Chapter 396 Longjiang Aquarium

Except for the Ruxiang nun who has been sent away, there are no other people in the entire Miaoxiang An.

Xu Junming liked this quiet little temple very much, and with a flash of light, he cleaned up the traces of Buddhists in it. After renamed it “Chongshanju”, he led Fu Yun and his wife into the back hall.

Everyone is seated.

“Dao Master, why aren’t Qingfeng and Yuechi awake yet?” Shen Yueniang asked eagerly.

With a flick of Xu Junming’s finger, two auras penetrated between the two men’s eyebrows.

With a bang, the two little girls slowly opened their eyes.

Seeing the surrounding situation clearly, the quirky Fu Yuechi jumped out of her mother’s arms.

Pushing the cold ice magic talisman, his face tightened.

“Mother, where is the old thief?”

“Has been beaten away by the Taoist chief.”


Fu Yuechi looked back, a look of astonishment appeared on her small face.

“Master Uncle?”

Fu Qingfeng’s little face also showed surprise.

They never expected to see Xu Junming again so soon.

“Qingfeng, Yuechi, do you know Dao Master?”

“When we went out to play in the morning, we met Dao Master Uncle.” Fu Yuechi rolled her eyes and said before Big Si.

If you let your mother know that they went out to play secretly, met Xie Xiu and almost never came back, they would have to hit the palms of their hands again.

Shen Yueniang didn’t delve into it either.

“Quickly thank the Daoist Chief, if it weren’t for him this time, you will be taken by the old nun to become a monk, and you will never see your mother again.”

Miss Miss, who has been more afraid of her mother since she was a child, obediently thanked Xu Junming.

“Get up!”

Holding hands empty, after Miss Miss got up, her eyes were placed on Fu Yun and Shen Yueniang.

“Pan Dao came south this time in order to fulfill the agreement 16 years ago, to take Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi into my door.”


Waved to interrupt Shen Yueniang.

“Pan Dao also understands that your mother and your child are connected. Qingfeng and Yuechi are young. If they suddenly separate, you will not bear it. Therefore, before they reach the mountain, Pang Dao taught them in this Chongshanju, and they can go down the mountain every seven days. , Reunited with you.”

“In that case, what do you think?”

“Yueniang, the Taoist leader has taken care of us very much, so we can’t care about it anymore.” Fu Yun said hurriedly.

Shen Yueniang nodded.

“Daoist, if Qingfeng and Yuechi come to your door, they will get married in the future…?”

“The poor people can’t help but get married. If they have someone they like in the future, it doesn’t hurt to form a dao companion.”

After a pause, his eyes were only Shen Yueniang.

“However, the disciples of the poor disciples will not obey the orders of their parents, the matchmaker’s words. If they don’t want to marry, even if the two of them come forward in person, don’t blame the poor Dao for being polite.”

Shen Yueniang’s expression was stagnant, but looking at Xu Junming, who was strong and kind to her family, she couldn’t say anything.

Fu Yun looked at his silent wife and hurriedly bowed to salute.

“Everything is in accordance with the Taoist’s will.”

Seeing her husband nodding, Shen Yueniang did not object anymore.

“Since you all agreed, then take their sisters back. Three days later, Pang Dao officially accepted them for entry.”

With a wave of the overhaul, a violent wave stirred up four people and flew into Chongshanju.

The four of them felt that the surrounding wind roared, their bodies fluttered, and the surrounding scenery flew back.

After the surrounding clouds dissipated and the foot stepped on the solid ground again, he found that he had reached his backyard.

“Wow, Big sis, were we flying just now?”

Fu Qingfeng, who is usually calm and steady, looked excited at this moment and nodded vigorously.

“It’s so fun. In the future, I will try my best to practice, and I can fly around soon!” Fu Yuechi raised her little hand and shouted.

Just finished speaking, a slap came over.

“Fly, fly, you know how to play in one day, come in with me.”

Seeing her mother, Fu Yuechi obediently put down her arm and walked into the room with Big sis.

‘Bang’, the precious jade brush wash was smashed to pieces.

Ao Kun, wearing a dragon robe, was angry.

“What did the king raise you for? Xiao Jiu has been dead for three days. You can’t even find any whereabouts!”

“My lord, it’s not my subordinates who can’t wait to do their best. In fact, after the nine princes left with his subordinates, they didn’t explain where to go. I waited to search all the states and counties within a hundred miles on both sides of the lower reaches of the Longjiang River, but couldn’t find them. Traces of the Ninth Prince.”

A general in armor said respectfully.

“If you can’t find it within a hundred miles, you will only have two hundred miles, and if you can’t find it within two hundred miles, you will only have three hundred miles. If you can’t find it again… don’t come back!”

Seeing Dragon King’s cold eyes, the general trembled in his heart and said quickly.

“Subordinates must do their best!”


After a bow, the general walked out slowly.

“A bunch of rice buckets, I’m mad at me.”

“Father, the matter of finding the whereabouts of the ninth brother is just handed over to General Crab. With the strength of our Longjiang Shui Clan, I believe there will be news soon. On the contrary, it will be the’Dragon Palace Fairy Fair’ a year later. Prepare.”

Next to him, a young man wearing a pale golden robe and a feather crown smiled.

“What my son said is reasonable. It was you who made the preparations for this matter last time, and leave it to you for this year’s Dragon Palace Fairy Fair.”

“Thank you for your father’s trust. But the boy has another idea and needs his father’s support.”

“My son, but it doesn’t matter.”

“The’Dragon Palace Fairy Meeting’ held by the Dragon River Aquarium is a grand event held every 30 years by Dayong. Those who come and go are not strong in the Nascent Soul realm, or the top soul master in the spiritual world. This time, naturally, No exception.”

Ao Kun, Dragon King of the Yangtze River Aquarium, nodded.

“It’s just that Xu Junming, a famous Chongshan real person in the practice world, is hard to find. The child has searched for a long time, but he has not found his trace. This matter needs the father to come forward and contact the emissary of Xuanjing Siyezhen to see if they can contact him. To the real person in Chongshan.”

“Furthermore, the Xuanjing Division has forces all over the world, and if you want to find Xu Zhenren, you still need their help.”

After Ao Kun nodded, “Since the eradication of the Black Heart’s Demon, Xu Junming, a real person in Chongshan, has a faint posture of the first repair in the realm of Dayong practice. If the Dragon Palace Group of Immortals did not participate in him, I am afraid it would be a lot of shame.”

“The boy thinks so too.”

Ao Kun pondered for a moment.

“I’m going to Zhongzhou City. Xuanjing Si Tianji Pavilion is good at calculating secrets and knowing the past and the future. If General Crab can’t find the clues to the death of your ninth brother, I have to ask them to help.”

Ao Yu nodded.

“My father said it is quite true. However, the ninth brother’s Cultivation Base is high and deep, and has a white dragon fan body, which can kill him silently without showing any trace. I am afraid that the murderer’s Cultivation Base is very high and deep. It is also possible for the gods to overhaul.”

Ao Kun’s expression moved.

“Nascent cultivator!”

“Although your ninth brother usually likes fishing, he is not an arrogant person. How can you provoke the cultivator?”

“Baby is just a guess. Whether it is true or not, I am afraid that we will only know after detailed investigation.”

After Ao Kun nodded, he pondered for a moment and waved his hand.

“Okay, you can go down and be busy.”

“The child retire.”

Ao Yu bowed and bowed and exited the room.

Looking at the empty hall, Ao Kun looked fierce.

“Shen’er, don’t worry, for your father, you will be picked out and the corpse will be broken into pieces.”

Playing with the white dragon fan in his hand, although this treasure is a spirit treasure, there is only a spiritual forbidden.

After a brief consideration, with a hold on his left palm, the Bailong fan spirit shattered, leaving only the pure Xiantian Spiritual Qi, which was absorbed by a blue bead.

I got a big dose of tonic, and the spirit of water was bright and brilliant.

Xu Junming’s fingers flew up and down, and quickly learned the ninth treasure of Water Lingzhu.

Reaching out, the orb the size of a bowl slowly flew down to the palm of his hand.

After playing for a while, it was put in the bag.

“Counting the time, it’s time to stay those two little guys back.”

Divine Sense swept away and instantly enveloped the entire Jinhua County.

At the moment, Shen Yueniang is packing things for Miss Miss in the back hall of the government office.

“Qiumei, bring the cotton clothes I knitted for them last time.”

The maid hurried away.

Fu Yun looked in his eyes and couldn’t help but persuade: “Madam, it’s spring and summer now, and it will be two or three months in winter. What are you doing with them?”

He glanced at him in vain.

“What do you know. It’s extremely cold at night on the mountain. What if you don’t bring more clothes and freeze at night?”

Fu Yun looked helpless, the mountain was less than a hundred meters away, at best it was a soil slope, and there was no difference in temperature between the top and the bottom.

But looking at the appearance of his wife, it was obvious that he couldn’t hear it.

“Madam, Qingfeng and Yuechi can come back six days later, why are you bringing so many things for them?”

“Six days for so long, how can it be done without bringing more things.”

“Madam, it’s almost time, should we set off now?”

“Hurry up, hurry up. I still have a lot of things left for Qingfeng and Yuechi to clean up.”

Fu Yun was so stunned by his wife that Fu Yun didn’t say anything at all.

Nothing came of it.

Xu Junming Divine Sense felt the situation at the scene, especially the big and small bags Shen Yueniang prepared for her two daughters. Let alone living in Chongshan for six days, it was enough for the first half of the year.

“Worrying mothers who are traveling thousands of miles are really not bad at all. However, they are not here to live in Chongshan. If they can’t even endure a bit of hardship, how can they become my Xu Junming’s disciples.”

Reaching out, Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi, together with some of their clothes, were swept up into the sky by a flash of light.

“I have taken Qingfeng and Yuechi away, and you two will be sent off without knowing it. In addition, I have set a prohibition on the outside of Chongshan Jushan. No one is allowed to enter. You are not allowed to come and disturb unless you rest on the seventh day.”

The remaining sound is curled up, and the voice is exactly Xu Junming.

Seeing the aura away, Shen Yueniang, who was startled for a while, cried out.

For the first time seeing her like this, Fu Yun couldn’t help but panicked, and quickly stepped forward to comfort him.

“What are you crying for? It’s only six days. It will pass quickly.”

“Qing… Qingfeng and Yue… Yuechi, since she was born, she has never left me for so long.” Shen Yueniang sobbed.

“Yueniang, the children grow up day by day, and they will always be farther and farther away from us. You have to learn to accept.”

“I don’t accept it. Oh, Qingfeng and Yuechi are only six years old.”

Looking at his crying wife, Fu Yun sighed and moved in his heart.

“Yueniang, don’t cry. There is a way for your husband to make you feel better.”

“What way?” Shen Yueniang raised her head.

Fu Yun smiled, lowered his head and whispered softly: “Now that there is no Qingfeng and Yuechi arguing around, it is better for us to have another one.”

When Shen Yueniang heard it, the roots of her ears instantly became red.

The fist punched her husband’s shoulder lightly.

“To die, say this in broad daylight, what if someone else hears it.”

“Hey, you and my husband, are you afraid of being said.” He hugged his wife’s slender waist.

Qianjiaobai gave him a white look.

“I’ll talk to you tonight.”

Fu Yun’s heart became hot.

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