Chapter 90 Blind date? Forget it, or just get married! (Automatic subscription required!!)

“It’s just for you to make friends.”

“That’s not okay, I don’t make friends casually.”

The old man was a little angry: “I decided to introduce him to you only after thousands of choices.”

“Old man Feng, I still don’t know you?”

Yan Shu also sneered: “If you don’t get out of the door, who can you know?”

“Yes, but I have investigated this person, and it definitely meets your requirements.

“someone in my heart.”

“Nonsense, the old man is old, but not stupid.”

“It’s true, he is a freshman in our school, we have all held hands!”

The old man looked suspicious: “This is not like you, aren’t you hard-hearted?

The corners of Yan Shuyi’s mouth rose slightly: “Although it is a bit hard-hearted, there are people in this world who specialize in warming hard-hearted people.”

“Sounds like real?”

“Of course it is true, I never deceive the old man.”

The old man thought for a while, and couldn’t help being even more angry: “Since you have a boyfriend, why don’t you bring me here for a look?”

Yan Shu couldn’t help sighing, “I like him, but I haven’t caught him yet.

“Huh? You chase someone, but you can’t chase it? Who is so outrageous?”

“Why are you so surprised, if I chase someone else, I will be able to chase it immediately?”

The old man’s face was full of shock.

It is said that men chase women across the mountain, women chase men’s interlayer yarn.

What’s more, my little apprentice is a famous school girl.

Is she chasing others and still can’t catch up?

Damn, this man is either stupid or naive!

“If you can’t catch up, you won’t be able to catch up. The one I introduced to you is the best.”

“Where is it?”

“I have good character, talent, and filial piety.”

Yan Shu also couldn’t help being taken aback after listening.

His father Feng is a terrifying figure who has dominated the financial world for more than 30 years.

Respected by many investment tycoons as the “seven and seven” spotlights.

Even though he announced his retirement ten years ago, he lives in seclusion here.

But his legend is still being talked about in the financial world.

Such a person must have a higher vision than everyone else.

It’s hard for ordinary people to get into his Dharma vision.

A guy who can be valued so much by his teacher is probably really capable.

The old man looked at her: “How about? Interested?”

“No,” Yan Shu also shook his head, “No one is better than the one in my house.”

“You little baby, why don’t you suddenly stop being irritable?”

“Why am I not ashamed?”

“You haven’t caught up yet? It’s yours and yours, it doesn’t hurt the film!”

Yan Shu also sighed sadly: “Actually, it was all because of my death, otherwise I would have been with him a long time ago.”

“Gossip again? Let’s hear it!”

“Huh? What do you mean by gossip?”

The old man touched his beard: “The little old friend I just met is also in crush on others.”

Yan Shu also opened his eyes instantly: “If someone else likes, you still introduce me? It’s not a human being!”

“Then what’s the matter? I like it, I like it, but it’s just a blind eye if I can’t catch it!”

“Do you think this is your time? Forget it, I won’t discuss love with you, an old man.”

The old man narrowed his mouth.

Isn’t the thing like love the same from ancient times to the present?

You love me, I love you.

Even with the development of the times and the advancement of science and technology, what tricks can there be more?

Yan Shu also held his cheeks: “Forget it, you eat chicken, I will leave after eating.”

The old man widened his eyes when he heard the sound: “You only came here once this month, and you have to leave in a hurry?”

Yan Shu also sighed: “There’s no time. It’s the long holiday of November. I have to fix the one I like.”

“Fuzzy, silly, change one if you can’t get it!”

“Old Feng, I have to be him for the rest of my life.”

The old man was taken aback: “No way, so serious?”

“That’s quite serious. It can be said to be the most serious thing in my life.”

“But isn’t it a month for the freshman to enter school? Where did you get such a deep affection for him?”

“Yes, but he and I have known each other online for three years.”?

The old man smacked his lips.

Does Jiang Wen belong to a donkey?

Or is it frequent and urgency to urinate?

Why hasn’t he come back after going there for so long?

If it is slow, I can’t find the topic to drag the time!

At this moment, Yan Shu also raised his head suddenly: “Old Feng, are you dragging time now?”

“No, no!”

“Okay, you actually practice your students, I will never come again!”

Yan Shu also pretended to be angry and got up to leave.

The old man stood up a little nervously: “I just want you to meet, if it fits, it will fit, and if it doesn’t fit, it will fall down.”

“No,” Yan Shuyi turned around and reached out and grabbed his beard. “Except for the one in my house, I won’t deliberately go to see anyone!”

“Dead girl, stubborn you have it!

“Just stubborn me, if you let me go on a blind date again, I won’t come to see you in my life.”

The old man was full of grievances: “Okay, okay, can’t I not introduce you to it!

“It’s almost the same, then I’ll leave first.”

Yan Shu also loosened his beard and turned around to leave.

But before she had time to take a step, she was stunned.

In the depths of the woods, Jiang Wen walked over slowly, with surprise on his face.

How can your cute and beautiful girlfriend be here?

Also, why is there an extra roast chicken in the arms of the old man?

Yan Shu was also a little confused at this time.

Why did Jiang Wen suddenly appear here?

Isn’t he going to see someone this afternoon?

The two looked at each other for a while, and suddenly understood.

The man Jiang Wen will see this afternoon is Old Man Feng.

The person Yan Shuyi wants to see in the afternoon and the person he wants to see are actually the same person.

Old man Feng wants them to go on a blind date.

But they had never thought that the object of their blind date would be each other.

What kind of fate is this?

Coincidentally, this can already be regarded as an arrangement of fate!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the two people became tender at the same time.

So this is ah.

It turns out that they will come together no matter what way.

It’s as if it was destined in the future.

Everyone, everything, is trying their best to connect their feelings together.

The world is bringing them together.

It’s simply the kind that can’t do without being together!

“Old man Feng, the blind date you introduced to me is not him, right?”

“Huh? Who?”

Yan Shu also raised his hand: “The one standing behind you.”

The old man turned his head and looked at Jiang Wen: “I’m going, you can be considered to have finished peeing, come, come, let me introduce you.”

“Master, actually we


Before Jiang Wen finished speaking, Yan Shu also interrupted him immediately.

Then she gave Jiang Wen a look and told him not to speak.

Jiang Wen was at a loss, but nodded.

At this time, Yan Daxiao sneered secretly in her heart.

Smelly old man, let you arrange my blind date!

I’m going to be very angry with you this time!

“This schoolboy looks pretty good, old man Feng, don’t you want to introduce me?”

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and said that there was a play in his heart!

He thought his little apprentice would turn around and leave.

Unexpectedly, she actually asked about herself at this time.

Did the little apprentice suddenly become interested in him?


Young people nowadays have become too fast, right?

I just said that someone else must do it?

Forget it, don’t care about those, isn’t this what I want to see?

“Shu Yi, this young man is named Jiang Wen, and he is also a freshman in our school. He is very nice.”

The old man looked at Jiang Wen again: “Jiang Wen, this is my student, called Yan Shuyi. He is beautiful and good at studying.”

Yan Shu also smiled sweetly: “Hello, my brother, when we meet for the first time, please take care of me.

Jiang Wen also nodded politely: “Hello Senior Sister, this is the first time I have seen a beautiful girl like Senior Sister.

“My younger brother, your mouth is so sweet, do you usually lie to the little girl?”

“No, I just can’t help but want to praise when I see beautiful things.”

Yan Shu also chuckled, “Then do you know what we two are doing today?

Jiang Wen was taken aback for a moment: “I don’t know, why are you here?”

The old man couldn’t help but knocked on the crutches: “Why are you so stupid? It’s a blind date, I want you to have a blind date!”

“Oh, it turned out to be a blind date.

Yan Shu also nodded: “Since it’s a blind date, let’s sit down and have a chat?”

Jiang Wen glanced at the old man: “Is it appropriate?”

“How inappropriate,” the old man stretched out his hand to hold him, “It’s rare that my little apprentice is interested, let’s talk!

“Well, then I’m better off being respectful.”

Yan Shu also smiled at each other with Jiang Wen, and sat opposite each other.

Jiang Wen also knew what Yan Dahua was going to do at this time, so he acted very cooperatively.

At that time, the autumn wind suddenly rose, blowing off a few yellow leaves.

“School brother, I heard that you have a crush now?”

“I heard that Senior Sister also has someone she likes?”

“It was there before, but it seems to be gone now.”

“What a coincidence, I just ended my crush.”

Yan Shuyi’s eyes lit up: “That’s not right, how about we two make up?”

Jiang Wen deeply agreed: “Yes, I think people still have to believe in fate. Isn’t it fate if we meet here today.”

“Student said so good, just like poetry.

“Senior sister is good, her voice is sweet and gentle.”

“Then let’s go get the certificate tomorrow, do you have any comments?”

“No problem, I will ask my mother to mail the account book tonight.

The old man scratched his head beside him, and suddenly felt that he couldn’t understand a bit.

Young people nowadays are so easy to talk?

Say that you don’t love and you don’t love, and if you say you see the right eye, you see the right eye?

Even if you say you get married, you get married

This is a bit outrageous, right?

And when did your students talk so well?

Half of the boys in the school are chasing her.

There are countless people who have been chasing for three years.

But didn’t she even ignore it?

Why did I even have the idea of ​​getting married after meeting Jiang Wen today?

This kid is indeed very good, he has investigated clearly.

It’s helpful to others, and it’s courageous to do what is right, and the whole body is full of positive energy.

But is it so good?

The old man is very sorry to force him now, and the roast chicken that he forced into his hands is not fragrant anymore.

At the same time, the two were still chatting in full swing.

“Boy, how old are you this year?”

“I will be twenty years old next month.”

“It’s a pity that we haven’t reached the legal age for marriage.

“It doesn’t matter, we are still young, so we can wait.

Yan Shuyi nodded with pretentiousness: “Then you are one year younger than me, how come you are a freshman?”

“Oh, that was because I had a car accident before, so I dropped out of school for half a year and stayed one level.”

“There was a car accident?”

“Well, a mother took her baby across the road and almost had a car accident at an intersection. I threw them out and I was knocked into the air.”

Yan Shu was also taken aback for a moment, suddenly a little distressed in his eyes.

She had heard Jiang Wen talk about this before, but she never knew the reason.

Unexpectedly, the time he was almost paralyzed was to act bravely.

At that time, I was still playing anger at him all day because of his parents’ divorce.

Acting like a baby, doing nothing wrong, you have to let him coax yourself.

Knowing this, she should take time to encourage him.

Brother ah, you are too gentle with me.

Except for my whole life, what else can I pay you back?

Yan Shu also smiled: “The schoolboy is so kind. Now there are not many people who are willing to sacrifice his life to save others. I really want to marry.”

Jiang Wen chuckled: “I didn’t have time to think too much at the time. I only realized I was afraid after being hit.

“Not bad, not bad,” Yan Shu also looked at the old man, “I didn’t expect that the person you were looking for was not bad.”

The old man was happy as soon as he was praised: “Of course, can I harm my students!”

“The younger brother, how did you meet my old man Feng?”

“I wrote a planning book in the woods yesterday, and I met after a few small chats.”

The old man nodded quickly: “His plan and writing are so good, even I think it is good.”

“So this is ah.

Yan Shu also looked at him in admiration: “Since the junior is so good, let’s make an appointment first?”

“Okay, watch the movie before eating.”

“Well, it sounds pretty good, do you think it’s appropriate every few days?”

“Since you are in love, you can do it every day, right? Now that the military training is over, I will have time every day from now on.”

Yan Shu also glanced at his teacher: “Then don’t you play chess with Feng Feng?”

“Who is willing to take care of the old man if he has a target, how about you, senior sister?”

“I think so too. What’s the fun of playing with the old man? It’s better to fall in love and love to play.”

Jiang Wen immediately got up: “1.1 The senior sister, shall we go on a date?

“Okay, let’s go now,” Yan Shuyi also stood up, “Let’s talk about it for a month!”

The old man was suddenly silly listening to their conversation.

Wait, wait, wait!

He arranged this blind date really because he hoped that the two would be together.

Because after they are together, they can come and play with them hand in hand every day.

But how did things move in the direction of making oneself more lonely?

If the two of them go on a date, who will they find?

This is not right, this!

“Wait a minute, are you all done? Want to fall in love?”

Yan Shu also nodded: “Yes, didn’t you introduce it? I think it’s pretty good.”

The old man looked at Jiang Wen again: “Then you start dating now?

“If you want to cherish your time, if you love someone, you must love it fiercely. This is what you taught.

“Then what about me?”

Yan Shuyi snorted, “Old man Feng, what does it matter to you when we are dating?”

“But no one will play with me after all of you are gone, no, no, I don’t think you are suitable at all!”

The old man suddenly changed his mind: “Today’s blind date is not counted, you have never seen it before!”

“That won’t work, we have fallen in love, right?”

Jiang Wen nodded: “I’m stuck in it, unable to extricate myself.

“Go, go on a date.”

The old man felt as if he had been pitted.

He didn’t expect that there would be such a thing as a date in a relationship.

Before they met, there could have been someone playing with them.

Now there is no one and another one is added.

Is he too greedy?

“Wait a moment, you come back first, let’s talk again!”

Yan Shuyi and Jiang Wen turned their heads: “I won’t talk to you anymore, let’s talk about sweet things by ourselves.”

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