Chapter 296: Elemental baptism

The Smurfs, bathed with the torrential rain of the elements, are now in a state of temporary eruption. Everyone feels energetic and full of strength.

This power will not last long, but it will allow them to climb higher steps.

The six sorcerers ran faster than one, and they rushed to the foremost almost instantly.

The rain of elemental torrents has the greatest effect on these six spiritual masters. Their mental power has reached the level of the middle-level magician, but it is limited by the low-low magic.

However, they have accumulated skills for these faint magical skills for many years. The six spirits are surrounded by breeze, the movement speed is greatly increased, and the body has become much lighter.

The snow-capped mountains are very steep, and the height difference between them and the bottom of the mountain is about 1,500 meters. It is already a formidable challenge for the blue-elves who are only one meter in height. Most of the tribe members can only stop at the helpless. Halfway.

At the end of the snow-capped mountains, only about a hundred people entered the Blue God Temple.

In addition to the six sorcerers, the other are the most robust warriors, and there are more than a dozen women with transparent wings on their backs.

Solomon had already launched the transmission spell and stood at the gate of the temple waiting for their arrival.

"Let the believers please come with me!" Solomon entered the temple with a victor, and prayed devoutly to the image of the blue god.

"Please enter the apse for a real elemental baptism. This is the holy blessing of the blue gods!"

This temple built on the top of the snow-capped mountains is obviously a true miracle. In this sacred hall, everyone is afraid to make a sound. Everyone is following the Solomon’s behind the corridor and walking slowly behind the corridor. With.

After turning around and not knowing how many corners, I finally came to the apse carved by a white marble wall and entered it. The first thing I saw was a huge pool of elements!

The radius of the circular element pool is about ten meters, the depth is nearly one meter, and it is divided into four equal parts. Each one is filled with pure elemental energy!

Yellow ground, red fire, green wind, blue water!

"Go forward to sense your most comfortable elemental pool water and enter the baptism of the elements!" Solomon shouted at the crowds that were shocked.

Direct immersion in elemental energy is undoubtedly a suicidal move for ordinary people on the mainland of Orient, but for these Smurfs, it is the best way to improve the spiritual power of your body!

Hundreds of Smurfs have chosen the most suitable elemental area, jumped into it, and let the pure elements of filling continue to pass through the skin into their bodies, nourishing the originally exhausted body and the spiritual core located at the eyebrow.

This group of Smurfs is a well-deserved elemental darling and has excellent qualifications in learning elemental spells.

This makes Xiwei's judgment on this plane rise sharply. If it can control a magical race, then this plane will far exceed the role of the grain production base!

Because of this, Xi Wei temporarily stopped the analysis of the second-order void inscription, and began to think and analyze all the arcane, magic and understanding of the elements after he came to the world of Orient.

Xi Wei's understanding of elemental spells is the deepest, and elemental spells are his best spell school.

He has analyzed, improved, and created many single-series, compound-element spells. All he has to do now is to truly integrate his knowledge into a system, so that the average magician can also follow this road and see Can grow into a system of high-order and even magical masters.

In this process, Xiwei must put all the steps of skipping, such as opening, enlightenment, and high qualifications, one step at a time, just like opening a road above the snow-capped mountains, even if it is difficult and steep. Climbing, not just desperate.

This is a very challenging task, and Xiwei has always dared to do so to the present level. He began to record many of his own ideas and implementation methods, and tried to write elements similar to the Grodick space heritage. inherited.

Different from Grodick's spatial inheritance, starting from the high-order five-ring, Xiwei's elemental inheritance starts from the most basic zero-loop spell, so that each individual element's spell inscription constructed by Xiwei is simpler. The number is also a lot more.

When Xi Weijing sat in the temple of the snow-capped mountains, the conception element passed down. Zero also launched several astral shuttles to return to the Violet Academy to complete the lecture.

The Snow Mountain tribe has undoubtedly become a believer in the blue big god. The six spiritual masters not only have enough magic power, but also learned the four elements of the meditation and simple zero-ring magic from the zero, that is, the blue big Meng. They have now become the first priests of the Blue Big God.

The other brave men who took the elemental baptism on the top of the snow-capped mountains began to study the "Da Meng Shen Dian" under the supervision of Solomon.

"Da Meng Shen Dian" contains myths, ceremonies, doctrines, customs and other content, as well as some simple political and military thinking, but does not include how to strengthen its own power.

Da Meng Shen Dian is written entirely by Chinese characters. This is undoubtedly a book for these Smurfs. Zero applies them to the "Language" spells in batches, which allows these people to understand commonly used Chinese.

The large-scale planting of Chenguang Mai had a problem at the beginning, that is, the Smurfs had previously planted the seeds in the soil and waited for the harvest.

This obviously makes it impossible to maximize the production of but the power of the Smurfs is hard to cultivate.

Zero observed the creatures of the Snow Mountain tribe and eventually targeted the sunflowers that lived in the wilderness forest.

This kind of cow is very large, strong and wild, full of hordes, and can be said to be a grassland.

If the Smurfs can single out an adult sunflower, they can be called the best warrior of the Horde.

But unfortunately, although these sunflowers have strong limbs, their resistance to mental power is almost completely blank.

Solomon led a group of snow-capped tribe warriors with a scroll of divine power given by the blue god, easily enslaved a group of sunflowers and drove them back to the tribe.

The plows that have been prepared for the arable land have been hung on the backs of these sunflowers. Under the control of the spirit, these sunflowers are so docile and honest, and the original desolate wilderness has been turned into a piece of fertile land.

Two months later, a large high-light morning wheat ear has grown in the land, shining golden light under the sun. (To be continued.):

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