Chapter 250: Mirror's Refraction Wan Qian did not expect that the guy in front of him would give such an extreme answer.

At least from the previous situation, it is difficult to know.

The main thing is that about what happened yesterday, he did and already understood.

But didn't even think about it at all.

There is actually a certain difference, which in itself is a situation full of surprises.

It's just that the back waves push the front waves.

Although Wan Qian was a violent existence at the beginning.

But when you understand your skills and are not as good as others, you have to succumb to the opponent's true talents.

The key points created in front of him were actually cracked by this detective.

"No wonder it was the people who solved the golden robbery, but how did you solve it in the first place? They stole so many golden answers."

"After all, in the sea, no ships have been detected around, and even small submarine cruise ships have never appeared."

"So even if countless monitoring systems were dispatched at that time, no corresponding problems were found at all. At that time, all the people on board were in a state of panic."

"And the value of the wealth transported there is enormous."

Wan Qian really remembered it clearly.

Everything about that case.

Because this thing has caused quite a stir in the industry.

Countless people have experienced twists and turns, encountering the impact of this incident.

If it can't be solved, it will indeed cause a certain crisis situation.

Only when Bai Changsheng was observing the photos, he heard the other person speak like this.

He also smiled slightly, and then replied seriously:

"Senior is good everywhere, but he is not so confident about some issues, so, like everyone else, he made a common mistake."

"If Zhonghai City also noticed such a problem at the beginning, then even if the ability of that psychology master is very terrifying, there is no escape."

Wan Qian frowned slightly when he heard this. He had planned to reconcile with the other party earlier.

But the young man in front of him was so ignorant.

Think you know a thing or two about how to collect treasure?

Is it possible to ignore the seniors?

This way of rice is still very long!

"Don't be too absolute when I say these words. You may have found some important clues about the golden robbery."

"Not to mention the important things in it!"

"Lin Yi's case is not an ordinary situation at all, so it is not so easy to solve it in a special way."

Bai Changsheng seems to have predicted that the other party will talk about this aspect.

Only after he tapped his fingers.

He put the photo of Miss Zhang's eldest in her hospital clothes on the blackboard, observed it carefully, and said casually:

"According to the current situation, Captain Wan is completely relieved that the golden robbery has been completely resolved."

"At that time, it was only the five shaking thieves who achieved this seamless plan by relying on the blind spot of human vision."

"They brought a large piece of mirror on the sea, and also through a small speedboat, to achieve this purpose."

"During the reconnaissance process at that time, I watched the videotape of the ship that entered the sea back and forth, and discovered the cherished value of this one."

"That is, in the stage of dusk, the meaning of making a glossy glittering level is intentional, so at that time I carried out investigations and carried out on-site simulations to find out..."

I only saw this new detective, in the office, when he said these words.

All the people present raised their voices.

They really did not expect that so many problems would arise.

Being able to fix it up-to-date...obviously the best option.

"I can't imagine this new member at all, it's really interesting, but this time, he shouldn't be alone, right?"

"I also heard that this time the professional detective team seems to have five people gathered together."

"My God, this is really too thrilling and exciting. I didn't expect that guy with ten ex-girlfriends back then would go into this kind of abyss today."

"So, no matter how it develops, since it has developed to such a point, it is indeed a bit helpless, right?"

"Anyway, such a problem has already occurred. If it is unavoidable, natural things need to be cautious."

I only saw Chief Liu at this time, and he also said somewhat in agreement:

"This guy Lin Yi is really cunning. Anyway, I think there is something about this time, the combination of five super-intelligent detectives, and the joint research and development plan."

"I believe he is also unable to escape."

Everyone nodded, hoping that this case would be understood sooner.

Otherwise, the pressure from the top and the thoughts of the people in Zhonghai City will indeed be a lot of pressure.

When Bai Changsheng said this, he obviously explained the next answer again:

"When I talk about this situation, it actually becomes very obvious."

"That's about the large quantities of gold, all of which were carried by the wealthy guests on the cruise beds."

"They're in far away places, and they're delivering these items."

"Everything needs to be stored in a treasury or something like that in a country far away."

"So, there were criminals who decided all this in advance."

"If they can be successfully taken away, then they will be able to live without food and clothing for the rest of their lives."

"Not to mention that there is a crime going on at sea, the same kind of thing that can escape most of the pursuit."

"So, the gold that was so important at that time was actually not moved from the ship at all."

"They're nothing more than a misleading act of vision through mirrors."

When Bai Changsheng was studying at the Investigation Academy, he really liked weird things.

Not to mention that for some crime novels, it is often watched.

So, he immediately came to this conclusion.

In a period of twenty-four hours, this shocking case was directly cracked!

It's just that Bai Changsheng knows...

He was only ranked third in the detective organization this time.

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