Chapter 415: Xiezhi

Chapter 415 Xiezhi

Naturally, the energy of practitioners is far greater than that of ordinary people. The feast before the start of the Dragon Palace and the Fairy Fair lasted for three days.

In the three days, mussel girls, mermaid, snake girls, and even all kinds of demon girls that have never seen before appeared on the stage. The enchanting figure and gorgeous style really made many people interested in this feast for their eyes.

After three days, it was a rest.

According to the following process, one day later, it will be the time for everyone to preach, and it is also the highlight of the Dragon Palace Fairy Fair.

This grand event brought together so many elites from the Daeyeong practice world. This sermon is one of the most important reasons.

It is also very important that among these people, many come for Xu Junming.

Everyone wanted to listen to his Taoism, and by the way, to find out what level this person’s understanding of the Tao reached.

Therefore, when Xu Junming preached on the sixth day, there were no empty seats in the entire Great Hall.

Not only the Nascent Soul cultivator, but also the monk Xinkong, Ye Guyun and the white-haired fairy Yunmei.

“The flame husband is strong and strong in nature, hidden in softness, although it takes a short while, there are hundreds of millions of horizontal sand inside, grinding and hitting, power is born…!”

There was silence in the Great Hall.

After a long time.

“Amitābha, I didn’t expect Zhenren Xu to have such a high Realm in the fire technique!” Monk Xinkong said.

Ye Guyun and the white-haired fairy nodded in agreement.

Just now, Xu Junming’s sermon, from the shallower to the deeper, elaborated on the way of flame in detail. It is definitely a comprehension that can be gained only by insight into the realm of the fire method.

Ye Guyun looked at the young Daoist sitting high on the cloud platform not far away with some complexity in his heart.

No one in this palace can compare to him when it comes to understanding Xu Junming. When the opponent swept Dahengshan, the information about Xu Junming was put on his desk.

At that time, he didn’t pay much attention to Xu Junming, but he didn’t expect that this person would rise like a comet in just over ten years.

More importantly, Xu Junming beheaded countless enemies in the cultivation world. The Heavenly Dao, Sword and Puppet Dao Cultivation Base is the best cultivation world, but it has never been exposed that he actually has such a deep Realm on the flame.

Sitting on the opposite side of the Lotus Position, as if Mount Tai collapsed in front of the young man without changing his face, like a deep pool that can never be explored, awe-inspiring, even a trace of fear.

Ao Kun is more complicated than Ye Guyun. After these days of contact, he has become more aware of Xu Junming’s Bufan.

In the past, Bufan just heard that, although he paid attention to it, he didn’t pay too much attention to it. But this time, with a more intuitive feeling, Xu Junming’s inadvertent tyrannical input went straight to the bottom of his heart.

Let his original 100% confidence waver for the first time.

“I would like to thank Zhenren Xu for teaching the Fa. I just heard that real people are good at pots, Heavenly Dao and Kendo. I wonder if you can explain them for me?”

A young man wearing a but cyan Gon dragon robe stood up and asked.

Xu Junming glanced at him.

He has a handsome face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and there is an intimate feeling in his smile.

With the tall and straight figure, it is gentle and elegant, as if the temperament of a good son in the world.

This dragon prince is quite a bit like Bufan.

Pushing the bronze mirror, the secret of the prince was instantly invisible before his eyes.

Dantian is green and white, two Flying Swords fly around Dragon Pearl.

Looking at the heat of the two swords, it is obvious that they have reached the first level of Lingbao.

“I saw Cultivation Base so deeply. Although it is not as good as Ye Guyun, it is not far off. No wonder there is such a request.”

Seeing his deep gaze, Ao Yu’s heart was stunned, as if there was a feeling that all the secrets in her body had been seen through.

He shook his head and pressed his extra thoughts for a while, only looking forward to Xu Junming.

“At the Great Hall today, more than 30% of the people practiced the fire method, and the Guben deity only explained the fire method. As for the pot Heavenly Dao and kendo practitioners are rare, especially with Hutian, there is no one practicing here. Explaining the Heavenly Dao method is of no use to you all.””The pot of Heavenly Dao is extremely high and profound. It is not a talented person like Xu Zhenren, and no one can penetrate it. I can’t wait for it. It’s just people who come back, there are many kendo cultivators, and I hope that real people can explain kendo. , Let me wait to listen to the wonderful voice of real people.”

As soon as his voice fell, a master old man carrying a sword box stood up not far away.

“What the prince said is quite true. I hope that a real person can explain Kendo for me.”

After him, six or seven people stood up, all of them Jian Xiu.

The concentration of Spiritual Qi in the world of Liao Zhai is nearly a hundred times that of the world in China, and countless spiritual materials are naturally born. Therefore, the number of sword repairs far exceeds the China world.

“Xu fellow daoist, although there are few practitioners in kendo, most of the people present are involved in it. If you explain one or two things, everyone will benefit infinitely.” Ye Guyun said.

As a sword repairer, he is also very curious about Xu Junming’s Kendo Realm and perception.

Looking around everyone, Xu Junming nodded.

“Never mind, I will explain kendo. After the lecture, I will hand it over to other fellow daoist.”

“Thank you Xu fellow daoist (real person)!”

After Xu Junming nodded, he explained Kendo.

It took three hours to finish it all.

His kendo Cultivation Base has already reached Realm, and it is only one step away from Immortal Dao. So in the end, except for Ye Guyun, most people sounded specious.

Fortunately, everyone doesn’t understand, but you can write it down and go back to Insight slowly.

“Thank you fellow daoist!”

Ye Guyun bowed deeply.

After nodding slightly, Xu Junming walked down from the podium.

After him, the white-haired fairy Yunmei walked up.

Not surprisingly, she was talking about water law.

There are many people who practice water law in the Great Hall, including Xu Junming who also practice water law. However, his water method is included in Five Elements Avenue, not one alone.

Seeing Yunmei who talked eloquently, Xu Junming nodded secretly in his heart. As expected, there is no simple character who can suppress one party.

This Yunmei’s water method Realm is extremely advanced, far beyond her Magic power Cultivation Base at the moment.

Looking at Xu Huang who was listening intently next to him, Xu Junming smiled faintly and closed his eyes.

This sermon lasted about twenty days before it was over.

Although Xu Junming is proficient in Taoism, he has gained a lot, which is a worthwhile trip.

After the sermon, there was another three-day rest in the middle.

The last is the time to communicate with each other.

Talking about exchanges is actually just trading treasures.

It’s rare for so many cultivators with Realm to be with Realm. Those cultivators who usually want to sell in exchange for resources, but don’t have a good way to exchange, are most looking forward to this moment.

So early in the morning, everyone waited early in the Great Hall.

“Everyone, everyone knows the opportunity to trade treasures. The rules this time are the same as before. Anyone who wants to exchange things can get ahead.”

It was Ao Yu who was talking, and Ao Kun, the lord of the Longjiang Shui Clan, did not take the stage.

“Everyone, who will come up first?”

Everyone’s eyes focused on a few cultivators.

“I’ll do it first.”

Xu Junming stood up first.

He has participated in such exchange meetings more than once. The earlier the morning, the greater the benefits.

“Xu Zhenren, please!”

Ao Yu retired.

Everyone looked forward to seeing him.

Xu Junming, the real person of Chongshan, is the most prestigious master craftsman in the practice world.

With a wave of his hand, Xu Junming showed two spirit treasures in his hands.

A black dove stick that is eight feet long and gleaming.

A small hill three feet high and rich in earthy aura.

Snake stick and Mi Tuo mountain.

The former was beheaded by him. The Black Heart’s Demon taught the nine heavenly kings the spirit treasure of Pan Snake Po, a fourth stage spiritual forbidden treasure of wood and poison.

The latter is the natural treasure of Qin Mo, the head of the nine heavenly kings, and a treasure of the soil attribute of the Sixth Stage spiritual forbidden.

With the refinement of his craftsmanship, and the Ascension of Cultivation Base, he has been blind to ordinary Lingbao.

Moreover, there are tyrannical spirit treasures such as the Eight Treasure Ling Pagoda, Yi Meng Huang Liang, Nether White Bone Banner, and the Four Elephant Sword Formation, which he can’t see anymore.

In that case, it might as well be exchanged for treasures.

“Two Lingbao!”

Xu Junming shot Bufan, and the audience instantly remembered countless exclamations.

Looking over with fiery eyes, they were filled with excitement and greed.

Not just them, but Ye Guyun, Yunmei, the old monk Xinkong, and even Ao Kun who were sitting at the front changed their expressions.

Only Xu Huang, a disciple, remained calm.

As a direct disciple, she naturally has no shortage of Lingbao.


Two coughs, although not big, they sounded like Huang Zhongda Lu in everyone’s ears, and instantly awakened everyone from greed.

Only then did they remember that although the baby is good, the owner of this baby is the biggest evil star in the spiritual world today.

If it is because of greed for a while, if you find him, I am afraid that you will die.

Thinking about this clearly, as if a basin of cold water was poured, everyone calmed down.

Seeing that own shock had worked, Xu Junming continued.

“One of the two treasures is the ‘Snake Rod’ and the other is the ‘Amitabha Mountain’. They were obtained after I killed the Black Heart’s Demon and taught Qin Mo and the Snake Coil. After I re-trained, the power has been improved.”

“The former has the Fourth Stage spiritual ban, which is a thousand-year-old gloomy wood, combined with the poisonous and wood dual-attribute spirit treasures practiced by the miasma sacrifice. The latter has the Sixth Stage spiritual ban, which is a piece of Spirit Stones as large as three feet. , The earth-attribute spirit treasure made by sacrifice!”

“Today, the deity exchanges these two spirit treasures. Whoever has insight, top grade or top grade, or even higher-level treasures, materials, and elixir, can come forward to those who are interested in these two spirit treasures.”

In the spiritual world, although very few, almost no one will buy or sell spirit treasures. But everyone knows the rules handed down in the spiritual world for tens of thousands of years.

They are generally medium-grade Lingbao, which are exchanged for top-grade materials. The top grade Lingbao is exchanged for top grade materials.

Therefore, everyone has no doubts about Xu Junming’s request.

“Xu Zhenren, no matter what kind of treasure is it?”

An old man wearing a yellow Taoist robe asked.

“Yes. As long as the grade meets the requirements, any treasure will work.”

“Will spirit beast also work?”


“The old way has a spirit beast egg, please appreciate it.”

Huang Pao Lao Dao stepped forward, tapped the bag on his waist, and a wooden box appeared in his palm.

Just about to open, it was stopped by Xu Junming.

Seeing this scene, the people around couldn’t help but become curious. The wooden box has Restrictions, Divine Sense cannot be penetrated, so everyone is very curious about what it contains.

There was surprise in Huangpao’s eyes.Although his wooden box is not a heavy treasure, it is also a middle-grade spiritual weapon with Restrictions that isolate Divine Sense. If you don’t unlock it, don’t even want to know what’s inside.

but now…!

Looking at Xu Junming’s calm expression.

“Can he really see it?” Huang Pao old Dao guessed secretly in his heart.

Xu Junming can of course see the magic of the bronze mirror, except for the olive-shaped black seed that he got from Chen Lin in the China world, there is nothing it can’t see through at present.

In this wooden box, there is an indigo blue with black dots on the surface, which is as big as a round table egg.

This egg is unpretentious and bleak, but it is full of awe-inspiring righteousness.

The mirror light passes through the eggshell, and it is the egg liquid containing countless life energy. In the middle of the egg liquid, there is a dragon head and lion body curled up with black hair and a small unicorn beast on its head.

The tyrannical aura hidden in this little beast’s body is not inferior to the Phoenix Egg, and even stronger.

“This is… Xiezhi!”

Xu Junming was excited.

Xiezhi is the sacred beast contained in the Shanhaijing. The big one is like a cow, and the small one is like a sheep, similar to Qilin, with thick and dark hair all over the body, bright eyes and a horn on the forehead.

Xiezhi has a high level of wisdom and understands human nature.

It is rumored that it is full of anger, can distinguish right from wrong, can recognize good and evil, loyal and evil, and finds treacherous officials, and knocks him down with a horn, and then eats his stomach. It can distinguish straight lines and is a symbol of bravery and justice.

After taking a slight breath, he calmed down.

“What do you want to exchange?”

Hearing this, Huang Pao old Dao heart heaved a sigh of relief when he was neutral.

In fact, the egg was obtained by chance when he was exploring an ancient ruin. He originally thought that he would get a powerful magical beast, which would cost countless resources and never hatched in his hands for a hundred years.

Now he has given up his heart.

This time I came to the Dragon Palace Group Fairy Association, and planned to exchange this egg to make up for my losses over the years.

As for what was in this egg, he didn’t know.

But he knew that after absorbing Spiritual Qi for nearly a hundred years, and swallowing countless resources in his hands, the eggs that have not hatched are certainly not ordinary things.

That’s why he just got up boldly, wanting to exchange the Lingbao in Xu Junming’s hands.

Originally, I was worried that the other party could not see through the spirit beast in the egg and would not exchange it. Now it seems that he was worrying too much.

“I want this wooden staff!”

Although Mi Tuo Shen Shan has a higher rank, he himself majored in wood Cultivation Technique, and the snake rod is undoubtedly more suitable for him.

With a wave of his hand, the snake rod flew into his hand.

“It’s yours.”

“Thank you real person!”

The old Huangpao who embraced the snake stick was extremely excited. This spiritual treasure could be used to become his life treasure, and the hope of crossing the Heavenly Tribulation greatly increased.

All the way back, countless envy and jealous eyes focused on this person.

But this is the Dragon Palace, and no one dared to snatch it.

With this jade in front, everyone’s eyes looking at the remaining Mi Tuo mountain in front of Xu Junming became even more fiery.

This is a Lingbao, a top treasure in the spiritual world that has no market.

If you pass this village, you may not have a chance in your life.

Looking at everyone’s eyes, Xu Junming also looked forward to it.

Although Xiezhi, like the Phoenix Egg, is also a big consumer of Spiritual Qi, and it’s still early to hatch. But its value obviously surpassed the snake stick that was of little use in his own hands.

“I don’t know what kind of treasure can be exchanged for this Mi Tuo Shenshan?!”


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