Chapter 408

Chapter 408 The Incarnation of Fu Ya Po

At the moment when Xu Junming passed the Heavenly Tribulation, an unparalleled Xiantian good fortune Spiritual Qi poured into the body from the top door.

The internal organs injured in the wind catastrophe resemble the land that has been dried up for a long time, greedily absorbing this powerful nourishment.

The bronze mirror shone with spiritual light. Under the bath of Xiantian good fortune Spiritual Qi, the stained rust was peeling off little by little, and the golden light became more and more clear.

Martial Dao and Qi training went through Heavenly Tribulation at the same time. Xu Junming got the Qi of Xiantian good fortune, and he was also extraordinarily vigorous.

Just like each breakthrough in a big Realm, under the blessing of the bronze mirror, the intelligibility is infinitely high, this time it is still no exception.

Xu Junming, who had been prepared for a long time, began to Insight Space Road.

The Hu Tian Fa Talisman, which had already reached the perfect purple fundamental Talisman, quickly worked hard, and the insights of countless spatial Dao Fa were used in his heart.

At the same time, a 12-foot-long Lotus flower bloomed from the top of Xu Junming’s head.

Lotus flower has ten second ranks, and the color is lavender. In the huge lotus platform, there are hundreds of lotus seeds of different colors.

Upon closer inspection, there is a rune in every lotus seed, and the breath of these runes is strong or weak. But compared to the runes in the ten second-rank lotus leaves, they are all weaker.

The Lotus flower flickered for a moment, its brilliance flickered, and then suddenly collapsed.

In an instant, a one hundred feet tall, with twelve heads, and hundreds of arms lined up behind it, appeared as if a giant statue of Avalokitesvara with a thousand hands appeared.

Rune flashes on the eyebrows of the twelve heads, and rune blooms on the palms of hundreds of arms behind the head.

After the twelve-headed Thousand-Hand Giant God brilliance flickered for a while, it collapsed like the ten second rank Zilian.

After the giant god, accompanied by the earth-shaking wolf howl, a silver-white giant wolf appeared with twelve black spots on its forehead.

After the giant wolf is another Azure Dragon.

After Azure Dragon is Giant Mountain.

Behind the giant mountain is a giant snake with twelve heads.

Change after change, until the eighty-first change.

The last eighty-first change was like a huge nebula. In the middle of the nebula, a huge bronze mirror looked like a giant mountain of ancient times, standing still.

There are twelve huge amulets with no friends around, like an immortal star.

If the bronze giant mirror is the first ring, and the twelve giant magic symbols are the second ring, then the third ring is hundreds of large and small magic symbols.

These charms have different breaths, but they are very mysterious.

Suddenly a huge purple magic talisman in the second ring suddenly flickered.

The purple gradually faded, and a faint milky white light emerged from it.

As this milky white light became more and more prosperous, an extremely powerful breath began to grow stronger.

In an instant, the aura of the magic talisman was seized by it.

However, the bronze mirror flashed, and the magic talisman that had turned milky white instantly calmed down.

The aura flashed, revealing an extremely powerful aura.

Immediately afterwards, not far from it, the same purple magic talisman, the color became darker. But when the faint milky white light began to appear, it stopped abruptly.

However, a Calabash vine coiled on the talisman began to grow rapidly.

Especially the second orange Calabash matured quickly and fell from the vine after shaking it for a while.

Xu Junming returned with Divine Sense, looking at the primordial spirit like a universe nebula, and then at the body sitting in the Lotus Position below. At this point, he can finally get rid of the shackles of the physical body and seek the way with the primordial spirit.

It also enjoys a three-thousand-year life, which can be called a “Loose Immortals”.

However, even with the primordial spirit, the physical body is still very important. Only with the warmth and protection of the physical body can the primordial spirit progress more diligently.

With a move in his heart, the primordial spirit flew into the flesh.

A sense of stability and comfort, as if returning to the mother’s body, rose from the bottom of my heart.

Immediately afterwards, countless images came from the depths of the soul, as if playing a movie, making Xu Junming feel countless.

Once the cultivator has passed the Heavenly Tribulation, it will awaken the memories of the past three lives. Of course, if the soul was scattered in the previous life, then even if the soul was achieved, the previous life, or even dozens of previous lives, would be a blank.

Fortunately, Xu Junming’s previous life was not that his soul was scattered, but that he was reincarnated safely.

However, the three generations are not all human races.

In his first life, he was a coyote in the mountains. He was cautious and struggling to survive in the forest every day. But one day, he was shot by a hunter with an arrow. The seven-year wolf was born to the end.

The second life was reincarnated as a person in the countryside. Because he caught up with the initial decision of the country and the chance of administering Qingming, the family is still stable. Unfortunately, I have never been out of the county in my life. Although there are fairytales, I don’t know if it is true. Fake. The only thing I know is that the imperial court at that time was called Da Zhou, and it was even bigger than Dayong in the world of Liao Zhai.

In the second life, he died of illness when he was fifty-eight years old, leaving nothing of value. Of course, if farming is a skill, Xu Junming now has almost no teacher.

In the third life, he finally became a qi-trainer, and he was also a qi-trainer who came to Sect. His aptitude and comprehension were all good. He took shelter under Sect and cultivated all the way to achieve Nascent Soul realm.

However, he was more unlucky, and just happened to have a change of dynasty.

Unlike Dayong, which is just a dynasty change in the commonplace, the dynasty change here does involve the spiritual world.

And it’s a big change that hasn’t been seen in a thousand years.

The confluence of Shinto and Humanity replaced the status of Immortal Tao.

Xu Junming III died in the battle between the Sindo Sect coalition forces and the Shinto and humanitarian coalition forces.

“Daqi? If I remember correctly, after Da Yongchao passed through the Huoluo Desert, he was a sacred and hierarchical Daqi dynasty!”

Although I don’t know if this is the place where he lived in his previous life, it doesn’t hurt to have the opportunity to see it.

“Huoyun really understands!”

This was Xu Junming’s cultivation technique in his previous life, but he was most interested in one of the techniques called ‘Qinglian Good Fortune Gong’.

It involves the good fortune Dao he is currently majoring in, which is a good reference.

After recording all the methods that I recalled one by one.

Xu Junming opened his eyes and waved his hand. A middle-aged man with a short beard and a gun dragon robe appeared in front of him.

With a flick of his finger, an orange Calabash flew into his Niwan Palace.

The middle-aged man opened his eyes instantly.

His body was full of breath, Magic power was running, and his face quickly became younger, but in a moment, he turned into a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy.

Red, black, blue, white, and yellow, the five divine lights flew out of the back of his head.

The emperor’s aura disappeared, replaced by a fierce and sharp aura.

“The deity!”

Hearing the call, Xu Junming rejoiced in his heart.

At this moment, the Dragon Emperor is no longer his own puppet, but one of his Seven Souls Dharmakaya, the “Fu Shi Po Dharma Body”.

“what’s your name?”

“Naturally it is’Dragon Emperor’!” After a pause, “I will be majoring in Five Elements Avenue from now on.”

Xu Junming nodded.

The Dragon Emperor is born with five virtues, contains the fundamental energy of Xiantian Tai Chi Five Elements, and has Xiantian god-tier skills. The most suitable cultivation is Five Elements Avenue.

“What is the magical power of Orange Calabash?”

The seven Calabash of Xu Junming’s seven soul clones have a Xiantian supernatural power in each Calabash.

“Lost Soul Clock!”

Long Di stretched his hand and pointed, a big black clock condensed out of the void.

The big clock whirled around, as if it could shake people Hun and Po down at any time.

“The falling soul bell rings, Five Elements’s divine light subdues, your supernatural powers are extremely matched.”

With a move in my heart, the eight-colored pagoda flew out from Dantian.

The Eight-Treasure Spirit Pagoda is only his Dao-guarding spirit treasure, not his life spirit treasure, so it didn’t help much during the previous Transcends Tribulation.

The same goes for the Nether Bone Banner and the Eight Chi Mirror.

Reaching out, the Soul Falling Bell flew out of the Eight Treasure Spirit Pagoda and fell into the hands of the Dragon Emperor.

“With its help, your soul-falling bell’s magical powers will be able to take it to the next level.”

Dragon Emperor nodded and reached out to take it.

“What about your Eight Treasure Spirit Pagoda?”

With a wave of Xu Junming’s hand, the eight-foot mirror flew into the Eight-Treasure Spirit Pagoda, replacing the original position of the Falling Soul Bell.

“This is not enough!”

Dragon Emperor nodded and flew up.

The thunder thunder that had just dispersed because of Xu Junming’s Transcends Tribulation quickly gathered.

The Dragon Emperor’s Magic power has long been polished by Xu Junming to the completion of Nascent Soul, if it weren’t for him, Transcends Tribulation would have been possible long ago.

Lei Jie was rolling, and the Five Elements light from behind Long Emperor’s head soared into the sky, swiping in the air, and directly brushing Jie Lei away.

The fire calamity and the wind calamity are also incapable of him.

The level of Xiantian Tai Chi Five Elements’ fundamental energy is too high, and the Heavenly Tribulation of the mere primordial spirit level is naturally easy to pass.

After seeing this, Xu Junming didn’t look at it anymore, returned to Chongshanju, and continued to insight into the income of this Transcends Tribulation.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, his pot Heavenly Dao’s law basically entered the Celestial Immortals realm in one fell swoop.

Although the soul talisman hasn’t made a breakthrough, it has also reached a semi-immortal realm. Just a few more years of Insight, I believe it will be able to break through.

Moreover, as before, after the breakthrough primordial spirit, the bronze mirror rusted off a little, the blessing of understanding was stronger than that of Nascent Soul.

However, apart from blessing of understanding, clairvoyance, breaking illusions and keeping the truth, and distinguishing qi, there are no new abilities.

And the bronze mirror is still a bronze mirror, he still doesn’t know the name of this baby.

Looking at the still thick rust on the bronze mirror, it is estimated that it will be a short while, and it is difficult to know everything.

“Looking at it, even if I advanced Celestial Immortals Realm, it would be difficult for this baby to recover to its original form.”

Although a little disappointed, it is a good thing to think about it. The more difficult it is to restore the bronze mirror, it means that its original grade is higher.

After entering the primordial spirit, his Dantian has become a giant of three thousand acres.

The thick cyan Magic power rolls, like the ocean.

From now on, if you control the Eight Treasure Spirit Pagodas and many other spiritual treasures, you will no longer worry about the depletion of Magic power as before.

Of course, you still have to be cautious when using the Nether Bone Banner.

In addition to Magic Power, after the flesh has swallowed the Blood Essence of Lord Huosang, he advanced to the Second Stage, absorbed Xiantian good fortune Spiritual Qi, and entered the First Stage.

Now six acupoint(s) have been opened, which is equivalent to the Third Stage of the Heavenly Gang Realm of Yuanshen Third Stage.

When it comes to fighting skills, in close combat, the primordial god late stage is not an opponent.

The advanced soul finally ushered in the transformation of Xu Junming’s strength.

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