Chapter 897

Yin Qiao arched his cupped hands, his eyes swept over the two masters and apprentices.

“Listen to the accent, the wise master and apprentice are not from Guanzhong?”

Xu Junming smiled indifferently.

“The three of our masters and apprentices wandered here, watching the prosperity of Chang’an, where the dragons and tigers are stalking each other, and we plan to linger for a while again.”

“That’s the case. The virtuous master and apprentice are high-spirited, compassionate, and must be a big disciple?” Yin Qiao tentatively asked.

“Shi Lang Yin seems to have something to say?”

“Don’t blame the Taoist leader. Yin is a doctor of Guanglu under the command of the king of Tang, and the minister of rites. He is responsible for the important task of selecting talents for the country. Cultivation Base is a good teacher and apprentice. If he is willing to become an official, Yin is willing to personally recommend to the king of Tang.”

“His Majesty Tang Wang is courteous and virtuous, and he values ​​talents, so he will definitely use good mentors and apprentices.” Yin Qiao said solemnly.

Xu Junming smiled.

“Thank you, Shi Lang Yin for your importance, but my masters and apprentices are all outsiders and cannot be subject to the rules of the court, so let’s forget about being an official.”

“Master Dao first don’t rush to refuse. If the wise masters and disciples don’t want to be officials, there are alchemists’ mansion under the Tang king, they are like Dao masters, who are dedicated to cultivating and have no intention of being an official.”

“If you enter the alchemist’s mansion, all the medicine pills and spiritual materials needed for your practice will be given by the court, and even the descendants of Taoism can be found by the court on your behalf.”

“The practice methods collected by the imperial court, the pill refining method, can also be used by the alchemist’s mansion.”

“In addition to the above, there are various benefits.”

With that, Yin Qiao took out a yellow booklet from the Movement Technique bag.

“I have written everything in the alchemist’s mansion in detail, and the virtuous master and apprentice can read it by themselves.”

Xu Junming waved his hand, the booklet flew into his palm, flipped it briefly, and placed it on the table next to it.

“There is a saying: No merit is not rewarded. Alchemist Mansion has so many benefits, and the price is not small.”

“Really people are too worried. The Alchemist Mansion only needs to assist the local government to punish the demon ghosts who are in trouble. The rest of the time is at their own discretion.”


After Xu Junming nodded, “My master and apprentice will think about it for a few days, and then I will reply to Shi Lang Yin.”

“Yin Qiao looks forward to the good news of virtuous teachers and apprentices.”

The goal was achieved, and after a few brief conversations, Yin Qiao left.

After sending him away.

“Master, are we really going to join this Alchemist’s Mansion?” Sun Shi asked.

“Of course not. Give him a step down the stairs. Later, if you ask Chen Ling to send this book back, you will say that we are used to idle clouds and wild cranes and cannot be restrained.”

Sun Shi nodded.

After Yin Qiao left here, he did not go home, but came to a palace outside the most central imperial city.

A tall and sturdy young man wearing a navy blue robe and a crown of feathers, handsome, luxurious and majestic, walked in from the outside.

“See His Royal Highness.”

“The mountain is coming, hurry up and sit down.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

After the young man sat down, Yin Qiao half sat down in the chair.

“Is your body better?”

“His Royal Highness is concerned, it’s all right.”

“I heard that I was a cultivator with the surname Sun, who solved your illness?”

“Exactly. This Xiu’s surname is Sun Mingshi. He is a monkey demon who has achieved Immortal Ascension. He also came with his Master and a disciple named Chen Ling. He lives now, and the minister is in Ziyingfang. In the yard.”

After nodding slightly.

“It must be a great power in the Taiyi realm that can remove the poison in your body.”

After Yin Qiao nodded, “The minister just went to fight for it, but looking at their appearance, I’m afraid they won’t join me in the alchemist’s mansion.”

Li Shimin sighed.

“I, Li Tangmin, have little land and are full of enemies on all sides. It is still difficult to attract more Taiyi realm powers and put them under my command.”

“Your Majesty, don’t worry, Li Gui and Xue Ju’s brave and innocent people are definitely not our enemies of Tang. In the future, we will defeat them and take all of Guanzhong, Hexi, Hedong, and Longyou. I used it in Datang.”

Li Shimin nodded.

“Do you remember who poisoned you?”

Yin Qiao shook his head.

“The cultivator has various methods. Although I am a military commander, I am good at fighting, but I am not good at spells. However, the person who can conceal the spiritual sense of the subject and poison the subject must be the great power of the Taiyi realm.”

He himself is a middle-ranking general, even Yuanyang Xuanxian can fight.

Only the great power of Taiyi realm can make him be attacked silently.

“It’s a pity that the several priests in the Alchemist Mansion have important things to do, otherwise they can be allowed to take action and pull out the black hands behind the scenes.”

After a pause, Li Shimin’s eyes lit up.

“You said that the master and apprentice who saved you will help?”

After thinking about the experience of Lenovo’s visit just now, after a moment.

“I have only seen it once, and the minister is not sure.”

Li Shimin thought for a moment.

“In this way, I will prepare a few gifts. Tomorrow you will take me to visit one or two.”

“Chen, obey.”

The night became more intense, and the huge city of Chang’an was gradually shrouded in darkness.

Because of threats from all directions, a curfew was imposed at night.

On the tall drum tower, eighty drums rang, and the gates were closed. Except for the guards and the soldiers on patrol, Chang’an City gradually became quiet.

On the edge of the imperial city, there is a huge mansion covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres. The interior halls, pavilions, pavilions, spring ponds and pavilions, not only have the roughness of the northern landscape, but also the grace of the southern garden.

This was once the residence of Yang Su, the power minister in the reign of Emperor Kaihuang. Later, Yang Xuan felt rebelled, and after Yang’s family was imprisoned, it was vacant.

After Li Yuan took down Chang’an, he gave this place to his fourth son, General Zhenbei, commander of the military of the fifteen counties, marshal of Taiyuan Road marching, and Qi Gong’s’Li Yuanji’.

When Emperor Sui Yang is beheaded by Yu Wenhua and beheaded next year, after Li Yuan, who has no scruples, ascends the throne and becomes emperor, Li Yuanji will be given the title of “King of Qi.”

On the left side of the heavily guarded Qi Gong mansion, there is a small courtyard shrouded in darkness.

A series of footsteps disrupted the silence in the yard.

Under the protection of the soldiers with the top helmet and the armor, a young man wearing a luxurious azure robe and a golden crown strode forward.

This man looks ugly, his dry and thin face is full of pockmarks, his nose is flat, his mouth is protruding, his eyes are slender, and his lips are moustaches.

The eyes were dark and hostile.

When he came to the yard, he glanced at the room immersed in darkness, and the ugly young man saluted him.

“Li Yuanji begs to see Mr. Wanyan.”

There was no sound for a while, but Li Yuanji, who had always been awkward, did not dare to straighten up.

“come in.”

A thick and hoarse voice came from the room.

At the same time, a light came on immediately.

“You are waiting here.”


After the soldiers responded in awe, Li Yuanji tidied his robes, opened the door and walked in.

In the empty room, there was a tall figure in a black robe sitting cross-legged.

In front of his knees, there is an oil lamp.

The light yellow light illuminates the whole body.

After turning over and closing the door, Li Yuanji came to the black robe man three feet behind and bowed to the ground.

“Yuanji pays homage to her mentor.”

The black-robed man slowly raised his head, revealing a big face with a lion’s nose and a wide mouth and rough features.

The deep eyes flashed with blue light, strange and mysterious.

“Get up.”

“Thank you mentor.”

Li Yuanji got up and sat aside.

“This time I came here to tell you that the golden scorpion gu poison that was on Yin Kaishan’s body under my teacher has been solved.”

“Impossible.” Li Yuanji blurted out.

“Do you doubt the judgment of a teacher?”

The voice was cold.

“The disciples dare not. It’s just that Chen Hong, who is capable of detoxifying the golden scorpion gu in the alchemist’s mansion, has been transferred to Jinyang by me. Who can detox the mentor’s gu detox?” Li Yuanji hurriedly said.

“This is also the reason why I came to you. It is not convenient for me to come forward. You will investigate for me tomorrow to find out who has solved the golden silkworm poison on Yin Kaishan.”


“Are there any clues to’Gong Yang Treasure’?”

“A few days ago, the disciples looked through the books of the former Sui Dynasty at Renshou Palace and discovered that Buddha Yang Suxi had donated to build Wu Lei Temple in Zhaoguo Fang, southeast of Chang’an.”

“It took eight years to build, and Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, went to worship in person. The strange thing is that in the first year of Renshou, Wu Lei Temple was destroyed by a fire, and the monks died unexpectedly, and none of them escaped.”

“So the disciple thinks this Wu Lei Temple is very suspicious.”

The black robe man pondered for a moment.

“How is Wu Leu Temple now?”

“Since it was burned down by the fire, the surrounding residents have repeatedly heard the sound of chanting at night. It is rumored that it was the ghosts of the monks who were burned to death that year. So the place has been deserted until now.”

The black-robed man nodded.

“well done.”

“Thank you Master for the compliment.”

Glancing at the Master’s expression, he asked carefully.

“Master, although Yang Su is a powerful minister in the Sui Dynasty, he is far worse than you in Cultivation Base. Even if you leave behind any treasure, it is still worth your hard work to find?”

As soon as the voice fell, Li Yuanji felt a sharp look falling on him.

The awe-inspiring coercion made his heart tremble, instantly like falling into an ice cellar.

“Don’t ask more about things you shouldn’t ask.”

The tone was extremely cold.

“Yes, yes, the disciple will never talk too much in the future.”

The frozen gaze slowly dissipated after condensing for a while.

“What you have to do now is to take refuge in your Dage Li Jiancheng first, and after you move Li Shimin down, then get rid of Li Jiancheng to the throne. You don’t need to take care of other things.”

“The disciple obeyed.”

“Let’s go back.”


Quickly got up, after saluting respectfully, slowly exited the room.

It was not until he left the courtyard that Li Yuanji let out a deep breath and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Only then did he realize that the clothes on his back were completely wet.

Staring at the dark courtyard again, the fear in my heart gradually disappeared, and the hostility in his eyes gradually thickened.

When he was young, because of his ugly appearance, he was abandoned by his biological mother Dou, but thanks to the protection of his maid Chen Shan, he survived.

Even so, he is still the most disgusted one among Li Yuan’s scholars.

So he practiced martial arts hard, thinking that one day he would be able to get ahead and let his father see himself. It is a pity that because of poor qualifications, they are still inferior to Li Jiancheng, Li Shimin and Li Yuanba.

It wasn’t until one day that the man who was hiding in the dark with a strong breath came up, put him under the door, and passed him Cultivation Technique and Medicine Pill, his Cultivation Base skyrocketed.

Nowadays, apart from being admitted by Quanzhen Dao to his third brother Li Yuanba, the talented third elder brother Li Yuanba, the princes of the Li family, and even now Li Tang’s generals, no one is his opponent.

Even so, when facing his teacher, there will still be a deep fear from the bottom of my heart.

He hated this feeling, but he had to bear it.

Compared with the talented and highly valued Dage Li Jiancheng, and the second elder brother Li Shimin, who is outstanding in military strategy and has a great military exploits.

If he wants to ascend to the throne one day, he must rely on the Master’s help.

“Everything will wait for me to ascend to the throne.”

Turning his head, he will disappear into the night of Qi State Government with his soldiers.

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