Chapter 25 It’s easy to be a boss

It was late at night in a blink of an eye.

Never sleepy barbecue bar sent away the last batch of guests.

As a result, the tired four finally had a chance to breathe.

They closed the store door, swept the floor, and then sat on their chairs.

At this time, Jiang Wen opened three bottles of orange soda and passed them over.

“How about it, are you tired?”

The three girls nodded when they heard the sound, with crystal beads of sweat hanging on their foreheads.

Sure enough, the money was not taken for nothing. This night is definitely more tiring than a day at KFC.

But hot business is a good thing, so they are very happy.

But Chu Xiao and Ma Yanan both had a question at this time.

What exactly is the boss’s skewers made of?

Why is the taste far better than other barbecues that can be seen on the market?

After those men finished eating, even Tang Daxiao’s flower was almost forgotten.

Just remember to grill the skewers desperately, and then gobble them up.

The last drinkers were stumbling, hooking their shoulders and going back to school.

“Boss, is our barbecue recipe secret?”

Jiang Wen chuckled softly: “I bought it from someone else for 200,000 yuan.”

“Two…200,000? So much?”

“It’s a bit too much, but it turns out that this thing is worth the money, isn’t it?”

Chu Xiao and Ma Yanan looked at each other, and then nodded in agreement.

Judging from the sales on the first day of opening, these 200,000 flowers are not at all a loss.

If the business can continue to be so popular, then the wealth created by this store will be a huge number.

Is this the so-called business talent?

Chu Xiao and Ma Yanan thought for a while.

Even if I have money, I dare not spend 200,000 to buy a barbecue recipe.

The only doubt in the room was Tang Sihan.

Why are you so surprised after spending 200,000?

Is two hundred thousand a lot?

She usually buys a new bag for seven to eighty thousand yuan, okay?

But think about the little salary that I have left because of fancy throwing dishes…

Well, two hundred thousand is indeed a lot.

Jiang Wen noticed Tang Sihan who was slightly depressed at this time.

This girl dropped a lot of plates tonight and almost threw him out of a myocardial infarction.

But in the same way, she has also brought a lot of passengers to Never Sleep and opened up the market in the university town.

So Jiang Wen didn’t complain about her, but felt a little pity for her.

“Sihan, how do you feel today?”

“It feels… terrible.”

Tang Sihan bit his thin lip lightly, grievances written all over his cheeky cheek.

She looked at Jiang Wen with beautiful eyes, her expression was very sad, and I felt pity.

“Don’t you think it’s hard to do?”

“Well, I always want to do well but I don’t do it well, boss, am I stupid?”

Jiang Wen smiled softly: “Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as you are proficient.”

“It seems that it’s not easy to do any line,” Tang Sihan sighed faintly, “It’s only easiest to be a boss.”


Jiang Wen, Chu Xiao and Ma Yanan looked at each other in shock.

What the hell?

Why did the lady boss still get in?

This girl came here inexplicably, is it implying something?

Did you give up so much that you wanted to take a shortcut?

Is it because I didn’t want to be scolded because I fell a plate?

Seeing that the faces of the three people on the opposite side changed, Tang Sihan immediately reacted.

Two red clouds flew on her cheeks, and the whole person began to panic.

“Boss, listen to me, I didn’t mean that!”

“I didn’t want to be the boss’s wife, at least not for the time being.”

Tang Sihan raised two fingers, as if swearing to the lamp.

“I just thought of my mother, she is the boss of my dad’s company.”

“I think she is very comfortable playing mahjong at home every day, so I said to be a boss…”

Jiang Wen couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief after listening.

Fortunately, fortunately, it seems that I did not get the curse of the school flower harvester.

He looked at Tang Sihan: “Three hundred and sixty lines, each line is not that simple, but you are a smart girl, so you can.”

“Boss, is what you said is true?” Tang Sihan’s eyes lit up, “I’m so stupid, still a smart girl?”

“Uh… be it.”

“Boss, you are so kind, I…uuuuu…”

Jiang Wen was embarrassed: “Sihan, when you go to society in the future, there will be a lot of such kind words, don’t be moved easily!”

Tang Sihan nodded, but there was still a layer of mist in his eyes.

This is her first time working, and it is also the first time that she has been affirmed by others through her own efforts.

There are many people who praise their beauty.

There are many people who pursue themselves.

There are countless people who silently regard themselves as goddesses.

But the boss alone praised himself as clever.

It seems that what my father said was wrong, and she is not a prodigal girl!

Jiang Wen couldn’t help turning his head and looked at Chu Xiao and Ma Yanan: “She…what’s wrong with her? Why does she cry when she says it?”

“We don’t know…”

Chu Xiao and Ma Yanan looked like they had seen a ghost.

This is the school flower of the Polytechnic University.

So many people desperately chasing her, throwing a lot of money, can’t make her smile.

The coldness makes people feel that she has almost no feelings.

But what happened to her today?

It was just a compliment from the boss, and he cried like this.

The Tang Xiaohua they knew was never a person with such a full range of emotions.

If you let those who pursue her see her like this, they won’t be surprised to drop their jaws.

In fact, Tang Sihan’s abnormality is very simple.

She had just quarreled with her father, and there was a lack of emotion in her.

But this vacancy is not the love of men and women, but the majestic love similar to father’s love.

As the boss, Jiang Wen suddenly appeared in Tang Sihan’s life with a majestic image.

In the eyes of Tang Sihan, who temporarily lost his father’s love.

Isn’t a person who can teach and encourage himself like a father?

So she will involuntarily lean towards Jiang Wen emotionally.

In other words, Tang Sihan recognized himself as a father subconsciously.

But maybe even she herself didn’t know that she had this idea.

“Well, it’s getting late, everyone, let’s go back first.”

“Don’t be late tomorrow, you will deduct your wages if you are late.”

Hearing the words deduction of wages, Tang Sihan couldn’t help but tremble in his shoulders. *

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