Chapter 285: Ordinary person Lin Yi can't imagine it at all, in a situation that he doesn't know.

There is a certain person who will prepare a huge gift by himself.

If you receive it at that time, you will definitely be surprised.

"If it continues to develop according to the way so far, I am afraid that it really has not reached the direction that can be understood."

"But by contrast, uncertainty from the start is probably also an important pathway for these dangers."

Lin Yi quickly found the items he wanted to use in the tables and chairs of the depositors around.

He didn't expect it to be so smooth at all, and it was really beyond his imagination.

He only saw a mineshade lamp in his hand, after a simple debugging.

Unexpectedly, it will get a higher level of light.

It seems that the ability of the system that he has acquired does have a place to be used.

It's just that I haven't understood it before.

"It seems that it can only be explored temporarily."

"Otherwise, based on what's happening now, most of them won't be able to get the real answer so easily."

"The most important thing is whether you have noticed that it is intricate and not polished very accurately, as if it is self-defeating for urgent development."

"So during this period, I believe you can also feel that kind of unusual situation."

"If it continues to cause such an impact, I am afraid it will only make things more complicated, not so simple."

When Lin Yi said these words, the same mobile phone was taking pictures.

He obviously won't miss any strong evidence.

And now Zhang's house can be regarded as a springboard he uses...

If used well.

After reaching the back, it will still bring great help.

This is also the most important thing in his heart.

"It's just that this kind of thing is mostly, it won't last long and more factors will be encountered."

"This is a great test of the solution behind, and it is equally inevitable."

"The most important thing is this indirect proof that they are not recognized by the specialized department."

"So it is said that the location of this mine can only be built by means of private purchase. Therefore, the understanding of the following facts will become clearer."

"This can be regarded as a very good harvest. I didn't expect it to be displayed like this at all."

Lin Yi is also completely unaware of these abilities that he has displayed.

If you put it in the eyes of other people, it will play a different coffin.

This is probably also a natural charm of the person he possesses, which can only be displayed to the fullest.

But many times, you want a complete solution.

These crises are not in a normal state at all.

I only saw the richest woman at this stage, and I don't know why she swallowed her saliva.

I was so frightened that I immediately looked left and right, and found that the other party didn't pay attention to me.

It was a slow sigh of relief.

After all, the problems in front of him were completely beyond his understanding.

"But I never thought that there would be so many dangers. Probably the consequences, that is, in these areas?"

"Just saying, I've never had a problem like this before"

"I suddenly remembered that when I was in college, I had been to some escape rooms, but they were not so dark and unknown."

When the richest woman said these words, she seemed to show herself, consciously or unintentionally, afraid of these things.

It gives a feeling of infinite beauty.

At least he didn't know why he suddenly had the attitude of such a little girl.

It seems that only in the presence of someone who loves can cause such a situation to be born.

It is obvious that something unexpected and difficult to understand.

"Lin Yi, I found that your journey has been very smooth. It seems that you have not encountered any unclear situations. It is possible that you dealt with these things frequently before."

"Or you have a lot of ex-girlfriends, and then you can deal with it without much fear."

"If you explain it according to this method, it may be a very good answer."

The scheming of the richest woman is indeed very high.

Otherwise, he wouldn't say a few words, and he could hide his true purpose directly.

This is probably his most powerful ability.

It's just that many people are complete and cannot reach him in this way.

If you want to completely change these problems, it may not be so easy.

This is also the impact that will be encountered from the beginning.

Therefore, there are some uncontrollable factors.

Lin Yi, what kind of person is this guy? His heart is really very curious.

It's just to say that the real idea can't be expressed immediately.

Only after waiting for the other party's answer can we have a deeper understanding.

It can be considered as a very good thing.

Lin Yi was standing in front of him while exploring the path.

I didn't expect that the other party would have a hit and miss, and said these words to myself.

Although he said that in his heart, he felt a little strange.

But he didn't express his doubts, but waited for a while.

As if to determine whether there is really no danger ahead, he continued to say:

"According to the current situation, if you want to completely deal with these crises, it is probably impossible, so there is nothing to say between the two of us."

"But it's a bit too unfair to just talk about my secrets."

"After all, ordinary people like me... have said it before."

"Except for a little spare money, there is nothing out of the ordinary."

There were some emotions hidden in Lin Yi's eyes, and he couldn't be sure what the other party meant.

But now is not the time to tear his face, there is no real suspicion of his identity.

As long as it can be hidden temporarily, it can be regarded as a very good situation.

Of course, he does feel a little helpless, why is a dignified richest woman talking so much nonsense?

Obviously, the main goal has not been achieved yet.

Too much thinking about other things will only affect the ability to judge.

Lin Yi looked a little helpless.

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