Chapter 299: Misfortunes are flowing to the east Lin Yi finally came to a place similar to the archives, only to see that there is still a lot of blood in this place, it is after passing through Guan Ha, which emits a pungent smell.

for such a situation.

He could only pick up a mask and put it on his nose in one shelf.

This is how you can breathe.

Otherwise, such a situation would directly prevent him from continuing to explore forward.

The most important thing is to know about the place.

It's still just staying in the explanation of the richest woman just now.

Lin Yi quickly raised his brows.

Because he found that the situation in front of him seemed to be different from the problem in his imagination.

It is no wonder that there were so many security personnel guarding this place before.

It does have some hidden secrets.

But what kind of ideas do they have to achieve such a degree?

"I'm afraid this time is more dangerous than the previous situation."

"This expert has other hidden industries behind the scenes, which need to be built in this isolated island."

"But why did they take such a huge risk to burn all these questions with fire? I'm afraid there is something very important, haven't they been answered yet?"

After Lin Yi thought about it.

He could only shake his head helplessly.

There are a lot of them, and some are drawn using other fonts.

Soon, he opened one of the portfolios, after going through the courtyard.

Only then did I discover that it was an important record of mentally ill patients.

But what is the relationship between the Zhang family and the archives in this isolated island?

Why did it suddenly appear here.

Could it be that, behind the basement where you are, is there a cave?

"It seems that from the current situation, the more dangerous the place, the more worthy of my in-depth exploration."

"Many times, what hinders us is not the way of thinking, but whether we can show the corresponding courage at the critical moment."

"That's a very important situation point."

"It's just that next, whether it can reach the same level as the previous situation, this is impossible."

Lin Yi could only show a bitter smile after thinking about the important points.

But at this moment, the Zhang family's deepest secret has been discovered.

By the time.

If you want to continue to leave, most likely it is impossible.

Regarding this identity, sooner or later, it will need to be replaced.

"Perhaps these files are records of what exists in this one location."

"It's just that I didn't know much about it before, which will cause some misunderstandings, so if I understand it according to the problem at this time.

"It's really possible to get some changes. For example, there is a mental hospital here, so you can better understand the answer to the closure that Miss Zhang family once had."

"Only in this way can we get closer to each other better."

"Then from his mouth, I learned about the incident related to Tang Wen. What happened a few years ago?"

Lin Yi is indeed able to temporarily understand these important situations.

But the opportunity was missed.

I'm afraid, it will only encounter uncontrollable factors, which is not so simple.

Soon he will find out.

The further inside, the bloody smell became more pungent.

So, he also made a corresponding plan.

If you continue to move forward rashly, I am afraid that the guys in the Zhang family will use the misfortune.

In order to prevent this possibility in advance, it is necessary to record all this.

In other words, if you can let yourself have evidence, you can avoid more dangers.

This is also a very good thing.

"If this is the case, then temporarily, I can only convey my own situation through live broadcast."

"Otherwise, continuing with the previous problems will only lead to irreversible consequences."

Lin Yi is obviously faced with these dangers, but also has experience in advance.

After all, when I was in Zhonghai City.

He also took corresponding measures to avoid more crisis attacks.

This is also the key that cannot be changed.

Lin Yi quickly used his mobile phone to connect to the nearby network.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the relevant live broadcast software and registered an account.

He began to put the camera in the value of the archives, after all, he needs to open the door in front of him now.

Soon, only after the screen was turned on, there were very few barrages in the live broadcast room.

The number of people is the same, because of this gloomy picture, hundreds of people poured into it.

"My God, I never imagined that the anchor was so powerful that he entered a dangerous place."

"It's all about using life to interpret the anchor, how terrifying can you be? It seems that today is another very melon-eating video!"

"Anyway, it has already happened today. I am afraid that such a thing will only get more exciting programs in the future!"

"My God, have you noticed that the atmosphere here is very strange, and why is this anchor wearing a rabbit mask on his face?"

"What about super-control? Why hasn't this kind of live broadcast been illegal, and it's a bit too scary!"

"Have you noticed that at this moment, this man wearing a rabbit mask seems to be preparing for an expedition, and why is there so much red and dark red paint around?"

"Brothers upstairs, let me tell you one thing, it will probably make you sleepless at night. I am a dark red near here after graduating from a medical university. It is not fuel but human blood."

"The monsters and monsters leave quickly, I am the Taoist priest of Sanqing!"

"Am I the only one who feels this person's body shape, is it a little familiar? Could it be my illusion?"

"Do you still know about Lin Yi's melon? Do you want to enter my live broadcast room and let me have a detailed conversation."


Lin Yi obviously saw everyone's enthusiasm.

But he also focused on avoiding it in advance to prevent the possibility of being recognized as his true identity.

Because of the previous camouflage.

In the same way, this identity to be avoided will be guessed by everyone in advance.

It seems that the next thing is more interesting.

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