Chapter 144

Hearing the result of the appraisal, the corner of Count Karls's mouth crooked to the back of his head.

He knew very well that as long as the picture was real, then he could have innumerable wealth!

In the past few days, he has received countless inquiries, wanting to buy his painting.

From the first hundreds of thousands, to millions, and even to over 10 million...

The greedy Kars restrained his greed.

But now it looks like it's all worth it.

"That's luck!"

"I'm so lucky!"

Kars thought so.

However, he never thought that this painting, which was found in the utility room of his house, did not belong to him.

And he never thought that the first person who came to the door that day and offered one million francs to buy this picture was actually the one who left it to him.

He didn't even think about it, even the interviews and reporters, it was the same person who came to the door.

But what Lin Yi used was his complete ignorance.

As long as he thinks the painting is his, as long as he thinks the painting is real, then he can help Lin Yi complete his own deception.


July thirteenth.

It was finally announced.

The joint suppression of the Louvre and the Neon Museum was unsuccessful.

And the exposure of this matter, for a while, "Hanjiang Fishing Alone" held the cusp of the storm.

However, Zhang Su only felt that his brain was about to collapse.

Originally everything went smoothly, as long as Lin Yi got to Lin Yi, then smeared him, and then killed him, everything would be over.

But it is not the case

"damn it."

He punched the desk in front of him heavily.

But this doesn't solve the problem at all.

Zhang Su is a smart person, he can feel that Lin Yi's arrangement is moving forward step by step.

But for him, it was the place that bothered him the most.

He clearly knows what Lin Yi is doing, but he can't do it himself!

This is the most painful place for him!

"I have to do something."

"Isn't your goal still the painting after all?"

"In other words, the painting that appeared in the hands of this so-called Kars guy at this time is completely fake."

"I don't know what means you used to prove this painting to be true..."

"But as long as this clue is broken, then your plan will definitely fall through."

Zhang Su pondered this matter, and the more he thought about it, the more feasible he felt.

Then, he made a phone call.

"This painting by Karls..."

"Whether it's true or not, get rid of this thing..."

"After you get rid of it, you will naturally not lose your money!"

"But if you dare to hide anything, I will definitely kill you!"

Zhang Su quickly determined his course of action.

As long as Lin Yi's plans are exposed, he will definitely be unable to sit still and end up in person.

In this case, there is much more room for you to operate.

"Lin Yi..."

"You never imagined that the things you are paving now have such a big loophole, right?"

"I'm looking forward to seeing your astonished eyes, and I look forward to what you will say when you die in my hands..."_

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