Chapter 72 Pinching your face is a reward! (seeking automatic subscription!!)

Cache file unlocking process: 32%

Number of unlocked files: 0

Jiang Wen sat in front of the computer and looked at the progress bar on the software innocently.

Damn, play with me, right????

-Only 32% unlocked in the morning?

Pointing one by one with your finger is faster than this.

What junk software, nonsense.

But at this moment, he found that something seemed to be loaded in the first file.

Although it is blurry, the outline can probably be seen.

It feels like the Internet speed is not good when chatting on WeChat, and the pictures are only loaded in a hazy image.

Jiang Wen leaned back and raised his eyes slightly.

The outline of the picture is clearer, a bit strange and familiar.

“It’s so round, this is


He suddenly realized the content inside.

Good things, absolutely good things!

So he hurriedly stretched out his hand to block the turbulent waves on the entire computer screen.

Wait, is this a netmap?

Jiang Wen was stunned for ten minutes before he was relieved.

No, it cannot be from the netmap.

Girls like to be jealous, how do they like their boyfriends to appreciate others?

That means this is his own?

Jiang Wen got excited and immediately picked up his mobile phone and dialed the official phone number of the software.

“Hello, sir, is there anything you want?”

“Recharge, I want to recharge to speed up!”

“Okay sir, please tell me the account number, I will help you top up immediately.”

Jiang Wen opened the homepage: “012 12**33.

After half a minute, the customer service lady’s voice sounded: “Sir, you are already a diamond member, and there is no way to continue to recharge.”

“Are there any higher? Infinite Gems members?”

“Without sir, the diamond member has unlocked the highest speed, sorry.”

Jiang Wen was very lost and hung up the phone.

In the last step, it got stuck?

More exciting things are still to come!

But he also fully understood why Fairy Never Sleepy dropped the news in a panic.

I felt embarrassed after sending it.

“Damn, silly X software.”

Jiang Wen was a little unwilling, but could never find the entrance to re-gold.

He let go of the mouse angrily, and then began to read the forum posts again.

Where did they take this high-definition front face?

He has never seen a camera on the playground.

And this is obviously before the usury incident happened, right?

“Old ginger, come and take a cigarette.”

At this time, Fang Daxiong suddenly handed a cigarette over: “Can you teach me how to pretend to be X and make people excited?”

“Why are you learning this stuff?”

“I want to have a sweet love, too. You see, my hands are all cocooned.”

Hearing these words, Wu Ming and Du Ziteng also leaned over.

Jiang Wen patted him on the shoulder: “Read more on the web, go.”

“That’s not interesting enough for you, our brothers also want to find girlfriends!”

Du Ziteng nodded: “Brother Wen, tell me how to install X perfectly, right?

“I really didn’t pretend to be X,” Jiang Wen lit a cigarette. “I really have a friend who committed suicide because of a loan.

“Sorry, old ginger, we don’t know.”

Du Ziteng and Fang Daxiong looked at each other, and suddenly knew that they had said something wrong.

Upon seeing this, Wu Ming came over and patted him on the shoulder: “Anyway, good job, old ginger.”

“Basic exercise, no six.”

Jiang Wen smiled and quickly finished smoking the cigarette in his hand.

The one who was forced to desperate by the loan was his high school deskmate.

He still remembered the restless, anxious and panic expressions of his deskmates all day long.

That’s why he has a deep feeling for this kind of thing, and he set such a big hole for Boss Du.

Ding Dong–

At this moment, four people in the dormitory received a WeChat message at the same time.


At 3 o’clock this afternoon, the 403 classroom of the first teaching building assembled.

All new finance students are invited to participate in this financial investment exchange and sharing meeting.

Speaker: Yan Shuyi, the gold medal winner of the National Competition.

Speaker: Song Wei, Silver Medal Winner of the National Competition

This sharing session will popularize the learning experience of financial investment for all freshmen.

There is a rare opportunity, and you are not allowed to ask for leave if you are in no hurry.

Jiang Wen looked at the message in the phone’s WeChat, and couldn’t help being taken aback.

Damn, how long has this been?

That big idiot Song Wei hasn’t left yet.

“Old ginger, your girlfriend is going to give us a report in the afternoon.?”

Jiang Wen smacked his lips: “I don’t know if it’s a girlfriend, don’t scream.

“What’s unsure about this? Major Yan Hua is about to pounce in your arms.


“Isn’t it?

Jiang Wen suddenly turned around: “Do you all know that Yan Shu also likes me?”

Fang Daxiong was furious: “Damn, are we blind?”

“Just ignore him, Versailles.”

At this moment, Wu Ming suddenly sat up: “Fuck, I still want to sleep, what time is it?”

A few people looked at the time: “Why is it 3 o’clock? Let’s pack up and go.

“Walk around, it seems that credits will be deducted for being late.”

So the four quickly got up, changed their camouflage uniforms and left the dormitory.

Because of the arrival of the delegation from the Imperial University of Finance and Economics.

Therefore, the school temporarily consciously organized this learning sharing meeting.

The purpose is to allow freshmen to enter the learning rhythm as soon as possible after military training.

But this kind of financial sharing meeting generally does not have any dry goods.

It is purely to let the freshmen feel the atmosphere, and then look up at the demeanor of the seniors.

In addition, because this time a delegation from the Imperial University of Finance and Economics participated.

School leaders and professors were also present, and the lineup was very strong.

Soon, all the people attending the meeting will be there.

The leaders chatted with each other and the students talked nonsense.

There was chaos in the public classrooms, and the noise was endless.

At this moment, the well-dressed Yan Dahuahua walked in.

Today she is wearing a black gauze skirt and five-inch high heels.

With bright eyes and white teeth, a little bit of pink and Dai, it’s almost aura.

Her arrival attracted countless eyes, so that the classroom Ernie became quieter in an instant.

“This is Classmate Yan, right?

“Yes, yes, the gold medal of the national competition.”

“It’s really incredible at a young age.

“Professor Wang hasn’t seen Shu Ye before?”

“I have heard of it, but I don’t remember exactly what it looks like.”

“Professor Xu hasn’t seen it either?

“I have seen it twice, I wanted to have a good chat, but she was relatively busy during that time.

The vice president quickly stood up: “Shu Yi, come to say hello to the professors.”

Yan Shu also smiled elegantly: “Sorry, principal, I have something right now.

“Oh, you must be familiar with the speech draft, right?”

“That’s it.”

“Okay, we’ll talk again after we’re finished.”


Then, in full view, Yan Shu also stepped towards Jiang Wen.

She lifted up her soft skirt and sat next to Jiang Wen.

Then he took out a blue translucent glass of water from the bag and handed it to him.

“School brother, Yang Zhi Ganlu, new learner today.”

Jiang Wen was taken aback for a moment: “After we separated at noon, did you do this in the afternoon?”

“Yes, because I knew about the sharing meeting in advance, so I was afraid that you would be bored and give you a drink.”

“Aren’t you going to be on stage? The manuscript is memorized?”

Yan Shu also smiled with crescent eyes: “I don’t have a manuscript. At this level, do you think I still need to carefully prepare a manuscript?”

Jiang Wen was taken aback for a moment.

This is probably the real Yan Shuyi.

Confident and powerful, arrogant is like a queen.

Even though there are so many professors, she dared to think of where to talk.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen this kind of speech. It’s amazing, senior sister.”

“Generally, junior, don’t admire it too much.”

Yan Shu also held his face in annoyance: “Drink and see, it should taste good.

“Well, it tastes much better than the milk tea shop.

Jiang Wen tasted it carefully: “The main reason is that it’s not so sweet this time.”

“Great success.

Yan Shu also looked at him and pointed to his cheek: “Come on.”

“Huh? What are you doing?”

“Pinch your face, don’t you want to reward me?”

Yan Daxiaohua’s eyelashes trembled and his cheeks were a little red.

She doesn’t know why, since Jiang Wen pinched her face on the playground, she hasn’t done it.

Back to the dormitory has been in a daze because of this.

And inexplicably, he blushed to the root of his ears.

Probably because of the magic of love?

Anyway, Yan Shu had never felt this way before.

Jiang Wen coughed: “There are too many people here, it’s not very good.”

“I don’t, reward me quickly.

“Then wait until the meeting is over.”

Yan Shuyi’s eyes flashed a little slyly: “If you don’t pinch, I’ll confess to you in public when I’m on stage.”

Jiang Wen stretched out her hand and squeezed her face: “Senior sister, I’m really scared of you.”

“Whatever you want, squeeze quickly.

Seeing this scene, all the public classrooms became quiet.

Especially the vice-principal who asked Yan Shuyi to say hello just now.

His eyes widened, and he didn’t know what to say.

Is this what she said?

Something happened to be pinched by the new students in the past?

At this moment, Jiang Wen pinched the schoolgirl’s face, his eyes began to look sideways.

Very similar, really alike.

Both the shape and scale are similar to the picture.

But there are no specific features.

This cannot be used as evidence, but can only be considered as a reference.

“Boy, what are you looking at?”

Jiang Wen quickly retracted his gaze: “It’s okay, it’s okay, senior sister, come on stage soon.”

“Oh, OK.

Yan Shu also bit his thin lip lightly and stepped out of the seat.

Jiang Wen’s gaze

This guy.

Smelly schoolboy!

She adjusted her breathing and stepped onto the podium.

Yan Shu, standing in the financial field, is also destined to be dazzling.

Her self-confident attitude can infect almost everyone.

It is completely unscripted, but it can be said that the professors praised it again and again.

Elegant and calm, it is simply an unattainable existence.

Jiang Wen looked at her quietly and thought it would be nice to have such a girlfriend.

But the most important thing now is to confirm your guess.

“々Actually, doing finance is like falling in love. ”

“It’s not that you will be rewarded if you pay, but you will not be rewarded if you don’t.”

“All love is causal, and love without reason is just self-deception.”

“To love someone who loves you is always the best investment.”

Yan Shu also looked at Jiang Wen, with tenderness in his eyes.

Seeing this, everyone couldn’t help but turn their heads and looked at Jiang Wen in the back row.

“That freshman is Shuyi’s boyfriend?”

“It seems so, I didn’t expect such a proud girl to have a day in love.”

“It’s probably not the average person who can be seen by books.”

The expressions of several professors were full of curiosity.

Because even they can’t think of how good a boy is to be worthy of this jewel.

Soon, the speech of Yan Daehuan came to an end.

She stepped down from the stage and did not sit back to the seat prepared by the school.

Instead, he walked to Jiang Wen again and sat beside him.

“Senior Sister’s theory is very novel.”

“I just realized it recently. It’s not bad, right?”

Jiang Wen looked at her thoughtfully: “It’s not like someone who has never been in a relationship. It’s more like an insight gained after two or three years of talking.”

Yan Shuyi widened his eyes: “Is there any?”

“Then I don’t know, maybe only you know?”

While speaking, Song Wei suddenly stepped onto the stage.

He was wearing a silver suit and his expression was very unbelievable.

Holding a carefully prepared speech script in his hand.

Prepare to let everyone present see their talents this time.

Jiang Wen glanced at him: “It’s this guy again, so annoying.”

Yan Shu also reached his ear: “Then we skip class?”

“real or fake?”

“Quietly, just don’t let people find out.”

Jiang Wen hesitated for a moment: “Okay, let’s go!”

Yan Shu also blinked playfully, took Jiang Wen’s hand and slipped out of the back door.

Probably because everyone’s focus was on Song Wei, no one really saw them leave.

“Senior sister, where are you taking me?

“Take you to a good place, I used to go every day.”

(Wang Qian is good) Jiang Wen followed her and slipped out of the teaching building.

Young men and women walk side by side in the bright sun.

Follow the path, through the dense woods, and stop in front of a small courtyard.

“Real finance cannot be like love at all.

“Because finance has rules to follow, and there are ways to master it.

“Is love okay?”

“Love is a waste of time.”

At the same time, Song Wei came on stage and began to talk freely.

“I have never believed in love, because I am an absolutely rational investor.”

“Of course, I am not questioning Yan Xuemei’s words.”

“I just think. The school girl hasn’t improved much during this time.”

“Such Yan Xuemei is not at the same level as the one I saw on the field last year.

“I hope Yan Xuemei can study hard and focus less on useless things!”

“Because only in this way, she is worthy of being my opponent.”

“Otherwise, I can only win the international championship.”

After Song Wei finished speaking, he looked confidently in the direction where Jiang Wen was.

When he saw the empty seats, he was stupid.

Huh? What about people?!

Are they gone?

My own speech is so wonderful, they actually left?

He wanted to let Yan Xuemei see herself and Jiang Wen to know the gap.

As a result, these two people didn’t pay attention to themselves at all?

It’s too insulting and shameful to the neighbor.

“Hey, you are the second in the country. Why do you question the first in the country?”

“Yes, which green onion do you still refute Yan Xiaohua?”

“My dear, first surpass Yan Xiaohua in grades before you speak big words, haha, it’s so funny.”

“When someone falls in love, it’s a matter of your ass. Do you have enough to eat?”

At this moment, someone in the freshman suddenly angered Song Wei.

They won’t buy it at all.

You are the second in the country, what qualifications do you have to question the first in the country?

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