Chapter 76 Revenge will not delay spoiling her (please subscribe automatically!!)

At eleven o’clock in the evening, never sleepy and close the shop.

Jiang Wen stood at the door and waved goodbye to the three girls.

“Dad, won’t you go back tonight?”

“I have something else, you should go back first.”


Tang Sihan turned and left, saying that he thought the boss father would tell him to stay.

As a result, he was a straight man, and his anti-puppet properties were too high.

At the same time, Jiang Wen closed the store door and took out a grill to ignite.

He cut the eight big red dates in half, added two slices of ginger, and put them in the brown sugar water.

Then I got up the pot and sat on the fire, and the room was steaming hot.

The previous time Song Wei came to the playground, Jiang Wen did not know the identity of Yan Shuyi.

So he asked Colonel Yan if he sent milk tea and mung bean soup every day to let himself be her shield.

As a result, the schoolgirl became angry and ran back to the dormitory angrily.

Jiang Wen thought she was in her menstrual period, so she had a bad temper and asked her to drink more hot water.

As a result, the school flower said that she was not in the middle of the month, but at the end of the month.

It is now the end of the month, and Yan Shuyi’s body will become weaker.

Pain is inevitable when my aunt patronizes.

He can’t help her pain, he can only prepare everything he can do.

Revenge is revenge, but how to spoil her or how to spoil her.

That girl was the only person she had fallen in love with in her life.

Jiang Wen took out his newly bought thermos and went to the kitchen to clean the inner tank.

The quality of the cup is not bad, and there is no peculiar smell that I am worried about.

Then he went back to the stove and waited for the brown sugar water to slowly simmer.

At the beginning, the taste of brown sugar was very strong.

But Jiang Wen strictly controls the ratio of brown sugar to water.

So the taste should not be too sweet.

In the mid-term, ginger slices start to work.

So a hint of pungency began to appear in the smell.

Continue to simmer, and a slight jujube fragrance began to appear.

Jiang Wen put on cotton gloves, opened the lid, and glanced inside.

The boiling sugar water kept pouring upwards, bringing up scattered ginger slices and half a red date.

The sliced ​​ginger has changed from light yellow to dark yellow.

The red dates also began to soften gradually, and the wrinkles on the body surface were no longer obvious.

Jiang Wen didn’t know if the school flowers could get used to the spicy sensation of ginger, so he used a colander to remove the ginger and threw it into the trash can.

There seems to be some time before tomorrow morning.

He scraped the charcoal away with a shovel, trying to minimize the flame.

Then he took out the folding bed in the warehouse and placed it in the corner.

Sleep for a while, and send it to Yan Shuyi tomorrow morning.

Jiang Wen spread the blankets and opened all the windows on all sides.

At this time, the windows must be fully opened, otherwise the charcoal in the house may be poisoned by the medium gas.

Jiang Wen didn’t want to die so soon.

Early the next morning.

The dawn seemed to awaken the whole city in an instant.

There was a slight coolness of late summer in the air.

In the first teaching building.

The school painter who got up early for class looked pale, and the whole person became particularly spiritless.

At that time, she was lying on the table, looking unlovable.

“it hurts

“Shu Ye, okay?”

“Well, it just hurts too much.”

Du Qing touched her head: “It’s okay, Tian Ge will come in a while, and she will pour hot water for you.”

“How about let Shuyi ask for leave and go back?” Liu Yufei thought for a while, “How can I go to class when it hurts like this?”

Yan Shu also shook his head quickly: “No, this is a financial algorithm class. I have escaped too many times because I was looking for Jiang Wen. If I ask for leave, the attendance rate will not be enough.”

“But you are so painful, can you hear it?”

“It’s okay, you can stick to it, anyway, it was the same before.”

Du Qing held her cheeks: “It’s really miserable to be a woman, right?”

“No, it’s very good,” Yan Shu also smiled weakly, “Otherwise, how would I meet Jiang Wen.”

“My college student Yan, you are really poisoned by Jiang Wen, right?”

Yan Shu was also lying on the table, a little aggrieved in his eyes.

I really want to let Jiang Wen rub it for me

If you admit your identity at the beginning, maybe you’ll get it right now.

Hey, I regret it.

I blame myself, the two people who made it are not clear now.

If there is a chance to make it clear, she must apologize to Jiang Wen.

At the same time, in the lobby of the teaching building.

Tian Ge, who was receiving hot water, was suddenly patted from behind.

She turned her head, her eyes were a little surprised: “Huh? Xuedi Jiang, why are you here?”

Jiang Wen handed over a paper bag: “I’m counting the time and it’s almost time, please trouble the senior sister to bring this to Yan Xiaohua.

Tian Ge took the bag subconsciously and looked down.

“what is this?”

“Brown sugar water, with red dates and ginger slices, but the taste of ginger is very weak.”

Tian Ge looked at him stupidly: “Where did you come from?”

“It’s so hot, it’s still warm.

“Thank you, brother, the book is hurting badly.”

Jiang Wen chuckled softly: “I should thank you, please take care of her for me.”

Tian Ge was a little silly: “Oh, well, I will take care of her for you.

“Well, I went to the playground for military training first, and asked her to wait for me in the dormitory at noon.”

“Okay, go slowly, brother.”

“Thank you, and invite the people in your dormitory to dinner together.”

Jiang Wen turned and left, and walked outside through the spacious lobby.

At this time, Tian Ge was stunned for a while.

Then she realized what it meant by what she was holding.

That is a heavy care!

“Shuyishuyi, look at what I brought you back!”

“Ahhhh, I am so envious!”

Tian Ge ran all the way, scared the old professor who smoked a cigarette before class was almost choked to death.

At this time, Yan Shu was also in pain, and heard Tian Ge’s voice like an amnesty.

“Tian Ge, where is my hot water?”

Tian Ge waved his hand: “Don’t worry about hot water or not, let me show you something good!

“Huh? There is no hot water.”

“Don’t worry, there is something warmer than hot water!”

Tian Ge was a little excited, and put the paper bag hidden behind him on the tabletop.

Upon hearing the sound, Du Qing and Liu Yufei also turned their heads curiously.

“what is this?

“Brown sugar ginger tea, and red dates, now, here you are.”

Tian Ge took out the thermos cup from the bag and handed it over.

Yan Shu was also stunned: “You only went out for three minutes, where did you get this for me?”

“It was sent by Great God Jiang. He happened to meet me downstairs and asked me to bring it up.”

Jiang Wen?!

Yan Shuyi was immediately silly.

The younger brother unexpectedly sent this when he was the most painful.

Oh my god oh my god!

Is he caring about himself?

Dog man, obviously he ignored himself yesterday.

Yan Shu didn’t know why, and suddenly felt like crying.

She held the thermos cup, and the whole person began to transform into the God of Ting Ping.

“What about others?”

“Just left.”

Yan Shu also stood up with difficulty, walked to the window and looked outside.

At that time, Jiang Wen had not yet gone far.

He was covered with strong sunlight.

Walk with your chest and head up, with brisk footsteps.

Yan Shu often fantasizes about Jiang Wen’s appearance when he has never seen each other.

At this time, Jiang Wen was just like the young man he had imagined.

“Tian Ge, what did the schoolboy say when he left?”

Yan Shu also turned his head, and his pale face started to blush.

Tian Ge scratched his head: “Oh, I seem to have forgotten.”

“No, you say it!”

“Okay, okay,” Tian Ge thought for a while, “I said thank you to him at the beginning.”

“Then what?”

“Then he said, it is him who should say thank you, and ask me to take good care of you for him.”

Yan Shuyi was all stupid: “Really? He really said it was for him?”

“It’s true, my ears are so good, he wants you to wait for him in the dormitory at noon.

“Will he come to me?”

“It should be possible to hear that.”

Yan Shu also looked at the thermos cup, and his feelings gradually overflowed.

But it’s not quite right.

He clearly said that he would never see himself again.

She suffered from insomnia last night and thought he really didn’t want himself anymore.

So what happened to this glass of water and this sentence this morning?

How does this guy change day by day?

I really don’t know.

At this time, Liu Yufei turned her head: “By the way, Shuyi, how did he know your menstrual period? What did you say?”

“No, this is a girl’s matter, how could I take the initiative to say it.

“That’s weird, you didn’t say how did he know? And so accurate?”

Yan Shu also thought for a while, then suddenly his eyes lit up: “I remember, I seem to have said it once.


“Last time in the playground, he thought that I was good to him, so that he could act as a shield.

“Then I was very angry and ignored him and went back to the dormitory alone.

“As a result, he misunderstood and thought I was inexplicably upset because of my aunt, so he asked me to drink more hot water.

“I just said I am not these few days, I am the last five days at the end of the month.

When the voice fell, the three sisters in the dormitory couldn’t help being stunned.

It was just a word casually said in the chat, he would remember it so clearly.

And this is definitely not a sudden memory, otherwise, how can he have time to make brown sugar ginger tea?

He must have prepared it a long time ago, and even bought red dates, brown sugar and ginger in advance.


“I admire it too.”

“I really want to fall in love…

Looking at them, Yan Shuyi’s cheeks started to become red and hot.

Was spoiled inexplicably.

Therefore, although physical pain still exists, Yan Xiaohua is very comfortable in this class.

That cup of brown sugar water is actually not much.

But the school flower took a sip, and it really drank a noon.

The human mind is really a very interesting thing.

You feel warm in your heart, so tell yourself that it doesn’t hurt, so the pain will really ease a lot.

No one knows whether brown sugar ginger tea is useful.

But probably, the love inside is the best medicine.

Yan Shu also thinks that girls really must find a boyfriend who can make brown sugar tea for themselves.

Well, it’s like Xuedi Jiang.

Time flies by, and in a blink of an eye it is time for get out of class to end at noon.

The four people walked back to the dormitory building against the big sun.

Along the way, Yan Shu also looked around, seeming to be looking for something.

“Shu Yi, what are you looking at?”

“You need to ask, look for her little brother Jiang Wen.”

“Yes, didn’t Jiang Dashen said he would come at noon?”

“Then let’s just wait here, boys are not allowed to enter the girls’ dormitory.

Yan Shu also bit his thin lip lightly: “Then wait a while.”

So the four people waited for a while in front of the building.

But the sun was too big, and gradually they began to sweat.

Tian Ge slapped the wind with his hand: “Shu Yi, or let’s go up and wait. We will come down when we see Brother Jiang.”

“Yes, it won’t take much 700 time anyway.

Yan Shu also nodded, his eyes gradually deepening.

She’s not afraid that Jiang Wen won’t be able to get in.

She was actually afraid that Jiang Wen just said casually.

The four people turned and entered the dormitory building.

At this moment, a strong fragrance floated out of the dormitory manager Aunt Chen’s room.

This is the only place in the whole building where you can make a fire and cook.

But Aunt Chen thinks it is too much trouble, and she doesn’t like cooking very much.

And this aunt’s cooking skills are really not flattering.

The only time I was cooking, the dormitory building still smelled of burning.

Why is she suddenly interested today, and her cooking skills are still so superb?

The four girls couldn’t help but glance inside, but they were suddenly stupefied.

In Aunt Chen’s room, Jiang Wen was standing around her apron, holding a big soup ladle.

Aunt Chen clapped her hands in surprise and surprise: “Hey, this soup, the stew is so good!!

“Auntie, you have been rewarded, I will do a lot, and I will give you a full seat next time.”

“You young man, it’s not bad, who wants to marry you, that’s a blessing!”

Jiang Wen laughed twice and brought the casserole down.

He poured half of the soup in the pot into the thermos, and left the remaining half in the pot.

“Auntie, thank you for your help. I will give you a taste of that half.

Aunt Chen was so happy, she hurried to the kitchen to get the tableware.

At this moment, Jiang Wen walked out carrying a thermos, and was taken aback when he saw the four sisters in the dormitory.

“came back?”

Yan Shu was also a little silly: “Yes, yes, why are you here?”

“Oh, I borrowed Chen’s kitchen and cooked pigeon soup for you to replenish qi and blood.”


“Mom Chen, the godmother I just recognized.”

The four sisters looked at each other, their eyes full of shock.


Aunt Chen?

Damn it.

This Auntie Chen has a title, but she is a cold judge.

Don’t worry about who it is, as long as it is a violation of discipline or regulation, it must be reported to the school.

Just like the last time the school flower boiled soup and exploded, she went down to apologize for half an hour, but the school found out.

How could Jiang Wen please her old man?

It doesn’t count if she borrowed her kitchen, but she even recognized a godmother?

Jiang Wen weighed in the insulation bucket at this moment: “It’s a bit heavy, I’ll send it to you to the dormitory first.”

So in the eyes of everyone’s astonishment, Jiang Wen went all the way into the girls’ dormitory unimpeded.

Du Qing turned her head: “What do you think?”

“It’s amazing, it’s amazing,” Tian Ge firmly raised his thumb. “The charm of Great God Jiang is really all-you-can-eat.”

Liu Yufei couldn’t help but brighten up at this moment: “Then if we don’t turn off the lights at night, don’t we need to be scolded?”


“Our book is also Aunt Chen’s daughter-in-law!”,

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