Chapter 11 It wasn't just Sun Chengying who saw this scene, everyone present saw this incredible moment!

Although the landing gear was broken, the aircraft did not seem to be affected, and was sprinting on the runway relying on the broken landing gear!

"how can that be!?"

The manager of the airport was also stunned, he had never seen such a situation before.

Don't say it's him, even if the airport management around the world calls over, there is absolutely no plane that can show such a state!

Such a state has never been seen even in the history of human flight!

The expressions of the senior officials of other airlines changed. After seeing this scene, they were shocked at first, but then they looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. Only at this time did they determine what they had just seen. It's not an illusion.

At this time, Sun Chengying looked at the situation in front of him, and his face suddenly changed again!

He seemed to have noticed something, and even his body suddenly shivered!

Everyone present noticed Sun Chengying's sudden change. They looked at Sun Chengying, but when they saw Sun Chengying, they saw him muttering to himself.


"Oh my God!"

"There are humans in this world who can do this?"

"Is he really human?"

Hearing his words, the others present also realized this, and it seems that Sun Chengying already knew the reason.

Someone present suddenly asked, "Professor Sun!"

"In the end what happened!?"

Sun Chengying's eyes were still fixed on the plane speeding on the fourth runway in front of him, and he didn't answer this matter at all!

However, these executives also suddenly came back at this time, and now is not the time to ask!


Inside the cabin, Lin Yi was holding the flap levers of the wings with both hands, frantically calculating the deviations at different speeds in his mind.

His heart rate was extremely fast, in order to feed his brain, in order to continue to calculate all the data that followed, Lin Yi only felt that his brain started to swell...

Song Qingsong's mouth was slightly long, and his eyes were a little dull.

He couldn't understand what was going on right now!

Didn't I just say that it is impossible for the plane to land safely under such circumstances?


However, just when he was extremely shocked and didn't know what was going on, the loud roar of "Gao Yi" suddenly came!

"Start the thruster reverse thrust!!"

The sound was so loud that it shook his periosteum.

And Song Qingsong, the temporary co-pilot, immediately pressed the button like a conditioned reflex after the news!

The Boeing 737's engine suddenly stopped, followed by the start of reverse jet!

Aviation fuel is being consumed in huge amounts, but it can't stop the castration of the aircraft at all!

Lin Yi gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with meaning.

"There are still two thousand..."

"Whether it can stop smoothly depends on the two-kilometer runway!"

He thought so in his heart, but said in his mouth: "Start to prepare for collision!"

"The fuselage is about to tilt!"

In the process of starting to decrease in speed, the plane, which had been stable all the time, suddenly began to tilt to one side!

But the speed of this incline is terrifyingly slow.

Song Qingsong is already stunned. He is a veteran. He has been fortunate enough to witness the take-off and landing of planes many times. He is very clear that the method of "Gao Yi" at this time is completely different from the conventional method. Steady landing attitude?

Why is even the tilting process so slow!?

"The left wing engine stalls!"

Lin Yi's voice suddenly sounded again.

Although Song Qingsong was puzzled, his movements were not slow at all. "Gao Yi" had already told him what the different indications of the engine indicator light were like.

But it's just that the left wing engine is turned off, which will cause the fuselage to start spinning!

But he still did it.

Because from the beginning to the end, he has never understood the practice of "Gao Yi", but from the reality, he must now believe in "Gao Yi"!

Just as he turned off the No. 3 and No. 4 engines, the deflection of the plane's fuselage made the right wing come into close contact with the ground!

The plane, which had already begun to have a tendency to deviate, now began to glide in a straight line on the ground again!

"Could it be..."

"Has he already calculated the friction force!?"

"What kind of guy is this!?"

Not only Song Qingsong was stunned, all the thousands of spectators watching this scene were stunned!

They don't understand the situation at all, but they do know that the current situation is not the situation that a normal plane should have when landing, or even the situation that a crashed plane should have!

However, such a miraculous scene just happened on this plane!

"Eight hundred meters..."

"Six hundred meters..."

Lin Yi gritted his teeth, the distance was not enough.

He stared at the spirit level, then released the joystick he had been gripping on.

Then he stretched out his hand and turned on the engine on the right wing again!


The roar of the engine roared loudly.

But just this one action made the fuselage suddenly start spinning on the ground!

This force is pushing the wings of the plane, causing the entire fuselage to deflect!

"What are you doing!"

Song Qingsong was stunned.

He couldn't help but scream this time.

The situation of the plane at this time... It can be said that it is at stake. Once the aviation fuel leaks, it is very likely that they will not be able to get out alone!

But his roar couldn't penetrate such a huge friction sound at all!

Even he himself could hardly hear what he was saying.

"Five hundred meters!"

"Four hundred meters!"

"Three hundred meters!!"

"Two hundred meters!!"

In Lin Yi's mind, the value from the end of the runway was constantly echoing.

Although the speed of change of this value has slowed down, they are too close to the end of the runway!

Only the final two hundred meters are left!

"Oh shit!"

"Stop for me!!!"_

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