Chapter 240: I can't believe the obvious thing that framed William, what I saw before my eyes would be the truth.

Miss Zhang family, shouldn't she be in the family?

William stepped forward immediately, ignoring his sister's doubts at all.

Isabelle patted her head and whispered helplessly:

"I'm afraid my brother is going to suffer from anthomaniac disease again. I didn't expect that such a handsome, innocent and fascinating existence would have an obsessed person."

"It's just that after returning to China, I heard someone in the circle say."

"The new head of the Zhang family seems to like the eldest lady of his family, so there have been a lot of scandals between them recently."

"I don't know if my brother got the news..."

Lin Yi obviously felt that he hadn't fought so smoothly in a long time.

No matter at any level before, it was impossible to achieve such an effect, which is indeed a problem beyond imagination.

The most important thing is the fighting skills of the guy in front of him, which is extremely tricky.

It is completely possible to fight with him to a comparable level.

In the process of fighting, Lin Yi also learned some important information from the opponent's mouth.

That is, he is the hottest existence among the underground boxing champions, and he has also won many gold medals for re-election in the championship.

But why does such an existence become a bodyguard next to a rich boy.

The answer is obvious, and it is also influenced by the trend of money.

After Lin Yi thought of such a situation, he could only sigh slightly.

Suddenly, I recalled what happened to Tang Wen at the beginning.

That was already three years ago.

At the beginning, Tang Wen's father was on the construction site as a supervisor, but an accident happened later.

Some of the workers under his command died mysteriously, so this responsibility was pushed to Tang Wen's father.

As a result, a series of brawls occurred at that time, and Tang Wen's father passed away.

Therefore, Tang Wen had only just entered the Criminal Division at the time, and he was obviously full of the character of a child because he had just graduated from the university.

At that time, when I was still at work, I immediately drove the car to the project site.

There were many people gathered at the door.

It is not known who fired the shot, and then the man who took the lead in beating his father fell to the ground and died.

At that time, there were a lot of residents around.

So the clouds and dragons are mixed.

I don't know where that shot came from, but it was shot near Tang Wen.

In that location, there is no such series of monitoring systems, after all, it is still under construction.

Tang Wen was wronged for a long time at the time, and was finally released on bail by Captain Wan Qian.

Therefore, regarding such a thing, there is still no progress in the back, and even some clues cannot be found.

Although Tang Wen was very unwilling in his heart, he did not find the real culprit.

Because he can clearly feel behind the scenes.

Someone is manipulating it all trying to get rid of his father and get rid of him along with it.

Let all these responsibilities fall on him.

Then the biggest correlation is only the Zhang family, some people from its large engineering company...

Tang Wen is very clear that with his own strength, if he wants to solve all this, it is also impossible.

Therefore, he chose to hide it well.

After Lin Yi recalled these bits and pieces, it was a sudden discovery.

In the previous years, how much pain did a little girl endure to have such a character of iron and fire.

The main thing is that these problems arise.

Compared with before, it is not so easy to understand the problem points at all.

"So according to the current situation, the truth about these facts is also clearly reflected."

"That's about the engineering of the Zhang family. I'm afraid there has always been a problem of cutting corners and tofu slag engineering."

"But they kept him holding the money, and obviously he had a good relationship."

"For example, about the auction, you can completely know what these guys are thinking."

"I'm afraid it's very complicated, and that's where a very unavoidable direction lies."

Lin Yi also doesn't know whether this idea of ​​his own is correct, but it is also the key point that cannot be taken big.

Judging from the current situation, he found that the Zhang family was far more complicated and greedy than he seemed on the surface.

I don't know how many bad things have been done behind the scenes.

The location of the auction is just the tip of the iceberg.

The most important thing is that in the recent period of time, they have greatly influenced the business circle of the entire Zhonghai City.

Without huge funds, it is impossible to achieve this level.

It's a testament to their abilities, which is extraordinary.

"So, according to the current situation, the Zhang family is a behemoth."

"What I did at the beginning was obviously to keep outsiders from knowing, and it was necessary to clear some... guys who might know the secret."

"And Tang Wen's father is obviously a ghost, but he has a daughter!"

"It is also a huge hassle to work in the Criminal Division."

"But if you attack him, it's obviously a thankless thing, and it won't necessarily lead to a riot."

"The most correct way to deal with it is to pull him into the abyss."

Lin Yi is very clear that Tang Wen was in the beginning because of the protective umbrella behind him.

The retaliation that is likely to be carried out at that time makes the Zhang family want to find cutting grass and eradicating the roots.

There was a case that was framed three years ago.

"So there is nothing easy in this world, not to mention that these guys are still at large after so many years."

"And those who suffer will never be able to get out of that cycle."

"The problems themselves are full of surprises and are not as simple as they seem."

Lin Yi's purpose in coming to Zhonghai this time is obviously to help Tang Wen clean up the case three years ago.

if not.

The fact that his father was framed may have to sink his heart into darkness step by step.

Lin Yi also didn't know that Tang Wen and Miss Zhang's family became the best best friends.

Does it have its own purpose, or does it simply not forget what happened in the past?

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