Chapter 220: Solve which team Qin Yunuo and Liu Yiyi have entered.

After all, they are two girls, and if they just need to communicate, everyone is very willing to accept them.

It just means that in the place they need to go, it can be regarded as full of adventure.

But the final destination point can be regarded as a lot of people who have followed one after another, and have not found a direction to deal with.

So, it is imperative to be safe at this moment.

Every professional person wears a lot of protective tools.

The main thing is that breathing into the glacier site is likely to become difficult, as well as a series of survival problems.

Qin Yunuo was in the black market after all and received such a task.

Therefore, no matter how dangerous the road is, he must go forward to explore.

He never thought that one day he would come to such a beautiful place.

But not to travel, or to see the aurora.

At this stage, Liu Yiyi came to Qin Yunuo's side and whispered:

"I found that they seemed to be very confident about the search for the ship this time, and most of the words were professional."

"I just heard about it, and these two of them are graduate students from the Department of Exploration at the University of Toronto."

"There are also some who have been engaged in the ship business for many years, or are researchers of archaeology and geology."

"If this is really the case, why do so many ships crash into the glacier and cannot be transported out?"

When Qin Yunuo heard the other party's doubts, she obviously smiled and replied:

"The most important thing is the new energy stored in it, which can change too many things in the automotive field."

"So, the value of new energy is very huge, and no one hopes to touch their bottom line."

"In such a situation, if you really want to deal with it, you must have a good relationship before you can deliver it to the corresponding city."

"But there's something about this's really dangerous."

When Liu Yiyi heard this, she explained the dangers of these problems.

But he could only shake his head.

He also did not imagine it at all, and came to this place from the Louvre.

They keep moving on to the next destination, but the danger never changes.

Liu Yiyi looked at the aurora in the distance, and her eyes were full of yearning for a while.

"I've earned this money this time, I'm afraid I won't choose to continue to wander like this. I plan to go back to my hometown to live a life."

"At that time, it will be about bringing things with you, and the case will finally be brought to the surface."

When Liu Yiyi said this, her entire face was hidden in darkness.

They only saw that they came under the huge glaciers, and there were artificial passages for construction at this location, and it was temporarily convenient for driving.

Fortunately, it was the summer in the world recently, so that there was not too much snow falling in this place.

Qin Yunuo could hear the hatred in his heart.

But isn't he?

Otherwise, even with such a huge bounty amount.

No one will choose to explore at the cost of death.

"As for those famous paintings in the past, I already have a lot of reserves, and I have used them in advance to open up all kinds of relationships."

"But if you really want to deal with that car group, there is still a big gap."

"As for the path of hatred I'm pursuing, I'm afraid there is still a long way to go. Even if you can retreat halfway, I'll most likely have to explore the path of the world."

When Qin Yunuo finished saying this, she could only show a bitter smile.

Lin Yi, this guy, has never had any contact with him, and I don't know where he died.

Although Qin Yunuo said that in his heart, he misses each other very much.

But he also thought about one day after him, returning to Zhonghai City.

Would Lin Yi be willing to open a small dessert shop with him and live together?

Qin Yunuo likes cats very much, and wants to keep cats with the person he loves.

Most importantly, Liu Yiyi is about to retire in the following tasks.

If Lin Yi can accompany her all the time, then the happiest thing in the world.

Probably nothing more than that.

Qin Yunuo obviously knew that his thoughts were very terrifying.

But for these situations, it is indeed a question that does not need to be questioned, and it may have more value.

I only saw a man with a camouflage backpack and gold-rimmed glasses in the midst of the team, and stopped.

I only saw that he waved an electronic instrument in his gloved hand and kept turning.

"Everyone, stop for a while, about the weather testers left over from people who seem to have some full-scale exploration around here."

"There are also advance measurements for this subterranean structure."

"After we find it, it will be of great help in the back, at least avoiding the exploration of some things and reducing the danger."

When the other party finished saying these words, another girl in the team shook her double ponytail and asked curiously:

"According to the current situation."

"Aren't we looking for that ship that carries new energy?"

"But why do I now feel that data detection is being carried out like archaeology, so that we can find the destination we need to go to."

The doubts of girls with double ponytails are indeed common sense.

After all, they already have satellite positioning, they just need to find the location of the ship.

When Qin Yunuo heard the conversation between them, he obviously felt a little curious.

Immediately afterwards, he found the man wearing gold-rimmed glasses with a trace of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

"According to the current situation, I am absolutely certain of one thing."

"That's our Zhang Jiashi's ship. Is it possible that I still don't know how to find it?"

"So according to the current situation, I only hope that you can cooperate with my mission. Only in this way can everyone achieve a win-win situation."

"If anyone has their own opinions, I'm afraid this matter is not so easy to solve at all."

"After all, this huge new energy source involves many problems."

I only saw this person from the Zhang family, obviously wanting to control the entire team.

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