Chapter 422

A stunned rainbow, spanning thousands of miles, came to the top of the capital, and turned into a huge giant of thousands of meters.

This scene is invisible to ordinary people, but practitioners with Divine Sense can see it clearly.

Motivated the bronze mirror to look at the yellow robe old monk in the depths of the palace.

“Cihang, don’t you want to kill me? The deity is here! You demon monk dare to come out and fight me?!”

Staring at the domineering primordial spirit in mid-air, Grand Master Cihang showed a dignified look.

“He has already killed Ao Kun?”

“Yes, Master. The disciple can see clearly through the phantom in the mirror. Xu Junming and Ao Kun entered the Dragon Clan’s ancestral hall together, but he was the only one who came out in the end.”

Ci Hang’s pupils shrank and slowly said: “This person is really so tyrannical in Cultivation Base?!”

The middle-aged monk next to him did not dare to answer.

“Cihang, your big centipede actually pretends to be a national teacher, and this great emperor was so frightened that he let you steal the temple. But your dignified Yuanshen Great Demon can’t bear my provocation, and it surprised the deity. Different. Maybe you were a tortoise in your previous life, so you can stand it!”

The mighty voice was full of ridicule and contempt.

“Damn it, dare to tease me now!”

Ci Hang was furious, but he didn’t even have the thought of going out.

Na Aokun Cultivation Base was no less than it, plus many dragons’ treasures, were all beheaded by Xu Junming on the spot. If he didn’t have the Ten Thousand Li concubines of Zhongzhou City and the protection of the Dragon Qi of the Dynasty, he would be beheaded by the opponent.

Xu Junming sneered for a moment, and sighed inwardly when he saw that Cihang would not leave the city.

Looking at the Qi Luck Golden Dragon entrenched above Zhongzhou City, after thinking about it, he didn’t bother.

This golden dragon contains the luck and thoughts of the billions and billions of Li Shu. If it is powerfully shattered, hundreds of millions of sentient beings are stumbling, and the Karma karma is so great that the immortals can’t bear it.

At the beginning, King Zhou wrote love poems to adjust the breath to Nuwa. As Sage, the Empress Nuwa didn’t dare to destroy the Shang Dynasty directly.

It can be seen from this that although the human dynasty is different from the immortals, it is not without resistance.

Although Dayong’s power is tens of thousands of miles away from the Shang Dynasty, Xu Junming is not Sage either.

“Never mind, let you be at ease for a while. In the future, when you reverse your actions, swallow the great eternal luck and transform into a dragon, I will clean up you again.”

The thought fell, his body shook, and he flew straight to Longjiang.

Although he destroyed the Dragon Palace, there are still a large number of dragon descendants and grandchildren tens of thousands of miles away in Longjiang, as well as the demon army.

Now that he has decided to remove the Longjiang Demon Race by hand, it is natural to uproot it without leaving any future troubles.

Looking at the figure going away, even though Archmage Cihang was dying in his heart, he was somewhat relieved.

“Xu Junming, when the deity develops the Nine Cycles Dragon Transformation Technique, it will be your death.”

“Crack it”.

A fine blue and white porcelain tea bowl was crushed by Ci Hang.

The Longjiang Shui Clan was annihilated!

In just three days, once dominated Dayong, juxtaposed with White Horse Temple, Kunlun School, and Suspension Mirror Division, with hundreds of thousands of demon army, the extremely powerful Longjiang Aquarium, like snowflakes under the sun, melted in an instant.

Wanli Longjiang has never been as calm as it is now.

Xu Junming, the real person of Chongshan, once again resounded through the world of spiritual practice.

This person has not taken any action for decades since he destroyed the Black Heart’s Demon, but now he has destroyed the Longjiang Shui Clan, who is as famous as the Black Heart’s Demon.

Dae Yong’s five great cultivation strengths, two of them have now been destroyed by his hands.

Hundreds of thousands of Demon Cultivator and Demon Cultivator’s lives have accumulated a terrible reputation, completely making Xu Junming an existence that can stop children crying in the world of cultivation.

Now, the man who wiped out Longjiang is sitting in the quiet room of the monk Xinkong in the palm of the temple of the White Horse Temple with a smile on his face.

“Xu Zhenren, please have a look. This is the empty stone in our collection.”

Monk Xinkong handed over a wooden box and opened the lock on it, revealing a blue-black stone about the size of a watermelon.

Divine Sense clearly senses Spirit Power in the Xiantian space, which is as thick as the sea.

Pushing the bronze mirror to see, there is a pale white in the middle of the stone, the higher first-level Xiantian Taishi Space Spirit Power.Obviously, if his Cultivation Base is enough and there is enough Spiritual Qi support, it will be no problem to refine a fairy with this treasure.

However, according to the concentration of Spiritual Qi in this realm, there is definitely no play in refining fairy artifacts.

“Sure enough, it is empty stone, Xiantian spiritual material.”

As a craftsman, Xu Junming likes this top-level spiritual thing most.

“Amitābha.” After a Buddhist horn attracted Xu Junming’s attention, Monk Xinkong continued, “Xu Zhenren has seen the spiritual materials, and there is no problem. I don’t know when to start making treasures?”

“Master, rest assured, within three years, I will definitely develop a high-grade spatial spirit treasure and give it to the White Horse Temple.”

“Xu Zhenren is serious about this?”

“Never say anything.”

Monk Xinkong nodded.

“There is one more thing, the old monk hopes that Donor Xu will follow.”

“What’s the matter?”

“The three-year refining period will remain in our company.”

Xu Junming frowned.

“Why is this? Isn’t it possible that the master can’t believe in me as a person?”

“Xu Zhen has a high spirit, integrity and promises, and the poor monks will naturally not believe it. It is just that the empty stone is a treasure of this temple, and the sages have left their legacy, and must not let this treasure leave the company for half a step. Therefore, the old monk will have this request. ”

After a pause, the empty-minded old monk’s eyes were firm and direct.

“If True Person Xu feels wrong, the old monk is extremely reluctant. But he has to end this treasure refining and return the Amitabha Mountain to the real person.”

The implication is that Xu Junming will also return the Bodhi golden lotus he got to the White Horse Temple.

“Can’t be accommodating?” Xu Junming said calmly.

“Amitābha, the old monk did not dare to go beyond the rules set by the sages of the White Horse Temple, and I hope Zhenren Xu will forgive me.”

Listening to his tone, it is obvious that if he does not agree to his terms and stays in the White Horse Temple to practice the empty stone, he would rather invalidate the previous transaction than compromise.

However, Bodhi golden lotus has been cultivated by him to the lotus pond in the backyard of Chongshanju. And he also likes this degraded fairy root.

If the transaction is invalidated, the golden lotus will be returned, and Xu Junming feels reluctant.

He pondered for a while.

“Master, I have a strategy here to bridge the gap between you and me.”

“Oh, I don’t know what Xu Zhenren has a good plan.”

Xu Junming opened his palm, and a bronze mirror flew out.

“The name of the eight-foot mirror in this realm is an eleven spiritual forbidden pot of heaven and spirit treasure. I am willing to give this treasure to the White Horse Temple, and the White Horse Temple gives me the empty stone.”

“In this way, the White Horse Temple does not need to wait three years to obtain a more powerful superb spirit treasure.”

“I wonder what the master wants?”

Monk Xinkong couldn’t help being attracted by the bronze round mirror in Xu Junming’s palm. The mysterious Hutian Spiritual Qi, overflowing with Rei-pressure, is exactly the Hutian Lingbao he has always longed for.

And compared to the previous request, this bronze round mirror has a higher grade and a stronger power.

The monk Xinkong showed joy on his face.

“Can Xu Zhenren give this realm to the old monk for a taste or two.”

Xu Junming smiled indifferently.


With a wave of his hand, the eight-foot mirror flew into the hands of the monk in the empty heart with a faint aura.

The latter was held in his palm, Divine Sense soaked, and soon the snow-white eyebrows and beard trembled, and an uncontrollable joy appeared from his face.

The eight-foot mirror is indeed as Xu Junming said, it is a pot of eleven spiritual forbidden pots of heaven, powerful and incomparable.

Opening his eyes, his skinny hands subconsciously grasped the treasure mirror in his hands.

“Xu Zhenren’s previous words can be taken seriously?”

Xu Junming nodded.

“In that case, follow the words of the real person….Exchange!”

Xu Junming smiled, “A wise choice.”

After signing a contract with each other, the transaction was concluded.

Seeing the empty stone in his hand, Xu Junming nodded with satisfaction in his heart.

Although the eight-foot mirror is rare, its potential has been exhausted. And this treasure was obtained from Xu Fu when he was in the world of China. It was not what he practiced. Although it is powerful, he always feels that it is not easy to take advantage of.

Of course, if he only hangs around in the Liao Zhai world, the power of this treasure is enough. This is also the reason why the monk Xinkong agreed to exchange.

A ten First Stage treasure forbidden by Tian Lingbao is already the world’s top treasure, and it is enough to use in the age of immortality.

However, for people like Xu Junming who aspire to Immortal Ascension, it is far from enough.

Therefore, he would rather choose the Kong Akashi with stronger potential than the eight-foot mirror with exhausted potential.

After getting what he wanted, Xu Junming declined Monk Xinkong’s stay and left the White Horse Temple.

After the Di Huangshan cave sky swallowed the Wanlong kiln, the area of ​​the first stage Taishi cave sky has reached 119,900 li.

It could have been bigger, but just as Taishi Cave Sky continued to march towards 120,000 li, a heavy calamity surged in my heart.

There is no doubt that when the area of ​​Taishi Cave Sky reaches 120,000 li, it is the time of Transcends Tribulation.

If you pass it, you can make a small world.

If you can’t make it through, you’ll be ruined.

The sudden growth of Taishi Cave is insufficient, and Xu Junming does not dare to let it rashly Transcends Tribulation, so the extra power of the world after swallowing the Wanlong Kiln is poured into the Second Stage Taiyuan Cave.

Today, the world where the palace trees are planted is already more than 20,000 li, which is extremely huge.

The top of the palace treasure tree, Chongshan is in the backyard.

In a muddy spring, there are five white lotus flowers and one golden lotus flower floating.

There are two pine trees, one tall and one short.

The tall pine trees are upright and lonely, giving birth to an unreliable atmosphere.

The short pine tree has a fluffy crown, gleaming with colorful air, and exudes a breath of beauty.

Of the two pine trees, the former is the fairy root branch he obtained from the Southern School of Maoshan when he was in the world of China.

The other strain was obtained from the Dragon Clan’s treasure house, and it was called “Colorful Jinxiu”, also called Wucai Lingsong.

Not far from the pine tree, a red-colored spiritual bamboo grows vigorously, and beside it is a small bamboo two feet high and a bamboo shoot.

All sorts of Spiritual Roots embellish the backyard of Chongshan Mansion with vitality and mystery.

Xu Junming Lotus Position sits in the pavilion by the pool, with his hands folded and palms facing upwards.

Dense yellow rice grains hovered and danced. In the center of countless rice grains, there was an apple-sized, purple-black stone.

After a long time, the flying rice grains stopped.

Xu Junming slowly opened his eyes and made a casual move. The rice grains were like spirit snakes. After turning around the palm of the hand, they disappeared in the palm.

Looking at the stones remaining in the palm of his right palm, he nodded in satisfaction.

This stone is the empty stone he got from the monk Xinkong of the White Horse Temple.

Although this is a piece of Xiantian spiritual material, Xu Junming did not use it to sacrifice and practice into a new spiritual treasure. Instead, they use the extremely strong Xiantian Taisu Space Spiritual Qi in the inner space to sacrifice and practice own dream yellow beam.

As one’s own life and soul treasure of the Space Dao and Soul Dao.

Yimeng Huangliang, with its profound foundation, is slower to advance than other spirit treasures. Now that it has the spiritual materials that can make it fast ascension, it is natural to use it.

Although it was easier for him to practice the Kong Akashi Sacrifice alone into a spirit treasure.

However, spirit is precious and essence is not much expensive.

One of the Lingbao of Space Road is enough for him.

With a move in my heart, the protective Restrictions of Chongshanju were removed.

“come in.”

Xu Huang, with a cold temperament in a white dress, walked in.

“Master, are you looking for me?””sit!”

After nodding, Xu Huang sat down on a vacant futon next to him.

“How’s it getting along with those two little guys?”

A gentle smile appeared on Xu Huang’s cold pretty face.

“Qingfeng has a calm temperament, excellent talents, good savvy, and I can pass on my legacy in the future. Little Sister Yuechi is innocent and innocent. Although his aptitude and savvy are not lost to Nai Sister, he has a loose nature. When strict discipline is imposed, the future will become a great weapon. .”

Xu Junming smiled and nodded.

“It’s good for you to be a Master.”

With the palms spread out, two beads exuding cold air slowly flew out.

“Qingfeng and Yuechi are the first three generations of disciples under my sect. They are talented and can inherit my Chongshan lineage in the future, so it is hard not to say that I am a master.”

“These two Ice Soul Pearls were made by me using Ao Kun’s Dragon Pearl and another Dragon Pearl from the Dragon Clan’s treasury. They are both spiritual treasures. It’s up to you. Leave it to them from the Master. In the future, whether it is to be a life spirit treasure or a Taoist spirit treasure, it is up to them to choose.”

Xu Huang respectfully accepted the Orb.

“I bring Qingfeng and Yuechi, thank you Master.”

After nodding slightly.

“I will go overseas to explore the secrets of the ancient Dragon Court. I will probably pass the Wuding Island in the East China Sea. Since you have a friendship with the white-haired fairy Yunmei, would you like to go with me?”

Xu Junming, who used Yimeng Huangliang to spy on the secrets of the ancient Dragon Court from Aokun Yuanshen, intends to explore it.

Xu Huang pondered for a moment and shook his head.

“Qingfeng and Yuechi are young and lack concentration. I want to spur them all the time. Moreover, now is the time for them to take root, especially strict. I don’t want to delay their cultivation.”

Xu Junming nodded.

At the beginning, he promised Fu Yun to let Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi go home every seven days to save their relatives.

Without this, Xu Huang wouldn’t have to stay in Jinhua.

“In that case, you can stay in Jinhua Chongshan Residence and teach them well.”


After responding, “Master is going to find the Ancient Dragon Court. When will I be able to come back?”

Xu Junming thought for a moment.

“Whether I can find the Ancient Dragon Court or not, I have to travel a bit, and I will go to Daqi in the middle. So when I can return, I don’t know. Maybe a few years, maybe decades.”

In Dayong, he couldn’t find anything to do except Closed Door Training.

But besides Dayong, there are even greater Qi, countless small countries, and even greater oceans.

He intends to travel and seek opportunities while also seeing the scenery of this world.

Looking at Xu Huang.

“During my absence, you should cultivate yourself and don’t slack off. If you encounter difficulties that cannot be solved, you only need to crush this jade talisman.”

With a wave of his hand, an emerald jade charm appeared in Xu Huang’s hand.

After a brief look, he put it away.

“If there is nothing wrong, you can go back to Jinhua.”

“The disciple retire.”

After she left, a man with a cool temperament similar to Xu Huang, but with a juvenile appearance, walked out of the next room.

“Have you ordered it?”

Xu Junming nodded.

“After I leave, Dayong will leave it to you.”

“With my great Five Elements divine light, if Cihang’s centipede leaves Zhongzhou City, he will definitely die.” Longdi nodded.

Xu Junming smiled faintly.

“Earth Emperor Mountain Dharma Realm and many puppets are also left to you, accumulating merits and educating the disciples of Chongshan Academy, it is up to you to worry more.”

Longdi frowned, but finally nodded.

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