Chapter 225: Tired Cheng Yiyun never imagined that she would encounter such a problem.

After all, the surrounding flames have already burned a large number of containers...

It is also very difficult for them to escort this new energy substance away.

But just when all of them felt hopeless.

However, they could find that there was a half-burned container ahead.

There is also a frontal intersection, which can be entered.

If it can't be solved, I don't know what kind of danger it will face.

This is a very scary thing.

Although Cheng Yiyun said she could understand it, the danger was very terrifying.

But you can't take the brunt of it yourself.

Then, in the entire Zhonghai City, I am afraid that there will be no place for him.

At that time, if you continue to want to help that guy, it will be impossible.

However, the other party is now in a weak balance in the Zhonghai market.

If there is no one behind the scenes to protect him, the identity is likely to be revealed.

"According to the current situation, everyone may be able to understand."

"Now we're in a very dangerous situation."

"If it's the same as before, it's hard to face these dangerous roads."

"But no matter how you understand it."

"Compared to before, it is not at the same level at all, so this is also a level that needs to be resolved."

"As for the establishment of our security company, during this year, everyone's efforts are obvious to all."

"Now that we've sacrificed so many people to get to the back, everyone also gets the company's fees..."

When Cheng Yiyun said this, she could feel the heat wave they were talking about.

It is indeed very difficult to solve such a problem by relying on him alone.

It's not that easy either.

"According to the current situation, no matter how you really want to resolve these crises, it's probably not that simple."

"The main thing is, looking at it in this way..."

"Give me about the Zhang family, I am afraid that I want to completely destroy our progress."

"It's a really scary question..."

Although Cheng Yiyun said that she can understand, it is not so easy to rely on her.

But he also made a decision immediately, only to see him relying on this trend of fire.

In the process of reducing, it rushed to the front position.

He was a well-trained fighter long ago.

"It just means that over the years, although the training time has not been reduced, the fear of danger is still lacking."

Cheng Yiyun did not respond, the calling voices from her subordinates behind her.

He knows that the more desperate people are, the more potential they can't bring out in normal stages.

After all, it has already lost a wave of death, losing such a significant cargo.

Their entire security company has nowhere to live anymore.

And he himself, will also face very dire problems.

Even if you want to escape from Zhonghai City at this time...

It's not at all possible.

Cheng Yiyun knows her character better than anyone else.

He is dealing with the problems of things, and has a resolute character in it.

But the safety of his own people is more important than anyone else's.

But now this mission has directly lost so many people.

His heart was full of anger.

"According to the current situation, the Zhang family seems to have already wanted to put me to death. This is indeed not that simple."

"If it can't be solved, I don't know if it will be in the same danger."

"So it is completely understandable that such a problem occurs."

"After all, in the business circle of Zhonghai City, it is a problem of the weak and the strong eat, not to mention the emergence of new energy this time, it will change the whole pattern."

Cheng Yiyun could soon feel the choking smell brought by the thick smoke.

He was able to discover his own conditional factors, and what kept him going for a lot of time.

But every step I take now is very difficult.

But he is very clear that he is not a person who wants to admit defeat easily.

Not to mention the Zhang family who took such crazy revenge on him!

If you want to solve it completely, it is not that easy at all.

"Really wanting to resolve these crises is not so simple from the beginning, and it has more value."

"But once I miss this opportunity..."

Cheng Yiyun was soon able to find out that it was in front of a computer desk in front of her.

There is a batch of superalloy steel plates, closed energy storage sites.

At least after entering the password to unlock, you can get the items in it.

This is also the most crucial question.

"Fortunately, the richest woman at that time predicted in advance that such a thing might happen."

"In the current situation, I really don't know how to solve this problem."

"But when these problems are really achieved, it is not so easy to completely resolve them."

"So, this also has to be cautious in advance to be able to achieve a higher level."

"I remember about these passwords..."

Cheng Yiyun quickly opened the password, revealing an extremely surprised expression.

But after this action, it increased the absorption of oxygen, and suddenly couldn't help coughing violently.

At this moment, he felt that he was very close to death.

But in retrospect, Lin Yi's face full of smiles.

"It seems that this world has a direction worthy of my attachment."

"It's not that it's not so beautiful, it's just that I didn't realize the key to it before."

"Looking at the current situation, it is time to change the danger of all this, and it will not be as complicated as it seems before."

Cheng Yiyun quickly picked up one of the smaller boxes, and at this time he also felt the constant exhaustion of his body.

But for the current situation...

At the stage where only hope was in sight, an alarm sounded from a position outside the entire container.

The personnel of the Criminal Division obviously arrived at this location quickly!

Cheng Yiyun's face changed slightly.

Because of this situation.

The situation is obviously not optimistic.

Because of his own identity, he cannot be exposed!

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