Chapter 679 Life and death disillusionment, the dust of the two instruments

Chapter 677: Life and death are disillusioned, and the dust of the two instruments


The Dragon Emperor once again rang the soul-falling bell, and the combination of his life’s magical powers and the immortal weapon was particularly powerful.

The real long eyebrows bear the brunt.

Because I had already suffered a loss, I was prepared in advance this time.

A jade seal sheds a lot of brilliance, protecting oneself in the middle.

However, he underestimated the power of the soul-falling bell. Although this jade seal was a top-grade immortal tool, it was far inferior to the soul-falling bell of a higher rank.

With the rapid fluctuation of the protective light shield, the powerful bell rang and flew the jade seal, the real man with long eyebrows only felt a tremor in his mind, and the magic power instantly scattered.

In an instant, the most handy Kui Shui divine light that the Dragon Emperor had practiced flew over like lightning.

The speed is amazing, but the real man with long eyebrows is not an ordinary person after all. His talent, perseverance and comprehension are superb. Coupled with the protection of the previous jade seal, he quickly struggled out of the falling soul bell, although his brain still hurts. , Magic power is still scattered.

But fortunately, it is not completely defiant.

Reaching out his hand, the jade seal was released and stood in front of him instantly.

But when the corundum Kuishui’s aura touched it, it was instantly taken away and suppressed.

Taking this opportunity, Long Eyebrow retreated quickly, but the Scarlet Fire Divine Light had already caught up.

He hadn’t fully recovered, and he repeated his old skills, urging the Yujing bottle to block the red fire divine light.


The mighty soul-falling bell rang again.

With the experience of the previous two times, the real man with long eyebrows can deal with it more calmly than before.

After consuming a few fairy artifacts, he no longer passively defended, but sacrificed a purple talisman.

The Dragon Emperor instinctively felt the danger.

The brows were slightly frowned, the tactics in the palms changed, and the light of Big Five Elements suddenly changed.


It was like a bolt from the blue sky.

The dazzling purple light, as if the day was born, permeated the world.

The mighty thunder, gathered into a three-zhang spear, cut through the space with a power of shaking the earth, and came to the dragon emperor in the blink of an eye.

The astonishing penetrating power, like the speed of light like electricity, can hardly be avoided unless prepared.

Although Long Di had been aware of it long ago, but he did not evade.

Let this spear break through the air.

However, the strange thing is.

The five-color light in front of him was no more than the thickness, as if it contained boundless space, and the three-foot-long thunder and lightning spear flew into it, and it was silent for a long time.

“How can it be?”

The real man with long eyebrows has an unbelievable face.

The Thunder God Spear is the treasure of the town of the top school of the Huangdi Immortal Territory, the “Shen Xiao Dao”.

It is known as ‘under a spear, it’s hard to stay a god.’

It is the top killing weapon in the spiritual world.

The thunder talisman condensed with this treasure as the foundation is the body protection treasure only available to the disciples of the core of the gods.

He also got one by coincidence.

Now that I have used it, I thought I could make a contribution in an instant and save the defeat. I never thought I didn’t even hear a movement.

Not only did he find it unbelievable, but the Tianyi Golden Mother, Li Shoujie, Xi Sanzi, Xinru Shenni, and Mad Monk who had returned from the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm with him opened their eyes wide.

Shenxiaodao Town teaches Lingbao the “Thunder and Lightning Spear”, and it shocks the entire Chixian Shenzhou.

Five great immortals, four great seas, plus three great mountains, all are as good as Lei Guaner.

With this supreme treasure suppression, Shenxiaodao has survived several times of extinction of faction.

Never thought that such a tyrannical Lei Dao Lingbao would actually meet an opponent in the lower realm that everyone thought was barren.

Although a rune that condenses the Spirit Power of the Thunder Spirit Spear cannot be equal to the Thunder Spirit Spear itself, its indestructible power is still breathtaking.

“Fellow daoist, you know what kind of treasure it is, it is so powerful!”

Li Shoujie stared fiercely at the five rainbow lights surrounding the Dragon Emperor.

Xi Sanzi shook his head.

“The old way is not very clear. I won’t be too late to ask if this demon is taken down.”

“That is not a Lingbao, but a supernatural power!”

The heart is like a god.

Looking at everyone’s eyes and recalling the news about Chongshan Academy collected these past few days, my heart is as complex as a god.

“This magical power is called’Great Five Elements Shenguang’. It is the god-tier skill of the cultivation of the third patriarch of Chongshan Academy,’Taiyi Five True Monarch’. His disciples and disciples have cultivation. Known as the’Shenguang Zhizhi’. Nothing but no brush.”

“Nothing without brushing? It’s a big tone.” Tianyi Golden Mother said.

“Although it is a bit of exaggeration, it seems that it can even block the lightning spear just now, and the power is really incredible.” The heart is like a god.

“I see this light as if it possesses the magic of a pot of heaven, and it contains immeasurable space.” The crazy monk hesitated.

“Did the master read it wrong? This magical power is called ‘Five Elements God Light’, and it’s true for the breath. How could it be the Heavenly Dao’s magical power?” Sai Sanzi said.

“Amitābha, maybe the poor monk really got it wrong.”

Before receiving the Flying Sword from Changmei real person and returning to the lower realm, he had been in Insight into the god-tier “Sumeru God’s Palm” of the Buddhist master ‘Dayun Temple’ in the spiritual space immortal world.

This palm contains the use of the pot Heavenly Dao, but it is not too deep.

Nevertheless, it also made him feel obscure and difficult to understand.

But now that Stuo contains the Arhat, which is equivalent to the Cultivation Base of the Taoist Xuanxian, he can understand a little bit. Only then did I see the mystery of the great Five Elements divine light.

Because it is not profound, I am not sure.

“No matter what, when this person is captured, everything will be clear.” Li Shoujie said.

Hearing this, everyone nodded in unison.

In the spiritual world, they know the value of a top god-tier, so they all look forward to it.

At this time, the thunder and lightning spear transformed by the magic talisman flew millions of miles in the big Five Elements divine light, lost the restriction of Restrictions, and slowly disintegrated.

Converging a blow from the top fairy tool Spirit Power, power is indeed tyrannical.

However, although the great Five Elements divine light seems to be just a light, in fact, there is indeed a Five Elements element world of tens of millions of miles inside.

It is the real Na Sumeru Yu mustard.

Even the Golden Immortal can’t manipulate his own Dao Fa, flying tens of millions of miles.

And there is also the barrier of the power of the boundary.

The real man with long eyebrows is also a decisive generation. Seeing the magic talisman at the bottom of the box, he can’t help the other party’s divine light. Instantly put out the mind of going alone.

He flew back in an instant, shaking his hand with an aura, rushed straight into the bullfight, after soaring thousands of feet, suddenly turned into a vast Yin & Yang aura.

At the same time, beyond the surrounding area, four figures including Qi Shuming, four monks and two monks, and six holding large banners appeared.

The six people shook abruptly, and within a short time, the situation changed. There were six Qianzhang flag gates on the ground, and each gate was shining with a complex golden eclipse.

It is exactly the six characters ‘life, death, illusion, extinction, obscurity, and Ming’.

The flag gate flashed and disappeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the sky and the earth disappeared in an instant, and the infinitely dim and gloomy breath flew from all directions, instantly filling the entire space.

The dragon emperor, who was surrounded by the great Five Elements light, stood steady in the center like Mount Tai.

“Liang Yi’s dust formation is really mysterious!”

With the help of the connected spirits, Xu Junming also saw the great formation at this moment.

With the aid of the bronze mirror, the complex array instantly retreated from the dim appearance, revealing the essence of countless cobweb-like Restrictions superimposed on each other.

In Xu Junming’s eyes, these Restrictions filled with countless eclipses are like mathematical formulas composed of numbers and symbols, exquisite and beautiful.

Each Restrictions are precisely arranged together, and the standard ones are like workpieces on the assembly line, without the slightest fallacy.

“It turned out to be a compound formation. With Liangyi Yin & Yang as the foundation and Liuhe Qimen as the flanks, there are six changes called life, death, disillusionment, and Huiming. In fact, there are twelve types. Moreover, Yin & Yang is reversed, life and death change, and there is no existence at all. The so-called Shengmen.”

Xu Junming, who was connected to the Dragon Emperor Divine Soul, looked at the surrounding large array excitedly with his eyes.Unlike the grand finale of the legendary Taiqing daddy, the dust array of these two instruments did not turn the universe into a prehistoric state, and used the dust to evolve the great power of all things in the world.

However, even so, as a top-level immortal formation, the ability of this two-level dust formation is still sufficient to suppress Shushan and even the spiritual world.

After receiving the “new characters” flag gate from Qi Shuming, the real man with long eyebrows shook his hands and placed the Ziying sword on it.

Driven by the power of the big array, the power of this Xiantian Lingbao burst out instantly.

The mighty Sword Qi is incredibly sharp.

“It’s a pity that I didn’t find the Qingsuo sword, otherwise it would be placed at the gate of the dead word, and the two swords combined would be enough to sweep the mountain of Shu.”

At the time when he flew up to the spiritual realm, he left all the treasures in Emei, including the Ziqing Swords, Xiantian One-qi Rune, and Lingcuifeng, except for one important treasure that was related to his family’s life.

The first is to suppress air transport and let them contribute to Emei’s great prosperity.

The other is to avoid ‘carrying a crime’.

In the world of Shushan, he is powerful, no one dares to covet his spiritual treasure, but it is different when it comes to the spiritual world.

If those Xuanxian and Jinxian knew he had Xiantian Lingbao in their hands, they would definitely come to snatch them.

Instead of worrying about it every day, it’s better to wait until your Cultivation Base is high, and then go to the lower realm to get it back.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that he would count everything, so he still lost a Qingsuo sword.

Using the magic of heaven to deduction, there is no result.

Later, because of the pressure of Chongshan Academy, there was no time to look for it.

The Flying Sword “Qingyang Sword”, which was practiced by oneself, temporarily replaced the Qingsuo Sword. After suppressing the death gate, the mad monk was in charge.

Xi Sanzi used the top-grade immortal tool Lingcuifeng to suppress the ‘magic character’ gate.

Li Shoujie used the top-grade immortal weapon, the God Thunder Hammer, to suppress the ‘Mie Zi’ sacred gate.

Xinru Shenni used the high-grade immortal tool Qingliu stick to suppress the “Huizi” god gate, and the Tianyi Golden Mother used the high-grade fairy tool Tianyi Shenshui flag to suppress the “Ming” god gate.

“Five fellow daoist, be sure to guard the flag gate and cooperate with me to kill this daoist.”

“Any fellow daoist, don’t worry, with this big array, this demon will inevitably be unable to escape.” Li Shoujie smiled.

He really didn’t expect that this person who he was optimistic about and who planned to make friends with his heart would have such a big formation in the desolate lower realm.

Although it is not possible to get a complete picture, the aura revealed by this great formation is not in the least different from that of Louguandao, Tianshi faction, and Chunyang faction.

“And that purple long sword, if you read it right, it must be a Xiantian spirit treasure.”

Thinking of this, Li Shoujie’s heart was full of envy.

The preciousness of Xiantian Lingbao is unknown to the entire Netherworld Immortal Realm. But apart from Kunlun, Tianshidao, Chiyoudong and a few top sects of witches, Taoism, demons, and demons, even Louguandao, Penglai School, Kongmingshan and other major schools do not.

Then I think of the extremely tyrannical person in the previous person, the superb supernatural power named ‘Great Five Elements Divine Light’.

“It seems that the lower realm of Shushan Mountain is not as barren as I thought. When this incident is over, it is necessary to inspect one or two again.”

The real man with long eyebrows took a deep breath and looked at the conspicuous five-color rainbow light in the center of the large array.

With the help of Xiantian’s magic rune, spur the big formation.

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