Chapter 931

“Liuyun pays homage to Xuzhen Patriarch.”

After nodding slightly.

“This is the head teacher of Chongshan Academy, the head teacher of Chongshan, come and meet you.”

Liuyun Daoist was shocked, looking at Xu Junming, his expression could not stop being surprised.

Recently, the most explosive news in the whole practice world is that Chen Xuanzang, the sixth ancestor of Chongshan Academy, “True Monarch”, made the breakthrough of Da Luo Zhenxian.

This is the real fairy of Da Luo, the entire Earth Immortals world is no more than two palms, a truly top-level existence.

As the Head Teacher Xu Junming in charge of Chongshan Academy, his status has also risen.

More importantly, the rise of Chongshan Academy has had a huge impact on Yuntai Xianzong, who is the best in Taoism. Liufeng Daoist, as the middle and high level of the door, knows well.

“Liu Yun has seen the real person Chongshan, the real person Wanan.”

“Don’t be polite.”

“This is my disciple Sun Shi. You two have the same Cultivation Base. Both are Daoist disciples. You can communicate more in the future.”

“I have seen fellow daoist Sun.”

“Brother Liuyun Dao is polite and polite.”

After everyone saw each other.

“Liuyun, if you take Zhenren Xu to stay in’Ziyangyuan’, you must serve it with all your heart and don’t neglect.”

Ziyangyuan is one of the courtyards with the highest standards of hospitality in Yuntai Xianzong. With Xu Junming’s current status, it is indeed qualified to live in.

“The disciple obeyed.”

“Fellow daoist Xu is tired from afar, so I will rest for three days. I will visit again in three days.”

“Thank you. The virtual fellow daoist is free.”

After hitting a head, the virtual body turned into a light and disappeared into the distance.

“Xu Zhenren, please follow the poor road.”


Under the leadership of Liu Yunzheng, the master and apprentice came to a valley with beautiful scenery and abundance of Spiritual Qi.

Thirty-six beautiful lofts were built in the valley according to the topography.

All lofts can be ingeniously integrated with mountains, forests, vegetation, rivers and lakes, half-covered, and unobtrusive.

Liuyun Daoist flew up straight with his master and apprentice, and landed on a wide cliff of several acres.

Hundreds of green bamboos, surrounded by three or two peach trees, grow vigorously in the sun.

Surrounded by green bamboos and peach trees, a two-story wooden building is half-adjusted by a dangerous cliff, nine feet above the cliff, a trickle of three feet of water spouts from the eyes, flying down a small pond.

Under the sun, the shining colorful water stream is extremely beautiful.

The sound of water is like a bell and drum, don’t have a mystery.

“Master, here is a good place to practice.”

Xu Junming nodded slightly and was led by Liuyun Daoist to the front of the wooden building.

The three characters’Ziyangyuan’ on the plaque of Pengmen are clearly visible.

Push the door to enter, and you will see a yard full of flowers and fragrance.

Stepping on the path paved with gravel, I came to the door, pushed the door in, and a three-foot-wide hall appeared in front of my eyes.

In the middle of the hall is a huge painting with the word “Tao”.

There are no tables and chairs in the middle, but six yellow cloth futons.

On the left is the study room, on the right is the pill room, and on the second floor is the quiet room.

Liuyun Daoist took out a jade card and handed a Jade Slip to Xu Junming.

“The real person, as recorded by Jade Slip, is the way to manipulate Ziyangyuan Restrictions. The jade card can be used to contact Junior, and seniors can ask Junior if they need it.”

Xu Junming took it.

“Thanks a lot.”

“Senior is polite. If nothing happens, Junior will leave.”

After Xu Junming nodded, Liuyun Daoist bowed and saluted, then turned and left.

Watching his departure.

“Master, this Yuntai Xianzong is very courteous and thoughtful to us.”

“Only strength is worthy of respect. Otherwise, let alone this Ziyang Garden, we may not even be able to enter this Yuntai Mountain.”

Sun Shi nodded affirmatively.

“Master, do we really not join the Dao League?”

“Although our Chongshan Academy is called Daomen, in fact, the purpose of establishing school is not similar to Daoism. Joining in is just self-binding, and the wise are not.”

During the exchange of their masters and apprentices, in the bamboo forest on the top of Yunyang Mountain, Daoist of Xuzheng was reporting to Wu You and the real person of Yulin.

“He really said that?” Real Yulin asked.


Daoist nodded affirmatively.

“Brother, how true is Xu Junming’s statement?” Yulin Zhenren said.

After pondering for a moment, Wu Youzi slowly shook his head.

“I’m also not sure. If it was me, I would definitely not let go of this opportunity to rule the world.”

“Master, Xu Junming doesn’t look like a fake.” Daoist said.

“That’s why I said I’m not sure. Everyone has ambitions, and Xu Junming, the head of the generation, will not lie in front of us.”

“Does he want to start anew?” The real Yulin hesitated.

“It’s not impossible. Our Yuntai Xianzong leaders have a deep foundation for hundreds of thousands of years; Laojun Guan, Ziyang School, and Louguan Taoism covet our position as Yuntai Xianzong, but we have been together for many years, even if we compete. It won’t hurt your peace.”

“In the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou all the gates, I am the only one looking at the four main roads.”

“Chongshan Academy is far in Nanzhan Buzhou, and its foundation is shallow. Even if it becomes the leader of the Taoist school, it is difficult to order the East to win the major factions of Shenzhou.”

“Rather than holding on to the prestige of the Taoist leader, it’s better to start anew and integrate the major forces in the southern part of the continent a little bit to consolidate the foundation of our own.”

The words of Wu Youzi made Yulin and Xuzhen think.

After a while, the real Yulin sighed.

“It’s the brothers who are foresight, Xu Junming and Chongshan Academy are mostly thinking like this.”

Xuzhen Daoist echoed: “There is Taishi Xuanyuan True Monarch Chen Xuanzang, they have enough capital to integrate the major factions in the southern provinces.”


“And I suspect that Xuanyuan True Monarch Chen Xuanzang, Taiyi True Monarch Xu De, and Five Virtues True Monarch Dragon Emperor, may not be the full strength of Chongshan Academy.”

Wu Youzi and Yulin real person looked over in an instant.

The former asked: “What clues did you get?”

“That’s not true. It’s just a guess from the disciple.”

There was a pause.

“Feng Wen Chongshan Academy has a total of eight people in the first generation. Only five people are known so far.”

“Big Brother Chongshan True Monarch Xu Junming in the early days.”

“Second Brother’Tai Chi Yin & Yang True Monarch’ Ren Wuji.”

“Senior Brother’Tai Yuan and Five Virtues True Monarch’ Dragon Emperor.”

“Four brothers’ True Monarch” Ao Tian.”

“Fifth Junior Brother’Taiyi True Monarch’ Xu De.”

“The Sixth Junior Brother’Tai Shi Xuan Yuan True Monarch’ Chen Xuanzang.”

“We all know what Xu Junming, Ren Wuji, Long Di, Xu De, and Chen Xuanzang Cultivation Base are. But’Taisu Ziwei True Monarch’ Ao Tian, ​​only heard of the name, has never seen him, let alone Cultivation Base. ”

“The Seventh Junior Brother and the Little Junior Brother don’t even know their names.”

“Look at the Cultivation Base of Xu Junming and others. These three are either Taiyi Golden Immortal Peak, or Da Luo, maybe even higher.”

“Although it is not certain. But seeing Xu Junming want to recreate the universe outside the Dao League now, I know that Chongshan Academy must not only be on the surface, behind it, there should be one or two big Luo.”


The analysis was justified and well-founded, and Wu Youzi and the real Yulin couldn’t help taking a breath.

And the more I think about it, the more I feel that Daoist’s analysis is very possible.

“It seems that Xu Junming and Chongshan Academy are very conspiring.” Wu You was shocked and blurted out, “Do they want to bring the entire Nanzhan Tribe under Chongshan’s rule?!”

The faces of the three people showed shock at the same time.

After a long time, the real Yulin sighed.

“I’m afraid everything will be as the brother said.”

“Fomen Dongzhuan has already regarded Nanzhan Buzhou as something in the bag. If Chongshan enters the game, it will inevitably conflict with the interests of Buddhism. It is inevitable that the two sides will fight.”

“…With the power of the Buddha Tathagata, there are no two real immortals, and they are definitely not enemies. And there are many Celestial Immortals in Buddhism. Even if Chongshan Academy has hidden powers, it can really stop Buddhism?” Daoist hesitated. road.

“Who knows? Until the last moment, no one knows how strong Chongshan really is.” Wu Youzi sighed.

For a while, the atmosphere became heavy.

Compared with the bottomless Chongshan Academy, Yuntai Xianzong is far behind.

This kind of strength gap that has not been experienced for a long time makes it difficult for the three to accept.

“Chongshan Academy does not know from which world it comes from, it can actually accumulate such a strong strength?” Daoist said.

“Who knows?”

Wu You sighed.

Chongshanju backyard good fortune in the pavilion by the pond.

“My deity, look.”

Chen Xuanzang took out a scarecrow with all four limbs and clear features, and handed it over.

Feeling the strong Karma breath above, Xu Junming’s pupils shrink slightly.

After taking it over and taking a closer look.

“Did you comprehend the “Book of Seven Arrows with Nail Head”?”

Since Chen Xuanzang’s Transcends Tribulation succeeded, Xu Junming has given him the cultivation method of the ‘nail head seven arrows book’, one of the 36 god-tier masters he obtained.

Unexpectedly, he cultivated to such a profound level so quickly.

“Cultivation is supernatural power, Taoism is the fundamental. I have understood Karma supernatural power to Realm of Da Luo Zhenxian, coupled with the understanding of the bronze mirror Ascension, and the time supernatural power blessed by the Hunyuan Divine Sect, it is naturally easy to cultivate.”

After nodding slightly.

Feeling the breath in the scarecrow, frowned.

“Chi Lingzi?”

After smiling and nodding, “Even though he was rescued by the Wutian Black Lotus, he was still cut off by me. With this as a foundation, he can collect his three souls and seven souls in just seven days, and he will never die. .”

“What about Heavenly Demon?”

“This old demon is very cautious. Although I have eliminated the soul mark of the Abyss Demon Realm, I haven’t left any breath. Obviously, I know the difficulties of Karma Dao Cultivators and do not leave him with trouble.”

“My deity, do you want to kill that Chi Lingzi now?”

After thinking about it, Xu Junming shook his head.

“It’s not the time yet.”

“Not time?”

“The main enemy of the Demon Gate is Buddhism. The Karma between Wu Tian and Tathagata is much deeper than us. As long as the Demon Gate does not provoke them, there is no need to provoke them.”

“…And we want to take down Nanzhan Buzhou, Buddhism is our worst enemy.”

There was a pause.

“Also, about Journey to the West, you don’t have to go.”

“You gave up?”

“Hehe, how is it possible. Ruyi Scepter has supernatural powers for me, and with the cover of bronze mirror, coupled with the supernatural powers of destiny, no one is more suitable than me.” Xu Junming smiled.

Chen Xuanzang nodded. He was not very interested in Journey to the West either.

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