Chapter 142 The director of the Louvre Museum is communicating with the handover staff of the Neon Rijksmuseum.

Because the Zhang family warned them of the danger of Lin Yi very seriously, they have researched a very complete plan to try to solve the risk.

But they didn't have any idea of ​​giving up the exhibition.

After all, this exhibition has been in preparation for a long time, and it has already been announced to the world. It is a very important thing for both the Louvre Museum and the Neon Rijksmuseum.

And the other party is only one person after all, no matter how good Lin Yi is, as long as he can do a good job of security, then there is no possibility that the painting will be lost.

"I believe in the security of the Louvre."

Sakamoto, the person in charge of the Neon National Museum, said very seriously: "It's just the Zhang family of China who wants to find the trace of Lin Yi. This matter needs a lot of help from your museum."

James, the curator of the Louvre, nodded happily and said, "Don't worry, although we haven't found out how Lin Yi entered the country. But the police station has already started a search on this matter."

"No matter how powerful he is, when it is on display, he will definitely not be able to enter the door."

Just as they were talking, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Mr. Curator!"

A staff member rushed into the office, and he looked very flustered and said, "Mr. Curator, something happened!"

James looked at the flustered expression of the young staff member and was a little unhappy.

"What are you panicking about!?"

"Say something slowly!"

As soon as he said these words, the young staff member's words immediately came out: "The newspaper said that the "Drawing of the Cold River" by the Neon National Museum is false!"

Hearing this, James and Sakamoto both stood up at the same time.



The eyes of the two people were very round, and they could hardly understand what the staff member said at this time.

Especially the version from the Neon National Museum, it feels very inexplicable.


"Baga! Our museum has kept that picture for nearly fifty years, how could it be fake!?"

Hearing Sakamoto's angry voice, James frowned and seemed much calmer.

After all, this picture is not from their museum, of course he is not so urgent.

He opened his mouth and said, "Tell me slowly, what's going on?"

The staff member breathed slowly and evenly, and then said: "In today's Bali Daily, Mr. Curator, I can't tell for a while..."

At this time, James immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the Bali electronic version.

When he saw the headline on the front page, "The 'Hanjiang Solitary Fishing Picture' exhibited by the Nili Museum turned out to be a fake?", his face was extremely ugly.

Not only him, but what Sakamoto described in the newspaper at this time also made a thud in his heart.

Now that this newspaper has been published, the impact has already been made. Whether it is true or false, it will definitely have a huge impact on tomorrow's exhibition.

But who would do this?

The newspaper reads "Count Karls, in the outskirts of Bali, also has a collection of such scrolls..."

"And it's more comprehensive than the painting in the Neon Museum collection, and the scroll is bigger..."

"The reporter of my newspaper, after various verifications, came to the conclusion from many medical masters that this painting is genuine..."

"And if this painting is genuine, it means that if it is not a fake, it must be a semi-finished product!"

Looking at the sharp words in the newspaper, the expressions of the two people who had thought that there would be no more variables in this matter turned extremely different.

"Is this also what Lin Yi did?"

"Where did this picture come from?"

"How can anyone believe this?"

Sakamoto was very excited, he never expected such a thing to happen.

James also became nervous at this time. If the paintings provided by the Neon Museum are imitations or fakes, then it will also be a blow to the reputation of the Louvre.

He can't allow this to happen.

So James immediately said: "Contact this Earl of Karls!"

"We want to confirm the authenticity of this picture!"


Of course, Count Karls had already been bribed by Lin Yi and others.

This old gambler who is addicted to gambling, under the temptation of money, no longer cares about the name of the earl.

Not to mention the name of the earl, as long as you give him money, this guy is afraid that even his own wife can give it with both hands.

However, the reason why Lin Yi came to him was not just because of his status as an earl.

It's more because this guy's house does have some inventory.

The ones that can be sold in these years have been sold almost, and the ones that cannot be sold are indeed of little value, but I can't find any good things in the basement...

And this picture of "Fishing the Cold River Alone" is exactly what he "accidentally" dug out from the basement.

After the report spread all over Bali, many people came here, wanting to see the authentic picture of the picture of fishing alone in the cold river.

And not only set off a wave in Bali, but also caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

Especially in China's network.

This incident has been on the hot search without a sound.

After all, this was something that the ancestors of the Earl of Karls stole from another country, and it was full of irony that there was a sudden fire at this time.

"Why do you say this picture is his? It belongs to China!"

"What is stolen and robbed can become his own after a long time?"

"It is required that France must return this "Lonely Fishing in the Cold River"!"

Liu Zongyuan's "Jiang Xue" can be said to be able to be read by anyone who can read in China, and it is especially representative, and this painting is of extraordinary significance to the Chinese people.

At this time, the Louvre Museum, the Neon National Museum, and the high-rises of Bali were all in a state of utter wreckage.

All because of Lin Yi's trap!

However at Bali Airport...

At this time, Zhang Su's plane just landed.

When he heard this, he immediately understood that it was definitely something Lin Yi did!

"What the hell are you going to do!?"

"It happens to be a storm in the city again!"_

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