Chapter 904

His current understanding of the Way of Swallowing had already advanced to Da Luo True Immortal, but because of insufficient Magic power, he was unable to advance.

With these five capsules, no, even if there is only one capsule, with his own gluttonous inner pill, he is sure to Transcends Tribulation within three years.

“This Medicine Pill should be for the moon rabbit outside.” Longdi said.

Xu Junming nodded.

Reaching out, Dan Ding flew into his hand and disappeared.

His Pantuo palm is similar to the Buddha’s palm in the Buddha’s palm, and the heavenly mountain and Chongshanju are placed in it.

“Wait for her when you go back.”

After seeing that there was nothing missing, the four came to the second floor.

Like the first floor, there are three rooms on the second floor.

The middle is open, you can see it as soon as you come in.

With quick eyesight, Long Di reached out and put a banjo on the side of the piano stand and put it in his pocket.

In my eyes, Taiyi True Monarch is full of pity.

This banjo is also a great Luo Lingbao, and it is much stronger than the fire fan he got in the Danshi.

“The third child, you have a bad temperament. It would be a waste to leave this banjo in your hand. Why don’t you give it to me? I have a lot of shocks on the Taiyi Golden Boat.”

Taiyi True Monarch licked his face to beg for it, but was directly ignored by the Dragon Emperor.

In addition to the Wuxian Qin, there is also a game of Go here, but it is not a Lingbao, but just a very ordinary Taiyin Stone and Tianyang Stone.

Although they are also Taiyi spiritual materials, to Luo Xiu, they are just playthings.

Compared with these, Xu Junming is more interested in a few paintings hanging on the wall.

Especially the middle one.

It depicts a handsome young man wearing a brocade robe, a golden crown, and a large cloak.

Next to him was a woman who was wearing a white dress, with high-stretched hair, luxurious and cold temperament, extremely beautiful, and a slightly raised abdomen.

“Donghuang Taiyi and Wangshu?” Chen Xuanzang asked.

“It should be them.”

“It’s a pity to see that it’s a couple of gods and goddesses.”

After Xu Junming nodded slightly, he turned and walked towards the next room.

Pushing the door in, a bedroom appeared in front of him.

The bed in the corner, the dressing table by the window, and the wardrobe in the corner are all living places for Life.

Chen Xuanzang stretched out his hand and watched about a three-foot long sword on the wall falling into his palm.

Pulling the sword out of its sheath, the cold light was dazzling, and the roars of dragons resounded throughout the room, attracting the eyes of Dragon Emperor, Taiyi True Monarch, and Xu Junming.

Two quaint demon texts below the sword calyx.

Follow the courage.

Daluo’s top grade Lingbao.

“It’s too unfair, why are you all the top-grade Lingbao of Da Luo, I am the lower-grade?” Taiyi True Monarch dissatisfied.

“That’s your own bad luck.”

Chen Xuanzang put away Zhaodanjian with satisfaction.

Taiyi True Monarch was about to continue complaining, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he ran to the last room first.

Pushing open the door, there is a huge space of hundreds of thousands of meters in front of him.

The grass is surrounded by the grass, the red flowers are all over the ground, the sun is shining in the sky, and the breeze is smooth, which makes people happy at first glance.

In this fresh place, there are twelve huge cradles.

Each cradle is full of feet, all woven from laurel branches and leaves.

Obviously, this is a huge nursery room dedicated to the growth of the children of Donghuang Taiyi and Wangshu.

“If you plan to raise a girl in the future, you must take these baskets back.” Chen Xuanzang laughed.

Taiyi True Monarch twitched at the corner of his mouth, slowly spitting out a word.


Seeing him like this, Xu Junming shook his head amusedly, turned and walked outside.

This wooden building was obviously the residence of Donghuang Taiyi and Wangshu, at least the other courtyard.

I saw the huge laurel and the crescent moon above my head again.

“Do you want to take it away now?” Longdi said.

“No, take a look at that later.”

There are three palaces here, the Tiantai Palace in the front, the Yueyue Palace in the middle, and a smaller but equally magnificent palace at the end.

From the Moon Palace, the imperial road leading to the apse has been destroyed by the war. But it is much better than before.

At least there are still a lot of side halls around.

Strangely, no bones were seen.

After crossing the imperial road tens of thousands of miles long, I finally came to the last palace.

The specifications are similar to those of the Tiantai Palace and Inviting Moon Palace in front. On the plaque above the magnificent portal, there are three ancient demon writings of dragons and phoenix dancing.

Eastern Palace.

“It looks like this should be the residence of Eastern Emperor Taiyi.” Chen Xuanzang said.

“I don’t know if there is an Eastern Emperor Bell in it?” Taiyi True Monarch expected.


Donghuang Bell, also known as Chaos Bell, is as famous as Tai Chi Tu and Pangu flags.

The strongest treasure in the prehistoric world.

Had it not been for the Chaos Clock, Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun would definitely not be able to beat the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

This kind of treasure is definitely what everyone yearns for.

“Do you feel that there is no possibility at all?” Taiyi True Monarch asked rhetorically.

Dragon Emperor stopped talking.

Although it is unlikely, this is the remains of the ancient demon court, and looking at the situation in the Yingyue Palace earlier, it is obvious that it is the residence of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Wangshu, and this place is the Eastern Palace.

If the Eastern Emperor Bell can be found there in the prehistoric world, it is most likely here.

“What a strong Restrictions.”

Xu Junming looked at the densely packed Restrictions, which firmly guarded the entire palace in the middle, secretly surprised.

The Restrictions of the Eastern Palace are a hundred times stronger than the previous two palaces. Unless he can comprehend the formation of the Daluo Xuanxian Realm, he won’t even want to untie it.

“Fortunately, I still have a bronze broken sword, otherwise it would be troublesome if I want to go in.”

Just about to start, Chen Xuanzang stopped him suddenly.

“and many more.”

Under the attention of the three of them, the latter spread out his left palm, and the Hetu Luoshu that he had taken before slowly emerged.

Then I saw that these two treasures seemed to be attracted, and they flew to the Eastern Palace in an instant. One left and one right, merged into two giant doors.

The Restrictions of the Eastern Palace shook in an instant, but after a while, the Restrictions at the door dissipated.

‘Boom rumbling…! ’

With a deafening sound, the two tall stone gates slowly opened to both sides.

A magnificent world appeared in front of us.

On the outside, it looks only 200,000 li in vertical and horizontal, and a tall palace of 60,000 to 70,000 feet, but inside it is tens of millions of miles and millions of feet in height.

Heat waves are rolling in this huge world.

The high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees has turned everything into a yellow desert.

Above this huge desert, there is a sun with a diameter of millions of miles suspended in the volley.

The bright golden light shed, and the scorching sun was really fire, almost igniting the entire space.

Apart from light and heat, there is no vitality here.

“see it?”

Long Di condensed said.

Xu Junming nodded.

Of course they saw it.

In the mid-air sun, there is a giant crow that is three million feet long, with feathers like a crown on the top of its head, and three giant claws growing under its abdomen.

Obviously, this is the legendary Son of the Sun, the demon emperor of ancient times.

Three-legged Golden Crow.

Looking at his remaining breath, it has far surpassed Daluo, and his identity is self-evident.

“Dijun or Donghuang Taiyi?”

Chen Xuanzang asked.

No wonder he asked, this place is called the Eastern Palace, and most likely, this corpse is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

The one who unwrapped the East Palace Restrictions was an imitation of Hetu Luoshu.

As we all know, Hetu Luoshu is the companion of Emperor Jun’s spiritual treasure.

Therefore, they have no way to judge.

“It’s a past tense whether it is Emperor Jun or Donghuang Taiyi. With this demon emperor body, it is enough to neutralize the Yin Qi of the ghost world of the Taiyin, plus the background of this empty mulberry mountain, the advanced world of the mountain world. You have enough.” Taiyi True Monarch said.

“It’s a pity to use it to worship and practice the world of Chongshan. It’s better to use it as a body to eliminate filth.” Chen Xuanzang said.

The words have not yet settled.

Suddenly, with a ‘bang’, the stone gate that was open behind closed instantly.

The next moment, the silent three-hundred-zhang Golden Crow suddenly opened its giant eyes like a planet.

With the imperial gaze of the emperor, he looked straight at the four of them.

The golden light of the sun skyrocketed instantly, and the overbearing real fire of the sun spread rapidly, exceeding ten million feet in a moment.


The overbearing whistling sound shakes the earth, and the wings spread out are like clouds hanging down from the sky, huge without friends.

“You, the juniors, dare to fight the emperor’s idea, really knowing how to live or die.”

The magnificent voice made the entire space tremble.

“This big guy is so powerful.” Chen Xuanzang looked solemn.

“After so many years of death, I didn’t expect Yu Wei to be so powerful. It’s hard to imagine what kind of style the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Emperor Jun looked like in their heyday?!” Xu Junming sighed.

“He is about to shoot.” Longdi said.

Xu Junming nodded, and the magnificent Hunyuan Divine Gate instantly swelled.

“I’ll guard the Azure Dragon position.”

“I guard Vermillion Bird.” Longdi said.

“I guard Black Tortoise.” Taiyi True Monarch said.

“I guard White Tiger.”

After Chen Xuanzang finished speaking, the four of them fell into the four elephant positions. Hunyuan Shenmen splits four auras into four Eight Trigrams platforms.

Four people sat cross-legged on it.

The formation is spurred, and the Hunyuan Shenmen shines brightly.

In a short while, it has swelled to 700,000 zhang.

The extremely stalwart divine gate reveals the weight and majesty of repressing time and space and time.

As the treasure of Xu Junming’s life, Hunyuan Shenmen is the middle-grade Luo Lingbao of the four spiritual forbiddens. At the same time it is also a pattern.

Xu Junming knew that his Cultivation Base was not enough, so he put the bronze mirror on the altar as an object of suppression.

Dragon Emperor has the great Five Elements divine light.

Taiyi True Monarch combined its own Sky Swallowing Pot with Taiyi Golden Ship to suppress Black Tortoise.

Chen Xuanzang has never been able to find the most treasured treasure. Just after the Hetu Luoshu opened the East Palace, he has never appeared.

But Xu Junming gave him the bronze broken sword.

With these towns, the aura of Hunyuan Shenmen became more and more obscure.

There seems to be a kind of earth-shaking power hidden in it.

“You are so courageous, you dare to challenge the emperor’s majesty.”

Golden Crow opened his mouth, and the mighty sun was really hot, as if the sky was overflowing, and it took up the entire sky in an instant.

The scorching high temperature almost melted the space.

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