Chapter 261: Important Information Zhang Su's face was extremely gloomy.

If it weren't for me at this moment...the family meeting was still going on.

I'm afraid, there are really some who can't control this facial expression.

What happened at this time, no matter from which angle to understand.

Some are too peculiar.

It's simply out of control.

"This is this matter, if it really happened in this direction."

"I'm afraid we want to deal with these crises that are out of our control."

"How can there be so many deviations?"

"This guy Lin Yi is really haunted."

"I guessed it long ago that he probably wouldn't choose to leave Zhonghai City forever."

"So, I'm pretty sure we'll meet again, but I just can't imagine it."

"He would actually want to get close to our Zhang family's jewel, he won't leave if there is a way to heaven, and he has no way to go to hell."

When Zhang Su said this, he completely suppressed the thoughts in his heart.

He never imagined that there would be so many deviations.

In many cases, if you want to completely resolve these crises, you will only pay a heavy price.

Only seeing the assistant beside him can only reveal innocent clarification.

Often times, it is not beyond their control.

Because of this guy's own strength, it's beyond the scope of what the entire expert can handle.

"So, according to the current situation, if the head of the family wants to solve these problems completely, I am afraid it is not that simple."

"So, I think we still have to take a long-term view. This time, what we have done this time, if it is exposed."

"I'm afraid it will only be attacked by countless media. At that time, people in the entire auto industry will refuse to cooperate with us."

"For our entire Zhang family's influence and various industries, it will cause an irreversible situation."

"So, I don't think this matter can be dealt with with certainty and prematurely, lest there will be a heavy price in the event of a crisis."

The assistant also spent some time with the homeowner, and spoke the most real thoughts in his heart.

After all, he didn't want to encounter too much danger either.

Especially the guy who was not caught by the Criminal Division after so long.

It's not the way they should be handled by business people at all.

Although the previous old family owner also knew a lot of killers. But without exception, none of them had any success.

The strength of the guy that this foot has already represented is definitely not within the range that ordinary people can bear.

Zhang Su nodded after hearing what the other party said.

He also understands these issues, and the value they represent is extraordinary.

But in many cases, it was just such a development, which caused a lot of influence.

"Since such a problem has already occurred, it must only be improved in the next situation."

"This guy Lin Yi is very cunning. I thought it was just a tiger before, and I don't know how to reverse anything, but from what I see now, I find that she is like a poisonous snake."

"As long as anyone steps on it, they will inevitably be subjected to crazy revenge."

"It's the first time I've seen such a guy."

Zhang Su really said, the most real thoughts in his heart.

He didn't even imagine it at all.

In the recent period of time, there will be so many changes, and it is not a controllable range at all.

It never occurred to him that he hadn't picked up that guy yet.

In the end, the other party obediently came to the position beside him, and wanted to pull their entire Zhang family into the abyss.

To the point where he can never turn over is simply more terrifying than killing him.

Because he is very clear.

How much effort have you put in to get this huge industry?

The layout has been carried out since three years ago, when the whole project had problems.

It took a lot of hard work and dealt with a lot of people.

Having suffered a huge price, he has managed to survive until now.

But what I never expected was the guy I met after three years of forbearance.

It would be so difficult to deal with, as if I had seen an enhanced version of myself!

"So why there are so many dangers, I am afraid it is also the influence of these reasons, and there is no correct way to answer it long ago."

"Now all the members of our Zhang family are gathered in this banquet, and they must not have received the news."

"So, it's also entirely an opportunity for us to ... make a Jedi counterattack."

"If it were at other times, it would probably cause us an irreparable damage."

Zhang Su quickly discovered that these problems were the biggest flaws in the recent period of time.

Therefore, he was able to quickly acquire a property of understanding.

In order to avoid unnecessary crises in the future, this has become a loss.

More importantly, if the other party is not afraid of death, then they can't let it go so easily.

Otherwise, after reaching the poisonous snake behind, I don't know if it will emerge again.

I only saw all the guests present, who seemed to have discovered something, and were discussing it one after another.

Because the newly appointed family spoke about the critical moment, the expression changed.

It seems that some kind of emergency has occurred, and it cannot continue to develop.

After seeing this place, Zhang Su naturally knew that he couldn't mess up the square, so he said with a smile:

"I'm really sorry, media reporters and family members, I received an important message just now."

"That's my former partner, the richest woman in Zhonghai City. Something went wrong with the company, and the supplies they purchased seemed to have caught fire."

"So, I am thinking now that I need to help him as much as I can, and our previous project payment is still under contract."

"In order to prevent our experts from being affected by the market value of the stock, this matter must be resolved in advance so that we can do our best to avoid unnecessary dangers in the future."

Zhang Su is completely like one of the most authoritative speakers, when speaking of this...

All the people present were stunned for a moment!

It seems that they are all expressed by his words and persuaded!

"It seems that things are getting interesting gradually."

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