Chapter 7 Interrogation from the school flower sisters group

“Well, yes.”

Jiang Wen nodded naturally.

There is nothing to hide from this kind of thing.

Online dating girlfriends are also girlfriends!

Although I have never seen a photo…

But Jiang Wen felt that he was definitely not the kind of scumbag who changed his mind.

The Yan Da school flower is indeed very beautiful, and it is also very good.

But this has nothing to do with me.

He didn’t want to chase her, there was no need to lie that he was still single.

Yan Shu also froze for a moment, but he didn’t expect that he would admit it so directly.

Men shouldn’t be like this, right?

Shouldn’t they keep the red flag at home and the colorful flags fluttering outside the home?

It was the first time that she had seen someone so anxious to admit that she had a girlfriend.

However, Yan Shu was obviously very satisfied with this answer, even the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

“Do you want to video with her when you go back? Long-distance relationships are very hard, right?”

Jiang Wen felt helpless after hearing this question.

Are school flowers good at picking which pot or not?

Even everything can be stuck in my own heart.

“We… haven’t watched it or met.”

“Huh?” Yan Shu pretended to be surprised, “Is it an online dating?”

“Well, but we have always been in a good relationship.”

“Well, since that’s the case, then the senior sister won’t bother you.”

“Thank you, senior sister, goodbye.”

Jiang Wen smiled politely and turned around to leave.

But at this moment.

Three slender hands suddenly stretched out behind him, pressing him firmly back on the chair.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Wen saw three serious faces.

“It’s pretty handsome, why haven’t I seen it before?”

“He said that military training is very tiring, so he is a junior, right?”

“The schoolboy is very courageous, come to chase after our college Yan Hua as soon as I enroll?”

“Say, what trick was used to make the book fall?”

Qu Ge, Du Qing and Liu Yufei came to the table with ice cream.

They first handed the matcha-flavored one to Yan Shuyi.

Then he looked at Jiang Wen with a slightly interrogating gaze.

However, this kind of interrogation does not seem to be serious, and even has a taste of ridicule.

This should be Yan Shuyi’s roommate, right?

Jiang Wen quickly guessed their identities.

“Senior sisters have misunderstood, I am not chasing Senior Sister Yan.”


“Yes, it was just a coincidence.”

Quge’s eyes were a bit sharp: “You are chasing after you, and you dare not admit it? What’s the coincidence?”

“It was the senior sister who lost the game and found someone to send milk tea, so she found me, and we met.”

Yan Shu also nodded, “Well, that’s how I met him.”

Qu Ge looked at the school flowers: “It’s just a peaceful meeting, then why did you run over so happily just now?”

“The person I just met at noon suddenly met again in the evening, and I felt a little surprised.”

The three sisters in the dormitory looked at each other.

Is it really a misunderstanding?

Is it really just a chance encounter with someone you met before, and then came over to say hello?

No, it’s not right.

Otherwise, what’s the matter with those strange behaviors of Colonel Yanhua?

She is obviously different to Jiang Wen from others.

There are also many people who rely on chance encounters and coincidences to pursue schoolgirls.

Those rich second generations have a lot of money, and it is not difficult to deliberately create coincidences.

But when did Colonel Yan show such an attitude to them?

Even speaking, he became soft and whispered, and his cheeks were still puffing.

So, the three sisters in the school flower dormitory took another look at Jiang Wen.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Wen looked sincere.

If this is acting, then this person’s acting skills are too clever.

“You really didn’t chase the book?”

Jiang Wen shook his head: “Really not.”

“Then are you going to chase her?”

“I already have a girlfriend.”

“Have a girlfriend?” Qu Ge opened his eyes slightly, “Then why didn’t you say it earlier, so that we thought that the book was also moved!”

Jiang Wen was a little dumbfounded.

He wanted to speak, but he was pressed into the chair before he finished speaking, didn’t he?

But he also felt a little strange.

Why didn’t Yan Xiaohua take the initiative to explain when these school sisters misunderstood that they were chasing Yan Xiaohua?

That cup of super luxurious Big Mac milk tea is almost dry.

She still sucks.

Always sucking.

Then he watched as he was misunderstood, but didn’t open his mouth to clarify.

What a strange girl.

Song patted Jiang Wen on the shoulder: “Since this is the case, then let’s let you go.”

Jiang Wen suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: “Then good night, everyone.”

“Good night, remember to go to bed early.” Yan Shuyi smiled and waved at him.

“Okay, thank you senior sister for your concern.”

Jiang Wen turned and left the square and stepped into the endless night.

At this time, the three sisters in the school flower dormitory once again looked at Yan Shuyi with strange eyes.

“Shu Ye, what did you just say?”

Yan Shuyi was taken aback for a moment: “I didn’t say anything? What’s the matter?”

“You say good night?”

“Yes, what’s wrong with saying good night?”

Upon hearing these words, the expressions of the three sisters suddenly became serious.

They each pulled a chair and sat down, staring at Yan Shuyi closely.

“Do you still remember one thing you told us before.” Qu Ge asked.

Yan Shu was also a little at a loss: “What’s the matter?”

“You said you would never say goodnight to others, because goodnight is like going to bed together, too intimate.”


“I’m just talking about it, you guys are serious too…”

Yan Shu is also a little guilty, and his eyes keep drifting away.

The three sisters looked at each other: “Really?”

“Of course, isn’t he a freshman? We are also friendly to let him integrate into college life as soon as possible.”

“This explanation also seems reasonable.”

Yan Shu also nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: “It’s just that you think too much.”

“Then he really didn’t chase you?”

“No, no, I just met by chance, so just chat.”*

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