Chapter 394

Just when Shen Yueniang was distressedly applying medicine to her two daughters, a young man in Tsing Yi knocked on the door and walked in.

“Master, there is Daoist asking to see you outside the door!”


Xiao Si nodded affirmatively.

“He said it was the old man’s deceased.”

“My old friend?” Fu Yun condensed his eyebrows for a moment, and said a touch of excitement in his eyes.


“It really came, it really came.”

Seeing her increasingly excited husband, Shen Yueniang said in surprise, “Msang Gong, who is here?”

“I mentioned it to you earlier, Xu Junming, Daochang Xu, a real person from Chongshan who has cured my body cold.”

“It’s him?!” Shen Yueniang was taken aback for a while.

After the two got married, Fu Yun mentioned the Taoist master to her more than once.


Shen Yueniang subconsciously hugged the two children.

“Quick, quick, Fuwang, open the middle door, I want to meet the Taoist leader personally.”

“Yes, sir.”

Tsing Yi Xiaosi turned around and ran out.

Fu Yun sorted out his clothes.

“Madam, the Taoist commander has a great kindness to me. Now that you and I are one, please pack up quickly and go out with me to meet you.”

“Master first, clean up for his wife, and go over immediately.”

“Alright, I am waiting for you in the front hall.”

After all, Fu Yun hurried out.

Seeing his leaving back, Shen Yueniang’s expression changed.


“Madam, please.”

“You take the two of them to Miaoxiangan in the south of the city to stay for a few days, and you are not allowed to come back without my instructions.”


“Qingfeng, Yuechi!”


Shen Yueniang deliberately scowled.

“These days, you live in Miaoxiangan first, and you are not allowed to run around. Otherwise, let me find out that the punishment for your mother will be doubled.”

There was a look of fear on the faces of the two little girls.

“Qingfeng, you are Big sis. You have to take good care of Little Sister, you know?”

“Got it, mother!”

After an explanation, the two sisters were handed over to own personal maid.

“Okay, take them away quickly. Remember, go through the back door.”


“Two little Misses, come with me!”

Qiumei took Qingfeng and Yuechi who looked back three times, and walked out from the back door.

Seeing their leaving back, Shen Yueniang sighed slightly.

It’s not that she doesn’t know how to be grateful, but that she is really reluctant to bear her two daughters, who will leave her at a young age to go deep in the mountains to practice the Taoism.

At that time, a long time.

The mother and the son are affectionate, eager to see through, and taste the pain of lovesickness.

“Come here?”

The maid outside the door came in.


“You go to the front hall and tell the master that I suddenly felt unwell and it was inconvenient to meet guests. Let him take me to apologize to the Chief Minister. Go.”


The maid turned and left, Shen Yueniang took off her coat, walked into the bedroom, and lay on the bed.

At the moment outside the government office.

Seeing Xu Junming who was holding a bamboo stick and was about to hang Calabash, Fu Yun was overjoyed, stepped forward quickly, and bowed to the end.

“Fu Yun has met the Taoist leader. After years of life, the Taoist leader’s fairy face is better than before. It is really gratifying.”

Reached out to pick him up, smiled.

“I haven’t seen you for many years, you are a lot richer than before.”

“Thanks to Dao Chang who cured the stubborn disease in my body back then, otherwise there would be no enemies today….please come in.”

Under Fu Yun’s guidance, the two entered the county office and took their seats in the front hall.

After ordering the maid to serve incense tea.

“The Daoist Master left for many years, but Tian Qiu missed it for a long time. Today, I have to live for a while.”

“As long as you don’t dislike the harassment of the poor, you will naturally have to live longer.”

After a pause, “Tianqiu can still remember what Poor Dao said 16 years ago?”

“of course I remember.”

Although Fu Tianchou looked hesitant, he still nodded with certainty.

“In that case, let’s bring the two young ladies out. Counting the time, they have reached the age when they should take root.”

After Fu Tianchou nodded, he looked left and right, frowning.

This period of time is enough for Shen Yueniang to come out, why hasn’t there been a trace until now?



“Go to the backyard and ask Mrs. to bring the two Misses over.”


At this time, a maid came forward and said after giving the ceremony: “Master, my wife asked me to report to the master that she suddenly felt unwell and inconvenient to meet the guests. Please forgive me.”

What a smart person Fu Tianchou understood his wife’s plan after a little guessing. Obviously she was reluctant to let her daughter be taken away by Xu Junming, so she deliberately said so.

He sighed in his heart.

“Yueniang, Yueniang, how can you hide it with Dao Master’s means.”

Although he was also reluctant to give up his daughter, he knew that in the end, he would definitely not open it.

Just when he was considering how to explain to Xu Junming, there was suddenly a messy and hasty footsteps outside.

Soon, Shen Yueniang ran in anxiously with Chunmei’s expression.

“Master, it’s not good. Qingfeng and Yuechi were robbed.”


Fu Tianchou’teng’ stood up, his expression suddenly changed.

Two daughters are his heart.

“What the hell is going on, come on?”

Shen Yueniang sobbed: “I and Chunmei took Qingfeng and Yuechi to Miaoxiangan in the south of the city for incense. I didn’t know that they met an old nun as soon as we walked into the street. I don’t know what method she used. The child disappeared. And there was a word left.”

“What are you talking about?”

“She said that our daughter has a relationship with her, and she wants to bring back to the mountain to teach Dharma, and when the cultivation is successful, she will go home.”

“You, you, it’s true that there is less success than failure!”

After scolding his wife, Fu Yun turned his head.

“Dao Master, how do you deal with this matter?”

Xu Junming glanced at Shen Yueniang, as if her eyes were bottomless, making Shen Yueniang feel that all the secrets in her body were invisible in front of the other party.

Get up slowly.

Although there was a little anger in his heart, he could understand Shen Yueniang’s behavior without fail.

If he were to be separated from his own children for more than ten years or even longer, I’m afraid he would be reluctant. And do everything possible to obstruct it.

“Since the deity made the decision 16 years ago to accept the two patrons as disciples, of course you can’t see them being taken away by others today.”

With a pinch, Dantian’s inner heavenly secret ball was running, and things quickly became apparent.

“You two come with me.”

With a wave of his sleeves, he pinched Fu Yun and Shen Yueniang, turning into a flash of light and disappearing instantly.

Thirty miles outside Jinhua County, there is a Moon Mountain.

This mountain is a hundred meters high, although low, but with lush vegetation and beautiful scenery.

Along the winding mountain road to the top of the mountain, a bamboo forest reveals a two-in-one monastery.

The plaque in the temple is simple, with the three characters’Miaoxiangan’, clearly and variable.

Passing the gate of the temple, a ray of light fell in the backyard, revealing an old nun wearing a blue monk’s clothes with nine ring scars on his bald forehead, with a serious expression and a thin posture.

With a wave of his hand, the two little girls with pink makeup and jade fell to the ground.It looks like Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi.

But at this moment both of them closed their eyes tightly, as if fainted.

“Squeak”, the door retreated, and a middle-aged nun wearing a blue monk’s clothes pushed the door out of the next room.

After seeing Lao Ni, he hurried forward.

“The disciple is like a Xiang, to meet the uncle Taishi.”

Lao Ni nodded with some arrogance in his expression.

“Stop it.”

He glanced at Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi next to him.

“Congratulations to Master Tai for receiving a good apprentice.”

There was joy on the old nun’s face.

“Thank you for this matter. If it weren’t for you to inform, the poor nun would probably not receive two disciples with Xiantian Taoism.”

“Uncle Tai is polite. When Ruxiang was practicing in the door, he was thankful for the care of Uncle Tai. Now I found two good seedlings and recommended to Uncle Tai. It is also the duty of a disciple.”

Shen Yueniang often took Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi up the mountain to worship Buddha, so she is no stranger to Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi. However, because of Xu Junming’s Restrictions in the ice talisman, even those who are practicing spiritually can’t use Divine Sense to see how talented the two are.

However, by coincidence, after Shen Yueniang was presenting the Buddha at Miaoxiangan half a month ago, she occasionally felt the wind chill, so she stayed here for two more days.

Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi secretly urged the ice talisman to play in the back mountain, but she saw them.

Two pieces of Magic Treasures with ice attributes are naturally very tempting to her who only has Gold Core in the Cultivation Base.

Although due to the friendship with Shen Yueniang, she consciously felt that the two treasures were also a waste in the hands of mortals, so she might as well let herself be used to kill demons and kill demons and protect one party.

After persuading herself, the nun Ruxiang planned to come and turn her head and get these two treasures into her own hands.

Unexpectedly, when it was implemented again, the Magic power invaded Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi’s body, only to discover the essence of the two Xiantian Taoist bodies.

The so-called Xiantian Dao body is born with a hundred veins, Dantian 12 inches, the body contains the Xiantian Taisu Spiritual Qi, just a little bit of cultivation can break into Xiantian’s genius of Taoism.

Such a genius is also the best choice for inheriting the tradition.

When the nun Ruxiang was overjoyed, she also became hesitant.

Magic Treasures are certainly precious, but the two excellent talents who inherit the tradition are even more rare.

She originally planned to put the two under her own sect, but after some consideration, she gave up.

Compared with Taoist inheritance, Ascension own Cultivation Base is more important.

In particular, her Cultivation Base has reached the limit of the Relic Realm, which can be achieved in just one step, which is equivalent to the Taoist Nascent Soul Realm of Buddhism.

But at this step, because of lack of sufficient accumulation, he never dared to cross the mine pond.

Therefore, I planned to use the Fu family sisters as a step to enter the body, seeking a grain of “Arhat Gold Core”, one of the spiritual pills of Baima Temple Town.

This Medicine Pill can quickly replenish Spiritual Qi and greatly enhance the chance of the cultivator passing Heavenly Tribulation.

However, it is not easy to get this Medicine Pill. Not only do you have to make great contributions, but you must also get permission from the Superintendent of the Bodhisattva Hospital of the White Horse Temple.

If she reported the news of the Fu sisters, it would not be difficult to get the Luohan Gold Core.

However, the two Xiantian Buddhas with accompanying Magic Treasures only exchanged for a Luohan Gold Core, and the nun Ruxiang was very unwilling.

After thinking about it, he focused his attention on the Bodhi Academy, the Cultivation Base who has been advanced to the primordial spirit for many years and has been unable to conceal the Xinming Shenni.

After some twists and turns in the middle, I finally got what I wanted.

Judging from the look of her uncle, it was obvious that she had made a right bet.

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