Chapter 60 Mother-in-law, and mother-in-law sister group (please order first, please automatic!!!)

“School brother, here I am!

When Jiang Wen came near the cafe.

Yan Shu also had been waiting for him at the door early.

As soon as she saw him appear, she immediately jumped down the steps.

After all, it is the first time for the two of them to collaborate on such a project.

So before going to see the mother-in-law, you must make a confession in private.

“Senior sister, your mother won’t ask me too many questions, right?”

Yan Shu also thought for a while: “Should not?

“Don’t be.”

Jiang Wen’s face was full of counseling: “If she asks me to reveal my stuff, I will be irresponsible.

“Dog man, you don’t want to be responsible to me?”

“Senior sister, don’t be fooling around, be good, business matters.”

Yan Shuyibai glanced at him: “Don’t always think about revealing your stuff, or you will definitely reveal your stuff.”

“Then you teach me what to say.

“Just say that we were together a year ago, first we started dating online.

Jiang Wen nodded: “And then.”

“Then you said that you were admitted to the Mordu University of Finance and Economics because of me.

“You are so devoted to me, you love my soul, and you think I’m good everywhere.

“You will be happy to see me, and sad not to see me.”

“Think of me as a little fairy in my heart, wanting to love me, love me, and protect me.”

“And you swore that you must marry me home.

Yan Shu also glanced at him secretly: “How is it, do you remember?”

Jiang Wen raised his eyes slightly.

Remember the fart, this is too long.

Can the son-in-law tell his mother-in-law these sour words?

School flower, school flower, is this what you want to hear in your heart?

“Why do you look at me with such a look?”

Jiang Wen waved his hand: “Time is running out, don’t ask if there are others, continue talking.”

Yan Shu also thought about it: “If she asks about your family situation, you can just tell the truth. My mother doesn’t value this.”

“Well, what else?”

Yan Shu’s “Six 80” Yi’s face suddenly turned red: “If she asks some private topics, such as the first time or something, you just say that there is not yet.”

“Senior sister, why are you blushing? What are you thinking?,

“Don’t think about anything, children don’t always ask something inappropriate for children.”

Yan Shu did not dare to look at her.

“Is there anything else to explain?”

“My mother especially likes educated boys. You can tell him that you are the number one student in the college entrance examination this year.”

It turns out that the college entrance examination champion can still please his mother-in-law?

This is the first time Jiang Wen heard of such a hidden function.

Yan Shu also looked at him: “Have you remembered all of them?”

“It’s almost there, it won’t be my problem if I show up again.”

Yan Shu also stepped on his foot suddenly: “If you dare to show your stuff, you’re done.

Jiang Wen sighed quietly: “I have no experience. This is the first time I have seen my mother-in-law, and I still pretended to be!”

“Just treat it as true, anyway, it must be true in the end…

“Why must it be true in the end?

“Brother, are you a hundred thousand why? Now it is my mother who wants to ask you questions, not you asking me questions, so hurry in.”

Yan Shu also hurriedly reached out and pushed him into the cafe.

“I also got water in my head, and I promised you to help me.

Jiang Wen sighed slightly, calmed down and walked into the cafe.

At this time, Wang Minrou just raised her head and saw Jiang Wen and her daughter at a glance.

Is that him? This young man is not bad, he is quite tall.

But why is it so dark? It’s like an African chicken.

Jiang Wen walked over: “Hello Auntie, my name is Jiang Wen.”

“Hello, please sit down.

“Okay, thank you auntie.

Wang Minrou smiled: “Boy, have parents divorced? Have grandparents divorced?”

When the voice fell, Jiang Wen was immediately stunned.

This start was something he had never thought of.

Auntie asked the question from a very tricky angle. Is there any trap?

I haven’t given an answer before the school flower. Can’t answer indiscriminately, right?

He looked at Yan Dahuan with some doubts.

Yan Shu also hurriedly took his mother’s hand: “Mom, ask what normal mother-in-law should ask, OK?

“You girl, turned your elbow out before you got married?”

“How can it be?

Wang Minrou smiled and turned her head: “Jiang Wen, how old are you this year?”

“Nineteen years old this year, a snake.”

“A year younger than our family book?”

“Yes, one year younger.

“Then where is your home? What does your home do?”

“In Province S, the family has been farmers for generations.”

Wang Minrou nodded: “The book also said that you are also a student of Magic University of Finance and Economics. What major?”

“Not long after I came to university, my senior sister and I were both from the Department of Finance.”

Wang Minrou looked puzzled: “How do you call Shuyixuejie?’

“Um, because I am a freshman who just entered school this year and I am still participating in military training.”

It turned out to be a freshman participating in military training, no wonder it was so dark.

Wait, it seems something is wrong, right?

It’s been less than half a month since I left school now.

How did he catch up with his daughter in such a short time.

“You only dated for half a month?”

Jiang Wen’s heart moved, saying that the school flowers are really wise.

They colluded before on this issue.

There is a standard answer to what I am afraid of.

Jiang Wen said calmly: “We actually met on the Internet. We have been talking about online dating for a year. I was admitted to this university because of her.

“It turned out to be like this. The girl Shuyi never told me before.

Hearing this sentence, Wang Minrou’s impression of Jiang Wen began to add points.

A boy tried to enter the same university for a girl.

This is a very romantic story for any woman, right?

Even though Wang Minrou was past the age of dreaming, she couldn’t help but appreciate it when she heard such things.

Yan Shu also smiled secretly, a little happy inexplicably.

Zhimu Mo Ruo Nu.

With her own help, Jiang Wen will definitely please her mother.

This guy behaved fairly well, but he stuttered a bit when he spoke.

But didn’t they say they were pretending this time?

Why is he so nervous, is he really in the play?

At this time, Wang Minrou keenly caught her daughter’s eyes.

There seemed to be countless lights in Yan Shuyi’s eyes.

She looked at Jiang Wen quietly, and the liking in her eyes almost overflowed.

It seems that this matter is true, and the daughter really likes him.

But Wang Minrou still felt unbelievable.

Her arrogant daughter would actually take the initiative to like someone.

She has inquired about it many times, and there are many people chasing after her at the Magic University of Finance and Economics.

But no one has succeeded in three years.

What is so special about Jiang Wen?

No, please ask after the sister group comes.

At this moment, the glass door of the cafe was suddenly pushed open.

Immediately afterwards, a messy high-heeled shoes stomped on.

“Where? Where is our son-in-law!”

“On the way, I was so excited!”

“Is it this? This is our son-in-law, right?”

While talking, five women in full dress walked in.

They are like five queens with completely different styles.

Everyone’s high-heeled shoes made a soft noise, instantly surrounding Jiang Wen.

“Oh, hey, it’s so beautiful.”

“The boy with double eyelids is delicate, just like my son.”

“Legs are so long, they have to be one meter eight, right?”

“Look at his complexion, it’s very masculine!”

Seeing this scene, Jiang Wen was stupid.

Didn’t the school flower say that she and his mother are the only ones here?

How come such a bunch of seven aunts and eight aunts suddenly appeared?

This has to add money.

Wait, this situation can’t be solved even with more money, right?

He was pretending, if he faced so many people at the same time, it would be strange not to show his stuff.

At this time, the woman in a black dress with red lips bent down.

“This little boy is really rare, come, let Auntie hug!”

Jiang Wen couldn’t help but froze, and suddenly smelled a light and elegant perfume on his face.

A fierce light bloomed in Yan Shuyi’s eyes: “Aunt Shuzhen, this is mine!”

“Little Shu, why have you become so stingy? I won’t give it to you if I can take it away?”

“That’s not okay. My schoolboy is still young and hasn’t encountered the fatal temptation of this kind of colorful world.”

“That’s just right. Auntie tried and tested him personally, so that he wouldn’t be bad in the future.

Jiang Wen pursed her dry lips, regretted it, and shouldn’t have come.

Tang Seng’s ninety-nine-eighty-one is not so difficult.

At that time, five women were talking and laughing, and sat down next to Wang Minrou.

Their appearance immediately attracted the college students in the cafe.

They looked at Jiang Wen in amazement, and after listening for a while, they understood.

It turned out that the girl brought her boyfriend to see the parents.

But why are they all female parents?

Six more?

Girls like creatures are already difficult to deal with, let alone this kind of elderly girl.

And there are still six in one.

Good guy, this buddy is supposed to be stripped of skin, right?

“Hey, that, isn’t that one of Yan Daxiaohua and Jiang Wen?”

“Damn, it’s really the two of them!”

“Could it be that the flower band Jiang Wen from the University of Yan came to see the parents?”

“He’s only been in school for less than a month, right? Why does it progress so fast?”

“My buddy likes Yan Xiaohua, he also posted a Moments today, saying that Yan Xiaohua is not in love.

“There are also people in my dormitory who like Yan Xiaohua. They said that they have seen hope again, and they are drinking together!

“No, I have to inform them that they have all seen their parents, and they are still celebrating!

As a result, countless people began to take pictures with their mobile phones.

What happened this time is different from previous rumors.

This is a real meeting with parents!

They are together, they are really together!

Front view, side view, panoramic view.

The onlookers in the cafe took a bunch of photos and immediately uploaded them to the campus forum.

This is the most explosive news this semester.

They have a hunch that the school’s server will soon belch directly.

“Little friend Jiang Wen, what constellation are you?”

“Our book can also be a charming little girl, you must take care of her.”

“How is your academic performance? How many scores did you score in the college entrance examination?”

“Online dating also has true love. You must not be a scumbag.”

“Our family books are good everywhere, but the temper is a bit big, you must tolerate him,”

“By the way, Jiang Wen, do you want to have two or three after you graduate?”

“I think it’s good to have two. If you have three, their young couple won’t have time for themselves.”

“What’s the matter, find a nanny, I am now a nanny to take care of the child.”

During the whole process, Jiang Wen didn’t say a word.

Because these aunts were too able to talk, they couldn’t put their mouths in at all.

People say that three women are one drama, not to mention that there are six on the opposite side.

These are two dramas.

He glanced at Yan Shuyi and leaned to her ear quietly.

“Senior sister, I really didn’t expect to pretend to be a boyfriend is such a big project.”

Colonel Yan twisted him lightly: “This is what my mother attaches to you. You should be happy.”

“But I’m a fake, I’m a fake.

“You keep your voice down, if you hear it, it will be troublesome.”

Jiang Wen lowered his voice: “You owe me a favor.”

“I see,” Yan Shuyiqiao blushed, “I will pay you for the big deal.”

At this moment, Wang Minrou suddenly raised her head.

She interrupted the sisters’ questioning and looked at her daughter.

“Shuyi, a few of your aunts are in a hurry. They haven’t eaten lunch yet, so you go out and help them buy something to eat?”

Yan Shu also raised his head and glanced at Jiang Wen.

Want to leave the junior here alone?

It seems that my mother wants to talk to him alone.

This seems to be very dangerous to the juniors who don’t know the truth.

“I’m afraid Jiang Wen is not used to it, or let’s eat together after we finish talking.”

Yan Shu was also a little nervous, so he involuntarily hugged Jiang Wen’s arm.

The five aunts covered their mouths and smiled: “Look, we know the man who protects us before we get married.”

Wang Minrou couldn’t help but smile: “Don’t worry, are you afraid that I will bully your boyfriend?”

“Furthermore, if a man is afraid of seeing his mother-in-law, what else can he do, are you right Jiang Wen?”

Jiang Wen patted the back of Yan Shuyi’s hand: “Don’t worry, it’s okay.


“Well, just chat, it’s okay.”

Yan Shu also nodded obediently: “Okay, then I’m leaving.”

Seeing this scene, Wang Minrou was a little bit dumbfounded.

The girl who gave birth to her in October does not listen to her.

But listen to a boy like that.

It seems that this girl is really old enough to marry.

“Mom, you must treat Jiang Wen better.”

“I see. Go ahead.”

Yan Shu also got up and walked out of the cafe three steps back.

Upon seeing this, Wang Min and several sisters looked at each other softly and looked at Jiang Wen together.

Here comes the real test.

Jiang Wen took a sigh of relief and was ready for the challenge.

No matter how tough these aunts’ problems are, I will deal with them calmly.

“Jiang Wen, what kind of life do you want to give to the book?”

Hearing the question 1.1, Jiang Wen was slightly taken aback.

This is not because this problem is weird, but because it is so common.

There is not even a standard answer, just say anything.

“Why does Auntie ask that?”

“Because it is very important to auntie.”

A touch of sadness appeared in Wang Minrou’s eyes.

Things like love are strong and strong, and fragile and fragile.

Didn’t she and Yan Shuyi’s father also die in love?

But did it separate in the end?

That man, he never thought about what kind of life he wanted.

He thinks it is enough for two people to live together as long as they have money.

So she hopes that her daughter will find someone who understands life and understands her daughter better.

“I want to give it to her”

“I want to buy her a small yard and open a fish pond.”

“The back of the house is full of bamboo, and the yard is full of flowers.”

“Not far away is the lush hillside.

“Then the two of them will watch the winter and spring come together.”

Jiang Wen’s eyes suddenly reflected light flashing, and it seemed that he understood very much.

He is not talking casually, nor is he pretending to be a literary youth.

Such a future is his promise to never sleepy fairy.

He had no time to think of anything else, so he had to use this promise first.

Hearing Jiang Wen’s answer, the six sisters couldn’t help being stunned.

They thought Jiang Wen would say that he would work hard to make money and become a rich man.

Buy a big villa, buy a luxury car, and give Yan Shu also a prosperous life.

Are not all men like this now?

They always think that giving more money is equivalent to giving love.

But I didn’t expect Jiang Wen’s future to be so simple.

The six people didn’t know why, suddenly a picture of Jiang Wen’s idea appeared in their minds.

Their hearts trembled slightly, and they seemed to be touched by the softness of their hearts. .

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