Chapter 3 The Shining Life system is successfully bound

“I’m in my junior year, and I haven’t heard of the school flower taking the initiative to talk to boys.”

“The rich second generation of Xinghong Real Estate bought a car with hundreds of thousands of dollars for a hundred thousand dollars, but Yan Dahuan didn’t even look at it.”

“Will this freshman be the cousin of the school girl?”

“No, this guy’s expression doesn’t look like his cousin’s reaction.”

“What’s so special about this guy, isn’t it also a nose and two eyes?”

Everyone speculated constantly, and the entire playground was filled with jealousy.

Although they all know that it is impossible for them to be with Yan Daohua at all.

But this does not mean that they can accept Yan Shu and fall in love.

Because she is a goddess, a holy and noble existence.

Who can allow a mortal to crash into the throne of the gods and pull the goddess into his arms?

As a result, everyone stared at them with a serious face.

Try to understand the truth about the initiative to send water to school flowers.

Some people even took out their phones and started taking pictures.

After all, they don’t have many chances to see school flowers, let alone such an incredible scene.

At that time, Jiang Wen stared deeply into the bright eyes of the school flower.

“Senior sister, we don’t seem to know each other.”

“I know.”

“Then why are you giving me milk tea?”

Yan Shu also thought about it seriously: “I lost in the truth or dare, so I can find someone to send me a cup of milk tea.”

Play Truth or Dare and lose.

So in the freshmen, find someone to give milk tea!

After hearing this sentence, the people in the playground were suddenly relieved.

Yan Daxiaohua doesn’t have a boyfriend, she is just playing games!

Great, the holy goddess is still extremely holy.

This guy was just a little lucky, so he was spotted casually by the school flower.

Is this explanation reasonable?

Well, it’s really reasonable.

But Jiang Wen still had some doubts.

The entire team of more than 1,000 people stood in the middle again.

Is it a miracle to find someone to deliver milk tea casually to your own hands?

But he really didn’t know this Yan Dahuahua.

And today is the second day I have just enrolled in school, and I don’t have a chance to get to know each other.

Jiang Wen hesitated looking at the milk tea cup that the school flower had been holding.

To pick up or not to pick up?

Then those seniors will be jealous of themselves.

But if you don’t pick it up, wouldn’t the school flowers be embarrassing?


[The Shining Life System is successfully bound! 】

Option 1: Accept milk tea.

Reward: spending one hundred times cash back.

Option 2: Reject the school flowers.

Reward: a Lamborghini.

Listening to the indifferent electronic sound in his ear, Jiang Wen was slightly taken aback.


What’s the meaning?

How could there be other voices in my mind?

Is it the heat of the weather that caused the auditory hallucinations?

But then he found out.

The voice did not disappear, but turned into a countdown.






“The host, please make a choice immediately.”

Jiang Wen couldn’t help his eyes widening.

Is there really a system?

The bridge segment that only appeared in the net text actually appeared on his body.

“School brother, don’t you… don’t like to burn immortal grass?”

Yan Shu also looked at him in a daze, with doubts in his eyes.

“No no, thank you senior sister for the milk tea.”

Jiang Wen took a deep breath and reached out to take the cup of milk tea.


[Host behavior detected, 100 times cash back function will be opened tonight at 8 o’clock]

The corners of Yan Shuyi’s mouth rose slightly: “Military training is pretty hard, right?”

“It’s okay,” Jiang Wen responded with a sincere smile.

He thinks the school flower should be leaving at this time.

After all, the punishment of the game is over.

Can she just give herself the milk tea in her hand?

But who knows that the school flower has no plans to leave at all.

Instead, staring at him closely with beautiful eyes.

Jiang Wen was a little puzzled: “Senior sister, what else do you have?”

“Drink quickly, I will watch you drink before leaving.”

Yan Shu also blinked at him, with a little aegyo in his tone.

As soon as the voice fell, countless murderous eyes gathered again.

Did the school flower really come after losing in Truth or Dare?

How come the more you look, the less resembling it!

Where is this meeting?

Which is casual encounter?

Obviously it is naked and ambiguous!

How can a holy goddess show such a little woman’s mentality!

Jiang Wen suddenly felt the pressure from all sides.

He couldn’t help sighing inwardly.

Is this senior sister really not afraid of gossip?

Playing a game is so serious, you have to watch yourself finish drinking.

In desperation, Jiang Wen had to take apart the straw, inserted it into the cup and took two sips.

Seeing this, Yan Shu also nodded in satisfaction.

“Okay, then I’ll go first?”

Jiang Wen waved his hand: “Senior Sister walks slowly.”

“You don’t need to call senior sister, just call the book.”

Yan Shu also showed a cute expression, turned around and left the playground with brisk steps.

At the same time, the eyes around him all began to become weird.

Does this guy really don’t know the schoolgirl?

impossible? ?

How do they feel that there seems to be something different in the eyes of the schoolgirl at this time?

“Okay, the rest is over, all stand up!”

At this time, the instructor walked back from the rest area.

The serious voice suddenly diverted everyone’s attention.

The military training continued, and the sun seemed to be another three-pointer.

That’s it, until six o’clock in the afternoon.

The freshmen who participated in the military training dragged their exhausted body back to the dormitory.

Now is the peak time for dining.

After a tiring day, Jiang Wen didn’t want to squeeze the canteen anymore, so he followed his roommate back to the dormitory and ordered takeaway.

“Hey, Jiang, what is your relationship with Yan Xiaohua?”

“Yes, why would she give you milk tea?”

“To be honest, did you know each other before?”

As soon as they entered the dormitory, Wu Ming, Fang Daxiong, and Du Ziteng all surrounded them.

Jiang Wen gave a wry smile and didn’t know how to explain: “I really don’t know Yan Xiaohua. Didn’t they tell me everything? It’s a Truth or Dare and lost.”

Fang Daxiong sneered: “Come on, look at the look in your eyes, will it melt away?”

“Yes, there must be something!” Wu Ming and Du Ziteng agreed. *

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