lightly, his eyes clear: “Otherwise, you have to wait for a long time, otherwise I won’t be able to sleep.”

“This isn’t appropriate, Sister Tian and the others will be angry.”

“It’s okay, it’s helpless, they will definitely understand, = just tell them before we go up.”

Jiang Wen was silent for a moment: “But what about the people in the residential management department? It’s impossible for them to let me go up.

Yan Shu was also slightly taken aback.

Yes, it is not Aunt Chen who manages the dormitory today, but the dormitory management department.

They are notoriously stubborn and basically won’t give anyone any face.

In this case, it is estimated that it will be very difficult to bring Jiang Wen in.

Jiang Wen just rubbed her Qiong nose: “Why don’t you just throw me a dress down.”

“No, I’m going to attract attention, do you dare to take the opportunity to run up?

Jiang Wen couldn’t help but be moved by her proposal.

Spend the night with Hua Dahua, this is the best invitation I have ever gotten to the University of Finance and Economics, right?

He is a seven-inch man, and he can’t handle this kind of invitation at all.

Moreover, the current rain is indeed too heavy, and it may be difficult to wait for the rain to stop.

If I really talked to Brother Cat all night, I would definitely fall ill the next day.

“Then just try it.”

Yan Shu also turned his eyes into crescents: “Then I will go up first, and you will run up when I cough.”

“Why do you always feel that you are doing bad things?

“No, this is the love of the senior sister for the younger brother.”

Yan Shu also reluctantly left Jiang Wen’s embrace and turned to the dormitory.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Wen heard a series of footsteps.


At this moment, the orange cat suddenly yelled to Jiang Wen.

It had big eyes, and there was something more under its paws.

That is a silver pendant.

The shape of the pendant is a leaf, which looks very delicate.

“Brother Cat, it’s too early for a wedding gift or something!”


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Jiang Wen picked up the pendant: “But since Brother Cat has this heart, I am disrespectful.”


The orange cat gave him a white look, then turned around and ignored him.

This guy is too much nonsense, I really don’t know how that pretty lady would like him.

Are all the male cats in the school dead?

Humans are really a group of creatures that don’t play cards according to normal logic.

At this time, Jiang Wen turned the pendant around and found that there seemed to be a flaw on the reverse side.

The edges of the nicks are very smooth and will definitely not be damaged.

Well, there should be another half of this pendant, but I don’t know which couple lost it.

He didn’t take it to heart, he reached out and put the pendant into his pocket.


At this moment, the cough of Yan Dahuahua suddenly sounded from the dormitory.

Without saying anything, Jiang Wen stepped away and rushed up the stairs.

Pedal Pedal Pedal Pedal!

In the midst of the residential management department’s attention being attracted by Yan Xiaohua, Jiang Wen has successfully stood on the third floor.

“Just now, did you see anyone?”

“People? I didn’t see it.

“Really, whoosh passed!”

“I said eldest sister, you must be sleepy, thinking you are the Flash?”

“No, it’s really fast.

At this time, Jiang Wen was suddenly full of black lines.

Fast? Your boyfriend is fast!

Just thinking about it, Yan Shu has already walked up from below.

She smiled slyly: “It’s successful, fast into the dormitory.”

Jiang Wen nodded and took her hand to the fourth floor.

It was only nine o’clock in the evening, and none of the roommates of Colonel Yan were asleep.

Tian Ge, who is chasing drama, is still chasing drama.

Du Qing was still lying on the bed and looking around at the men nearby.

And Liu Yufei has worked hard and succeeded, playing his Lego at the table.

Bang bang bang–


Yan Shu also looked in through the crack of the door: “Sisters, I brought Jiang Wen up, can I enter now?”

“I’ll go, Yan Shuyi, you can!

“Hurry up, or you will be caught!”

“Wait a minute, let’s pack things up!”

The three men stood up, took away the clothes on the balcony, and then opened the door.

…For flowers…

The two sneaked into 403 like thieves, and quickly closed the dormitory door.


Yan Shu also let out a long sigh of relief: “You can run so fast, brother.”

Jiang Wen couldn’t help but smile: “Sister, you don’t run slowly.”

“Okay, go to the toilet and wipe the water.

“Well, I’m bothering you, senior sisters.

Jiang Wen said hello to the three sisters in the dormitory, and took Yan Shuyi’s towel into the balcony.

At this time, the three sisters surrounded Yan Shu, their eyes were rather bitter.

“Shu Yi, what is the situation between you and Jiang Wen now?”

“Yes, so bold enough to take him back to the dormitory?”

“We have watched your every move downstairs just now. It’s really bold.

Yan Shu also looked at them: “This rain can’t stop for a while, I can’t just leave him downstairs, right?”

“Then you bring him up, where are you going to let him sleep?”

“Of course it’s with me. You don’t have to worry about the three sisters.”

Colonel Yan Tsundere raised her face, holding a towel and chasing into the toilet.


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“The back is all water, I’ll wipe it for you.”

“Thank you, senior sister.”

“Why is there a small wound here? Does it hurt?”

“It’s okay, I just got wire in the carport.”

“Is there any rust? Rust will get tetanus!’

Jiang Wen rubbed her head: “Don’t worry, I’ve checked it, it’s nothing serious.

The three people looked at each other, looking at the two people on the balcony and couldn’t help being confused.

What is the situation with these two people?


Why is it good for a while and bad for a while?

Wasn’t Yan Shuyi still angry just now, why did he start spreading dog food so soon?

After a while, the two people dried their hair and walked out of the balcony one after the other.

Looking at the three sisters in the dormitory who were staring at him, Jiang Wen couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed.

Although he has been to the Girls Dormitory 403 two or three times.

But this is the first time I have been here so late.

So his mood is still quite nervous.

“Senior sister, don’t care about me, just do what you should do.”

“Well, you can visit the younger brother yourself, we won’t entertain you.”

Tian Ge, Du Qing and Liu Yufei looked at each other and then returned to their respective positions.

Tian Ge is a chasing madman, and feels uncomfortable after stopping for a minute.

Du Qing is a social adult, and he values ​​the news in seconds.

And Liu Yufei’s Lego is fighting at a critical moment, and can’t be distracted a little.

So the three people re-immersed themselves in their hobbies.

At this time, Yan Shu also pulled out his small stool, and brought Du Qing’s small stool over.

She turned on the desk lamp and invited Jiang Wen to sit next to her.

The orange light exudes a warm light, illuminating one-fifth of the corners.

The two people looked at each other, and there was joy that couldn’t be hidden in their eyes.

“Boy, your eyelashes are longer than mine.”

“Really? I don’t know.

“I haven’t seen it before, it’s really jealous.”

Yan Shu also stretched out his white fingers and moved his eyelashes a little.

It felt like playing with a teddy bear in his hand.

Jiang Wen reached out and touched her head: “Don’t play blindly, be careful to spank you later.”

“You dare, my sisters are all here.

“Then ask if they will help you.”

“Huh, I won’t ask.

Yan Shuyi groaned and squatted on the table, quietly staring at the man in front of him.

She really likes to watch Jiang Wen quietly like this.

It’s like admiring an oil painting that makes one’s heart beat.

It’s just that the feeling now is a bit dreamy, which makes her feel unreal.

Jiang Wen just sat quietly across from him, still watching him like himself.

It was a beauty she had almost never felt before.

“Senior sister.

“Well, what’s the matter?”

Jiang Wen sat up straight: “Didn’t I say I asked you to watch a movie? But I didn’t go there temporarily.

Yan Shu also nodded: “I remember, isn’t it when I met Old Man Feng?

“Yes, so shall we watch a movie together now?”

“Okay, I’ll turn on the computer.”

Yan Shu also reached out and pressed the power button: “School brother, what movie do you want to watch with me?,

“Well, watch an old movie, how about Twilight?”

“It turned out to be a romance, do you want to tease me again?”

The corners of Jiang Wen’s mouth rose slightly: “I just think this film is particularly suitable for the current atmosphere and weather.” B.


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