Chapter 215 Ten Years Agreement

Chapter 214 The Ten-Year Covenant

“Although this son is far from savvy, this perseverance is rare. Not to mention, give him a chance.”

Xu Junming stretched out his hand and pointed, and a ray of light fell into Qin Zhong’s sea of ​​knowledge.

Aura contains the Cultivation Technique of the first two turns of “Tiangang Nine Cycles”.

After thinking about it, he took a porcelain bottle from the bag and put it in his hand with Magic power.

“There are 120 yellow bud pills in this porcelain vase. If you can cultivate the Cultivation Technique that I have passed on to you within ten years, and advance to the’Earth Demon Realm’, I will accept you as a disciple.”

Compared with Wu Xiu of Xiantian period, one hundred and twenty Huang Ya Pills are only enough to clog the teeth. If you want to break into the ‘Earth Evil Realm’ that is equivalent to the Gold Core period of the gas trainer, one day in ten years can’t be slackened.

If Qin Zhong really has this perseverance, it doesn’t hurt to accept him.

After all, perseverance is also a great talent!

Qin Zhong looked excited.

“Thank you Master, the disciple must work hard to cultivate and never dare to slack off.”

Xu Junming didn’t correct him either, let him call it that first.

“If you can succeed, come here again in ten years. If you can’t succeed, you don’t have to come again. Even if you come, I won’t see you again.”

After all, with a step, the figure disappeared instantly.

“Master, my disciple will never let you down!!”

The firmness in the tone is shocking.

Leaving Tianxingzhou, I wanted to reprimand Liu Dehua in the Biography of Feihe. But let’s just think about it, left and right is not a big deal.


The blue bird called several times.

“Hehe, you are still young. The apprentice who inherits the Taoism is connected with his own luck and is not so easy to collect.”

After arriving at the Zi’s house and letting Zitong bid farewell to the Ziqing family, Xu Junming met with James.

This high-achieving medical student from England has completely changed his face after receiving Matt’s three months of teaching.

The suits and leather shoes are gone, and the Azure Taoist robe, Dorman shoes, leggings and road bun are replaced.

If it weren’t for a face completely different from that of a Chinese person, he would almost be an authentic Chinese Taoist priest.

Xu Junming did an examination. Daoist classics such as Tao Te Ching, Yellow Emperor Yin Fu Jing, and Sandong Zhenjing have all been memorized proficiently, and a set of four elephant palms seems to be slapped.

Seeing that his enthusiasm for learning the Tao is still high, Xu Junming arranged for Matt to drive away the corpse and continue to teach him.

As the clone of own seven souls, Ren Wuji can also manipulate puppets.

This is also the reason why he left Lu Pan.

Even so, he left Matt here.

A grain of nine-color yellow beam floating in front of Xu Junming, a crisp voice came from it.

“Dao Master, it’s not that I don’t want to be reincarnated. It’s true that there is something very important in the north that is attracting me. It feels like I missed it, and I will regret it forever.”

Zitong said aggrieved and firmly.

Xu Junming sighed.

I don’t know if it’s unlucky if I stand on this aunt.

Seeing that the merits were obtained, they clamored to go to the north again.

Just go, don’t know where the destination is? It’s just to follow the feeling, but more than a month later, he has just walked out of Beihu and entered Yuzhou.

Of course, chasing the corpse also slowed down a lot of time.

“I know. But shall we continue to go north?”


Zitong nodded quickly.

The nine-color yellow beams flashed, and Zitong’s soul body was collected.

Xu Junming waved his hand and put away the yellow rice.

After pondering for a moment, he shook his head and took out the “Red Fire Divine Light”.

Now he has several zombies in his hand, Tianluo Umbrella, Dihuang Pagoda and Yin & Yang Damo, all left in the “Wu Zhangfeng Cave Tian”.

In his own hands, only the statue of Emperor Guan, Yimenghuangliang, and the red fire divine light were left.

The former has a single function and is not usually used.

Although Yimeng Huangliang has infinite uses, it is not a magic weapon. It is invincible against Xiantian cultivator. But when dealing with Gold Core, it is a bit worse.

Only Chihuo Divine Light, after being tempered by Ren Wuji, is now about to complete.

That’s why Xu Junming took the time to sacrifice and practice. As long as he passed Heavenly Tribulation, he would have a spiritual weapon in his hand. At that time, there is no need to point to the “God Dazhen Jue” to fight the world.

After all, although ‘God’s fight’ is good, it is too easy to be targeted if the method is single.

Moreover, although the explosive power of the God Fighting Technique is high, it is not as good as the real Gold Core cultivator in terms of combat battery life. Once you can’t get the opponent for a short time, you may die.

Therefore, before the critical moment, he is not willing to use it lightly.

After practicing for more than three hours, Xu Junming suddenly opened his eyes.

The guardian god will have delivered the corpse.

He sighed slightly, but it was a pity that his perception of the puppet magic talisman could not break into the red root talisman stage. Therefore, the range of activities of several guardian gods can never exceed two hundred miles.

In many cases, he had to wait for the guardian god to deliver the corpse before he could continue to set off.

The red root symbol corresponds to the Nascent Soul stage. It is so difficult to understand.

He does not yet have a magic talisman to comprehend this Realm.

He shook his head, calmed his excess thoughts, compressed the’Red Fire Divine Light’, and put it in the back of his head, stood up and continued to walk north.

At this time, it was getting late, and at the end of the mountain road ahead, a small town hidden in the darkness appeared.

After a brief glance, he walked in along the mountain road.

In this era, at night, there is really nothing to entertain.

The general public, the only hope is that the town’s wealthy households celebrate their birthdays, or their children’s full moon, etc., they can invite a troupe to sing for a few days.

Then you can play the boring and difficult day at night.

The town is very quiet. Although it is not too late, there are almost no pedestrians in the streets.

Occasionally a few lanterns hung outside, emitting dim yellow lights, swaying, resisting the invasion of darkness.

As the fire bounced, it seemed as if it would go out at any time, showing a bit of effort.

“Da da…!”

The crisp sound broke the darkness.

Wang Er turned his head to look subconsciously.

A tall, young Daoist with a square face, wearing a cyan Taoist dress, a shaggy beard and a bun on his head.

A green Calabash hung around Daoist’s waist, holding a two-meter-long green bamboo stick in his hand. The crisp sound came after the stick hit the stone slab.

“Daoist, all the way, eat a bowl of wonton to cushion your belly, right?”

Xu Junming turned his head to look, he was waiting to decline, but after his eyes changed slightly, he stopped.

Turn around and walk over.

“Boss, how much is a bowl?”

“Five eldest sons.” Wang Er said diligently.

“Bring me a bowl.”

“Master Dao, what stuffing do you want? I have pork scallions, pork leeks, and leeks and eggs…?”

“Give me the leeks and eggs.”

“Okay. Sit next to you for a while, the wonton will be ready soon.”

Xu Junming glanced at the side, the small dining table and four mazhazi that were prepared for the diners, did not go to sit, and still stood in front of the stall.

Watching him skillfully put the wontons in the pot, a mellow fragrance quickly floated out.

“Master Dao, my second king’s wontons are well-known in Qingshui Town. I promise you you want to eat them.”

Xu Junming smiled.

“It tastes really good.”

“Hey, Dao Master likes it.”

After Xu Junming nodded, “Does the layman sell wontons here every day?”

“Well, here every day.”

“Why haven’t you rested so late?”

“The four children in the family have to take care of. The mother-in-law has poor legs and feet. She does some needlework for others, but she can’t make much money. I can only rely on the head of the family to work harder at night and make money to support the five of their mothers.”

Seeing that although he was a bit sad, but he didn’t complain too much, Xu Junming couldn’t help but admire him.

“Master, your wonton is ready.”

A large coarse porcelain bowl, full of a large bowl.

The soup and water are enough for a strong man to fill his stomach.

This boss is also a sincere man.

Xu Junming smiled and nodded, took a twelve of silver from his pocket and put it in the next money box.

“I’ll take the remaining money?”

“Okay, it’s good for Dao Chief to do it himself.”

Xu Junming took five eldest sons from it and stopped moving.

“Dao Master, why don’t you take it?”

“The rest will be rewarded to you. As for this bowl of wontons, leave it for you to make dinner. From now on, remember not to go hungry, or you will break down. How will your wife and children live?!”

The voice curled up, and Daoist seemed to change his shape, and soon disappeared at the end of the road.

Looking at the hot wontons and the broken silver in the money box, Wang Er bowed in the direction that Daoist was leaving to thank him.

“Thank you Mr. Dao!”

Xu Junming stopped and took out the five large coins he had brought from the wonton stall. The magic power was urged, and the copper coins were instantly replaced by the dark money.

The reason why he went to patronize the wonton stall was that he found Ghost Qi. He originally thought that Wang Er was a ghost, but after walking over, he discovered that Ghost Qi did not come from Wang Er, but these five Ming coins.

“The patriarchal clan system of the Shang Qing Dynasty traces its roots.”

Seeing the white crane disappearing in the night sky, Xu Junming chased after him.

After going around a few streets, I finally found a house on the edge of the town.

Seeing the wall peeling off, exposing the rammed earth inside; the gray tiles shattered and covered with weeds, like a dirt house that would collapse at any time, Xu Junming frowned slightly.

This place is really broken.

Looking at the slanting gate, which was barely tied together with a few straw ropes, Xu Junming stomped his foot and slowly rose up, crossing the courtyard wall made of straw bales, and fell into the courtyard full of weeds.

“Come out, you can’t hide in front of the poor road.”

A beautiful woman in a plain white dress walked out of it.

Looking at Xu Junming, he looked bad.

“Are you here to catch me?”

“People and ghosts have different paths, the world is not for you to stay.”

The woman was taken aback.

“Dao Master didn’t come from the’Xuanzhen View’?”

“Xuanzhen View?”

Xu Junming shook his head.

“Pan Dao is a person from Maoshan, not a view of profound truth.”

The woman breathed a sigh of relief.

“The little girl almost blamed the Taoist master.”

Xu Junming frowned slightly, listening to the tone, this female ghost should have hatred with Xuan Zhen Guan. But he didn’t want to ask more.

“Although Pian Dao is not a Taoist priest of Xuanzhen, but he also has the responsibility of killing demons and eliminating demons and maintaining the peace of the world. As a ghost, you stay in the sun and disturb the Yin & Yang Gangchang. Since Pang Dao has met, you have to Send you to the underworld Samsara.”

“Ha ha…!”

The female ghost laughed sarcastically.

“Maintain the peace of the world!!”

“The ordinary stinky Taoist priests of the Xuanzhen view have a real Taoist appearance on the surface, and secretly they are all male thieves and female prostitutes. Why don’t you see you to clean it up?”

“I was a weak woman who was killed and turned into a ghost, and finally escaped from the magic kiln. Although she had a miserable life, she never harmed anyone. She was only devoted to caring for a widow mother, but you came to the door to kill me. ?”

“It seems that you are a beast just like the stinky Taoist priests of the profound truth view!!”

Xu Junming was also angry when he was scolded by a ghost pointing his nose. But listening to what this female ghost said, if all of them were true, it would be hard for him to take her off.

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