Chapter 138 Bali is a very romantic place.

Especially the romantic atmosphere by the Seine River makes people feel extremely comfortable.

However, Lin Yi and the others were not enjoying this comfort.

They are preparing for the next big case.

Lin Yi used a pencil to outline a landscape drawing on ordinary drawing paper.

Under the simultaneous action of 【Taste Ability】, 【Derivation Ability】 and 【Thinking Temple】, Lin Yi's ability to appreciate medical skills, to appreciate paintings, and the reconstruction and analysis facilitated by the Temple of Thought, make the This picture naturally came out of his pen.

Jiang Chengxiong couldn't help smacking his tongue because of that natural feeling.

"I've been in this business for fifty years, but I didn't expect it..."

"Mr. Gao, I'm really shortsighted."

"Your level is far higher than mine! Even I dare to say that if Ma Yuan were alive, his painting would never be more ingenious than yours!"

"Thousands of birds fly away, and thousands of people disappear..."

"Boat PC World Weng, fishing alone trees and snow......"

"This mood, this momentum..."

"It's really fascinating!"

"I just don't know... Can I express the artistic conception of your painting?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi smiled inscrutably: "It's nothing to worry about."

"Uncle Jiang, your ability is beyond doubt."

"I have never been trained like this, and it would be more appropriate for you to be in charge of this."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Jiang Chengxiong not only didn't feel any better, on the contrary, he felt that this young man is both capable and humble.

It really makes him feel ashamed!

"it is good."

Jiang Chengxiong nodded: "Then I will do my best! I will do my best!"

Lin Yi smiled with relief, and then left the room created by Jiang Lao.

He has other plans of his own to make.

When Qin Yunuo and Liu Yiyi went to the Louvre to contact him, of course he had to make another preparation by himself.

Especially the situation of the system task, he has never forgotten in his heart for a long time.

Qin Yunuo and Liu Yiyi turned against each other?

Even now it seems that there is still no clue.

In order to ensure that this situation can be avoided, he must have a back-up.

Lin Yi left for a full hour.

In this hour, he took care of everything.

Although even Lin Yi can't fully guarantee that such a situation will not happen, with the current situation, he can only do so much.

Moreover, after Lin Yi has the [Derivative Ability], he is very clear at this time, that is, many times, if you want to influence the direction of the ending, you only need a slight push, and the final ending may be changed.

However, whether what he has just done can induce a change in the final outcome, or does it eventually lead to that outcome...

Even Lin Yi didn't have a definite answer in his heart at this time.

At this time, all he can guarantee is to stay by Qin Yunuo's side to ensure that this will not happen.

Now Lin Yi can't tell his true identity at all, because the changes brought about by that will be more complicated.

He has to make these things change, even if he wants to make his identity public, he has to choose the right time by himself.

But when he returned to that room, his pupils shrank suddenly.


"What’s wrong with you?"

He saw that the old ginger was lying on the ground, his face was very pale.

He also had a bottle of medicine in his hand.

"Qingxin pill?"

Lin Yi understood the situation at a glance, it was obvious that when Jiang Chengxiong had a heart problem, Jiang Chengxiong fell to the ground before he had time to take out the medicine.

He immediately put the medicine into his mouth, but when he was about to make a phone call, Jiang Chengxiong grabbed his wrist with an unknown strength.

"Mr. Gao......"


"It doesn't have to be... I'll be able to recover soon..."

Hearing this, Lin Yi put down the phone.

After a long time, Jiang Chengxiong came to rest. He looked at Lin Yi weakly and said, "Mr. Gao..."

"I'm so sorry..."

"This painting is still up to you to paint by yourself."

His voice was very soft, but it seemed that he was about to die soon.

Looking at his appearance, Lin Yi frowned.

Where does he have the ability in this regard? Especially this kind of painting with a brush, he has never even touched a brush, let alone painting?

But the current situation...

It looks like he's really going to play in person.

At this moment, Qin Yunuo and Liu Yiyi suddenly opened the door.

Both of them had ugly faces.

Especially Liu Yiyi, she lowered her head as if she didn't dare to look at Lin Yi at all.

And Qin Yunuo was even more aggressive.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Yi frowned and asked, "What happened?"

"Didn't the negotiations to go to the Louvre go well?"

Liu Yiyi's head lowered even more, while Qin Yunuo looked at Lin Yi Lin Yi narrowed her eyes.

But then, he looked at Old Jiang, and frowned when he saw his pale and weak face.

"Uncle Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

Old Jiang took a few deep breaths, and seemed to have exhausted his strength before saying, "I'm fine."

Lin Yi explained: "Lao Jiang has a heart attack."

"Fortunately I saw it in time, otherwise I'm afraid..."

Qin Yunuo heard this, and then looked at Lin Yi again.

Her eyes were very complicated at this moment.

And Lin Yi also narrowed his eyes: "What happened?"

"Speak straight."

He realized that something seemed wrong.

Maybe the Louvre has guessed their move?

Or is there something else going on in the country?

While Lin Yi was thinking so, Qin Yunuo suddenly said, "Are you still pretending?"

"Lin Yi!"

"Why did you pretend to be in front of me for so long!?"

"Is it interesting!?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi only felt that his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

This is......

what's the situation!?

How did she know?

I went to the Louvre and got this kind of information?

Do not......

Lin Yi looked into Qin Yunuo's eyes and asked seriously, "What do you mean?"

Qin Yunuo snorted again and said, "The Zhang family has made contact with the director of the Louvre Museum..."

Having said that, Qin Yunuo seems unwilling to explain any further.

Instead, she said directly again: "Are you still quibbling!?"_

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