Chapter 413

Chapter 413 Xu Huang

Jinzhou Road is an official road in the southern part of Jiangbei Province. Directly connected to Longjiang, commerce and trade are prosperous. Although the officials of the Dayong dynasty were mediocre and uneasy in recent years, there are still people coming and going on this road, and business travel is endless.

With the flow of people, a Daoist wearing a green robe and holding a bamboo stick stepped forward. Next to him is a beautiful woman with a noble and cold temperament in a white dress and a phoenix hairpin.

Although the two were walking in the crowd, the people around seemed to turn a blind eye.

“Master, is the lord of the Longjiang Aquarium a real dragon?”

Xu Junming shook his head.

“In this immortal world, there is a real dragon, it’s just a chilong dragon!”

After taking a look, he had just cultivated the three corpses Yuanshen Youcheng, and had practiced one of his puppets, five disciples Xu Huang who could walk freely in this world.

“what’s your plan?”

Xu Huang shook his head.

“It’s just a bit curious!”

“Spiritual Qi in this world is no longer enough to support a few real dragons and phoenixes!” Xu Junming sighed slightly.

After speaking, the left hand was raised, and a few drops of water were condensed while the aura flashed.

“A hundred miles away, the water vapor is so strong, Longjiang really deserves to be the No.1 River in Dayong.” After a pause, “Let’s go, let’s go and see what is going on at the Dragon Palace Fairy Fair.” Exotic treasures.”

Xu Huang nodded.

The two flew up and disappeared at the end of the road in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, Long Jiang, hundreds of miles wide, appeared in front of him.

I saw the river surging, turning up thousands of silver waves; the sound of the water was like a spring thunder.

At a glance, the sky and the water meet, and there is nowhere to be seen; looking forward, the embankment is condensed into a black line, and it is not distinguishable.

What a big river!

After turning around the river for a while, Escape suddenly plunged into the water.

After sinking hundreds of feet, a magnificent palace appeared on the cliff in front.

This time, the palace and pavilion occupies a vast area, with eaves and arches, extremely majestic.

Thousands of auras bloom, like crystal cast, adding endless luxury.

“This is the Dragon Palace?” Xu Huang said.

Xu Junming nodded and said, “What do you think?”

“Living in such a magnificent and magnificent place, most of the Longjiang Shui Clan are vulgar people who like leisure and do not want to make progress.” Xu Huang frowned.

After taking a look at her, he didn’t know if the dragon and the phoenix were innately not dealing with each other, or what, every time he mentioned the dragon clan, Xu Huang always looked contemptuous.

“Huang’er, don’t act arrogantly because of own preferences. Be careful to cover everything and lose the vigilance that you should have.”

Xu Huang’s heart was stunned, and he replied ‘yes’ respectfully.

“Let’s go!”

The two dropped their bodies, followed the straight road leading to the Dragon Palace, and came to a magnificent memorial archway.

Here is guarded by a general with a helmet and armor, and he is also elite to look at his breath.

Seeing the two, the general on duty hurried forward.

Although it is said that the seven-rank official in front of the prime minister’s gate, the gatekeeper is indeed proud on weekdays, but today is the time when the Dragon Palace Fairy Fair will be held every 30 years.

If it is because of own negligence for a while, it leads to chaos. Dragon King took his skin off.

All the people who came to participate in the event were all high-ranking and powerful generations of Cultivation Base, so this goalkeeper was also more and more diligent.

Seeing the two coming over, they greeted him from a distance.

After peeking at the beautiful and cold temperament Xu Huang next to him, he bowed in a salute.

“Two real people are here to participate in my Longjiang Dragon Palace Fairy Fair?”


“I wonder if there is an invitation?”

Xu Junming waved his hand, and a bronzing invitation flew off his hand.

The goalkeeper opened it, and his ankle softened so that it didn’t fall.

She put away the invitation card with a little trembling, and looked at Xu Junming in shock and a little fear.

“You… are you real Chongshan?”


The goalkeeper swallowed.

The real person of Chongshan, Xu Junming, swept the black Heart’s Demon Church, stepping on the bones of hundreds of thousands of Demon Cultivator, and forging his own prestige.

So far, south of Longjiang, the practice world of the Seven Provinces of Dayong has been calm, and the cultivation of demon has almost disappeared, all thanks to him.

The decisiveness of killing and the fierce means can stop children from crying at night in the monster race.

“A real person, please come in!”

Respectfully handed over the invitation card, and after Xu Junming took it back, he walked forward with his disciples.

The gatekeeper demon also quickly sent a little water demon to report.

“Master, the demon crab almost got its original shape just now by you.” Xu Huang smiled.

“The daring ones!”

Staring at the endless palaces not far away, Xu Junming said calmly: “I counted for the teacher before I came. This trip is a big evil. If you can’t say that this Dragon Palace gathering of immortals will become a battle of life and death. Since you are here, be more vigilant. Don’t hesitate when it’s time to make a move. If you lose, go back to Dihuangshan.”

“Master, rest assured, Huang’er, the three-corpse clone, has already gone through Heavenly Tribulation and advanced to the soul. With the help of the spiritual treasure from the Master, although it is not invincible in the next world, it has won the cultivator of the disciple. Not much.”

After a pause, there was a trace of fire in his eyes.

“Tui’er has been cultivating in the Phoenix Egg for such a long time, it should be a good fight for a good fight.

Looking at her, Xu Junming smiled.

The carrier of Xu Huang’s training of the avatar of the three corpses was his former puppet ‘Pan Snake Po’.

This person is the fourth-ranked master among the nine heavenly kings taught by Black Heart’s Demon, and the Cultivation Base has already reached the completion of Nascent Soul.

Later, Xu Junming’s Cultivation Base got higher and higher, and the puppets, including Panshe Po, were basically useless except for teaching in Chongshan Academy.

Later, Xu Huang needed a carrier to cultivate the three-corpse clone, and Xu Junming gave her the snake panpo puppet.

It took half a year to convert Magic power and passed the Heavenly Tribulation when he was born.

The only thing that surprised Xu Junming was that the snake panpo puppet, which looked like an unsalted mother, turned into a cold, noble and beautiful woman in her hands?

Sure enough, even female fairies, except for a few, are inevitably longing for beauty.

Later, knowing that Xu Junming was coming to Longjiang to participate in the Dragon Palace Fairy Fair, Xu Huangjing was very moved and followed.

As the master and disciple talked, a large group of people swarmed out from the palace at the end of the straight.

A total of four people walked in the front.

One was Ye Guyun, who had seen him several times, and he was walking on the far left.

On his right is an old monk with white eyebrows wearing Kasaya and shaved head.

The Buddha’s light is faint, his breath is obscure, and he is obviously also a realm’s monk.

On the right hand of this old monk was a half-hundred old man wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, with a majestic aura and a strong dragon spirit.

There is no doubt that this person is Ao Kun, the lord of the Longjiang Aquatics.

Beside Ao Kun, there is a woman with red face and white hair wearing Ge Yi, holding a mulberry stick.

To be able to walk with Ao Kun, obviously this woman is also a great cultivator of the Primordial God Realm.

When Xu Junming looked at them, these people, including those behind them, were also looking at Xu Junming.

Xu Junming, a real person in Chongshan, has destroyed the Dahengshan demon clan in the past few decades, then destroyed the remnants of the Chongyang Dao, and swept the black Heart’s Demon sect. His tyrannical strength and merciless killing have shocked the entire practice world.

In the past few thousand years, there has never been such a cruel hand, jealous like hatred, and stubborn characters from Cultivation Base have appeared.

However, except for Xu Junming, the four, including those behind them, became curious about Xu Huang who was following him.

“A strange cultivator?”

Everyone secretly guessed the origin of Xu Huang.

As a landlord, Ao Kun took a step forward and cupped hands said: “It is a great honor for the real person from Chongshan to come and visit Longjiang!”

“Lord Dragon King is polite. It is a blessing for the poor to be invited to participate in the Dragon Palace Fairy Fair.”

After a little cupped hands, Xu Junming looked around.

“Ye fellow daoist, it’s been a long time!”

“Today I can see fellow daoist again, Ye Guyun is very lucky.”

When the words fell, his eyes turned.

“I wonder if this fellow daoist is…?”

“This is my fifth disciple Xu Huang!”

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Especially Ao Kun was shocked.

This is a disciple of the soul level!

“Xu Huang pays respects to seniors!”

“Fellow daoist is the cultivator of the primordial spirit, I can wait for the fellowship to meet.” Ye Guyun said hastily.

Xu Huang smiled and said nothing.

Glancing at her, Ye Guyun said, “Xu fellow daoist, when will you accept such an outstanding disciple? Why have you never heard of you before?”

Everyone looked at Xu Junming with the same question.

“Huang’er entered my door a long time ago. He had closed door training cultivation before, and only recently broke the realm of Yuanshen. He has successfully exited the gate, and comes with me to participate in this Dragon Palace Fairy Fair.”

After seeing the different looks on everyone’s faces, Xu Junming smiled lightly.

“I have met fellow daoist and Ye fellow daoist. I don’t know who these two fellow daoist are…?”

“I’ll introduce to fellow daoist.”

Dragon King is the host of this grand event, so he naturally does not let this kind of thing happen.

“This is the Master Xinkong of the Temple of the White Horse Temple!”

Dayong’s strongest Buddhist sect is the White Horse Temple on Baima Mountain, three hundred miles outside of Zhongzhou City.

White Horse Temple is divided into Buddhist Temple and Bodhi Temple.

The Buddhist academy is a men’s academy, and the Bodhi academy is a women’s academy.

Each of the two houses has a palm courtyard. The palm courtyard of the south courtyard is the master of the heart. And the palm courtyard of the female courtyard, a few years ago, in the Miaoxiang Temple outside Jinhua County, wanted to forcibly collect Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi. As a disciple, Xinming Shenni who was beaten away by Xu Junming.

“I have seen Master Xinkong.”

“Amitābha, the old monk has seen Xu Zhenren!”

Judging from his look, his attitude is calm, there is no difference in his eyes. He also didn’t know whether Xinming Shenni was deflated in Xu Junming’s hands.

“This is the white-haired fairy Yunmei on Wuding Island in the East China Sea, Zhenren Yun!”

Xu Junming’s eyes changed slightly.

Although it was the first time I saw this Aunt Yun Xian, he knew about several old primordial souls in Dayong.

White-haired fairy Yunmei is the only Rogue Cultivators cultivator in the realm of Dae Yong’s practice.

A body of water, reaching the top.

On the Wuding Island in the East China Sea, it was originally a wild out of the world, with many demons, the aboriginals rate beasts and cannibals, and the environment is harsh.

As a result, under her suppression, the situation was calm after only a hundred years. The land of the East China Sea has become the Rogue Cultivators Sacred Land besides Dayong.

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