Chapter 410

Maharaja Huosang caressed the stone urn lovingly. This treasure was the most inherited treasure of the Huosang family. It was originally in the hands of the high priest of the Huosang family. Later, the Huosang family fought against the Qingyun Mountain demon clan, and most of it was destroyed. , The treasure fell into his hands as the son of the patriarch.

Over the years, most of Huosang has not revived in his hands. Instead, the clansmen have withered and become weaker and weaker. They were finally annexed by the other major parts of the Wu clan. He is the only one who guards the final majesty of Huosang and stays out.

The vow that he promised in front of his father that he would fight for the rest of his life for the revival of Huosang has now been forgotten by him after experiencing repeated failures.

But most of the treasures left by Huosang are really wonderful.

There was a struggling expression on his face. After hesitating for a while, Lord Huosang gritted his teeth.

I pinched the seal with both hands, muttering words in his mouth, and suddenly bursts of purple aura appeared in the stone urn.

The aura became stronger and stronger, and slowly began to spin, like a whirlpool in the water.

The invisible power of swallowing enveloped Lord Huosang, and slowly, as the power of swallowing became stronger and stronger, a strong pain appeared from Lord Huosang’s face.

‘what! ’

Accompanied by a cathartic roar, an illusory figure of the Fire Sang Monarch flew out of his body.

The figure and Lord Huosang’s body opened their eyes at the same time.

The pain was mixed with endless angry eyes.

“Xu Junming!!”

After the roar of hatred, as the pain subsided, Lord Huosang took a deep breath and slowly calmed his breath.

The Witch tribe mainly cultivates the body. From the moment they entered the Realm, Hun and Po began to merge with flesh and blood. When they arrived at the Celestial Immortals Realm, the Witch tribe called this Realm the “Witch General”.

The souls and flesh and blood of the Witch Warriors are further combined, until they are not separated from each other.

Because the flesh and blood is full of the soul fragments of the Witch warrior, it has reached the Realm of the legendary “Blood Rebirth”.

If you want to separate Hun and Po from the flesh and blood, you must have a treasure.

And the ‘Black Soul’, the most precious inheritance under the control of the High Priest of Huosang.

This treasure can not only separate the souls of the witch warriors, but also repair the broken souls, and even cast curses.

However, the latter requires the sacrifices of the Witch Clan to practice the way of souls, and Huosang has no such ability.

He has insight into this black soul for many years, and he has the “Black Soul Secret Book” passed down in the clan as a reference, and he has only figured out how the black soul divides the soul.

This is the first time he has performed it.

Looking at the separated soul, Huo Sang slammed the flame totem in his chest, a sharp sword, a yellow-orange round mirror, a flame flag, and three Calabash Medicine Pill flew into the hands of own soul-separated.


Dixun nodded at him, flew into the black soul, and rolled up the rest, out of the Huosang Cave, and went straight to the world of Liao Zhai.

Because he was just a simple soul body, he was not obstructed by the power of the world. After breaking the Nine Heavens Banner, he flew straight to the earth.

As if attracted by something, the black Xuanguang turned a corner and fell into a valley.

In this valley, a young man wearing a cotton-padded jacket with scars on his chest and abdomen was lying down by the stream. After the black Xuanguang circled the person twice, he did not enter the Yintang acupoint and occupied the Niwan Palace.

Turned over and sat up, and after a moment of comprehension, frowned.

“This physical body is too weak to carry my soul at all! But fortunately, the qualifications are not bad.”

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps.

A young boy dressed in brocade clothes with a long sword in his back and an angry horse in fresh clothes, with a dozen followers, chased him.

Condescendingly, he looked at Lord Huosang’s clone with contempt.

“Qiu Liang, do you think you can escape from this young man’s hunt? Humph, killed my Sun Yuanliang’s servant, Young Master wants you to pay for his life.”

Hearing this, a fierce anger rose from the bottom of Huosang Maharajah’s heart.

He frowned, it was not his anger, but the remnants of the soul that had not yet dispersed.

“Are you angry? Don’t worry, since it takes your body, I breathe it out for you. Get to know this Karma.”

The expressions of fear and begging for mercy that should have appeared did not appear on Qiu Liang. On the contrary, the humble son of domestic slave showed a look at the ants, making Sun Yuanliang angry instantly.

“I really can’t see the coffin without crying, take this slave to me from left to right!”

“Yes, Young Master!”

All the servants around responded with a slam, and walked towards Qiu Liang with a grinning sword and crossed swords.

“Boy, let Young Master have a fight, maybe you still have hope of survival…!”

Before they finished speaking, they saw the finger of “Qiu Liang” that they thought had no resistance. After a gleam of light flew from these domestic slaves, a dozen people instantly looked dull.

‘Puff puff…! ’

The weapon fell to the ground, and a dozen servants fell softly to the ground.

Seeing this, Sun Yuanliang’s mouth grew instantly, his face full of disbelief.

“You…you know how to magic!”

Seeing Qiu Liang coming, Sun Yuanliang was shocked and forgot to turn around the dock and escape.

“Do not kill me…!”

A gloomy light flashed, and the surroundings became calm.

Maharaja Huosang frowned.

“It seems we need to cultivate, this body is too weak.”

After looking at the corpses on the ground, after collecting the silver and food on their bodies, they rode away from the river beach.

“From now on, I will be called Qiu Liang.”

Lord Huosang sitting in Huosang Cave felt that the plan was successful, and he sighed. But at this moment, the aura on his body was several times weaker.

After separating half of the soul, although the physical body is still strong, the weak soul can no longer exert the tyrannical strength of this physical body like an arm.

The child danced with a sledgehammer, and he might hit him first.

Therefore, he never went to Liao Zhai World to contain Xu Junming.

“A hundred years from now, goodbye!”

Xu Junming, who had just finished speaking with Lin Zhengying, Chen Xiaoying, and own disciple Qin Zhong, felt uneasy in his heart for some reason.

The spiritual perception of practitioners has always been accurate.

Motivate the heavenly secret ball to deduct the heavenly secret.

Now, his understanding of fate has advanced to the purple root symbol Realm. The Tianji God Ball is the top spirit treasure.

Although unpredictable, Xu Junming quickly found a clue.

Qiu Liang, Lord Huosang!

Two names appeared in my heart inexplicably.

“Master Huosang should be outside the world of Liao Zhai, waiting to kill me. But who is this Qiu Liang?”

Xu Junming urged the heavenly miracle ball to calculate again, but got no results.

Lord Huosang’s Cultivation Base is far above him. It is naturally difficult to count as exhaustive measures.

Although there was no result, Xu Junming took the name “Qiu Liang” to the bottom of his heart.

“If you encounter this person in the future, you must capture it first.”

Put this time behind for the time being, with his current Cultivation Base and Realm, as long as he is in this Liao Zhai world, as long as he is not an immortal, he is not afraid.

As for the ‘Xian’? This world has not appeared in thousands of years.

With a move in his heart, the Dragon Emperor next to him opened his eyes and looked over.

“What’s the matter?”

“Dihuangshan Dongtian has stayed in the eyes of Beihaihai long enough, and it’s time to leave with it.”

Dragon Emperor nodded.

“When do you do it?”

“Right now!”

Hearing this, the dragon emperor’s figure disappeared instantly.

Xu Junming shook his head.

“This guy is too cold. He doesn’t want to say a word.”

Pushing the Hutian magic amulet, the Hutian god walked out of the cave in an instant.

Here, the cave sky of Dihuang Mountain, which is as high as one hundred meters, sits on extremely hard seabed rocks and is surrounded by a piece of extremely cold water.

The hundreds of millions of catties of seawater were pressed down, if it weren’t for the strong enough of Dihuangshan cave sky, I’m afraid it would have been crushed by the heavy seawater long ago.

But the Spiritual Qi in this place, especially the water veins, is very rich.

Since the Dihuang Mountain Cave Sky fell here, decades have passed, a large ocean has appeared around the first floor of the Di Huang Mountain Cave Sky Taishi Cave Sky.

Although not as vast as the land, it makes Five Elements in the cave more coordinated.

The figures of Emperor Long and Xu Junming appeared above the cave of Dihuang Mountain, looking up at the huge amount of seawater above them.

“You come to block these seawaters, and I’ll urge Dihuangshan Dongtian to get rid of the power of the earth’s magnetism.”

“I’ll do it first.” Longdi said.


The plan has been settled, and the Dragon Emperor has not completed the seal. Dantian Magic power is activated, and the back of his head is red, black, yellow, white, and blue, and the five divine lights rise into the sky.

“Five Sacred Mountains True Shapes!”

With the Dragon Emperor’s drinking, the Great Five Elements’ divine light instantly turned into five mountains. Although only a thousand feet, it revealed a kind of stability that suppressed the ages and is difficult to move away from the sea!

This is the second god-tier master Xiantian born besides Dragon Emperor going out to control Five Elements!

Suppress all dissatisfaction under the Five Sacred Mountains!

Of course, it also has an extremely powerful defense!

In an instant, all the seawater was blocked by the Five Sacred Mountains True Form, and all the pressure on it disappeared.

With a rare opportunity, Xu Junming urged Magic power, and the huge mountain of Earth Emperor slowly shrank, and soon only a palm was left.

Xu Junming opened his eyes full of anger!

“Hu Tian Dharma Realm!”

The thick boundary wall instantly blocked the incomparable strength of the earth’s elemental magnetism.

With a rare opportunity, Xu Junming seized the earth and the emperor’s cave to stimulate Magic power.

With Hu Tianshen’s operation, his figure disappeared instantly.

But under the squeezing of the powerful earth magnetism, the space here is far beyond the outside world, so you can usually step a thousand miles in the pot of heaven, and there are only a dozen li left here, but even this is enough.

After one step, he came to Beihai Haiyan.

Soon, the Dragon Emperor also flew up.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, but they were panting, and their faces were a little pale!

This is a sign of loss of strength.

Although it was only a few moments before and after the move of Dihuang Mountain Cave Sky, the consumption of Magic power was no less than a big battle.

Fortunately, Xu Junming’s understanding of the Heavenly Dao method of the pot has reached a fairyland, otherwise there would be no way to move the Heavenly Emperor Mountain out of the sky so smoothly.

“Although it is difficult, but fortunately it was finally successful!” Xu Junming was happy in his heart.

“You go to restore Magic power first.”

The Dragon Emperor nodded and flew into the sky of Dihuang Mountain.

Xu Junming looked at the distance, but did not go back, and flew directly to the south.

Although Magic power consumes a lot, he finally has some spare energy, and it is not too late to recover after leaving.

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