Chapter 654

The 654th chapter news of long eyebrows, Tiecheng Mountain situation

Ascetic Tutuo and Qi Shuming looked at each other, knowing each other well.

If he could kill him, Long Eyebrow would have done it a long time ago.

It was because he couldn’t beat him that he didn’t dare to provoke him.

Of course, this kind of self-slapstick should not be said in front of everyone.

Disrespect to the teacher.

Suddenly, a blue-purple magic talisman in Qi Shuming’s magic bag jumped violently.

With a move in his heart, he quickly took out the magic talisman.

The dazzling blue-violet brilliance, several feet across the air, instantly attracted the eyes of the surrounding Elder crowd.

“The communication jade talisman left by the master!!”

Qi Shuming and Ascetic Toutuo were shocked and blurted out in unison.

“Finally there is a response!”

Qi Shuming’s hands trembled lightly, his expression uncontrollable.

Only he himself knew how difficult it was for this half to live by himself.

The rapidly growing Chongshan Academy is like an unshakable mountain, which puts him under extreme pressure.

Had it not been for his determination, he would have collapsed under increasing pressure.

Now the long-awaited transmission of the Jade Talisman finally had a response.

The feeling of relying on him instantly reduced the pressure on Qi Shuming by more than half.

Take a deep breath and calm down a little.

“Go, go back to Bi Ya.”

The disciple Emei was full of excitement, and after nodding quickly, he flew towards the sky of Ningbiya Cave.

Not only Qi Shuming is under great pressure, but facing the increasingly powerful Chongshan Academy, each of them feels uncomfortable.

Now the master of Fengruo God finally got news.

In an instant, everyone seemed to have found the backbone.

Over Chang’an.

Xu Junming, Taiyi, and Longdi stood in the air, looking to the west.

“My deity, what kind of Cultivation Base is this Tiecheng Mountain Patriarch?” Long Di said solemnly.

“Golden Fairy!”

Xu Junming said calmly.

The pupil shrank.

“No wonder there will be such a big movement.”

“With your current Cultivation Base, can you take him?”

“Maybe not 30 years ago, but now.” Xu Junming smiled proudly, “Of course it’s okay.”

In thirty years, although his Taoist Cultivation Base was only the middle stage of Xuanxian, the physical Realm reached the pinnacle of top-ranking generals with the help of the Great Witch Blood Essence.

If he is not limited to Realm, he wants to try Transcends Tribulation.

“Hehe, then what are we waiting for?”

After ‘Guru’ got used to drinking, Taiyi True Monarch touched his fat belly, and smiled harmlessly.

He looked up at Heavenly Demon Qi.

“This is an opportunity to wipe out Devil Dao in the world. If it succeeds, it will be an infinite merit. At that time, let alone replace the identity of the protagonist of Emei’s killing and robbery, it is the Karma of Ai Zhenzi, Chunyang Zhenren, Guangchengzi and others. It’s over.”

The reason why Ai Zhenzi, Chunyang Zhenren, Guangchengzi and others have left their heritage and treasures.

The purpose is to let the people who get them, walk the world, after slaying demons and slaying demons, they can share their merits.

Now the disciples of Chongshan Academy have got their things, of course the disciples of Chongshan must pay for this merit.

“Wait a few more days, wait until all the fish are on the net!” Xu Junming said.

After that, the light flew under his feet and went straight to the west.

“Hey, didn’t you say to wait a few days?” Taiyi True Monarch said hastily.

“The opportunity of gathering all demons is so rare, it’s a pity not to see it.”

Xu Junming’s words came from afar.

“Hehe, count me.”

A white cloud appeared under his feet, and Taiyi True Monarch chased up slowly but quickly.

“Dragon Emperor, you stay and sit at the Chongshan Chang’an Main Gate. Now that the Shushan World Tribulation has begun, it’s hard to say what actions Emei and Buddhism will do to be prepared.”

Dragon Emperor nodded.

Although his Cultivation Base had already reached the peak of true immortality after taking a few tablets of “Dihuang Xiandan” refined by Xu Junming. But compared with Xu Junming and Taiyi True Monarch Cultivation Base, it is still far behind.

It was reluctant to deal with the Demon Ancestor of Tiecheng Mountain who had reached the Golden Immortal.

It’s better to stay and take measures.

Tiecheng Mountain is located at the junction of Sichuan and Tibet.

Ten thousand mountains gather here, and dragons and snakes rise to land.

Inaccessible, all over the wild.

In the deep valley and jungle, there are many unknown mysterious hidden.

In such a place, only the cultivator of the capable Bufan will get involved.

In the past few days, this vast mountain has become extremely lively.

One after another, rays of light flew from all directions, and then rose into the sky, as if falling halfway through the huge mountain left by the ancients.

This huge mountain is tens of thousands of feet long, and the whole body is black like fine iron.

The misty white clouds encircled the mountainside, and the clouds covered the mist, which should have revealed a fairy air.

However, thousands of black magic lights spread out from the top of the mountain, and countless strange-shaped cultivators, or driving bone swords, or driving skulls, fell from the sky.

The spectacle of demons dancing wildly has covered this pure snowy land with dust.

Xu Junming and Taiyi stood in the air, overlooking the magic palace.

The First Stage space around the two of them is isolated from the outside world. Unless they use the big Magic power, even Jin Xian would never want to discover his whereabouts.

“Grumbling! … I didn’t expect many people to come here!”

After a sip of wine, Taiyi True Monarch said drunkly.

Xu Junming nodded slightly. At this moment, at least nearly 10,000 Demon Cultivators had gathered in the giant square in front of the Demon Palace.

“It’s not even a day now. Those Demon Cultivators who live far away haven’t rushed over. If you wait for another seven days, the number of people here will increase several times.”

After Taiyi True Monarch nodded, he fell back and lay down directly on the white clouds under his feet.

“Ah~! I’ll sleep for a while, wait until everyone is ready, and then call me up when I’m about to do it.”

Regardless of that, Xu Junming turned his head and snored.

Looking at him, Xu Junming slowly shook his head.

My own swallowing thief soul body is fat and greedy, and also addicted to alcohol. Like the previous three, he has a personality.

He turned his gaze to Tiecheng Mountain, and it was still far from the time when the Demon Ancestor of Tiecheng Mountain preached.

Xu Junming, who was never used to wasting time, spread out his palms, and a wicker colored jade in his left palm appeared in front of him.

This willow branch, which was exchanged from Fentuo more than 40 years ago, he had already insight into the First Stage seal.

But the second stage seal is not an order of magnitude with the first stage.

He has worked hard for more than 30 years, but still hasn’t completely solved it.

But after so long, it was not without gain.

At least the Realm, which seals the road and the space road, is a big step forward than the previous Ascension.

Second only to the previous breakthrough Xuanxian, after the bronze mirror blessed understanding, the Tiangongdao, which is advancing in the way, is juxtaposed with the soul.

“If I can completely seal the Second Stage of Insight, my Tiangong Dao and Space Dao Cultivation Base should be advanced to a higher level of Realm.”

With strong expectations, Xu Junming’s Divine Sense sank into the wicker in his palm.

With the deepening of the understanding of the Dao of Space, he has now reached the bottom of the space that he can easily create.

This is the case in his palm at the moment.

Let the wicker that was originally as long as a hundred feet long, and the thickest place is close to twelve feet, it seems that it is only as long as the fingers.

Time passed a little bit.

The mighty bell sounded suddenly.

The billowing sound wave spread across the whole world in an instant.

The black magic light soared into the sky for hundreds of meters, and the magic energy in the heaven and the earth was dozens of times stronger than before!

The vast magic cloud, like the wings of the sky, slowly pressed down.

Greed, laziness, anger, fear, all kinds of magical thoughts radiate in the air.

The ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, and many yu thoughts run rampant in mid-air.

‘Boom’, extremely heavy, the stone gate of a strange beast whose relief resembles an eagle and a falcon but with a eagle-winged dragon’s tail slowly opened.

The gorgeous magic sound resounded through Tiecheng Mountain under the sound of two teams of slim and slim girls wearing tulle.

Followed by the eighteen bull-headed human bodies with knotted muscles and a height of nearly ten feet, he steadily carried a huge black Lotus flower platform and walked out of the magic palace.

On the lotus platform, under the golden golden pillar of the Seventh Stage, a young man wearing a black Magical Robe, a large cloak, and a golden crown appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The boy’s face was like a crown of jade, his eyes were like stars, and he was extremely handsome.

But this beauty is not like a man or a woman, it’s more like an ultimate neutral beauty.

The young man held a small bronze clock in his palm. Although it looked simple and unpretentious, it was shining with tyrannical aura under the bronze mirror.

The various Restrictions surprised Xu Junming even more.

Coming to the square, the black lotus platform slowly flew up into the air.

“I’ll see the Demon Ancestor!”

One hundred thousand Demon Cultivator bowed in unison, with great momentum, shaking the fields, and the mountains resounding in the distance, extremely magnificent.

“You wait to get up!”

The voice of majesty is in everyone’s ears.

“Unexpectedly, the old man Shibi would also come.”

Taiyi True Monarch, who didn’t know when he woke up, spoke.

He glanced at the tall old man sitting in the front, wearing a dark red Taoist robe.

“It’s not just him.”

There are more than ten Devil Dao powerhouses who have achieved Earth Immortals, and there are even two Demon Cultivators who have achieved Realm.

Xu Junming has never seen many of them.

“My deity, do you want to do it?”

After some consideration, “Wait, I would like to hear his Devil Dao Dafa.”

After Taiyi True Monarch nodded and closed his eyes, the snoring sounded again.

Taking a look at him, Xu Junming didn’t say much.

Taiyi True Monarch was born on the avenue of swallowing, Xiantian contains the meaning of swallowing the law, awakening innate magical powers. Except for the Tao of Devouring, he has no interest in any Taoism.

“This is the thirty-sixth time that the demon ancestor has sat in full consummation. When the Moluo Dao is opened, all those who are predestined can come and listen.”

“I’m grateful to the Demon Ancestor for waiting.”

“The magician, the wonderful truth of Wanfa, the true desire in the heart, follow the thoughts, change from the heart…!”

The vast magic sound poured into the world.

Every place where the magic cloud is shrouded, there is a magic sound. If you have a good understanding, you can understand the magic of Devil Dao and become a Demon Cultivator.

The world of Shushan Devil Dao is prosperous, thousands of years of killings and calamities are so frequent, and the dispute between Dao and Demon is so fierce. Most of them have the most important relationship with the preaching of the devil ancestor of Tiecheng Mountain.

As Devil Dao’s explanation went deeper, countless demons in the square began to be presumptuous.

Cultivating Yin & Yang Devil Dao directly pulled the female Demon Cultivator next to him, and began to explore the mysteries of physiology.

After a short time, the entire square became an uncovered assembly.

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