Chapter 63 Tonight, the whole school fell out of love together (please subscribe automatically!!)

“La la la~”

At night, Yan Shu also hummed and returned to the dormitory.

She is now in a happier mood than winning the championship in the competition.

Whether it’s the look in the eyes, the gestures, or the tone of voice, there is a joy that can’t be hidden.

She was rejected fiercely, but she was pampered fiercely.

Being pampered by her most beloved school brother invisibly is like drinking honey.

At this time, she even walks lightly, and anyone who looks at it will feel that she has met a happy event.

Then, the prosperous Yan Daxiaohua was caught by the three sisters in the dormitory.

“Yan Shuyi, very happy?”

“Where did you go? This is? You don’t care if Yufei is discharged from the hospital?”

“Too sad, I miss you every day in the hospital.”

The three roommates, with interrogation expressions on their faces, pressed Yan Shuyi tightly.

Yan Shuyi’s smile suddenly faded: “Uh, my mother is here, I went to see her.”

“It’s not difficult to send a message to let us know?”

“Why don’t you do this, when Yufei has a rest, I will invite everyone to dinner!”

“Change the subject, right?” Tian Ge looked at Du Qing, “Come on, tie me up!”

“Oh, sisters, forgive me, what did I do wrong?”

Du Qing embraced her arms: “You said at the outset that you would tell us if you fell in love.”

“Yan Shuyi, have you forgotten what you said yourself?”

Yan Shuyi was taken aback for a moment: “I said it before, but I didn’t talk about it.”

The three sisters in the dormitory looked at each other.

They no longer believed Yan Shuyi’s words.

Photos of seeing the parents are all posted in the forum, haven’t discussed it yet?

“I didn’t talk about it, did you?”

Yan Shu also nodded: “No, really not.”

“It seems that you are not tortured, you are not going to confess.”

Tian Ge and Du Qing rolled up their sleeves at the same time, while Liu Yufei, who was lying on the bed, raised his hand to cover his eyes.

At this moment, there was a heart-wrenching roar from outside the window.

“I’m broken in love, they have seen their parents!”

“My dream is broken, my dream is broken before I start to make it!”

“The falling flowers deliberately follow the flowing water, but the falling water has no intention of falling in love with the falling flowers!”

“Jesus, Jade Emperor, who will save my lost soul!’

The stern voice came from a far away male dormitory like a curse.

The entire night sky seemed to boil with this sad cry.

Then, a creaking sound suddenly appeared on the campus.

That was the movement of countless people opening the windows and looking out.

Especially in the female dormitory, at least three heads stick out from each window.

Everyone was surprised, and they could put eggs in their mouths.

However, the night sky at Mordu University of Finance and Economics only calmed down for five minutes.

After 680, another sad voice also began to resound through the campus.

“Before it dawned, I woke up after three years of dreaming!”

“But I always thought that I could still graduate in this dream.”

“They have seen their parents, and I am going to see the Buddha of Xitian.

“But don’t be afraid, I am not suicide.

“I have all the dust, and no more worries, I escaped into the empty door.”

“The Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, who walks deep prajna paramita for a long time, sees that the five aggregates are empty, and saves all suffering.”

The night sky is constantly echoing with the sound of translating the scriptures of the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra.

It is tear-jerking, and sadness starts from the heart.

If someone loses his memory at this time, he suddenly wakes up again.

He will definitely suspect that he is in Da Leiyin Temple.

And because he fell asleep accidentally, he was about to be demoted to the world and went on horseback to learn.

At this time, one voice fell, and one voice started again.

“Brother, take me one!

“Yes, take me too and learn this Mahayana Buddhism!”

“The Buddha is compassionate and Pudu, let me shave my hair as a nun, uh, a monk!”

“There used to be a sincere love that was not placed in front of me, and I had no chance to cherish it. I didn’t realize that I was a fool until I lost it!”

Then someone began to sing: “Just let go, don’t think about her

The second person began to sing: “I blew the evening breeze that she blew, so that we can count as hugging each other.”

The third one: “Nowadays, when a person listens to a song, I always feel disappointed. I hear you whisper it in my ear.”

The fourth: “I won’t be sad, don’t underestimate me! What can’t be done, it’s a big deal to sing a song

Fifth: “You are my dream of gaining and losing, and I am a person who has nothing to do with you, just like this arrow that crosses the folk song, the ones who pierce are the most passionate people

Sixth: “Today is a bad day, and nothing auspicious has been achieved.

Within ten minutes, the screams from the campus gradually crooked the building.

I don’t know who took the lead, all the men sang the love song together.

So the entire Magic City University of Finance and Economics instantly turned into a grand party.

The security guards panicked and ran out wearing a big vest and pants.

He first took the lamp and shone it in the direction of the dormitory building.

As a result, I saw three or four heads in each window, and almost fainted.

Then he ran all the way and quickly called the vice principal on night shift.

The principal has a Mediterranean head with a big belly and seldom shows up in school.

But he happened to happen today, and he ran into a big (cdbb) thing when he came.

Ever since, the vice-principal took two loudspeakers with both hands and reloaded them into battle.

“My classmates, it’s not terrible to lose love!”

“You have to believe that there are more suitable people waiting ahead!”

“Turn sorrow into strength and study hard!”

He waved to the security guard and motioned to the security guard to light up.

So the security guard turned on the flashlight and took photos.

“My classmates, I’m also here.

“The women who can’t get it are just stars in the sky, classmates!’

The voice fell, and the campus suddenly became quiet.

It was really quiet, as if a needle dropped would be heard.

nailed it!

The vice principal felt very proud in his heart.

At this moment, a classmate suddenly leaned his upper body out of the window.

“I found the dead Xiuzi, he is in Hubby!”

“How could he understand the pain of our broken love, hit him with a water bottle!”

“If you don’t sleep in the middle of the night, it disturbs us to sing. You think you are Yan Xiaohua!”

Ever since, the crackling sound of smashing sounded one after another.

The vice-principal hugged his head, and finally squatted behind the flowerbed shivering with the security guard.

At this time, the female dormitory is 403.

The four sisters looked out the window, staring at each other, and couldn’t help feeling a little frightened

“Shu Ye, did you see it? You did it all.”

Yan Shu also froze for a long time: “They really are because of me?”

“Of course, it’s all because you and Jiang Wen are not in the public yet, keeping it from everyone.

“But I don’t know who they are. Why do I tell everyone when I do what I like? I’m not the school bulletin board.

“That’s what I said.”

Yan Shu also looked out the window unbearably.

She knows that she has many suitors.

But not so?

Why are two or three people wailing in every dormitory?

“Tian Ge

Tian Ge looked at her: “What’s the matter?”

Yan Shu was also a little flustered: “Have I always had so many suitors?”

“No, many people have graduated in the past three years, otherwise

“Otherwise what?”

“Otherwise, your suitors will definitely be twice as many as now!”

“So exaggerated?

Yan Shu couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

She couldn’t believe what Tian Ge said.

Tian Ge has some monks at this time.

“So in the past three years, you haven’t known your own strength?”

Yan Shu also shook his head, his expression very innocent.

Who knows how many suitors he has? Do you want to count them one by one?

She is not the kind of girl who will show off these things everywhere.

Du Qing glanced at Tian Ge: “Don’t let her change the subject, ask the most important thing.”

“Yes, the most important thing,” Tian Ge looked at Yan Shuyi, “When did you and Jiang Wen start?”

“Well, let me be honest, I really didn’t fall in love with Jiang Wen.

“You all know what happened after he came to school. This guy was so cold and ignored me.

Yan Shu also held his chin, his eyes flashed bright and dark.

She wants to have a vigorous campus love with Jiang Wen.

But she was rejected.

Talking about life-saving straws or something, and crying.

This silly schoolboy is so sentimental when he encounters this kind of thing.

Don’t want the ones that make people feel distressed and like them.

Yan Shu also thought of this, and his cheeks began to blush.

Hearing the sound, Tian Ge, Du Qing and Liu Yufei looked at each other.

They thought things were a little strange.

Yan Shu is definitely not a person who likes to lie.

She is the school’s favorite student and the goddess in the hearts of boys.

She really didn’t have any need to lie.

But the big high-definition pictures of the parents were uploaded online.

The boys’ dormitory outside was noisy like a frying pan.

And the vice principal below was almost stunned.

Why did Colonel Yan still insist that she was not in love?

“Shu Yi, what is going on between you and Jiang Wen?”

Yan Shu also sighed faintly: “Well, I don’t want to buy you anymore, I really confessed it.”

When the voice fell, the eyes of the three sisters in the dormitory suddenly lit up.

Good guy, after so long, I finally got a big melon!

“When did he confess? Today?”

“Has Xuedi Jiang prepared flowers and candles?”

“How did he confess to you? Why didn’t you mention it to us.”

“But isn’t your relationship with Xuedi Jiang? Why don’t you accept it?”

“Then is he very sad now?”

“Xuedi Jiang is a good man, he also sent Yufei to the hospital.”

“Shu Ye, you didn’t reject him like you rejected others before, did you? You should be nice to Jiang Xuedi.”

“How about you comfort him, don’t make him too sad.”

“Yes, he even gave us clothes on rainy days. There are not many such kind people.”

Yan Shu couldn’t help laughing or crying after listening to the series of questions from the roommates.

Does this group of people have hearing problems?

“I said your ears are for gasping?”

The three of them looked at each other again: “The nose is what’s wrong?”

“I’m talking about me!”

“I confessed to him and asked him if he wanted to be together, but he refused!”

The voice fell, and the female dormitory was silent for 403 minutes.

What did Yan Shuyi just say?

She confessed to Jiang Wen and was rejected by Jiang Wen?

What an international joke.

Let Colonel Yan take the initiative to confess?

This matter is unbelievable just thinking about it.

What’s more, the confession was rejected.

That is simply a fantasy.

That’s the school girl with the most perfect face and the most proud figure.

And over the years, Yan Shu has also been excellent in character and learning, and won numerous international awards.

He was regarded as a pearl by the school, and a princess by his mentors.

This undoubtedly gave Yan Shuyi a noble aura like a fairy.

Who doesn’t want to be a fairy?

Who doesn’t want to hug the daughter of the gods high above her arms.

This kind of thing, even the honest and kind-hearted Cowherd in the legend can’t stop it.

Didn’t this guy also sneak the Weaver Girl home to play with?

But when they looked at Yan Shuyi’s expression, they didn’t feel like they were joking.


Yan Shu also nodded: “What am I lie to you for, do you have some sweets?”

“Did he personally reject you? Could it be that you heard it wrong?”

“At least the Yan Shuyi that everyone knows is really not with Jiang Wen.”

Tian Ge was stunned for a moment: “Does everyone know? And the ones we don’t know?”

“Oh, what to do with those details,” Du Qing interrupted her roommate’s speech, “I just want to know the process, how did you confess?”

Yan Shu also showed a bright smile: “I took him to the Wild Lake today and asked him if he was together well.”

Hearing the sound, Tian Ge and Du Qing all took their chairs and sat over.

Even Liu Yufei, who had just finished the operation, crawled forward.

“Then what?”

“Then he said it was bad, saying that although I have long legs and a thin waist, he can’t be a scumbag. He also said that I would meet better people.”

Tian Ge couldn’t help taking a breath.

Unexpectedly, this schoolboy usually looks stupid, and he is really sober about such a major event.

“Shu Yi, are you kidding me?”

“I don’t need to be kidding, have you forgotten? She has a girlfriend.”

Three of you look at me, I look at you, some don’t know what to say.

Yan Shu is also the dream goddess of all boys in the University of Finance and Economics.

It stands to reason that no one would refuse her confession.

But the thing about love is really hanging.

Who loves who, who doesn’t love who, who can say this accurately?

Like someone is not like an exam.

Can you get the score you want with a good foundation and high grades?

Tian Ge felt a little guilty, and felt that he shouldn’t have to be tortured just now.

Yan Shuyi’s first confession in her life had failed, and she should be sad now.

As the eldest sister in the roommate, I should comfort her.

“Books, in fact, there are so many good men in the world.”

“Yes, yeah, Jiang Wen just doesn’t have this blessing.”

“Look at you, with long legs and thin waist, many men are lining up to chase you.”

Yan Shu couldn’t help but sneered: “Why do you want to comfort me? I didn’t plan to give up.”


Tian Ge was shocked: “Digging a wall is not something a good girl should do!”

Du Qing nodded desperately: “You are a school flower that has attracted much attention. You can find a good man when you go shopping.”

Liu Yufei also agreed: “Don’t hang on a plane tree, try to find a few more.

“Huh? Why do you say it is a plane tree? Shouldn’t it be a crooked neck tree?”

“The younger brother sent me to the hospital, how can I say that he is a crooked neck tree.

Tian Ge and Du Qing nodded involuntarily, yes, this is right.

Although Jiang Wen rejected the school flower, it does not mean that he is a bad guy.

On the contrary, he can refuse even the glamorous Nganko when he has a girlfriend.

That shows that this man’s conduct is really correct.

Not to mention others, even if they become men themselves, they probably can’t do this.

And this schoolboy is very helpful.

Because of Liu Yufei’s incident, they all have a gratitude for him.

Yan Shu also chuckled lightly: “Don’t worry, I will be able to measure myself.

“Why do you have to identify Jiang Wen? You really have seen a ghost.”

“Because the first half of your life, and the rest of your life, only he is worth it.”

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