Chapter 190 : Thoroughly understand Lin Yi For such a situation, although it is the first time that he has seen it, he still can't help but laugh.

This action of his suddenly caused everyone to fall into silence, with a look of consternation on his face.

I was completely stunned, and I didn't know what was going on.

If these people can know the true identity of the other party, they may not have such an idea.

But it turns out that what they believed was missing.

That's how to make such a move when facing a psychologist.

Lin Yi seemed to see himself, he couldn't hold back his laughter, he could only helplessly shook his head and said:

"I didn't expect that when I returned to this country, I would be able to see such a good item. I like it very much."

"It seems that it is time for my research on these famous paintings to be identified."

Lin Yi is very satisfied with this situation.

At least being able to achieve such a direction is already something that many people hope to stop.

But it is rare for these guys to have the courage to compete with their own acting skills.

The reason why Lin Yi has such idle time is because he knows that they are in such a situation.

It is also the same as the big brother photographer that I cared about most before.

He followed closely behind him, and seemed suspicious.

In order for Lin Yi to be able to make the other party useful and to eliminate his doubts among people, he must be used as evidence.

Therefore, if you only need to be a returnee yourself, and spend a high price, you can buy this picture.


It will not make netizens continue to have doubts, or attract the attention of the Criminal Division.

Lin Yi naturally needs to disguise his identity.

Flawless After all, for the rich, investing a lot of money is only for their own preferences, which is inevitable.

The most important thing is his original identity, but he has a lot of psychology and detection ability.

If you are deceived in this matter, it is impossible.

In the recent period of time, Lin Yi has indeed researched the anti-routine thing very thoroughly, so that it can bring such effects.

"So looking at the current situation, with a small amount of money, you can make your identity very perfect."

"It's a very good deal."

It was precisely because of this idea that Lin Yi began to carefully observe himself on this famous painting.

It has to be said that it cannot be faked anymore.

It's not because there are incandescent lamps on both sides of the booth, which can affect the vision and can be placed anywhere.

At a glance, it can be seen that it is a poor quality.

Since Lin Yi has already obtained the master level, for this situation.

Obviously, only poor quality can be used to make an evaluation.

Or other people who have just entered the industry, or who are not very experienced, can't recognize it.

"I never imagined that I would open my eyes and talk nonsense. It seems that such a thing is really against my conscience."

"Now that big brother photographer seems to be adjusting his position and wants to approach me."

Lin Yi is indeed very satisfied with the development of this situation.

I also feel that this series of processes can completely help him solve many problems.


in the face of such a problem.

The photographer's brother is sneaking around in a hidden location.

But without exception, it is impossible to make everyone in the live broadcast room very happy.

I only saw that in the live broadcast room, the big brother who had some gifts was dissatisfied:

"I'm telling you, how did you get it in the recent period, how did you even start to fail in this position of the paparazzi?"

"That guy is obviously planning to buy famous paintings. It seems that the owner of the stall is also starting the process of acting."

"Maybe this returnee has very good eyesight. Otherwise, the stall owner wouldn't have taken out an item so mysteriously."

"I never imagined that the rescued member of the Criminal Division would appear in this antique street, and his interest is really different."

"I think this is the life of a rich man."

"Anyway, in any case, this time we all follow the photographer brother to probe together to see who this man in a suit is."

"Lin Yi, I am a top crime master, and also has a super high disguise technique."

"So, we can't be blinded by our eyes at all, and this time the broken power is completely ours!"


I only saw the big brother of the photographer, and after watching the scene of howling and howling in the live broadcast room, he could only wipe the sweat on his face.

In fact, there is some fear in his heart, that criminal guy is not an ordinary person like him at all, and should be approached.

Although it was said that at the beginning, he also had live broadcasts of some criminals.

Returning to his hometown after years of imprisonment, he takes the kind of touching picture under the east fence.

But the other party has already realized, it is not that the guy in front of him is in a situation of being sealed off.

Maybe the other party will bite down a piece of his meat desperately.

The photographer eldest brother sighed slightly after knowing such a problem.

"The bounty for this guy Lin Yi is very high."

"If you can really seize this opportunity, then you won't have to carry such heavy equipment for the rest of your life."

"Regardless of this exploration, no matter how the danger is obtained, you must stand on the front line."

'I am currently broadcasting live, and everyone in the live broadcast room will also give me early warning."

The photographer brother is also after these ideas have been thoroughly penetrated.

Only then did he slowly and simply nod his head, and walk forward in a rush.

For the current situation.

If you don't grasp it yourself, this kind of opportunity is likely to be found and taken away by other people later, and the bounty is not guaranteed.

But what he didn't know was that his recklessness had indeed made him a pawn.

Lin Yi had already calculated all this, and only waited for it to take the bait after it bit the bait.

I only saw the uncle in the suit at this moment, watching the famous painting in his hand.

From time to time, he made a sigh of admiration, as if he liked the items in his hands very much.

After the photographer brother saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief and set up his camera._

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