Chapter 19 Upstairs in Zhangjiashuisi, Zhang Suzheng stood in front of Zhang Angxiong and handed Zhang Angxiong the intelligence document he found.

"Dong Zhang, Lin Yi has left Zhonghai."

"That night he went to the golf course in the suburbs, went to the airport by helicopter, and then transferred to Neon."

"I found out..."

"He went to the Mount Fuji Airport."

Zhang Angxiong raised his brows, he looked at Zhang Su and frowned.

"He died at Fujisan Airport?"

Zhang Su shook his head: "The specific situation is unknown."

"The airport in Xilin City has not yet specifically counted the list of personnel."

"But I think someone like Lin Yi should have flown back on that plane."

Zhang Angxiong nodded, frowned and fell into thought.

And Zhang Su continued: "I have already sent someone to the Xilin Airport Hotel. If there is news about Lin Yi, it should be sent back here soon."

"After I get hold of his whereabouts, I will order people to do it as soon as possible."

Hearing Zhang Su's words, Zhang Angxiong also nodded: "He must have changed his identity and name, so people in the past must confirm his face."

"You don't have to do it as soon as possible, just tie him back when you find him."

Zhang Su nodded: "With a reward of 30 million yuan, Zhong Hai already has a lot of killer activities."

"Should we expand it a bit more?"

Zhang Su's words made Zhang Angxiong interested: "Scope? What scope?"

Zhang Su explained: "The girlfriends of Lin Yi."

"If we don't find Lin Yi at Xilin Airport, then we can use some other means."

Hearing this, Zhang Angxiong frowned, then shook his head.

"Don't go too far."

"All I want to kill is Lin Yi."

Zhang Su didn't change any other expression, just nodded, and then quietly exited the room.

But standing outside the door, Zhang Su's expression changed slightly.

If Lin Yi really died on Neon Mount Fuji, his plans would be in vain.

What he just said was to lead the misfortune to the east. If the contradiction is not there, whether he can stand on the top of the Zhang family, there is almost no chance at all.

But Zhang Angxiong, who had almost lost his mind, abruptly rejected the proposal.


Zhang Su gritted his teeth.

But he still called: "You should have arrived at Xilin Airport, right?"

"Very good, find Lin Yi."

"Send a copy of the passenger information form from the airport."

"If you confirm Lin Yi's information, then hit him directly."

Listening to the killer's gloomy answer, he spoke coldly while walking in the magnificent walk.

"Lin Yi's skills are very good, make sure to kill him..."

"Your means can...more..."

The killer was stunned for a moment, then responded: "No problem."

"But boss..."

"Since it is going to be done, the price will naturally have to change."

"And if you want to find someone to kill in this group of people, you should know that the impact will be great."

Zhang Su snorted coldly, and then said, "30 million won't stop your greed."

"I've given you information now, so that you can have a chance to win 30 million, and be more greedy..."

"Recognize who you are dealing with."

Hearing Zhang Su's words, the killer was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "If this is..."

"What about Qin Yunuo?"

"I didn't find Lin Yi just now, but I did find Qin Yunuo. The main culprit in the counterfeiting case."

The sound of Zhang Su's rapid footsteps in the corridor suddenly stopped.

There was a light in his eyes.

"Qin Yunuo..."


"I personally give you five million."

"It's just a woman. If you can't confirm whether Lin Yi is among them, kill the woman."

There was a cruel smile on Zhang Su's mouth.

After hanging up the phone, there was also a trace of madness in his eyes.

"God help me too!"

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"Zhang Angxiong... It seems that your ending is destined to be ugly."


The elevator stopped in front of him, and when the elevator door opened, the smile on Zhang Su's mouth quickly disappeared.

He returned to his usual indifference.

Because there are monitors in the elevator...

He won't leave any holes for himself until he's actually in that seat!


Lin Yi received an envelope with a plane ticket.

At three in the morning, transfer from Xilin Airport to Nanning Airport, and then go straight to Bali.

In this case you can still get a ticket...  

Especially when the passengers who got off the plane from AU2132 can still be sold tickets, Qin Yunuo is indeed very powerful.

There are still three hours until three in the morning.

However, it still takes half an hour from the airport hotel to the airport terminal, so no matter what, he can rest for two and disappear.

Perhaps because of the deliberate help at the airport, after the hotel settled down, Lin Yi did not suffer any further harassment.

However, he did not know that this was Song Qingsong exerting his power.

The power that such an old gentleman can radiate in this society is often difficult to see from the surface.

At this time, Lin Yi was sitting on the sofa, ready to close his eyes and rest for a while.

But just closed my eyes...


The prompt sound appeared in Lin Yi's ear.

Lin Yi knew that this was the reward for the system to start issuing this task.

"The host of this mission has done an excellent job, and the evaluation level is the highest."

"Because of the frequent use of the [Brain Activity] skill, the [Brain Activity] skill has completed self-improvement."

"Now [Brain Activity] has been raised to [Brain Activity LV3]."

"New abilities will be issued next."

"The host is now given new abilities [appreciation ability], [temperament imitation], [flexible fingers], [computing ability]."

"Upgrade [Physical Strength] to [Intermediate Body Strength]."

"Upgrade [Exploring the Capsules] to [Exploring the Capsules and Extracting Objects MAX."

"A new task for the wife protection system has been issued."_

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