Chapter 279: Understand that Lin Yi can feel his breath, as if frozen.

Because this belongs to a tunnel dug underground.

Naturally, there will be some unimaginable degrees of coldness.

Compared with before, it is not so easy to control at all.

But it has reached now.

It is true that it becomes a little impossible to understand, and then a different situation occurs.

"It seems that in any case, since it has appeared, it wants to achieve the expected effect."

"You must also make a corresponding plan, at least... it can't have the kind of effect it brought before."

"But in many cases, it is not so easy to achieve the corresponding solution."

"That's the key to a very worthwhile change to avoid some consequences."

Lin Yi was soon able to find out about the countless miner's lamps that have been carried out around.

Obviously, the problems in this location are indeed beyond imagination.

"It seems that this place has a very complete system, at least there are a series of minecart tunnels, all of which have been fully enlightened."

"Could it be that it is used for some construction materials that cut corners, and then transported to foreign countries in large quantities and sold at high prices?"

Lin Yi didn't know why he suddenly had such an idea in his heart.

All in all, this matter is developing very rapidly, and it is far from a direction that can be controlled on the surface.

However, compared with the previous ones, it will also cause some incomprehensible dangers, which is the problem that is difficult to avoid.

"It seems that the problems we have learned before are still too narrow."

"It's just that on the original basis, it's probably not that easy to achieve the expected effect."

"This is probably the most critical thing so far, but I haven't paid attention to it before, and there will be different crises."

I only saw the richest woman at this time, obviously she already knew something about it.

After all, when he asked his assistant to investigate, he had already received some important photographic evidence, so that he could quickly learn the key points.

But I never imagined that these problems would come up suddenly.

If you want to fundamentally solve the crisis, I am afraid it is not so simple.

"The value of these building materials is disguised to the extent that they are exchanged for international brands. In this case, further sales will form a chain of interests."

"But I always feel that if this underground site is excavated, the real utility is definitely not only once."

"I'm afraid there will be more effects, but it's just not showing."

"This can be considered a very good thing."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid it will only have a terrifying effect, and it will become less simple."

Lin Yi is absolutely very clear.

In the face of such a problem, it is indeed very rare to be able to make corresponding changes.

But anyway, now that the situation has arisen.

That proves that there is corresponding value in it, but it was easy to ignore before.

"I also developed the same sixth sense. After all, there was a situation in that auction before."

"It may be within the comprehensible range that some of the current situations have arisen. At least compared to before, it is easy to reach the same level of understanding."

"But then again, I'm afraid it's not so easy to understand why it has such an impact. It will also have a corresponding effect in the future."

"Because I always feel that there is something about the Zhang family and the others, it seems that it won't be hidden for long. This time, it's purely a matter of emotion."

"If we hadn't discovered it, this change would probably continue to be rampant, but now that the situation has occurred, it's not an easy direction to control."

Lin Yi is obviously able to quickly answer these dangerous situations.

After all, many times, if you want to change these problems on the original basis.

I am afraid it is not so easy to understand the direction, which has more value.

"It's just that, although it seems a bit unimaginable now, it is difficult to guarantee the infinitive. Can we resolve the crisis as the most important way?"

"If you change it to the previous one, it may be far from possible to solve it, and it can be regarded as a very good level of understanding."

"Actually, I have also found that during this period, there seems to be a lot of lime powder."

"That also proves that they have completed the last stage of transportation. I'm afraid that not long ago, if we can look at the current situation."

"It can be regarded as a very good thing. I didn't expect things to develop so smoothly."

At this stage, the richest woman does not know why she suddenly has a narrow sense of feeling.

Probably this guy in front of him seems to have an aura that not only leads everyone.

And his own knowledge factor is also very deep.

At least there are some unpopular knowledge points, even he himself does not know.

The other party was able to answer like a fish in water.

"I think about such a thing, we should put it aside temporarily."

"At least you have to ensure your own safety now."

"Otherwise, the current problem is likely to cause more impact later, which will not be so simple."

The heart of the richest woman has indeed become very cautious after experiencing the last problem.

He is afraid that there will be some surveillance systems in this location.

This will have a huge impact.

If it can be changed based on the original foundation, it can be regarded as a very good thing.

"Regarding the appearance of this Zhang family, in fact, from a long time ago, I knew that they did not have a corresponding ancestral industry and could develop so quickly."

"Most of them are using some ulterior motives, but because of the cooperation with them before."

"I just opted for 100 percent trust, so there wasn't too much investigation."

"But when I got to the back, I realized that this matter is far from simple."

When the richest woman said this, her expression seemed a little mysterious.

At least through this light, to observe.

Most of them were the Zhang family, and they also did some unspeakable things.

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