Chapter 345

“Fellow daoist doesn’t seem to be surprised by this?” Xiao Hongge said.

“Master Condor’s style and methods are the same as those of the Black Heart’s Demon. This incident has created an opportunity for them to join forces. The confluence of the two parties is a normal thing.”

Reading the memory of Prince Silver Wolf, you know what Master Condor is. I did not do anything secretly to destroy the house and the door.

Had it not been for the limited time for the gods to fight the true tactics last time, coupled with the presence of the Tuoshan Heavenly King Qin Mo by his side, Xu Junming would never let him go.

“Fellow daoist, you have killed the two heavenly kings of the Black Heart’s Demon one after another, and they have been listed as enemies who can quickly get rid of them. If you are in a layman’s way, you need to be more careful.”

“Thank you Xiao fellow daoist for your concern, Xu knows.”

Xiao Hongge’s eyes flickered, and he just planned to take the opportunity to invite Xu Junming to stay at the Xuanjing Siyamen temporarily, so that both sides can watch and help each other and jointly deal with the Black Heart’s Demon.

Before she could say anything, Xu Junming’s face suddenly changed.

I was surprised, and just about to ask the reason, suddenly there were warning signs in my heart.

Xu Junming’s heart moved.

Void god walking technique.

In the blink of an eye, he bypassed the protective array of Xiajiang City and came to the sky above a hundred meters high.

Look around.

I don’t know when, the thick black mist of First Stage surrounds Xiajiang City from all directions.

After dozens of miles, you can hear the howling of ghosts and wolves.

Xu Junming’s spirit is so powerful that he doesn’t think there is anything, but when ordinary people hear it, they are afraid that Hun and Po will be swallowed in an instant.

“So heavy Killing intent, resentment.”

Xu Junming looked solemn, he had never seen such a powerful resentment.

Xiao Hongge also came to him at this time.

At this moment, her face was a little pale and her expression was solemn.

“Fellow daoist, I’m afraid you and I will fall here tonight.”

Xu Junming raised his brows.

“It’s the old demon from Black Mountain?”

“Exactly! This is the’Lifestealer Mist’ practiced by the Old Demon Sacrifice, which robs people of Hun and Po, and devours People’s Blood Essence. For hundreds of years, I don’t know how many people have died in this’Lifestealer Mist’ Down.”

At this time, there are dozens of Foundation Building or Xiantian cultivators, desperately rushing towards Xiajiang City.

Their Cultivation Base is uneven. The Cultivation Base runs faster, but the Cultivation Base is slow, and is caught up by the lifestealer mist. In an instant, Hun and Po are sucked away, and the Blood Qi all over the body is exhausted. Finally, the essence in the bones The qi disappeared, and the whole person was swallowed up.

Seeing this scene, Xu Junming showed a Killing intent on his face.

With a finger, three hundred and sixty-five grains of yellow beams were scattered in all directions, and quickly brought all the exposed cultivators into Xiajiang City.

After the rest of his life, after recovering from the trance, everyone was happy.

“Thank you for your life-saving kindness, Mr. Chongshan.”


“You go by yourself.”

“We are willing to resist strong enemies together with real people!”

He glanced at this person faintly.

“That’s not an enemy you can deal with, wait until you cultivate to the Nascent Soul realm.”

Without waiting for his answer, he flew straight up into the blue sky, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Looking at his back, the face of the person who spoke was annoyed. He originally planned to take advantage of the trend to apprentice, but the other party did not give him a chance at all.

“Fellow daoist, you and I join hands against the enemy.”

The singer Xiao Hong flew with Chi Yan **.

Taking a look at her, this person could have not left at this time, until Xu Junming took a high look.

At this time, the billowing soul-stealing fog had already enveloped the entire Xiajiang City.

In a blink of an eye, it got dark.

Fortunately, with the existence of the defensive circle, the people in Xiajiang City are still safe.

“Where is Xu Junming?”

The sound that shook the mountain and the mountain resounded like thunder in the sky above Xiajiang City.

“Xu is here!”

Xu Junming stands with his hands in his hands, his cyan robe is hunting, and his straight body is like a green pine, revealing unwavering determination.

A huge black face that was as big as a hundred meters, condensed from the lifestealer fog.

With huge eyes, looking at Xu Junming, the light was superb, and there was an indescribable strong pressure.

“You killed me the Black Mountain Demon Sword Heavenly King and the White Bone Heavenly King, and you deserve to be put to death. I think you still have a talent for cultivation, and you are extraordinarily gracious. As long as you are willing to serve under this seat, you will forget the blame and spare you not to die.”

Xu Junming smiled slightly, stepped forward with his right foot, and his body instantly turned into ten feet.

Two steps are twenty feet.

The stature is getting taller and taller, the aura on the body is getting stronger and stronger.

“I, Xu Junming, have been in the Dao for sixty-seven years and have killed millions of demon ghosts. I would rather give up my body than bend to the demon. What’s more, you are a monster who kills countless people!”

After asking Xu Junming, who was in the upper body of the gods, to stop, he was more than three hundred feet tall and looked like a giant in the sky.

The Azure Dragon Yanmoon Sword in his hand is as huge as a mountain.

“If you want me to surrender, I will beat Xu’s knife first.”

Raise the knife and cut vertically.


Pei Ran’s sword energy is like an erupting volcano.

With the mighty power of dividing rivers and seas, he cut straight towards the giant face in the air.

In an instant, the lifestealer mist above Xiajiang City was broken, and the starlight appeared again.

“Xu fellow daoist, but killed the old Black Mountain demon?”

Xiao Hongge flew over.

No wonder she thought so, Xu Junming’s previous knife was really too strong. If it was her, even if Chi Yan** was added, it would be difficult to resist.

Xu Junming shook his head.

The cultivator at the soul level and the ability to reach the soul level with the help of Lingbao are definitely two different things.

In the spiritual world, the cultivator of the primordial spirit level is called Loose Immortals.

Divine Soul, Magic Power and Nascent Soul are integrated, each piece of Magic Power contains own soul. It is very wonderful. If it cannot be completely extinct, the soul cultivator can resurrect with the corpse and be reborn again.


The lifestealer mist that was broken by his sword qi flew in again, and once again enveloped Xia Jiangcheng in the blink of an eye.

The huge face reunited.

However, it can be seen that Xu Junming’s knife is not entirely useless. Compared to the beginning, this huge face is obviously thinner.

“Since you are toasting and not eating fine wine, don’t blame the deity for being polite.”

With the mighty voice, the huge face suddenly turned into a storm.

In an instant, the surging blue-violet flame, like a waterfall, fell from the sky.

Not yet close, a chill that penetrated my bones filled my heart.

“It’s so strong!”

Xu Junming was secretly shocked.

Finger tactics work like wind.

“Yellow Beam Dharma Realm!”

Three hundred and sixty-five grains of yellow beams shine brightly.

From the size of the rice grains, it turns into a thousand feet in an instant.

Stopped the dark fire falling from the sky.

When the two sides touched, there was no spark in the slightest.

The yellow beams of yellow brilliance swallowed the yin fire silently.

As a Magical Item entrusted to Xu Junming’s space, each of the three hundred and sixty-five yellow beams contains a thousand miles of space.

Three hundred and sixty-five grains are three hundred sixty-five thousand miles away, which is equivalent to twelve Dayong dynasties.

In such a huge space, it would take hundreds of years to fill such a huge space, even the old demon of Black Mountain.

However, although the space is large, the intensity is not high.

The primordial spirit of the old black mountain demon is Yinhuo, the temperature is too high, and after a long time, the yellow beam of a dream becomes hot.

“You can stop this king’s yin fire, the twelve ways depend on how you stop it.”

Accompanied by the thunderous voice of the old demon in Black Mountain.

A series of twelve powerful yin fires struck down from all directions.


With a scolding, Xiao Hong singer Zhong Chi Yan ** divided into three, blocking the three.

Xu Junming glanced at him, and his heart moved, Dihuang Mountain flew out from behind his head, and the nine-color light shook the sky.

Like the long neck absorbing water, the twelve yin fires were instantly engulfed by it.

“It’s also a bit of strength, and then take this king’s trick.”

A section of twinkling white light, long teeth that were more than three feet long, suddenly emerged from the dark clouds.

The moment he saw it, Xu Junming’s heart suddenly felt shocked.

Without hesitation.

“Ten Second Stage is closed!”

“Kang Klang Kang”, three hundred and sixty-five yellow rice grains turned into ten Second Stage ghost gates, which stood in front of Xu Junming.

At the same time, a water-blue bead appeared on his chest.

It is the Water Lingzhu that he trained.


With a loud noise, the Ten Second Stage Ghost Gate shattered in an instant, and the long white teeth slammed into the tough shield formed by the water spirit beads.


With bursts of cracks, this long tooth actually broke through the Fifth Stage spiritual forbidden water spiritual bead shield, slowly inserted in.

Xu Junming frowned slightly as he saw it in his eyes, and took a deep breath.

God has no reservations about the true tactics.

Third order, fourth order, fifth order, all the way to seventh order.

Supported by abundant Magic power, the water spirit pearl is generous and brilliant.

Xu Junming’s pressure was suddenly reduced, and his heart moved, the nine-color aura of Dihuangshan was brushed, and the long teeth disappeared in an instant.

The lifestealer mist shook in an instant.

“This king’s baby is not so easy to take.”

“Hmph, entered the Dihuang Mountain, unless you are Celestial Immortals, don’t want to make any mistakes.”

The power of Heaven and Earth in Dihuang Mountain is extremely powerful. Although the Nine Colors of Divine Light is transformed by Five Elements, Fenglei and Yin & Yang, Spirit Power of Dihuang Mountain, it is not the whole power of Dihuang Mountain.

If it is a metaphor, it is like the power of man himself.

The protective mechanism of the brain allows people to only exert their strength without damaging themselves.

The same is true for the Nine-Colored Divine Light.

Otherwise, the elixir planted by Xu Junming on the Four Elephant Peaks will suffer.

In contrast, Yimeng Huangliang, Shui Lingzhu and other treasures are different. Can unscrupulously exert all strength.

But if you enter the cave of Dihuang Mountain, the entire force of the cave will be suppressed, plus the Xiantian Eight Trigrams array.

Unless it is an immortal, once you are caught up, you will never want to escape.

Xu Junming of the seventh-tier Yuanshen couldn’t hold on for long.

Seeing the sky full of life-stealing ghost fog, he changed his body and turned into a giant blue wolf that was hundreds of feet tall.

The crescent moon is shining brightly.

“Sirius Xiaoyue…!”


The earth-shaking wolf howl, like huge waves, surged straight into the sky.

Because the sound waves are too strong, the air and even the space are torn apart.

Numerous black folds appeared around the wolf’s mouth.

The magic power of the seventh-order Yuanshen combined with the tyrannical talents of the Sirius family, combined to produce amazing power.

The sky of lifestealer mist was shattered in an instant.

The primordial spirit of the old demon in Black Mountain is also not left.

Xiajiang City’s protective array, which can resist the Dao methods of Yuanshen-level masters, is now shaken violently by the aftermath of the stunned wolf roar. If it weren’t for Xiao Hongge’s eyesight, he quickly used Chi Yan** to block it. broken.

About a minute later, Xu Junming put away the Sirius and transformed into himself.

Reaching out with a finger, a dream of yellow beams turned into three hundred and sixty-five giant yellow beams, emptied of the black mist in the sky.

Although the old demon primordial spirit in these lifestealer fog has been shattered, the resentment, Killing intent, and Spiritual Qi are still there.

If it is not cleaned up, it is easy to produce demon.

Moreover, the soul fragments of a Yuanshen-level master, plus the infinite life-stealing ghost fog, are just the first-class nourishment for the advancement of Yimeng Huangliang.

Although the old demon was destroyed, Xu Junming felt wrong.

This demon was much weaker than the old demon in Guan Hongxue’s memory.

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