Chapter 275: Unspeakable Lin Yi can clearly feel that someone has been observing him secretly, but it is just that he has not found it.

How could such a mistake occur?

Immediately afterwards, he only saw a sound coming from behind him immediately.

"I don't know that it disturbed you, but I just want to find some evidence of Zhang's family."

Only saw the richest woman at this stage, wearing a black tights.

It was obvious that it had been prepared early for it to be so clean and tidy.

At least hiding in some rocks where the waves beat, it is difficult to find her existence.

Lin Yi had doubts in his heart, how could the other party suddenly appear.

What kind of connection is implied in this is really a strange thing.

And when he carefully searched his memory, he suddenly remembered that he had saved the other party indirectly when he was at the auction.

For this kind of business savvy person.

It is very possible that he will immediately understand his intentions after the fact.

It is a rare thing that such a friendly situation can be presented.

"So, are you following me? Otherwise, why is there such a coincidence, it's all in this one place."

"And I remember that between you and the Zhang family, there was some kind of joint venture between you and the Zhang family."

"So, from the fact that you can communicate with them in a positive way, there is absolutely no need to be like me."

Lin Yi is very clear that things have come to this point, and many times, it is not so easy to control.

This has more value.

But missing the corresponding opportunity, I am afraid it will only make the situation more serious.

The most important thing is that the other party does not have the idea of ​​wanting to give himself to others in exchange for a bounty.

On this point, he can still rest assured.

If such things were removed, then most likely no one would want to cause trouble for themselves.

Lin Yi is very clear that his reputation on the Internet is not so good.

Not to mention that in other respects, the same situation is presented.

At the same time, he also hopes that these matters can be resolved as soon as possible, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles in the future.

This is also the most critical situation, which will have the value meaning.

The richest woman did not expect that the other party would suddenly look at her and say so.

So she froze for a moment, then smiled and shook her head.

"You can rest assured about this kind of thing. There is a big reason why I am here, naturally."

"On top of that, I found that one of my partners seemed to be cutting corners a lot."

"For such a situation, if they were to be exposed, it would obviously be a shame, and their Zhang family's stock would plummet."

The richest woman is very aware of the other person's heart, and there may be a very high level of vigilance.

This is why I have to show all my thoughts.

To avoid some kind of estrangement between them.

Because of the sudden encounter in the big night.

Especially if they meet in such a dangerous area, there is some uncertainty about the situation between the two sides.

"And looking at it now, I think it's very likely that you can't search for you alone. Is there any evidence stored in their place?"

"So I think if we try it together, maybe you can get the right answer quickly."

"This is the only way to avoid many crises, which is a very good thing, right?"

It has to be said that the richest woman can indeed exude an unimaginable charm.

At least through these conditions, people can easily believe in the plan he made.

Lin Yi obviously did not agree to the other party immediately, but thought deeply.

After all, many times, he is also completely uncertain about whether things can be solved so easily.

But if such a situation is caused, it is probably a direction that is difficult to control, which forms a somewhat unpredictable situation.

Soon he was able to find that there were no other people around him.

So it is absolutely certain that what the richest woman said before is completely true and reliable.

No one will put their own life away from things.

If there is, it must be doing something elusive.

"Since you have already thought of the best solution, then we may not be able to cooperate, but I want to make one point."

When Lin Yi just finished speaking, he only heard a crisp voice.

Obviously, it is the reward that the system issues after the task is completed.

"Congratulations to the master for completing the task of helping his ex-girlfriend escape, and now he has successfully obtained the professional knowledge theory of engineering masters and the technology of explosion-proof experts."

"Now trigger the hidden-level task, and successfully help the richest woman to complete the task of driving away the moths in the business empire."

"Complete the task and you will get a collection-level Lamborghini bull for the next racing competition."

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, completely unaware that the reward this time was so high-end.

At least the contact that I had had the opportunity to have a chance to make before, but now it is beyond imagination.

But as a fugitive, would it be too much to be so arrogant and blatant?

Although Lin Yi said that he had such concerns, he thought of the guy in a casual suit and white foundation before.

It can be understood that he is mostly in a situation where he has a crush on Miss Zhang family.

So, I saw the scene between him and Miss Zhang family before.

I am afraid that there will be some jealousy in my heart, and when I come to trouble myself, most of them will also be in Changli.

"In order to have one thing I want to find out, that is why they have such a big business and still choose to cut corners?"

"There must be some main reason for this."

Lin Yi is indeed very curious about this matter.

It just means that, for some unknown reason, I have never had the opportunity to understand it.

"And there is one more thing about why they are renting an island specifically now, is there any purpose in this location?"

"Or some ulterior secrets, all of which will be stored in this, is this an important place for their family?"

In Lin Yi's eyes, there is a deep light.

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