Chapter 281: Damn it, Bai Changsheng looked at everything outside the glass window.

He never imagined that a city would be filled with such a state of being drunk.

It seems that it is because you have been away for too long that such a problem occurs?

If this is the case, it seems that we should really wake up properly.

Otherwise, such a problem will probably only make the development of the situation more serious.

Most importantly, what kind of person is Lin Yi?

At the very beginning, he was just an ordinary otaku.

In other words, the ordinary can no longer be ordinary.

But why are there countless miniatures of him on these issues today.

This seems a bit unreasonable to understand, and maybe more answers will be obtained in the later exploration.

But now, it has become even more confusing.

"The most important thing is that the life behind it is like hanging, as if those ex-girlfriends showed a different side when they appeared."

"So, the most important exploration direction during this period is probably here."

"It's just that we reached the back, and it was only through unexpected things that we successfully discovered this point."

"Otherwise, in the entire Zhonghai City, I am afraid that this magical scene will not be known."

"But according to the current situation, it is also not so simple. Maybe we can get more answers later."

"It's by no means by virtue of the current situation, it is possible to continue to get away with impunity and to be defiant."

Bai Changsheng can be regarded as the most outstanding one of the detective Han Ye, at least about the golden robbery.

It is very likely that it will become a positive and important textbook case for many corresponding colleges in the future.

"In the next process, if you want to get a corresponding solution, this is an indispensable link for opinions."

"It just means that it was difficult to get a better answer before, which seems extremely helpless."

"But it doesn't matter, only the stronger the enemy will inspire the desire to win in my heart, which is a very good thing, right?"

"It just means that there has been no chance before, and there is an understanding of this way."

Bai Changsheng kept tapping his fingers, which was also a habit he had cultivated for a long time.

The important thing is that he suddenly recalled something.

That is his own sister.

It must have been ten years since he disappeared?

I don't know how the other party is now.

But the last message.

It seems to have disappeared in Zhonghai City.

"Our family has always rejected the very important theories of exploring knowledge."

"The most important thing is that in terms of finance, it has very strong capabilities, but it is unimaginable."

"At that time, my younger sister showed exceptional talent at a very young age."

"Only at a very young age, he was able to traverse the financial circle, and it was considered extremely famous at the beginning."

When Bai Changsheng said this, his expression was full of memories.

But what he didn't expect was...

After so many years.

My sister has not appeared yet.

Could it be that something has really happened to me and I can never come back?

"It just means that now there is an opportunity to investigate the corresponding buttons in Zhonghai City, and maybe you can get a better strength improvement later?"

"The most important thing is to be able to go smoothly on the road to find my sister."

As long as Bai Changsheng recalled this important matter, there was obviously an indescribable sadness in his heart.

He didn't know why he could be satisfied so easily.

Maybe it's something very simple that you've been longing for in your heart, right?

But got to the back.

Because of the sadness in his heart, he was able to keep going upstream.

Immediately afterwards, I arrived at the place closest to the truth.

The price paid for it can be imagined, and it is extremely huge.

"Lin Yi, although I don't know what you have experienced, I can clearly perceive that we are on the same road."

"Because I can find unusual emotions in you, and probably your heart also has a corresponding goal with me, but it's just that there is no turning back."

"If I can, I've caught you this time, and I will definitely apply to make you my partner, and the cooperation you will make while you're serving your sentence will be used to atone for your sins."

"I believe that about this gift, it will also make you deeply understand what you should pursue in your heart, and will not continue to make wrong judgments about it."

"It's just that the impact of these issues is obviously very huge, but it doesn't matter. Who told me that I have an unusual fascination with the masters of investigation?"

When Bai Changsheng said this, his eyeballs suddenly burst out, if ordinary people saw this scene.

I'm afraid you will be very surprised.

But for such things, he was able to master it so skillfully.

Obviously, this is not the first time such anomalous behavior has been made.

I only saw a child holding a balloon outside the car window that was opened at this moment.

In his hand there is a picture of the golden robbery, a detective transformed from a cartoon.

And he kept telling his mother about the bravery of the detective and the Damn it of the bad guy.

But at this stage, he didn't know why his eyes were drawn to the window lock in front of him.

But next second.

When he saw the scene in front of him, he cried out for some unknown reason.

Bai Changsheng's eyeballs are covered with countless bloodshots, as if he was born with this disease.

When he is particularly obsessed with something, there will be this kind of strange behavior, also known as eyeball eccentricity.

Of course, he also saw that child in the same way.

The corners of Bai Changsheng's mouth revealed a radiant smile that only a clown could achieve, looking gloomy and strange.

Only to see not only the child, but even his mother was also stunned in place.

There was no reaction at all, the state of affairs that came out of this incident.

"I can't imagine that in Zhonghai City, there are still people paying attention to this matter. It seems that my reputation has a very good spread."

"But they may not know that the hero has the same disease as the villain."

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