Chapter 12 The business opportunity of 50 times the net profit (seeking a flower evaluation vote!!)

“Ye Boss BBQ Restaurant?”

Jiang Wen came to the first floor and looked at the small shop.

It is this store that guides high-quality business opportunities.

And the scary thing is that the data for this business opportunity is very high.

But the highest data does not refer to the store itself.

It’s a recipe.

“System, view detailed data.”


Business Opportunity: Ye Boss has a unique barbecue recipe.

Monthly cost: 13 yuan.

How to use: Match all kinds of skewers.

Estimated net profit: 6670%

Seeing the detailed information of this merchant, Jiang Wen couldn’t help but stare.

Nearly 70 times the net profit?

I rely on.

I have long heard that the skewers shop makes money, but I didn’t expect it to make money.

But think about it, this is actually normal.

After all, how much is a catty of meat?

But two or three pieces of meat can be sold for one or two yuan when worn on the sign.

The profit here is absolutely scary.

However, there are many barbecue restaurants, so the passenger flow is still a great test.

If a barbecue shop has no special features, the taste is ordinary.

So even if the profit is high, it is useless without a stable source of customers.

With that said, the most critical one is the recipe prompted by the system.

This may be the key to obtaining a stable source of customers.

Jiang Wen tidyed up his clothes, reached out and pushed open the door of the barbecue restaurant.

It is strange that there are no customers in this shop.

There is only one honest-looking boss staring at a wall clock on the wall in a daze.

“Ahem. Boss, how are you?”

Hearing the sound, the owner of the skewers restaurant suddenly recovered: “Hey, hello, do you want to eat skewers?”

Jiang Wen put the bag down and sat on the chair: “Boss, your shop is a bit deserted?”

“Who said no?” The boss gave a wry smile.

“I don’t know what’s wrong, it’s just that there are no guests. It’s really evil.”

Jiang Wen nodded calmly: “How long has your store been open?”

“It’s been three years since I opened it.”

“Three years? Did you make money?”

The boss sighed: “Don’t talk about making money, plus costs inside and out. I have lost more than 100,000 yuan in the past three years.”

“Then you can keep going, isn’t it easy?”

“Hold on to the ass. Actually, I have already decided to change my career, but the lease of this shop won’t end until next month, so I have to work until next month.”

Jiang Wen smiled, but his brain was spinning fast.

Yakitori restaurants generally do not have such a rare source of customers.

Because even a store with ordinary taste, it is rare to lose so much.

But Jiang Wen saw the problem with this store at a glance.


Because Yinhe Commercial Building is a relatively high-end integrated shopping mall in Magic City.

Most of the people who come here to consume are more identifiable.

Therefore, the business of opening western food restaurants and hot pot restaurants here is very good.

But the skewers shop alone has no customers at all.

Because people who think they have a higher status will definitely not eat cheap food in the public.

This is why the business of this skewers shop is extremely bad.

But if this shop opened in front of their school.

That business will definitely make a huge profit.

After all, the largest consumer group of barbecue restaurants is young people.

Especially those students who like to form cliques and call each other brothers and sisters.

Jiang Wen wants to open this store to the door of Magic University of Finance and Economics.

Now that you have a name in mind, let’s call it Never Sleepy Barbecue.

So the key step is to get the barbecue recipe.

Jiang Wen looked at him: “I don’t know if I should say something wrong?”

The boss was stunned for a moment: “If you have anything you want to say, I don’t have much business here anyway.”

“You didn’t make skewers before, did you?”

“Hey, brother, you are really right.”

The boss lit a cigarette: “I used to be a programmer, but then I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I switched to skewers.”

“You are quite big across the line.”

“I didn’t change my career, mainly because my father used to dry skewers.”

Hearing these words, Jiang Wen’s heart suddenly moved.

This eldest brother is obviously a layman.

I don’t even know how to choose the location of the shop.

So he didn’t believe there would be any exclusive formula at first.

But now he understood that this formula should have been left by his father.

Jiang Wen thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head: “You have lost so much, I have a business that makes quick money, do you want to do it?”

A business that makes quick money?

The boss was stunned for a moment, and his expression instantly became alert.

He is always idle and bored, so he is willing to chat with Jiang Wen.

But the more he talked about it, the more he felt something was wrong with what Jiang Wen said.

“Let me tell you, I don’t do anything illegal, you go quickly!”

“You think too much,” Jiang Wen smiled bitterly, “I mean I buy you something.”

“Buy something? What can I have?”

The boss suddenly reached out and covered his waist.

“No… I don’t sell, this is also illegal!”

Jiang Wen suddenly became speechless: “I don’t want your kidneys, I want your barbecue recipe.”

“Huh? Recipe?”

“Yes, I want to spend money on your barbecue recipe.”

Hearing these words, the vigilance on the boss’s face gradually disappeared,

He thought for a while, then looked at Xiaolou tentatively: “How much can you give me?”

“How much do you want?”

“I want to get back the money I lost in the past few years, 160,000.”

Jiang Wen shook his head.

“Then 150,000.” The boss said, “It can’t be less.”

Jiang Wen pondered for a while: “Well, let me give you 200,000 yuan, which can be regarded as helping you settle the half-month rent.”

I rely on?

Or raise prices for yourself?

The boss froze for a long time.

The person in front of him is very young and looks like he is in his twenties.

Can he really give himself so much money?

“Can you really give me 200,000?”

Jiang Wen nodded: “If you want to agree, I will transfer the money to you now, but there is one condition.”

“What conditions?”

“The barbecue recipe will be mine from now on. You are not allowed to flip it, so we have to sign a transfer contract.”

The boss suddenly became excited: “No problem, as long as you can give me 200,000, sign immediately!”*

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