Chapter 420

Chapter 420 The Smart Ao Yu

As soon as he came out of the place where the Longjiang Shui Clan sacrifices, Xu Junming’s keen sense of spirit sensed a faint sense of peeping.

“My deity, have you noticed it too?”

“For the time being, don’t worry about it. With that demon monk’s cautious temperament, it is not his disciple who came here at this moment, or a clone. Killing it is insignificant, so take the things first.”


A hundred miles away from the river section where the Dragon Palace of Longjiang is located, there is an unnamed hill that is no more than a hundred meters high. The hills are overgrown with weeds, rocks are everywhere, snakes, insects, rats and ants hide.

In this deserted place, a middle-aged monk wearing a red Kasaya, hand-seals with both hands, muttered something in his mouth, and stared at the front of him. There was a bronze mirror about three feet wide.

The content in the bronze mirror is astonishingly Xu Junming, who walked out of the place where the dragon tribe sacrificed.

“Two people went in, but only one came out!”

The middle-aged monk sank.

“It looks like a failure.”

A jade talisman flew out of the bag at the waist.

The middle-aged monk simply pinched a few seal tactics, slapped the jade symbol, the light flashed, and the jade symbol recovered his calm. With a wave of his hand, the jade symbol turned into a long sword and shot towards the north.

After doing this, I just breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the man in the mirror and looked straight in the direction where he was. The sharp eyes seemed to see him behind through a bronze mirror.

The middle-aged monk was clever in his heart.

“He noticed my existence?!”

Although he was very confident in the microcosm in the mirror, when he thought of the situation just now, coupled with the rumors of Xu Junming’s fine pot Heavenly Dao, the thought of fleeing uncontrollably rushed out from the bottom of my heart.

“Although the Master confessed that I should keep an eye on Xu Junming’s movements, but now that I have been exposed, it is better to leave early.”

Thinking of this, the middle-aged monk did not dare to neglect, put away the bronze mirror, urged Escape, and ran towards the northwest.

“Prince, this is the list of gifts we give back to the immortals after the Dragon Palace Fairy Fair.”

A rich, stocky old man handed two pages of paper to Ao Yu’s hands.

The richness of the Dragon Palace is well known in the world.

Therefore, after those who participated in the Fairy Fair this time leave, Dragon Palace will offer one or two souvenirs. Or Lingguo, or Medicine Pill.

Things are not too precious, but they can effectively expand the network of Dragon Palace.

Ao Yu took it, glanced briefly, and returned it back.

“Just do it this way, everything is troublesome to Prime Minister Turtle.”

“This is the responsibility of the old minister.”

Suddenly, an illusory red long sword flew up to you from outside, turned into a jade charm, and slowly fell into Ao Yu’s palm.

Divine Sense soaked, Ao Yu’s face suddenly changed.

Although I am very curious about the contents of the Flying Sword, but Prime Minister Kameiko is still a wise cupped hands.

“If the prince has nothing to explain, the old official will resign.”

“I’m fine. The prime minister is fine.”

Prime Minister Turtle got up and bowed before bowing out.

When his back disappeared, Ao Yu retreated to the left and right, and with a wave of his hand, he urged the Restrictions of his bedroom.

Looking at the contents of the jade talisman, Ao Yu’s face was happy.

“Father, father, you want to pass the position of Dragon King of the Longjiang Shui Clan to Lao Jiu, but unfortunately he didn’t have that life. Now even you are dead. No one can stop me from boarding the Dragon King. Bit.”

Holding a jade talisman, Ao Yu’s heart is surging.

But after calming down, his brows instantly frowned.

“No, it is said that Xu Junming, a real person in Chongshan, is jealous of evil, and is determined to kill him. If he is determined to eradicate the Longjiang Shui Clan…!”

Strong anxiety rose from the bottom of my heart.

After finally seeing the hope of sitting on the Dragon King of the Dragon River Aquarium, he must not give up.

“Furthermore, his father fell into his hands, and the Dragon King Sword and Dragon Flag, the treasures of the Longjiang Shui Clan, will certainly be taken by him. If these two treasures are not there, I am afraid I will be unstable in the position of the Dragon King.”

Although he is the strongest among many princes, if the other princes unite, his chances of winning are very low. If you master the Heavenly Dragon Sword and Dragon God Banner, and master the righteousness, the situation will naturally be different.

“Chongshan real person Xu Junming!”

Ao Yu said slowly.

Now for him, the most important thing is to be able to convince this person, it is best to get the support of this person.

After pacing back and forth a dozen times in the hall, Ao Yu’s expression was certain after struggling for a long time.

“The only thing to do is to hand over the news. It doesn’t matter, for so many years, I haven’t been able to succeed, and it’s useless to keep it in my hands.”

After thinking about the joints, Ao Yu opened the palace Restrictions, and after a little hesitation, walked towards the Chiqi Palace where the guests of the Dragon Palace are located.

As the manager of this Dragon Palace Fairy Fair, the Grand Prince of Dragon Palace, he knew exactly where every guest in the Dragon Palace lived.

Soon, he came to the coral water pavilion where Xu Junming stayed.

Looking at the calm waterside pavilion, Ao Yu tidied his clothes and said respectfully: “Longgong Grand Prince Ao Yu, please see the real person Chongshan.”

There was no sound, but Ao Yu did not dare to get up.

After a long time, an indifferent voice came.

“come in.”

“Thank you, the real person.”

Looking at the door opening in the hole, Ao Yu walked in with his hands down.

When he came to the hall, Ao Yu hurriedly bowed and saluted the young Daoist who was sitting cross-over, wearing a blue shirt.

“Ao Yu pays respects to the real person Chongshan, real person Jinan!”

Seeing this well-mannered and even somewhat cautious dragon son, Xu Junming was also guessing his intentions.

“Is the news that I killed his father already known to him?”

Xu Junming was also uncertain.

“Prince please sit down.”

“Thank you, the real person.”

He carefully sat down on the futon next to him.

“I don’t know why the prince comes again?”

“Real person, this Dragon Palace Fairy Fair is coming to an end, and I have some gifts from Dragon Palace.”

After talking about shooting the bag, a jade box flew in front of Xu Junming with the support of his Magic power.

There are no Restrictions on it, so Xu Junming opened it.

Twelve red jade fruits, nine magpie grasses, three white huadans, and a ball of Yuepo Lingshui.

Lingguo, Spiritual herbs and Medicine Pill are all treasures of the big cave level.

And Yuepo Lingshui is indeed a real Dongming-level spiritual creature, although it only has three drops, it is also very valuable.

“These things, everyone who participated in this Dragon Palace Fairy Fair has it?”

“Of course not. The fellow daoist participating in this conference, except for a few cultivators, only one red jade fruit and three white huadans were given away. Several fellow daoists from the cultivation base of the primordial spirit, although the gifts are thicker, but there is no Moon Soul Spirit Water.”

“Oh, why do I have this?” Xu Junming said calmly.

“Ao Yu has always been extremely respectful of real people killing demons and eliminating demons, helping justice After losing, I missed the chance to become a real disciple.”

After that, Ao Yu knelt down suddenly.

“Ao Yu dare not expect to become a true biography of a real person. I hope that the real person will pity Ao Yu sincerely and accept me as a named disciple, and Yue Po Lingshui will become Ao Yu’s teacher Shuxiu.”

Xu Junming frowned, the scene in front of him was really beyond his expectation.

He originally thought that Ao Yu was here to check his tone, but he did not expect to be a teacher.

Just as he was about to speak, Ao Yu’s previous look suddenly appeared in his mind.


Motivate Dantian’s destiny talisman, and calculate the secret of heaven with the assistance of the heavenly secret ball.

Gradually, Xu Junming’s heart rose with a hint of understanding.

Looking at Ao Yu who was kneeling on the ground, Xu Junming narrowed his eyes slightly.

“You know I shocked and killed your father!”

Ao Yu’s body shook severely, and various thoughts in his mind were spinning rapidly.

The idea of ​​worshiping Xu Junming as a named disciple came out of him on the way here. If he succeeds, with this magical teacher behind him, he can instantly secure his position as the Dragon King of the Dragon River Aquatics.

After taking a deep breath, Ao Yu said solemnly after analyzing the pros and cons.


‘Sure enough’ secretly said in my heart.

“How did you know?”

“The disciple has some friendship with Pu Xin, the direct disciple of Dayongguo Shi Cihang. Three months ago, he suddenly visited me and told me that it was a real person who killed Ao Shen, and my father was preparing to fight the real person and declare for Ao. Hatred. By then, regardless of the success or failure of the battle, as long as I am willing to worship the Nationalist Cihang as the Master, he will help me ascend the Dragon King position.”

“Just now, he suddenly told Flying Sword that my father was defeated and let me prepare early.”

Xu Junming said indifferently: “In that case, why don’t you follow him, apprentice Cihang, and ascend to the Dragon King of the Longjiang Aquarium, but plan to worship me as a teacher?”

“My Longjiang Aquarium Wanlong Kiln is where the Dragon Palace Restrictions are strongest. Coupled with the strength of my father king, unless he is an immortal, he can be killed instantly. But a real person can walk out of it unharmed. . It can be seen that the strength is high and profound, and it is already the highest in this world.”

“In contrast, although the Great Master Cihang is known as a national teacher, his strength is not enough to compare with the defeated generals of real men, the Chongyang Dao, who has been transformed into a golden armor corpse, is just like Elder.”

“In this way, it is naturally more promising to learn from real people.”

Glanced at him.

“I’m afraid it’s not just that, right? Worship me as a teacher, you can always be by my side, when I put down my vigilance, you can avenge your father with a single blow.”

“A real man, Ao Yu has no intention of revenge…” Ao Yu said quickly.

Waved to interrupt him.

“No need to say more. I won’t accept you as a disciple, you can go.”

Although Xu Junming could see that Ao Yu was telling the truth, the human heart was fickle, and the demon heart was the same.

A person who doesn’t even care about his father’s hatred, and only considers himself, he will not return to his sect in any case.

Ao Yu’s face changed continuously.

Although the first plan failed, he still has a second step.

After taking a deep breath, he stabilized his mind.

“It is the biggest regret of Ao Yu’s life to miss the chance to worship the real man. However, Ao Yu has a big secret here. As long as the real man is willing to return the Heavenly Dragon Sword and Dragon Flag to me, I am willing to give the secret to me.”

“Secret? What secret?” Xu Junming said with interest.

“The location of the Ancient Dragon Palace!”

“The Ancient Dragon Palace?!”

“Exactly. My Longjiang Dragon Clan was once a branch of the Ancient Dragon Palace back then. It was only in the ancient years that a hundred clan battles and the destruction of the Dragon Court did we move to Longjiang.”

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