Chapter 5 Spend money to cash back, developed!

“I’ll go downstairs to buy food and come back with you, OK?”

Never sleepy fairy sent a coquettish expression.

“Well, go ahead.”

“You must not miss your school flowers when I am away.”

“I don’t even remember what she looks like.”


After saying this, Fairy Never Sleepy left.

Jiang Wen turned to bed, and instantly emptied himself.

Today’s military training was so exhausted that he could not open his eyes long ago.

If it hadn’t been for myself, the online dating partner had been waiting.

He is probably asleep now.

Jiang Wen put the quilt up and closed his eyes slightly, his sleepiness gradually came.

And just when he was about to fall asleep.

A sudden voice pulled him back to reality again.


【Cashback for consumption will start soon. 】

【Duration: 10 days. 】

Hearing the electronic beep in his ear, Jiang Wen suddenly sat up from the bed.

I almost forgot, there is something about this system.

I received the school flower milk tea on the playground.

It should be the ability to spend money back.

“System, can you introduce this ability?”

【Hundred times consumption cashback: The host can get a hundred yuan cashback for every one yuan consumed, with a limit of 1 million. 】

Jiang Wen’s eyes widened slightly.

Is there such a good thing in the world?

You get one hundred yuan for every dollar you spend.

Then can I get 150,000 if I spend 15,000 in living expenses?

Then I spend the money again, that is…15 million?

No, the upper limit of cash back is only one million.

Jiang Wen immediately jumped off the bed, dressed and went downstairs.

He has never been a person who believes that pie will fall in the sky.

So he needs to prove himself whether this cashback ability is true or not.

The most prosperous place of Modu University of Finance and Economics except for the playground at night.

It is the milk tea square in front of the college supermarket.

At night, countless men and women will gather here.

Drink milk tea at the coffee table in the square, chat, and talk about things.

In order to match this youthful atmosphere, the school also installed high-power lighting in the square.

So apart from the rain, there is never a shortage of people here.

Under the restless night, the lights were full of chatter and laughter.

There are also poker players, werewolf players, and mahjong players.

I have to say that college students… live really well.

Jiang Wen walked to the milk tea bar and looked at the cute waiter sister.

“Hello, have a cup of burning fairy grass.”

“Ok, 20 yuan, please scan the code.”

Jiang Wen took out his mobile phone, scanned the code and paid 20 yuan.

According to the function of consumption cashback, he should now earn two thousand yuan, which should be true.

Just thinking about it, his phone suddenly started to vibrate.

“Dear business users, your bank card with the end number XX52 will be credited to 2000 yuan at 20:05…”

Jiang Wen’s heart trembled suddenly.

Sure enough, a hundred times the cash back has arrived.

The system that only appeared in the net text turned out to be real.

“Um, sorry, I want to have another drink.”

The waiter nodded: “Okay, do you want to burn immortal grass?”

Jiang Wen thought for a while: “I want the most expensive, add all the ingredients to me, and make a luxurious Big Mac version.”


The corner of the waiter’s mouth twitched slightly: “Okay, the total is 79 yuan, please scan the code.”

The most expensive milk tea is only 79 yuan?

Jiang Wen was a little disappointed.

It seems that using system functions in schools is not a good choice.

Because the consumption level here is too low, I still have to wander around the city.

Buy a mobile phone, buy a computer, and earn the money.

He scanned the QR code and paid 79 yuan, and a text message of 7900 yuan arrived on the screen immediately.

After this wave of operations, he has almost 10,000 yuan in deposit.

Oh, good news.

As the principal of consumption, plus a cash back of 1:100.

This 10,000 deposit will immediately become one million.

The feeling of becoming a rich man in one step is really like a dream.

He picked up the two cups of milk tea he ordered and sat down at the nearest coffee table.

He has to figure out how to spend the money in his hand.

It is best to maximize the benefits.

To buy some useful things, not to spend randomly.

After all, the upper limit of cash back is one million.

In other words, once you achieve this goal, this reward will end.

Just when he was thinking.

The milk tea square suddenly began to quiet down.

At that time, Yan Shu also and her three roommates came to the square, chatting and laughing with each other.

I have to say that the popularity of Yan Da’s school flowers is too high.

Her appearance made the eyes of the whole milk tea square begin to gather.

“Trouble, I want matcha ice cream.”

“I want strawberry ice cream.”

“Then I want mango flavor.”

“Shu Ye, what do you want?”

The three roommates who had placed the order looked back at Yan Shuyi.

Unexpectedly, Colonel Yan was leaning on her side at this time, staring blankly at the corner next to the milk tea bar.

She seemed to be wandering and didn’t hear the question from her roommate at all.

“It’s over, is the book silly?” Quge was a little panicked.

Du Qing nodded: “If she really didn’t fall in love, she might be really stupid.”

Upon seeing this, Liu Yufei stretched out her hand and patted the shoulder of Yan Dahuahua: “Shu Ye, what are you doing?”

“I… I want matcha, you help me order it, I’ll be back when I go!”

Yan Shu also seemed very happy, with red cheeks.

She confessed to her roommate, and then ran all the way to Jiang Wen.

“Hi, brother, what a coincidence!”

Seeing this scene, the world seemed to be quiet.

Yan Shuyi’s three roommates were stupid, and they were stunned for a full minute.

And those who secretly observe the school flowers are also stupid, not even dare to show the atmosphere.

Leng Yan Wushuang, who is known as Bingshan’s school girl, took the initiative to greet a man?

Is this world crazy?


Seeking flowers! Seeking evaluation votes! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for comments! As long as there is data, the author will save his life and update frantically*

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