Chapter 929

Suddenly a stream of light flew from the Huaguo Mountain, and when it came to the front and back, it turned into a monkey with yellow fur, tall and armored.

“King Yu Yan pays homage to his mentor.”

Xu Junming nodded slightly.

King Yu Yu is no longer the original King Yu Yu, but one of Sun Shi’s three corpses.

Since Sun Wukong was sealed at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, it has been secretly protecting Huaguo Mountain to prevent its remaining monkeys from being harassed by heavenly soldiers and demon.

Later, the monkey who became a demon in Huaguo Mountain was sent to Chongshan Academy for education.

Today’s Huaguo Mountain, under the protection of King Yu Yu, has restored the beautiful scenery of the day and once again has become a blessed place for thousands of monkeys, but there are no more demons.

The two masters and apprentices, with Sun Shi’s Three Corpse Dharma bodies, slowly flew down.

Soon he came to a valley.

This is a huge valley with thousands of acres. On the opposite side, a waterfall falls from a cliff of thousands of feet high, like a silver dragon with a width of nearly a hundred meters, connecting heaven and earth.

Thousands of tons of water smashed down, the waves flew thousands of feet, and the sound shook the valley.

The mighty water accumulates in the valley, forming a small lake of two to three hundred acres. The lake water flows along a small river winding between the mountains and out of the valley.

Outside the small lakes and rivers, peaches and plums are planted everywhere. Now it is the harvest season, and the immature peaches are full of branches.

Monkeys big and small, jumping and playing on the branches, live well.

After a brief glance and a wave of overhaul, the waterfall spread out, revealing the cave behind.

Fly up straight, and when he came to the entrance of the cave, he saw a stone block next to him.

The book “Huaguoshan Blessed Land, Shuiliandong Cave Sky”.

Stepping in, passing through the long cave, a deep stream soon appeared in front of her eyes.

The three-foot-wide deep stream becomes wider as it descends, and the lowest waterway can lead directly to the East China Sea. Sun Wukong passed through here, went to the Crystal Palace, and got the Ruyi Scepter golden cudgel.

Along the arch bridge that spans the deep stream, you get to the inside.

After crossing a hole where vines were hanging down, he came to a rock cave the size of acres.

The Spiritual Qi inside is abundant, which can be called a good place for practice.

The furnishings inside are simple, with a large stone chair in the middle, and several stone tables and stools on the left and right sides.

There are two stone paths on each side of the hall, and many stone chambers are opened on the left and right sides of the stone paths.

The water curtain cave that was opened by the eighteen arhats, but was glorious in the hands of Sun Wukong, is now empty.

After Sun Wukong was suppressed by Wuzhishan, all the demon monkeys had been sent to Chongshan Academy for cultivation by King Yu.

For hundreds of years, except for falling under Heavenly Tribulation, most of them have cultivated the Heavenly Demon Incarnation Art and turned into human bodies.

Therefore, this stone room was completely empty except for King Yu Yu who was still guarding Huaguo Mountain.

After turning around in the Shuilian Cave, Xu Junming came to the place where the stone pebbles were placed.

In order to avoid being noticed, all the remains of the stone eggs have been taken away by him.

The bare top of the mountain, except for the blackness left by the wind and rain, was completely indistinguishable.

Standing here, Xu Junming couldn’t help showing a trace of memory on his face.

When he took the stone eggs and the Lingming stone monkey Hun and Po, he had just come to Earth Immortals for three years, and now it has been nearly two thousand years.

“Look at it, this is where the pebble was when you were born.”

Sun Shi nodded.

I looked around, but couldn’t remember.

But deep in my heart, there is an inexplicable intimacy towards this place.

“Master, I want to hold the dojo here in the future.”


“You have nothing to do if you want to go back here. But when Sun Wukong returns from the scriptures, you must use Huaguoshan as the dojo. If you are neighbors with him, if you have a dispute, how can you deal with it?”

“Then see the highs and lows based on your ability.” Sun Shi believed himself.

“Haha, it’s up to you.”

After wandering in Huaguo Mountain for three days, he returned to the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

The half-month test period passed quickly.

Beyond Xu Junming’s expectation, there are millions of dragons who have been tested in the southeast, northwest and northwest. Many of the Inner Sect disciples have passed the test, but only one person has passed the test of the direct disciple.

No, to be precise, it should not be considered a dragon.

She looked at an ugly girl who was kneeling on the Great Hall, with black complexion, scaly face, disheveled hair, webbed hands and feet.

The faces of Ao Guang and Ao Qin were all ugly.

They did not expect that millions of real dragons, mixed dragons, and pseudo-dragons would be tested, and in the end, the real protagonist was indeed an ugly shark.

Looking at the single horn on her forehead and the scales on her body, it is obvious that there is also a thin dragon bloodline.

But the ragged appearance knows that the servants are first-rate in the Dragon Palace.

Seeing her extremely determined eyes in her black and white eyes, Xu Jun nodded secretly.

Although this shark girl looks ugly, she has excellent cultivating aptitude, especially her determination, which is very rare.

“What’s your name?”

“Hui Zhenren, disciple Long Ling, is the maid of the Purple Lotus Palace.”

Ao Guang’s face changed slightly, and Zilian Palace was the palace where his eighteen women lived.

In the crowd nearby, a dragon girl in a Chinese dress looked jealously at the dragon spirit who was kneeling down in the Great Hall.

In this test, she failed even the Inner Sect test. Although she could go to Chongshan Academy to study, she was just an ordinary student.

Compared with Chongshan’s direct disciple, it is not reasonable.

“Why is she a bastard who can be listed as a descendant, but as a noble daughter of Dragon King, I can’t even enter Inner Sect.”

She gritted her teeth, rushing out of the crowd, and fell to her knees.

“The real person is here, see you Ao Xuan.”

Xu Junming, an old fritters that has lived for four thousand years, has never seen anything.

As soon as he looked at this Ao Xuan’s face, he guessed it.

“Bold, there is no place for you to speak here, don’t give me back.”

Ao Guang wasn’t a fool either, he knew what she was going to do when he looked at his daughter’s expression.

Relying on his father and brother’s favor, Ao Xuan looked at Xu Junming stubbornly, after a hastily cupped hands.

“A real person, I was born as a five-clawed true dragon, and I have higher aptitude and comprehension than this cheap maid. Why can she be listed as a protégé, but I am not even an Inner Sect disciple?”

Taking a look at her, Xu Junming said calmly.

“Stone, come on.”

“Yes, Master.”

Sun Shi stepped forward and said with pride.

“My Chongshan accepts disciples differently from others. The first focus is on character, perseverance, perseverance again, and aptitude in the end.”

“My Master has set a three-hundred and sixty Fifth Stage illusion test, and I use it as a standard to advance in stages. Anyone who can pass the 200-fold test can enter the Inner Sect practice.”

“Only those who pass the three hundred and sixty Fifth Stage illusion test can become a descendant.”

“Since the establishment of my Chongshan Academy, the disciples of Inner Sect have been selected one out of a million, and there is only one out of hundreds of millions of direct disciples. Anyone who joins my Chongshan direct disciple is all those with good character, perseverance, comprehension, and aptitude. ”

“As for you…”

Looking at Ao Xuan.

“Although the aptitude and understanding are good, the character is too bad, and I am jealous of talents. I am not a person of the mountain.”

“What evidence do you have, why do you say that I am jealous and capable?” Ao Xuan said angrily.


Ao Guangguang was angry, and with a wave of his sleeves, a powerful Magic power rolled up Ao Xuan and threw it out of the hall.

“Left and right, don’t take it for me yet.”

Looking at the angry Dragon King, the shrimp soldiers and crabs didn’t dare to neglect, so he quickly took Ao Xuan.

“Drag it down, enter the palace and wait for it to go.”


“Father, I am not reconciled. It is his unfairness, I am not reconciled…”

The sound became farther and farther, and gradually disappeared.

The dragon sons and dragon girls looked at the angry father and king, and no one dared to intercede.

“A real person, I have no choice but to teach a girl. I am here to apologize to the real person.” Ao Guang bowed to the end, with a sincere tone.

“It’s understandable for the younger generation to be more angry. Peng Dao won’t be as knowledgeable as her, so don’t worry about Dragon King.” Xu Junming waved his hand.

“Thanks to the real person, I will definitely discipline her in the future.”

After Xu Junming smiled and nodded, he looked at Long Ling who was kneeling in the hall.

With a flick of his finger, a good fortune Spiritual Qi submerged in his body.

The faint milky white aura diffused from the dragon spirit’s body.

Gradually, the old black skin on her body came off piece by piece, the scales on her face and the webs on her hands and feet slowly disappeared, and her hair was no longer messy and weedy, and became smooth.

After only a quarter of an hour, the once ugly shark girl disappeared, and a beautiful girl with pink makeup and good looks appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing her Spiritual Qi is compelling, she looks like a fairy pearl, and the fool also knows that this is a superb cultivation seed.

Xu Junming waved his sleeves, a small creamy white skirt wrapped her ketone body, and a light blue ribbon tied her black hair.

Nodded in satisfaction.

“This is the style of my Chongshan disciple.”

Looking at the changes on his body, Long Ling was full of surprise and disbelief.

Even the Magic power in her body has a big Ascension.

He knelt down with a ‘poof’, his tone was full of gratitude.

“Long Ling thanks Zhenren for his great kindness.”

“Hehe, silly girl, it’s time to call Patriarch.” Sun Shi reminded with a smile.

“Long Ling thanks Patriarch.”

After nodding with a smile.

“Get up.”

In his eyes, Ao Guang looked complicated.

Unexpectedly, one of his millions of dragon sons and grandsons failed the test, but was a handmaid with thin blood, and became a descendant of Chongshan.

“Congratulations to the real people who accepted it.”

“Dragon King is wrong, I no longer accept disciples. This girl has her own Master’s teaching after apprenticeship.”

Ao Guang agreed with a smile, thought a little, and took out a three-foot long sword from the bag.

“Today you have a great opportunity to worship under the Chongshan Gate. In the future, you will be honored as the teacher, love the same school, and be good at practicing. This Canglan sword is a middle-grade immortal treasure, and I will give it to you today. I hope you will come back often in the future. Take a look, don’t forget that this is also your’maiden’.”

Long Ling hesitated and looked at the ancestor.

Xu Junming nodded before taking it.

“Thank you Dragon King for the treasure.”

Ao Guang smiled and nodded.

A low-grade immortal treasure is nothing to the wealthy East China Sea Dragon Palace, but it can reduce Dragon Spirit’s prejudice against Dragon Palace.

Xu Junming didn’t say much in his eyes, and everything was just for the benefit of his own disciples.

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