Chapter 54 show off? Song Wei was crushed (please ask for a monthly ticket for the evaluation of flowers!)

The appendix surgery was quickly over.

Liu Yufei was also transferred from the operating room to the general ward.

However, she has been in a coma because the anesthetic has not yet been taken.

The three sisters in the dormitory were sitting in the ward and guarding, fearing that she would suddenly wake up and find no one.

“Well, where is Jiang Wen?

Before long, Yan Shuyi’s eyes began to look around.

She found that Jiang Wen disappeared.

What did this guy do? have they gone?

No way.

If he has something to do, he will definitely tell himself.

“Tian Ge, have you seen Jiang Wen?”

Tian Ge shook his head: “I’ve been in the ward just like you.”

Du Qing turned her head at this time: “I just went to the bathroom, as if I saw him go downstairs.”

“This guy, why don’t you say a word when you leave.”

As the three girls were talking, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Five people walked in outside the door.

The first one is Qian Wenguang, the vice president of Modu University of Finance and Economics.

Followed by the instructor Chen Yan, there is also a financial department dean.

The other two are Song Wei from the imperial capital and the Professor Wu Tong.

Tian Ge stood up a little surprised: “Principal Qian, why are you here?”

“Oh, we were hosting a delegation from the Imperial Capital at a nearby hotel. Suddenly I heard that a classmate was hospitalized, so I came to visit.”

As soon as Qian Wenguang’s words fell, Song Wei next to him suddenly walked over.

Holding a box of bird’s nest in his hand, he looked a little proud.

“I recently opened a stock analysis studio and the earnings are pretty good.”

“This is a very precious bird’s nest. A small box is worth 8,000 yuan, which is good for the body.”

He put the bird’s nest on the table and looked at Yan Shuyi.

This sentence is very strange, it sounds like it is deliberately showing off.

No, it should be just showing off.

The three people in the dormitory looked at each other and all ignored him.

But Song Wei did not intend to end there.

He took out a small black box from another handbag.

“Yan Xuemei, this is a gift from me. Open it and see if you like it?”

Yan Shu also smiled and waved his hand: “Sorry, I don’t have the habit of receiving gifts from others.”

“Look at it, I bought it for 20,000 yuan.”

Song Wei opened the box while talking. Inside was a crystal pendant.

Yan Shu is also a little tired: “I don’t want it, thank you.”

“You don’t have to be afraid of being expensive or not daring to accept it.”

Song Wei smiled confidently: “My studio is booming now. Twenty thousand yuan is nothing at all.”

Yan Shu also turned his head and ignored it.

Simply neurotic.

Is it necessary to make some money to show off?

Is this person’s emotional intelligence negative?

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open again.

Jiang Wen ate the popsicles and walked in. He was taken aback when he saw the full house.

Under what circumstances, so many people came after a while.

It feels like…visiting the remains?

Damn, is it life-threatening to cut the appendix?

Yan Shu also saw Jiang Wen, and his eyes lit up: “School brother, where have you been, why don’t you tell me?”

“I went to help you buy a few sets of clothes, is Senior Sister Liu okay?”

“It’s okay, the operation went well, what clothes did you buy?”

Jiang Wen clapped his hands.

At that time, three young ladies in navy blue uniforms suddenly came in outside the ward.

Each of them had a name tag hanging on their chests.

It says Chanel XX clerk.

“When it came, it rained too much, didn’t you get wet?”

“It is not convenient to change clothes in the hospital, so I went to the opposite International Times to help you buy a few sets.”

Yan Shu was also taken aback: “Do you know our size?”

Jiang Wen shrugged: “I don’t know, so I bought every size.”

“Are you crazy? Chanel’s clothes are not returned after leaving the store.”

“If you don’t return, you won’t return. If you can’t wear it, you will give it to someone else. Put on your clothes first and don’t catch a cold.”

Jiang Wen spoke and licked the popsicle indifferently.

At this moment, everyone in the room was stunned.

Chanel’s clothes cost 20,000 to 30,000.

Three sets of clothes, four sizes, that is twelve sets.

Nearly three to four hundred thousand yuan just bought it like this?

Yan Shu also kicked Jiang Wen: “Who made you spend money indiscriminately?”

“It’s hard to buy a daughter, I’m happy.”

Jiang Wen handed the half-eaten popsicle over: “It’s pretty sweet, would you like to eat it?”


Yan Shuyi’s face blushed slightly: “Eat, give it to me.”

“Senior sister, you think too much, change your clothes quickly.”

“Huh, meanie!”

Yan Shu was also angrily, but still felt very happy in his heart.

Jiang Wen is really attentive.

Knowing that their clothes were soaked in the rain, they would secretly buy them.

It’s just that too much money is spent.

Buying clothes in order to be suitable, so they bought all the sizes directly?

Is he awakening the soul of the domineering president?

But Jiang Wen doesn’t feel wasted at all.

I make money for myself to spend it.

If you don’t spend it, no matter how much money you make, it’s just a pile of waste paper.

And even if they can’t wear a size, they can take it to the barbecue shop to make uniforms.

Using Chanel’s branded fashions as the uniforms of the waiters is more of a face.

“It’s really Chanel!”

“School brother, you robbed the bank? Such a trench?”

Tian Ge and Du Qing walked over with shining eyes.

They looked at the paper bags with the big logo on them, and their faces were full of weirdness.

Jiang Wen is definitely not a simple person, because he can hire a Mercedes-Benz car casually.

But they didn’t expect him to be so rich.

At this time, Chen Yan, a freshman tutor in the Department of Finance, couldn’t help but leaned forward.

She is also a beauty-loving woman, and of course she has no resistance to this luxury.

“All the latest fashions of the season?”

Jiang Wen shook his head: “I don’t know. Teacher, please try it too. If you have something suitable, you can take it back.”

Chen Yan waved her hand quickly: “No, this is too expensive.”

“No matter how expensive it is, I am a man and can’t wear it.”

Yan Shu also glared at him, like his wife blaming her husband for spending money.

“You don’t know the size, won’t you call me?”

Jiang Wen took out his mobile phone: “I left too eagerly in the morning, I lost my battery a long time ago.”

“Okay, mine is dead…”*

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