Chapter 13 In the cockpit, Lin Yi was breathing heavily.

The overloaded brain just now made him feel extremely sore and soft.

After all, human beings still have their limits, especially when they operate their brains in such an overloaded state, it is already because of the bonus of [brain activity] that they do not shut down immediately.

In fact, in the situation just now, Lin Yi faced the danger of complete collapse countless times.

But he survived with amazing perseverance.

At every moment, you must be absolutely calm, otherwise you will end up being destroyed.

Looking back now, Lin Yi doesn't even know how he made those judgments...

Even if he was asked to do that kind of operation once, it was impossible.

"How on earth did you do it?"

Song Qingsong looked at the cockpit glass that had broken into patterns in amazement, and asked in a trembling voice.

Lin Yi forced a smile, but at this time he couldn't say a word.

He was so exhausted that he didn't even want to move a finger.

"Let the captain get off the plane first!"

Such a voice came from the cabin behind him.

Lin Yi was taken aback.

At this time, Song Qingsong was also stunned for a moment, and then he laughed, the feeling of relaxation after the catastrophe made him feel incomparably happy.

At this moment, he looked at Lin Yi and said, "Brother Gao, since everyone thinks so, you should go down first."

Lin Yi was stunned, of course he wanted to go down first, but after he suddenly relaxed, he couldn't move a finger.

At this time, through the broken cockpit window, you can see that the outside is full of vehicles.

It should be safe already.

He breathed a sigh of relief and was about to shake his head, but at this moment, another voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Mission successful."

Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he was truly relieved.

A picture appeared before his eyes.

"Mission Completion: SS."

"Rewards will be issued soon."

"This task is very difficult, and it is now given to the host for physical recovery and mental recovery."

"Adjust [Brain Activity] to [Brain Activity LV3]."

"The specific rewards will be issued later."

After this sentence was over, Lin Yi's mind seemed to have a clear stream flowing through. The soreness in his body was also emptied immediately, and his whole body was very refreshing.

Song Qingsong saw that the tiredness on Lin Yi's face was relieving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His eyes narrowed when he saw this.

Song Qingsong, who had experienced war before, saw this scene, but he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Wouldn't it be a flashback?

"Are you OK?"

Lin Yi shook his head, then raised his hand to unfasten his seat belt and stood up.

The cockpit door was opened.

When people saw Lin Yi standing in the mouth, the original roaring voice in the cabin suddenly stopped.

They looked at the sweaty captain and felt extremely excited.

"The captain is awesome!"

"Thank you Captain!"

Such noisy shouts rang out, and they were crying and expressing their inner feelings.

Lin Yi's eyes swept across Qin Yunuo, confirmed that she was all right, and then saw Liu Yiyi again.

The girl's eyes seemed to be radiating light.

This look...

Lin Yi has met eight times.

But at this time, he didn't think much about it, after all, he saved everyone, so he wasn't too surprised to have this kind of treatment.

When the crew member at the hatch saw Lin Yi, he was stunned for a moment.

Hearing the cheers and applause from the people in the cabin, he nodded at Lin Yi: "You should be the captain, right?"

"How is your body?"

Lin Yi smiled, then shook his head slightly, and said, "I'm fine."

The staff member turned his head excitedly and shouted: "Captain is fine!"

"All passengers are safe!"

"No casualties!"

Hearing this voice, through the cabin, there was a shocking cheer!

The cheers came not only from the onlookers, but from all the people watching the situation in front of the TV.

Everyone's hearts were very excited, and when they saw Lin Yi's figure appearing at the door of the plane, the excitement reached its limit!


"The captain is awesome!"

However, immediately after, seeing the man walking down from the cabin, what greeted him was a swarm of reporters!

"Hello Captain Gao!"

"How is your physical condition now? Are you able to be interviewed?"

"Captain Gao! Can you be interviewed now!?"

These reporters actually didn't want to rush up, but seeing that Lin Yi didn't feel any discomfort, they immediately seized the opportunity.

So they immediately gathered around.

And Lin Yi said: "I can be interviewed, but don't be here..."

"The evacuation must go smoothly."

His words affected everyone present.

Those reporters also showed some shame on their faces.

However, at this time, I was so excited that I forgot about this kind of thing.

The situation in the field was too chaotic, but it was just this sentence from Lin Yi, and the order was sorted out.

Suddenly it became orderly.

Surrounded by reporters, Lin Yi walked to the other side. While preparing for an interview, the passengers on the plane were evacuating in an orderly manner.

People are looking forward to the interview with the legendary captain, and also wishing those who were rescued.

This disaster has finally drawn a perfect ending.

But people don't know that the impact of this incident is far from over.

They just saw the ending that the plane stopped, but they didn't know what Lin Yi did.

In the subsequent flight teaching materials, the smooth landing of this air crash is called a miracle!

However, at this time, it was only the beginning of the shock.

"Captain Gao, how are you feeling now?"

"I'm a reporter from CCTV News Channel..."

"Having saved so many people, did you feel any pressure when you landed?"

Hearing such a question, Lin Yi smiled slightly.

Pressure? That pressure is about to burst his head, how can there be no pressure?

But at this time, since he was answering a reporter's question, considering that his identity could not be leaked, he opened his mouth and said, "Of course, the pressure is not small."

"But in order to save so many compatriots, what I can do is to turn stress into motivation."

"That's the foundation on which I've been able to do this."

This interview was even called a textbook interview by later generations.

And when Lin Yi's identity was revealed, the interview was even more shocking to everyone!

But...that's all for later._

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