Chapter 256 Seems to spoil Yan Xiaohua (seeking automatic subscription!!!)

Yes, with him taking care of, this girl would be so unscrupulous.

Just like at the beginning, I was crying in pain during my menstrual period, but I still dared to eat spicy chicken.

As a result, he was caught by himself, and he was stubborn to death.

But in his eyes, he felt so cute again.

This girl is obviously a year older than herself, but she is like a child.

After being with myself, the gluttony, the snooze, and the urge to get up were all exposed.

What kind of high-cold school girl is here, she is obviously a clingy and willful little girl.

But isn’t it all because of me?

Because she is by her side, she has countless sense of security, so she dare to be so self-willed.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t bear to blame her instead.

He would only gently hold her in his arms and tell her that it shouldn’t be like this next time.

As for her, she listened to everything and nodded faster than anyone else, but she made it again in a blink of an eye.

The speed of apologizing was also fast, and he knew that he had admitted wrong without saying.

I have no choice but to take her, because it is love.

“Husband, why are you silent?”

“It’s nothing, I just think I’m spoiling you too much, I’m going to spoil you.”

“Why, I’m fine.

Jiang Wen’s mouth lightly raised: “Or I will be a little colder in the future, and see if you can change it back.”

Yan Shuyi suddenly opened his eyes, and his watery eyes were filled with grievances: “No, I refuse!”


“You are my boyfriend, so you should pet me.”

“Who makes you disobedient all day, not behaved at all.”

Yan Shuyi pressed against his chest: “Isn’t it just eating a few more popsicles? It’s not a big deal?

“Well, I was joking with you.”

“Hmph, I will ignore you for three days if I make this kind of joke next time.”

“If you can ignore you for three days, I will eat this cup.

Jiang Wen weighed his water glass, his face was full of confidence.

Smelly schoolboy, this is eating yourself to death.

Yan Shu also snorted suddenly and pretended to leave his arms.

He knew that he would panic even if he didn’t see him for a day, so he dared to say that.

But I can’t do anything about it, because she really can’t do without him.

I really don’t know how dark the days of losing him will become.

So she can only let this guy ridicule herself, but always doesn’t want to refute.

Because what he said is right, it is inseparable.

No matter what it is, he will not leave. The idea is so firm that he is outrageous.

Thinking of this, Yan Dahuahua couldn’t help but turned around and wrapped his neck.

“You said you, why are you still less than twenty-two years old?”

Jiang Wen smiled: “Do you want to get married that way?”

“No, it’s not that I want to get married, but you want to marry me.”

“Is it?”

Yan Shuyi immediately got up and grabbed his ears: “Smelly brother, tell me quickly, you want to marry me.”

Jiang Wen reached out and grabbed the collar of her pajamas and carried her into his arms.

She is obviously almost one meter six or eight, but her weight is so light, but this is due to her amazing arm strength.

During the time of the car accident, in order to walk with his hands upside down, he did a lot of work on training his arm strength.


Yan Shu also looked at him aggrievedly, for fear that he would refuse to say this love sentence like an oath.

Jiang Wen lowered his head and pressed his mouth to her ear: “I can’t wait to change the age of my ID card and marry you sooner.


Yan Shuyi’s pretty face was like a ripe red apple, and his eyes flashed with great joy.

There is nothing more fascinating a girl than I want to marry you.

Such a vow made her feel that her previous spurs on love due to the divorce of her parents had begun to disappear.


“I don’t want to sleep, I suddenly feel refreshed now.”

Jiang Wen squeezed her little face helplessly: “Treasure my little friend Yan, the next two days are probably the most peaceful time for you to sleep.

Yan Shuyi looked at him blankly: “Why do you say that?”

“We went into the mountain the day after tomorrow, and heard that there are a lot of mosquitoes, and you sleep so shallowly, what should we do?”

“Didn’t we have prepared a special mosquito-proof tent, and then put up another tent in the hotel room.”

“Huh? This is a way, but you can figure it out.”

“Hey, am I smart?”

Jiang Wen looked at her: “But we don’t stay in a hotel, it would be too boring.”

“Huh? Where do we live?”

“I asked Shanqi to rent a small yard for everyone, which can live in a lot of people.”

Yan Shu was also a little surprised: “Is it the kind that appears in the TV series, with houses on all sides?”

“That’s the quadrangle courtyard in the imperial capital, right? It shouldn’t be like that on Shanqi’s side. The courtyard is the courtyard, and the small building is the small building.”

“That’s great too, but why would you think of buying a yard?”

“Didn’t your mother ask me before, what kind of life do you want to give you in the future? I said that I want to buy you a small yard, and the flower fields are full of orchids, so I will try to live first.”

“Hmm, husband, you are so nice, Tang Sihan and the others will cry with envy.”

Jiang Wen smiled softly and took her directly in his arms.

In a short while, the school flowers after a day of tossing fell into a deep sleep.

Her gentle breathing was even and gentle, like a kitten in the arms of her owner.

From time to time, she would use her small face to lightly increase in Jiang Wen’s arms, and she was so soft and adorable that it made people lose their minds.

At that time, Jiang Wen also put on pajamas and was about to go to bed.

But at 700, his WeChat suddenly rang.

He picked up the phone and turned on the screen to see that there was another request for adding a friend in the notification bar.


Jiang Wen felt a little inexplicable, and she didn’t see any clues when she opened her portrait and looked at it.

So he moved his fingers and passed the other party’s application.

“Hello, handsome guy, what are you doing?”

“You are?”

“I’m a tea seller, do you like tea?”

“Sorry, I don’t like it.

Jiang Wen reached out and opened his friend’s homepage, ready to delete her.

It’s really inexplicable to be caught by someone who sells tea.

But at this moment, the other party sent another message.

“Alright, stop teasing you, I am Lu Ziyu, do you remember me?”

“I just made a joke with you just now. I think this kind of opening is quite interesting, what do you think?”

Jiang Wen frowned: “I’m sorry, I don’t know you, you found the wrong person.”

“I’m Ning Mei’s classmate, remember? The one with Mawei!”

Jiang Wen didn’t hesitate this time. He clicked Delete directly and threw the phone on the table and got into the bed.

At the same time, in a dormitory of the Magic Music Academy.

Lu Ziyu, who was lying on the bed, sat up abruptly, with disbelief written on his face.

He deleted himself??.

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