Chapter 162 Zhang Angxiong's expression is very serious.

When he knew that he was dying soon, of course, he would leave the name of the next generation of the Zhang family as soon as possible.

Since the news was announced at the Zhang family's family meeting, he naturally had to follow suit.

He has advanced lung cancer and still has a month to live. Of course, he will not delay any longer.

While writing this document like a suicide note, Zhang Angxiong spoke to Zhang Su next to him.

"Why didn't you tell me about my body earlier?"

Zhang Su hesitated for a while.

Reply: "You..."

Zhang Su looked a little worried and did not speak out very straightforwardly.

On the other hand, Zhang Angxiong snorted softly: "Humph... What's the embarrassment to say? Just say it."

"Yes, Patriarch... I didn't tell you, because it's been a while. If I tell you about this, I don't think it's necessary..."

"Rather than be frightened, it's better to live in peace."

Hearing Zhang Su's words, although Zhang Angxiong didn't raise his head, a light laughter was already heard.

It seems that he is very satisfied with Zhang Su's answer.

"That's why you took Zhang Xiancun's pressure?"

This time, Zhang Su did not answer.

But right now, Zhang Angxiong has already written the list of the next Zhang family head.

The name was on the paper.

"Zhang Su."

Zhang Angxiong said: "In the future, to lead the Zhang family, we must go better and better."

"Before you take office, my last request is to see Lin Yi's head."

Zhang Su looked shocked.

He looked at Zhang Angxiong in disbelief and asked, "Uncle...I..."

"How can I be?"

Zhang Angxiong laughed again: "I said you can, of course you can."

"In this incident, you did a very good job."

"Only you did it."

"It makes me very happy, so I'll give you this position, and you deserve it."

While saying this, Zhang Angxiong pressed his handprint and stamped his own seal at the same time.

The legal effect of this document has already been generated.

After doing this, Zhang Angxiong turned around and stood on the top floor of Zhang's old house overlooking the entire Zhonghai City, just like what Zhang Yu did on the top of Qingcheng Building before.

He turned his back to Zhang Su, thinking that he had only thirty days left before leaving this world, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

However, he didn't say much about such a situation, just instructed Zhang Yu who was standing behind him.

"Zhang Su, I'm running out of time. You still need to kill Lin Yi as soon as possible."

"This person must die before me."

"Everything is done now, but you haven't found where Lin Yi is."

"Find him and kill him."

"do you know?"

Zhang Angxiong still has the majesty of his family head.

However, after he said these words, he did not hear Zhang Su's answer.

But Zhang Angxiong just smiled, the choice he made at this time would make Zhang Su very surprised. So Zhang Su's silence at this time was not beyond his expectations.

"Zhang Su?"

"Kill Lin Yi as soon as possible, you know?"

He asked again.

But still got no response.

At this moment, he immediately turned around and looked at Zhang Su.

But when he saw it, he was taken aback.

"Zhang Su?"


At this moment, Zhang Su put on a pair of gloves at some point in his hand, he was holding the document and looking at it carefully.

At this moment, Zhang Angxiong immediately realized that something was wrong.

That look...

Zhang Angxiong's heart throbbed involuntarily.

"Zhang Su!"

He raised his voice and asked abruptly, "I'm talking to you!"

Zhang Su squinted his eyes, his face full of impatience.

There was no need for him to continue acting at this time.

Looking at Zhang Angxiong, Zhang Su laughed.

"Yeah, you're talking to me, but so what?"

Zhang Angxiong was stunned.

"I can make one more document and void that document."

"Zhang Su, you should know who you are talking to."

"And if I didn't pave the way for you, do you think you would be able to stand firm in the Zhang family?"

Zhang Su shook his head: "You think of yourself too high."

"Old man."

"And you don't have much time to write documents."

"Don't realize it yet?"

While saying this, Zhang Su raised his hand and showed Zhang Angxiong the glove.

"These gloves..."

"What does it represent?"

Hearing this voice, Zhang Angxiong narrowed his eyes.

"What do you want to do?"

Zhang Su smiled: "Do you still need to ask?"

"Of course you're going to die."

"After you die, I will kill Lin Yi and let him accompany you father and son on the road."

Zhang Angxiong did not expect that things would suddenly develop to such a point.

But Zhang Su......

How is this possible?

He has only one month left, obviously he can wait until later...


Zhang Angxiong's pupils contracted slightly, and he thought of another thing in amazement.

"You...that hospital examination was fake?"

Zhang Su sneered: "You are smart."

"But it's too late to think about it now."

"Is there anything else you want to say before you die?"

"Do you regret it?"

Zhang Angxiong was stunned for a while, then said: "You should know that those people will not obey you."

"Once you're investigated, it's you who will be attacked in the end."

"I can give you the position, but I must die after Lin Yi."

Zhang Angxiong had no idea of ​​living any longer, he just wanted to watch Lin Yi die.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Zhang Su smiled.

The smile was a little helpless and a little sarcastic.

"The purpose of a plan is to implement it well."

"And you are already dead, Zhang Angxiong."

"From the time you pressed the seal, you were already dead."

"Unfortunately, you can't see Lin Yi's death, but it doesn't matter, you can walk together on Huangquan Road."

"Won't be alone."_

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