Chapter 406

The 406th chapter three hundred thousand good deeds

Seeing that powerful tree demon, with a sea of ​​bones, like snow under the sun, quickly disappeared under the black mysterious atmosphere.

Although Yan Chixia had long known that her master’s strength was amazing, this kind of crushing victory still made him a little dumbfounded.

Looking at his Master, he was no more than seven feet long and three feet three inches wide. The whole body was black and black, with large and small holes and gaps in the black long streamer.

“Master, what a baby is this, so powerful?!”

Xu Junming looked at the black banner in his hand, swallowing the bone essence accumulated here for thousands of years, and the tree demon, making the black banner recover a lot.

However, there is still a long way to go before it can be completely repaired.

“The name of this treasure is called’Netherworld Bone Banner’, and it is a substandard Xiantian Lingbao!”

“Low grade Xiantian Lingbao?”

Seeing his puzzled look, Xu Junming smiled faintly.

“Everything in the world has the first Houtian, and so is the Magic Treasures. The Magic Treasures of Xiantian are called’Xiantian Lingbao’, which can be divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade and top-grade. And the lowest-grade Xiantian Lingbao, It’s also comparable to a superb fairy!”

“The best immortal weapon?… This ghostly bone flag is so powerful!”

Seeing his unbelievable appearance, Xu Junming smiled and said: “Xiantian Lingbao’s power is indeed amazing, but the most precious thing about these treasures is that they can assist people in enlightenment.”

Yan Chixia thoughtfully, “Just like the treasure of this town?”

Xu Junming understood that he was talking about Dantian’s bronze mirror.

After thinking about it, he nodded.

Although he still doesn’t know the name of the bronze mirror, there is no doubt that it is a Xiantian spirit treasure.

As for what level it is, he can’t guess it with his current Cultivation Base and Realm. But it is definitely much better than the “Netherworld Bone Banner”.

“It’s a pity that even though this’Nether White Bone Banner’ is a Xiantian spirit treasure, it was broken in the ancient wars. After being taught by the teacher, it was only repaired a little. Up to now, it can only exert its power of 30 to 40%. pity.”

“I believe that with the Master’s god-tier connection, this treasure flag can be restored.”

“Haha, this is natural.” After nodding, “Go, let’s go up.”

“Master go to rest first, and the disciple cleans up the ghost remnants in this crypt, lest they escape to disaster.”

“No, there are no ghosts and gods under the Nether Bone Banner. There are no demon ghosts here anymore.”

Grasping Yan Chixia’s arm, the two of them moved to the Daxiong Hall of Lanruo Temple in an instant.

Looking at the dead Ning Caichen, who was bleeding all over the ground, Yan Chixia sighed secretly, remembering the past of the two.

Although this Ning Caichen was indecisive in his heart, he was addicted to female sex and many other problems, but he was kind-hearted, resolute in temperament, and strong-hearted, which was indeed rare.

“Master, is this person still saved?”

Xu Junming nodded.

“Fortunately, the time of death is not long, and people can still be saved.”

Yan Chixia looked overjoyed and quickly said, “Master, this son has a deep merit and kind heart. Please also Master to save his life.”

After Xu Junming nodded, his left palm spread out, and a throbbing heart appeared in his palm.

He had already taken and received the Netherworld White Bone Banner from the heart, and destroyed the tree demon empress, but took it away, and kept the heart that belonged to Ning Caichen.

Magic power urged, and the heart flew down to Ning Caichen’s chest.

Reached out and pointed, a milky white good fortune Magic power followed.

It can be seen to the naked eye that after Ning Caichen’s physical body absorbed the Magic power, the granulation shoots on his chest grew rapidly, and he quickly recovered intact.

If it weren’t for the tears in the clothes, the blood on the ground would still be bright red, almost doubting the authenticity of the previous scene.

Xu Junming flicked his finger, and a flash of light penetrated into Ning Caichen’s eyebrows.

“wake up!”

Ning Caichen slowly opened his eyes. Unlike Xu Junming and Yan Chixia, he was as bright as day in their eyes even in the dark.

Looking at the dim surroundings.

“Is this the legendary Yin Cao Jifu?”

“Boy Ning, if it were not for my Master, you would have reported to the underworld a long time ago.”

The sudden sound from the darkness scared Ning Caichen with a cleverness. But the familiar voice made him feel a little relieved.

“Daxia Yan?!”

Yan Chixia used a simple lighting spell, and the whole Daxiong Hall became bright as daylight in an instant.

Ning Caichen also saw the middle-aged man standing next to Yan Chixia, standing with his hands holding hands, with a calm look, and Bufan tolerance.

“I want to come, this is the Master of Yan Daxia, right?”

When Ning Caichen looked at Xu Junming, he was also examining this famous celebrity who was as famous as “Xu Xian” before he was reborn.

He was about medium-sized, fair-skinned, handsome, with a gentle atmosphere, and clear and honest eyes.

“It’s no wonder that a female ghost like Nie Xiaoqian can be attracted, and when this look is changed, no woman will like it!”

“Thank you heroes for saving my life!”

Although Ning Caichen is honest, but not stupid. After seeing the surroundings and feeling the beating of the heart in the body, I knew that I was not dead.

Coupled with Yan Chixia’s words before, he soon knew who saved him.

Xu Junming nodded slightly.

“Get up. Fortunately, you have died in a short time, otherwise the poor way will be incapable of returning to heaven.”

However, Ning Caichen did not get up, knelt on the ground and moved two steps forward, cupped fist with both hands, and looked at Xu Junming hopefully.

“Two heroes, dare to ask Miss Xiaoqian if she can be with you?”

“Boy Ning, I think you are really confused by the color words. As soon as you came back to life, you missed a woman, and you are still a murderous female ghost!” Yan Chixia said in a breath.

“It’s rare to be a confidant in life. Xiaoqian and I know each other and agree. No matter what her identity, Ning Caichen will never lose her.”


Reaching out his hand to stop Yan Chixia who was almost bursting with anger, Xu Junming looked at Ning Caichen who was kneeling on the ground with a firm expression. He could understand this person’s thoughts.

By looking at what he wears, you know that he is usually a poor student who is always in need of life and is often despised and even beaten.

Although my heart is good, I am a little weak by nature, or low self-esteem.

Such a person suddenly encounters a beautiful, knowledgeable woman who will never leave her, even if she is a female ghost, she will definitely not give up.

“Nie Xiaoqian’s Hun and Po are indeed in my hands.”

Nie Xiaoqian’s Hun and Po fell into his hands when he used the Nether Bone Banner to destroy the tree demon earlier. As for the puppet talisman, it was easy to remove it in the hands of his cultivator, the Nascent Soul perfection cultivator.

Ning Caichen’s eyes lit up.

“Heroes, please let the heroes let Xiaoqian go. Ning Caichen is willing to be a bull and a horse, thank you for your kindness.”

Xu Junming shook his head slightly.

“Even though Nie Xiaoqian’s life experience is miserable and pitiful. But she indulges her selfish desires and killed thousands of people in the past 100 years. You can’t just let it go because of a word from you. Otherwise, there will be no justice in this world. .”

Ning Caichen looked anxious, fell on his knees, knelt forward and climbed a few steps, until Xu Junming was three feet in front of his feet.

“The hero is open to you, as long as Xiao Qian can be spared, Ning Caichen is willing to do anything!”

“Are you really willing to do anything?”

Ning Caichen nodded resolutely.

“Seeing that you have a deep love for Nie Xiaoqian, and the deity can be generous. In the past 100 years, the total number of people killed by Nie Xiaoqian is 2,918 people.”

“One hundred good works per person, a total of 299,118 good works. If you can accomplish these 300,000 good works within a hundred years, the deity will forgive Nie Xiaoqian’s sins and reincarnate him. , And then enter Samsara.”

“How, are you willing?”


Ning Caichen nodded solemnly.

Xu Junming spreads out his right hand, his palm flashes, and a thread-bound book is condensed into shape.

Lines of text fall on the paper.

After the aura receded, a book with a green leather cover, the color of Buddhist scriptures, black text, and an extremely simple book appeared in Xu Junming’s right hand.

With a wave of her hand, a beautiful woman in a white dress flew out from Xu Junming’s cuff.

“Xiao Qian!”

Ning Caichen’s expression instantly became excited.

“Chen Chen!”

After Nie Xiaoqian landed, she hugged Ning Caichen.

After the excitement of the two men calmed down a bit, Xu Junming said.

“Nie Xiaoqian, according to your criminal responsibility, you should have lost your soul and will never live beyond life. But thinking that your life is miserable, Ning Caichen is willing to spend a hundred years to do 300,000 good deeds and forgive you for your sins. Gu deity will temporarily forgive you .”

With a wave of his big sleeve, Nie Xiaoqian’s ghost involuntarily flew up and fell into Xu Junming’s book in his right hand.

“Xiao Qian…!”

Ning Caichen was about to catch him, but was imprisoned by Xu Junming’s Magic power and couldn’t move at all.

“Nie Xiaoqian’s Hun and Po have been imprisoned by me in this book. You need time to recite the words on it, and you need to be diligent and insightful. The deeper your insight, the more you recite, the more hostility in Nie Xiaoqian’s body will be resolved. When your 300,000 good deeds are completed, it will be the time when Nie Xiaoqian is reborn and reincarnated.”

After contacting Ning Caichen’s imprisonment, he waved his hand and the book fell into his palm.

It seemed that he was holding him in the palm of his hand as a treasure that could not be exchanged.

“Thank you hero Yucheng, Ning Caichen is grateful.”

Xu Junming nodded and waved his hand, and a dark brown wooden staff, seven feet long, about the thickness of an adult’s thumb, fell in front of him.

“This wooden stick is for you sowing grass and repelling snakes. Let’s go down the mountain now.”

With a wave of the big sleeve, a gust of wind flew up, curling up Ning Caichen, flying out of Lanruo Temple, and straight down to the foot of the mountain.

After landing, stand steady, carry the own book basket, put Nie Xiaoqian’s scriptures in his arms, cherish and cherish it, pick up the wooden stick, and worship the place where Lanruo Temple is located for three times before moving forward. Step, walk away.

Above Lanruo Temple, Yan Chixia turned her head while looking at his back.

“Master, do you want to accept this Ning Caichen as a disciple?”

With his eyesight, it is natural to see that both the scriptures and the wooden staff at the back are spiritual weapons.

And the content in that scripture is the general outline of good fortune Tao, although there is no cultivation method, but if you are a person of great comprehension, you can insight into cultivation method from it.

Xu Junming shook his head.

“Then what is your arrangement…?”

“Quanship should be a test. This ninth virgin, Xiantian has an excellent endowment. If he can comprehend good fortune and complete 300,000 good works, his character and perseverance are all the best choices. Then, let you three The senior sister’s income can also pass on her orthodoxy.”

“That’s it! But what if he can’t complete the test?”

“If you don’t finish it, you can’t finish it. I’ll give him the opportunity. I can’t catch it and blame someone.”

If it weren’t for Ning Caichen’s deep merits and kindness. People who are ‘familiar’ with him again, he would not give him a chance.

“By the way, there will be another half a year for the Longjiang Aquarium Dragon Palace Group Fairy Fair. If you want to go, let’s be your teacher.”

Yan Chixia waved her hand.

“I’ve never been interested in such lively things. It’s better for the Master to go by himself, and I will go on a tour of my Rivers and Lakes.”

Xu Junming nodded.

“Never mind, please contact me if you have anything.”

The Magic power was activated, and the light soared into the sky, and soon disappeared to the horizon.

Yan Chixia gave a fascinating wave, then retracted her gaze, then looked at Lanruo Temple, which was shrouded in the night, and fell into the air.

Although there are no monsters here, he just made a breakthrough in Cultivation Base and wants to use this place to cleanse, cultivate for a period of time, and then continue to travel.

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